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Electric upgrades and spiritual expansion. Breaking out of the matrix.

2025 NEW MOONS // January 29th to 31st, 2025
Hi friends,
Wow, this new moon has me feeling all types of ways. As someone with a lot of Aquarius energy natally, I have been greatly looking forward to this moon, but I also find it to be comical, as I’ve been feeling much less energized than I was hoping I’d feel—pretty typical for Aquarian matters, expect the unexpected. This is an important activation of our collective consciousness; it symbolizes upheaval and revolution within us on an individual and collective scale. I have been especially noticing this moon’s influence on my perception of my future—I’ve found myself dealing with many busy thoughts lately and have been encountering more stress than I typically experience, but I’ve been reminded by this energy to sink back into the arms of the universe and to control what I can control and let go of the rest. There’s a whole bigger picture that I cannot see, so why should I worry about what tomorrow holds? While my physical body and current life experiences may have me feeling a bit exhausted, on a spiritual level, I feel myself falling into such profound alignment with what is meant for me. It feels like fate and destiny are surrounding me in the most magical ways.
I want to keep this short and sweet, but I will first say before expounding upon this moon's themes that this moon is a big deal. It is symbolic of reality splitting, our breaking free from "matrix programming," and the energetic activation of a new wave of consciousness. I share more insights on these themes in the paid portion of this newsletter, the Moon Circle, but in a concise summary, the energetic fabric of reality is shifting. We have the opportunity to elevate ourselves to a higher frequency and, by default, reclaim our authority over the reality we're experiencing through this moon—it is up to you whether you wish to experience that or not. Perception is everything; what you physically see is only half of the full picture.
I'll be hosting an exclusive event (which I will open for registration very soon) sometime in February that will discuss this activation in further detail; that event will also include a conversation about how the Venus and Mercury retrogrades and eclipses of March will be contributing to this "awakening." And in that event, I'll also be sharing how the retrogrades and eclipses may come up in our lived experiences. Spots will be limited, so keep an eye out for my next email so you can secure your seat if you're interested.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this conversation. Sending you love always.
Expect the unexpected during this new moon; Aquarius energy often comes at us from the direction we were least expecting and reminds us that there is a much bigger picture that we’re involved in that we are not yet privy to. This moon has a bit of bizarre energy in it, as Mercury is being put under an immense amount of pressure in conjunction with Pluto and is also in a state that we call “combustion.” There are invisible forces at play through this new moon, and it’s our job to ensure that we remain faithful to the grand design of the universe’s workings—if you find that how things currently appear does not seem very exciting or favorable to you, or perhaps even feels a bit stressful, this is a reminder to you to keep your composure and to exercise authority over your perspective and mental activities. If you’re a part of the Moon Circle, you’ll hear much more detail about Mercury’s condition and the influence it has on this moon, but if you are not, know that in this energetic season, things are not as they appear.
Aquarius is the sign of the future, the alchemist, the outcast, the audience, and collective influence, and through this new moon, we’re likely being reminded of what is required from us to progress into a more evolved state. Many of us may feel as if we’re shedding an old skin through this new moon and are being reminded that nothing changes if nothing changes. As new moons go, we can often have expectations for things to feel light, expansive, refreshed, and bright, but this new moon may be pushing some of us through heavier feelings, which is perhaps facilitating the realization that new beginnings are hidden in all corners of life, including those that may feel like rock bottom. The first quarter of the year involves some heavy periods of review; we’re embarking on the final month of Mars’s retrograde while simultaneously moving into Venus’s pre-shadow period for her retrograde beginning in March. This new moon symbolizes an upheaval that may be happening in many of our lives on varying levels; perhaps you are finding yourself moving through intense experiences now, or maybe while your external world feels quite manageable, you are sensing something being shifted in your energetic field.
This moon encourages us to look through our peripheral vision for new beginnings; it asks us to identify how we have potentially—albeit unintentionally—placed blinders on ourselves that are limiting us from seeing the newness that is springing up around us. When we fixate on seeing things happen in one specific way, we can often close off new beginnings from happening in other areas that we had not considered. This moon asks us to broaden our horizons and to take a step back so that we might get a better idea of how this exact moment may actually be contributing to the directions we’re trying to move in more than we realize. With a favorable trine from Jupiter supporting this moon, there are likely many blessings that are taking root at this time, some of which may be presenting themselves as obstacles or difficulties at present, when in actuality, they are being prepared to offer us support. Considering Jupiter is still retrograde, this may also be an invitation for us to review how we’re talking to ourselves on a daily basis, as we may not realize how we’ve been the very thing stifling our growth into more prosperous directions. We also see Venus and Neptune growing closer to the north node in Pisces under this energy, which emphasizes the importance of visualization and softening our focus into a more surrendered state of presence rather than continuing to incessantly seek out answers for questions not yet meant to be answered.
