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Radical new beginnings.

April 8th, 2024

Hello to everyone!

I’m so excited to share this newsletter with you, as I have written it with so much love and care. This eclipse is a whole new chapter, an entirely new reality right at our fingertips. Although there’s been so much fearmongering around this event, I can assure you that it is not bad energy whatsoever. Aries is intense, passionate, and sometimes aggressive (because of the passion), but not an energy of destruction. The energy of Aries comes in HOT whether you feel prepared for it or not, and that is the essence of this moon: radical new opportunities that are coming at you, regardless of how ready you feel. I want to keep this part short and sweet, but I do want to extend my gratitude to each of you who have supported me, whether you’ve been around for a while or have just recently subscribed. These past couple of weeks have been such a lovely, insightful, and expansive journey. I’ll be sharing more in the weekly installment.

Anyway, happy Eclipse; I’m sending you many blessings, much love, and the biggest virtual hug. Be well, my friends. <3


New moon eclipses are like radical new beginnings, and considering this one is occurring in Aries (at the sun’s highest point of exaltation!), this is the new beginning of new beginnings. The slate is being wiped clean. We are being presented with opportunities to test our courage and trust in ourselves so that we can redesign the lives we’re creating for ourselves and the identities that we’re operating through to create them. In simpler terms, this is the space to “redesign your character” for the adventure of life. With Chiron, the asteroid known as the “wounded healer,” in tight conjunction with this new moon, the way to the new chapter is through direct confrontation of our deepest fears, wounds, insecurities, and uncertainties. This is not the time to bypass limitations any longer out of avoidance or discomfort; even if addressing them feels uncomfortable, we must take up the role of leadership for ourselves so that we can build momentum toward more meaningful things. Things may feel uncomfortable right now, but the more real we can be with ourselves, the easier things will become.

This moon intends to shine a light upon wounds and fears around being seen, taking action, initiating change, standing in roles of leadership, and also any limitations rooted in insecurity, inferiority, lack of self-trust, fear of the unknown, fear of judgment, fear of failure, and other such things. There is a tremendous amount of personal accountability required from us by this moon, as it points out that while many of us may have been busy pointing the finger at external reasons for our lack of fulfillment, we may have forgotten to look at the roles that we are playing in our own lives to perpetuate it. While it’s important to validate the emotional distress and turmoil that the individual misfortunes we’ve undergone have caused us, we cripple ourselves by continuing to live in the victimhood of them. We may not even realize we are doing this, as it can be a lot easier to live in a space of stagnancy, justifying our inaction with external excuses and coming up with reasons why we’re “not ready to move on” or how “it’s not our fault that we’re like this.”

This moon shows us that we can still be in the midst of healing from life's unfairnesses AND take action that defies the programming of those wounds. We are oftentimes more in our own way than we realize; we choose to stay submissive to the narratives that we haven’t even written. While not everyone may enjoy hearing this, you perpetually let your wounds control your life when you continue to allow them to influence your choices in life, which is likely the reason for much of your dissatisfaction. This moon rewards those with valiant courage. It asks us to push the limits of how big, bold, and assertive we can be. It asks us to call the bluff of our limiting beliefs and prove them wrong through inspired action. This is a portal of massive transformation and offers us immense healing, but it will only benefit those who can take responsibility for their path from this point forward, acknowledge what they must do, and willingly take action on their realizations.

Considering the direct and blunt approach of Aries, which is where there’s quite a bit of concentrated energy presently, and the conjunction between Mars and Saturn in Pisces that is occurring alongside this moon, the underlying tone in the delivery of these themes is some pretty tough love. Not everyone is going to be receptive to this conversation, which will offer everyone some insight into their progress through their evolution as a human and soul, depending on how they receive it. Being told that you are the cause of your disappointment or pain is a pretty tough pill to swallow, as it prevents you from excusing yourself from responsibility by shifting the blame to external factors. This energy intends to remind us of our power so that we can feel inspired to shift our perspective. It’s important to clarify that this moon is not saying, “Toughen up and don’t be a pansy.” We do not always have the liberty to choose what happens to us, and sometimes life is HARD. What this moon intends to share is that despite the areas externally where we lack power, we have power in so many other, more valuable, ways: our response. Our choice. Our perspective.

