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Healing through surrender.

Hello my Lovelies,

This full moon is a powerful lil’ gal, even though she’s considered a “micro-moon” (the opposing counterpart to a supermoon). While supermoons are considered portals for big change and can suggest some pretty pivotal shifts in the external world we experience or can be invitations for us to change something outside of ourselves, this moon calls our attention inward and asks us to consider that perhaps the only change needing to be made is in our perspective. All full moons act as a portal in some way, as they are both a symbol of purging what we no longer need and also a celebration of what has come to maturity. Considering Virgo is the sign of the harvest, some of us may be celebrating the growth of something we have delicately tended to daily for the past several months. However, whenever Pisces energy is present, as it is with this moon, powerful emotions can be expected to come up, which is why it is so important for us to not push ourselves too hard in the next few days!

Virgo is mutable earth and naturally governs the sixth house of work, routines, health, judgment, and skill, among other things. This house rules over things that we create through development, which is why our routines, skills, and health lie there; we develop them through consistency and practice. Virgo tends to chronically overthink and is naturally critical, judgmental, and discerning, which assists them in being efficient organizers, analysts, researchers, and planners. However, their ability to analyze and assess can be detrimental to their perception of themselves as well as their relationships with others, as they can fall into the mutable tendency of forgetting to find a stopping point. This can lead Virgo into a cyclic lifestyle of constantly improving themselves and others, which can pull them entirely out of the present because there is always the potential to “be better.” But where does the cycle end?

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