This moon may have us circling back to old skills, memories, experiences, feelings, and energies that we utilized or went through a while ago—for some this may be months, for others, this may be years. Aquarius is the archetype that symbolizes how linear time is simply the structure we must abide by on the 3D plane to navigate our physical world but illuminates that every moment we ever have and ever will experience is actually happening all at once in the 5D. Aquarius represents how we can tune into different frequencies, which will allow us to experience different realities—it is the traveler of the quantum realm. Through this moon, we may be returning to things that are familiar to us that we may have written off when we initially experienced them as unimportant or insignificant, or perhaps when we were involved with them we didn’t understand the role that they would play in our lives later on. This moon may be having us experiencing déjà vu in some capacity, which will likely have us looking back to the past for teachings we may have missed. There may have been secret beginnings happening back then that we were unaware of that are now growing at an accelerated rate to help us evolve and shift into a new reality. You may realize through this new moon that the universe planted a seed a long time ago that you are only now understanding the value of. Because of this, this moon encourages us to have faith that just as the seed was planted at the perfect time back then, so too seeds are being planted now in our lives for purposes we may not fully understand through our current vantage point.
This is a moon to trust the process with and to have unshakable faith in the direction that you’re being ushered into. We are being guided into a much higher vibration—the consciousness of the collective is expanding and awakening, and this moon reminds us of the power that we possess when we reclaim our authority over our perspective and choose to more intentionally wield our energetic frequency. Whether you feel like you’re currently in a whirlpool of uncertainty or are finding yourself in a repetitive season, this moon advises us to break out of the molds we’ve formed around ourselves and encourages us to embrace change as it comes. Due to the heavy retrograde energies that we’re moving through in the first four-ish months of this year, the new beginnings we’re expecting may not seem like they’re coming forward with much gusto. Perhaps it feels like we’re just facing more delays and obstacles. The Aquarian and Piscean energies we’re currently involved with are very energetic in nature, meaning that their presence can sometimes be harder to notice in physical, tangible matters. This is a season in which we are not laying new foundations; we are laying new bedrock for the foundations to be built upon—we’re starting from scratch in ways that we may not even fully understand. While the “electric new beginning” may not seem very apparent to you now, you may be surprised when you’re at a different point in time and you’re able to see this moment from a different point of view—perhaps then you’ll see how it was all coming together in perfect rhythm.
Happy new moon, loves. xx
If you’re interested in reading a more detailed analysis of this full moon and want to receive the journaling prompts and mindfulness practice that I designed with this full moon in mind, you can join the Moon Circle through the button below. By joining the moon circle, in every moon newsletter you will receive:
Detailed discussion of additional planetary influences and any prominent aspects that will be active during the lunation
Manifestation practices, release rituals, journaling prompts, and other moon-related offerings
Description of what it means if the new or full moon is contacting your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node
If you don’t feel called to join the Moon Circle but are interested in manifesting with this energy over the coming days, you can grab one of my favorite manifestation offerings I’ve ever created through the button below! It includes a ~17-minute long mini-masterclass on rewriting limiting beliefs and a guided manifestation practice to manifest anything you’d like (although in the practice, we manifest $6,000 together). This practice is included in this installment for Moon Circle members.
I am so excited to share that I am hosting a new moon circle for the Pisces new moon at the end of next month on February 27th at 4:30 pm PST // 7:30 pm EST. We will be gathering together to do a group manifestation practice that I will lead you through, which will follow an in-depth conversation about this new moon and its impact on the collective and the grander themes of 2025. There will be a further conversation about its collaboration with the north node in Pisces and it’s set up for eclipse season as well. I would be happy to have you there—spots are limited, so don’t miss out!
March is going to be—by far—the busiest month of the year, as it is hosting a Venus retrograde, a Mercury retrograde, and an entire eclipse season. That being said, if you were thinking about getting some astrological insight this year, I would say that now would definitely be a good time considering how transformative March is looking. I want to clarify, I do not this to instill any fear—retrogrades and eclipse seasons typically get a negative wrap, but these can be deeply insightful periods that contribute to our evolution and growth journeys in profound ways. I only mention this because all of those events happening at once may signify some turbulence in our lived experiences.
I recently reconfigured my mini-reading offering to be a quick, but informative 15-minute face-to-face meeting. That option will be my most affordable 1:1 session currently. Whichever meeting suits you best, I’d love to offer you some support and some tools to help you prepare for and navigate this energy! Let’s talk!
If you’re enjoying this new moon newsletter, consider sending a donation through the button below—donations are never expected but always appreciated. <3
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