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Releasing soul contracts and healing past life wounds.

Eclipse Season // March 25th, 2024 - April 8th, 2024

Okay, we’re in it. Eclipse season. While eclipses get a LOT of talk, especially in the form of fearmongering (not cool!), they are just another cyclic event that is intended to help us evolve and grow, spiritually, personally, and collectively. Eclipses are the wormholes of transformation, meaning they can cram a lot of information into a small period of time to help us accelerate our growth in the specific area of our charts they are occurring in. Eclipses occur alongside the movement of the north and south nodes, which are opposite ends of a singular axis. The nodes take around eighteen months to complete their journey through a pair of sister signs (the signs that oppose each other on the zodiac wheel), which is called a nodal cycle. Within a nodal cycle, there are typically between two and four “eclipse cycles,” which are accelerated periods of growth in the areas of life that the nodes are directing our focus toward. So even though the eclipses concentrate our focus on the houses that Aries and Libra govern, we have been focusing on these houses for over eight months now, although the first eclipses in Aries and Libra happened just under a year ago. The eclipse cycles in the middle of the nodal cycle will be the most concentrated of this energy, while the first and final will be the “entry period” and “send-off ceremony” of that nodal cycle, as they often occur when the nodes are still in the previous set of signs or have just entered the new pair.

This moon is an extremely healing portal for profound transformation and the release of relationship patterns, social personas, and personal concepts that have cyclically perpetuated or have been carried on for lifetimes. This moon is the kickoff of yet another eclipse season on the Aries-Libra axis, which is participating in the larger nodal cycle of the north node’s travel through Aries and the south node’s through Libra. We can often feel eclipse season’s energy as early as four weeks before the first eclipse and as late as four weeks after the last, and its presence will intensify and fade as we lead up to and drift away from the actual eclipses themselves. This cycle has been teaching us about reclaiming our power, rebalancing the scales of life, and releasing ourselves from the “contracts” we’ve established long ago, but have now outgrown and evolved past. You will hear me discuss contracts quite a bit in this newsletter. Know that when I say "contract,” I am not just referring to a legal agreement made between two parties. A contract can also be an agreement that you’ve made with yourself, which you may or may not be aware of. To learn more about this, you can read more details on the special offering that I’ve created for this eclipse cycle.


This moon promotes self-empowerment by choosing our personal needs above the needs of others and encouraging us to make hard decisions that are good for us in the long run. While we may have a hard time being definitive in our decisions under this energy, as Libra is characteristically known to be, we are asked to see the value in being assertive, direct, and unwavering. This may be a time when we are seeking “closure” or are reconsidering our decisions to leave things, connections, or environments behind, but we’re encouraged to acknowledge that the unfiltered truth lies in the actions that have been taken. Those we have separated from may be trying to tempt you to re-engage with them, which is making you question your decision. Now is not the time to revert back to old habits and ways of thinking! Our actions only hold value if we stand beside them, and our boundaries will be more respected when we attentively uphold them. So whether you have parted from a job, social environment, relationship, friendship, habit, way of thinking, or something else, let your decision to leave speak! Don’t go back on your choice!

We are given the space to purge old narratives that we’ve felt obligated to remain loyal to, and we are encouraged to celebrate how we’ve evolved from our past identities. Libra often tries very hard to “not rock the boat,” which can often lead them to resist their desires, expectations, and beliefs and mold them to those of others instead. Many Libran individuals will lead very unfulfilling lives if they do not learn to advocate for their wants and needs and become good at saying “no.” This moon reminds us that we are allowed to change, disagree, be dissatisfied, and be unwilling to compromise. Sometimes mediation cannot be reached, for the sacrifice of either party is too great a betrayal of their inner calling, and that is okay.

While free will is always yours to exercise, I highly recommend that you not rekindle connections or go back on decisions you’ve made that were for your own good, especially during eclipse season. This is a time to release ourselves from agreements that have been unfair to our authentic selves, agreements that have required us to sacrifice more than what is healthy for us. While it is not wrong to crave connection, love, and social acceptance, we must ask ourselves to evaluate the cost of achieving these things. If we are making ourselves smaller or ignoring our inner truths to acquire the things we want, then how much has truly been gained? Welcome this moon’s healing energy and allow it to purify your inner drive and authentic self, purging any attributes or qualities that have been developed to be more palatable to others. Separate yourself from contracts that no longer serve you, and stay true to the decisions that you’ve made to honor your authentic self and inner calling. And if you have yet to make decisions involving environments, connections, or scenarios in which you feel unfulfilled, follow the guidance of your inner truth to help you navigate what is best for you. Allow others’ actions to speak for them, rather than entertaining their excuses or reasoning afterward; the actions are where the truth lies. Welcome to eclipse season; be held, be heard, be healed.

Note: Just a reminder to those who have not yet learned; eclipses are NOT a time to do ritualistic work or manifestation practices unless you have a very specific intention in mind. The energy is so intense and chaotic that your intentions can manifest in your personal life in unpredictable and unruly ways. There’s no need to make moon water under this full moon! If you decide to do a cord-cutting ceremony to sever a connection between you and another party, be sure that severing it completely is something you’re very certain of. But even then, I would suggest that no rituals be done; instead, reflect, meditate, and take note of the shifts happening around and within you.


I’m so excited to share that I am offering an eclipse meditation to facilitate the release of past beliefs, connections, and perspectives along with some journaling prompts, which will be a supportive asset to your individual experience of these eclipses and our collective transformation. The content I’ve created for this offering is full of many downloads that I’ve received through my personal daily practices, and I feel so honored to be able to offer it to you! In this offering, you will receive:

  • A meditation in alignment with the full moon in Libra, with visualization and a release prayer

  • 36 intentional journaling prompts to reflect on throughout eclipse season, 3 for each sign (which you can utilize for your sun, moon, and rising placements)

  • A discussion about how energetic contracts are formed

This guide and meditation are altogether valued at $50, but I’ve decided to make them available to you for $8.88 in the hopes that as many people as this content can support will be able to have access to it. If you join the Collective or are already a member, you will have access to all of this and more! In the exclusive segment for the Collective, I have included all of the content in the eclipse guide as well as:

  • More specific conversation about the additional planetary influences involved in this full moon and lunar eclipse

  • Insight on what this lunation means if it contacts your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, north node, or south node

  • And by joining the Collective, you will also gain access to all future and previous exclusive educational newsletters!

You can also read my newsletter for the Collective discussing eclipses a bit more in-depth by joining.

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