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Healing wounds we didn't inflict and pain that demands change.
2024 FULL MOONS // October 17th, 2024
Greetings friends,
This moon may feel as if it’s helping clear away lingering discomfort or pain from eclipse season while simultaneously re-igniting the themes that we’ve been seeking to better understand over the past year and a half or so. This is the first lunation on the Aries-Libra axis in eighteen months that has not been an eclipse and is, therefore, the first moon on this axis that is phasing us out of the Aries-Libra nodal cycle. The north node has been in Aries and the south node in Libra since July 2023, and as they’ve progressed through this pair of signs, we’ve been actively rebalancing the axis of relationships. We’ve primarily been encouraged to do this by choosing ourselves above others, as this nodal cycle ultimately aims to help us forge more authentic relationships but first requires us to create a more honest relationship with ourselves. We’ve been pushed to face the truth of our authentic paths, which has perhaps led us to sever ties with those we otherwise had great connections with. Relationships that were operating through energetically imbalanced frameworks had no other choice but to come to a close (some of which will be permanent endings, some of which are temporary separations), so that both parties could reconnect with their individual purposes more intentionally. These endings were likely accelerated in June when Lilith entered Libra, as Lilith demands the truth be faced, especially in a justice-seeking sign like Libra.
While this moon is not an eclipse, it does call back to the new moon and solar eclipse that happened in Aries earlier this year in April (the 8th). These moons have a similarity—they are both in conjunction with Chiron, the asteroid of deep-seated wounds. Full moons mark the point in which something has gained maturity, meaning that as the moon is fully illuminated, so are the themes of the new moon that happened in the same sign six months prior. Whatever was initiated in April has likely reached a point of development that is allowing us to better understand ourselves, our healing processes, and the necessity of facing difficult truths. The difference between this moon and April’s new moon though is that Chiron is retrograde at present and was direct then, highlighting how we may be feeling regret or grief over something that we changed due to an inner wound six months ago, but intertwined with these feelings, we may be gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and our inner wounds.
There may be profound feelings of conflict with this moon; we may be inclined to be hyper-critical of ourselves or wish we had acted differently back in April, as we may experience a mixture of feelings about what has transpired since then. We may be feeling bittersweet in some capacity, as we could be acknowledging that whatever has unfolded has been necessary for our growth, and therefore, it couldn’t have happened any differently, but we also may be wishing that we could have arrived at this place without having to lose certain things, people, or parts of ourselves. With the moon’s conjunction with Chiron, we are likely facing deep insecurities that we usually intentionally push away, as they could be too painful to feel at times for us to address. However, this moon makes these wounds, to an extent, unavoidable and urges us to observe where they are rooted—to examine their origins so we might gather insight into what parts of ourselves they find their stronghold in. There is deep healing happening through this moon, but it may not feel gentle or soft—this may feel like our pain is being shoved in our faces. But we are reminded at this time that, while healing is not always an aesthetically pleasing process—sometimes it is unruly and explosive—it is something we must participate in when it arrives at our doorsteps.
Some of the events that were sparked into motion by the Aries solar eclipse in April may have been initiated by us from a wounded place; that is, we may have had a deeply seated wound triggered by something or someone in our immediate experience, and while the deeper wound was the reason for our discomfort and perhaps, unexpected reaction, we may have reasoned with ourselves that the person or situation we were engaged with at the time was the reason for our pain, discomfort, or dissatisfaction. We might have justified brash decisions with the exclamation, “They are the reason I feel trapped! That is why I’m not able to reach my goals!” At that time, it may have been easier to blame our inaction, stagnancy, or lack of confidence on our external surroundings rather than peering inward to identify how we may have been standing in our own ways. Now that we’re here, six months later, perhaps without the people or things that we thought were the reasons for our dissatisfaction, we’re likely recognizing that it was not necessarily the external matters that were creating our blockages, although they may have been easy for us to project our frustrations onto. We are asked to take responsibility for ourselves and our healing through this moon, as it has us reflecting on how certain inner wounds have laid dormant due to our avoidance of taking responsibility for them.
While this moon is the first to begin the phasing out process of the Aries-Libra nodal cycle, for some, it may feel like an initiation, drawing their attention to the work at hand for them to develop real, authentic confidence and a much deeper understanding of their identity. This is the interesting nature of the North and South Node’s transit—when they are about to conclude their stay in a pair of signs, they simultaneously wrap up their thematic teachings and initiate us into a period in which we will more tangibly implement all that we’ve learned. This full moon urges us to heal the wounds that we have long avoided and asks us to do so tenderly; we may want to identify who is to blame for these wounds’ creation or self-criticize for our not addressing them sooner, but that is irrelevant—the wounds are there asking to be tended to.