For many, there may be challenges brought to the forefront of our focus with this moon that intend to give us opportunities to choose who we’re going to be and what we want for ourselves. Now is the time to silence the influence that others’ opinions of you may have and listen to the raw, authentic truth within you. Some of us may be gearing up for (or are already in the midst of) making a big choice or doing something that is unmistakably bold—something that we feel passionately called to. In doing so, there may be some backlash, criticism, or judgment that intends to challenge how you can hold your ground. Do not let others’ words or your own wounded limiting beliefs or fears keep you from answering the call within you. Be liberated from the restrictions you’ve willingly sat in out of a lack of belief that you are capable of creating the life that you want and are ready to pursue the passion of your heart. You’re ready. You’ve been ready. You were born to do this. Now is the time to be freed from the inhibitions of your ego and the limiting beliefs that you’ve been conditioned to value. It takes wild courage to be who we know ourselves to be. It takes GUTS to rise above fear and potential judgment, exile, and criticism. But you are ready. Don’t doubt that. :’)

This portal is where the switch flips. It is representative of a gradual shift, but a sudden change of something clicking. Because it is so “now or never” coded, many of us may be having second thoughts, even though we’ve probably been gathering the courage to take a bold step forward for the past several months (and even more so in the past couple of weeks). Don’t let these feelings scare you off!! The potency of healing in this moon is intense and rich, but it will be activated by embodying the new identity that you choose to have, one that acts through inspiration and faithful trust in your instincts. I don’t mean to be dramatic, but this moon feels like the first day of the rest of our lives in a way—which, more accurately, means that it’s the beginning of a drastically new chapter for many of us.

Who do you want to be?
Who have you always been?
How can you let your true self be free?

The things you desire are yours if only you have the courage to seek them out. Live and act on your terms, and pursue what keeps the fire of inspiration within you alive and bright. Judgment from others has way more to do with them than it does with you; people project their dissatisfaction with themselves and their lives onto the people they wish to be like. All that being said, I encourage you to utilize this energy to renew your perspective on what you believe you are capable of and urge you to identify, over the remainder of Mercury retrograde, who you want and know yourself to be. The entirety of this month will really have us focus on “rebranding” to better reflect our authentic selves, so enjoy getting to know yourself better and creating a new approach to creating the life of your dreams. <3

The horoscopes below may offer you insight into how this eclipse will affect you. Check your rising sign for primary messages and your sun and moon as auxiliary messages.

Taking big leaps forward can feel intimidating and challenging, but it’s a bit easier to do when you have the support of someone you trust. If you haven't grabbed it yet, the meditation I created for this eclipse is still available down below (which also includes 36 journaling prompts, 3 uniquely chosen for each sign), and so is the Mercury Retrograde Challenge (a 35-day challenge to reclaim your authority and rewrite your personal narratives!). The Mercury Retrograde Challenge began today, but it’s not too late to join. 💛

Under the energy of this moon, we are healing past versions of ourselves and sending them our love and support, even if we are not aware of our doing so. In past difficult situations, there was a will within you to keep going, to overcome, to not give up. When we reflect on our past and younger selves and show ourselves appreciation for continuing to move forward, we send our younger selves vibrational support, love, and empathy that transcends space and linear time. There is a future version of yourself doing that right now, reflecting on where they came from and remembering when you committed yourself to overcome adversity and your personal limitations. We always have access to our future selves and ask for their support when moving into unknown spaces, because although they are foreign to us, our future selves know them well, as they’ve already experienced it all. In the future self meditation, you are guided to meet your future self and receive their support and wisdom to help you navigate this next chapter.


You can book a micro-reading with me if you want specific guidance for this time or for something else relating to your natal chart. Micro-readings are the only offering I have available currently that can be booked without contacting me first.

I have other reading offerings available as well, which I will be sharing about in the weekly installment, and also a new type of appointment designed to help entrepreneurs, whether you’re just starting out or are redirecting your current venture. I’ve gleaned so much insight from my own chart in my entrepreneurship journey and would be honored to help you design a path that works with your natural strengths and helps you establish successful and sustainable habits. I’m excited to share, but if you have any questions before then, feel free to reply to this email!

Lastly, if you are interested in joining the Collective, my monthly astrology education membership, you can do so through the button below! Not only does the Collective get two educational newsletters a month, the topics of which are voted by the members, but they also receive additional insights in every new and full moon article as well as access to meditations, special reading offerings, and discounts for personal readings. Here’s what’s included in the Moon newsletters for the Collective:

  • Information on what influence the moon has if it contacts your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node

  • A detailed breakdown of what the additional planetary influences and aspects mean and how they influence the themes of the moon

  • Manifestation and release rituals uniquely designed to work with the prominent planetary energies active each lunation

Join the Collective below!

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