There may be feelings of regret, disappointment, grief, and frustration with our past selves infused into this lunation, but we are asked to channel these feelings into devoted actions that will help to heal our deepest wounds. You may be feeling anger for your childhood self who was not given the support, care, or nurturing they needed, which has likely contributed to issues, insecurities, and blockages that you are presently working to undo. This moon may be illuminating hidden resentment for a caregiver, more specifically a maternal figure, but we are also set free through this energy, as we are being reminded that holding a grudge will not accelerate our growth, and so we’re asked to let any negative feelings we’ve harbored toward the caregivers from our youth go. And if we cannot find compassion for them to release these blockages, we are asked to do it for our childhood selves who needed someone to look out for them. We can now be our inner child’s protector, leader, and caretaker.
The moon in Aries can feel as if it is in a perpetual warzone, which often leads to emotional dysregulation and explosive outbursts. The moon in Aries is in a constant state of fight or flight, with an internalized sense of urgency when dealing with emotions or matters of the heart—in Aries, the moon does not have the luxury of time to contemplate or truly feel, and so she is reactive, short-tempered, and abrasive. Aries moon natives may have grown up in environments in which they felt they had to compete for their parents’ attention or love, specifically their mother’s, which can make them possessive and self-centered at times. But these children may have never felt truly relaxed, and so they learned to respond as quickly as possible to emotional experiences so they may not show signs of weakness. When we experience the moon in Aries on a collective scale, especially in the context of this specific full moon, we are brought back to when we were children and are asked to consider what wounds may have resulted from us having to fend for ourselves in scenarios we shouldn’t have had to.
This is where our resentment for a parent may come forward, but we also may be directing this frustration at our younger selves, thinking, “If only you had responded this way! Why didn’t you make a better choice?!” But we are urged to have empathy—and a great deal of it—for ourselves under this energy, as we’re reminded that, at that time, we made the best decision we could with the knowledge we had at the time. Perhaps something that we initiated in April this year is now something we are looking back upon, regretting, or feeling disappointed, as we may be yearning for what once was. Decisions made at that time may have been motivated by deeper wounds that were not yet visible to us, which made our choices seem sound and reasonable then. Now, with a bit more wisdom and understanding, we’re likely recognizing how our decisions were driven by unresolved childhood pains. We may be identifying how our deeper wounds drove us to make decisions that have now caused us even more pain, which could be the most difficult thing some of us are sitting with. However, without that decision, we would not be on the journey we are currently traveling, and therefore, it was necessary, despite any feelings of regret that may be coming up.
This moon offers us deep healing through some brutal confrontations, as we are reminded that no one can heal our wounds for us, and if our wounds have gotten us into undesired cycles, we must be the ones to break free from them. Ultimately, we are responsible for our healing, which can be frustrating to accept, especially since many of the wounds we have to heal were not self-inflicted. There may be a tendency to ruminate on that which we cannot change—a parent’s failure that has negatively impacted us, a situation in which we could have responded better, a conversation that could have been handled with more maturity. We’re urged to look to the future and exercise our authority over that which is in our immediate control—what we focus on, how we use our time, how we choose to act, and how we respond, just to name a few. This moon is also accompanied by Venus and Pluto sextiling at 29º, which may mean that through this emotional release and healing process, we are breaking free from stale relationship patterns that have been fueled by unresolved ancestral wounds and repeated by many generations before us. This may also relate to money handling and one’s relationship with success.
This moon symbolizes how many of us are consciously choosing that the cycle ends with us, which we are ensuring by separating ourselves from cyclic behaviors that have been repeated in our lineage (unhappy marriage, divorce, avoidance of healing, addiction, anger, etc.) and stepping into a place of authority over our futures. We cannot change the past, nor can we change our parents or other loved ones, but we can change how we participate in these cycles if we so choose. Liberate yourself from lingering pain by investing in your well-being and personal narrative. You do not have to reach a place of forgiveness, but for your own benefit, you can choose to feel neutral about the actions of those who have wronged you. The choice is yours. Try to make time for self-care, reflection, and movement over this weekend, and be gentle with yourself—you will make mistakes, but that is the nature of being human. We try our best, and that is all we can ask of ourselves.
Take care. xx
If you’re interested in reading a more detailed analysis of this full moon and want to receive the journaling prompts and mindfulness practice that I designed with this full moon in mind, you can join the Moon Circle through the button below. By joining the moon circle, in every moon newsletter you will receive:
Detailed discussion of additional planetary influences and any prominent aspects that will be active during the lunation
Manifestation practices, release rituals, journaling prompts, and other moon-related offerings
Description of what it means if the new or full moon is contacting your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node
Here to remind you that all readings are discounted through the end of Libra season (October 21st)! You can check out all my offerings through the button below.
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