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Observing the narrative. Finding perspective through presence.

2024 FULL MOONS // December 15th, 2024 to December 18th, 2024
Greetings friends,
I won’t lie; this full moon is a weird one. We have Mercury and Jupiter in mutual reception still, which is more supportive than not, but this moon energy may have us at odds with ourselves and may be having us prone to exaggeration and unintentionally disconnecting from the truth in an attempt to figure out what the “most truthful truth” is. We may be more keen to point the finger at external circumstances or other participants in the conversations we’re having—if there’s blame to be had, we may be quite adamant that it’s not ours to claim! This moon may also have us feeling quite confused about the reality of things, which is potentially causing us to feel like any conflicts or obstacles we may be presently facing are much more catastrophic than they realistically are. Despite this moon happening in Gemini, the Sagittarian energy is much stronger than Gemini’s influence, as Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, is still in Sagittarius, and the additional influences involved in the aspects of this lunation (Mars retrograde in Leo and Jupiter in Gemini) both point back to Sagittarius, as the sun is governing Mars at present, and the sun is still in Sagittarius, and Jupiter is Sagittarius’s ruler. Not only that, but this full moon lightly squares Neptune, adding another layer of confusion—this square will be prominent for the next few days. All of that said, this energy may have us in a bit of mental overwhelm, perhaps feeling like everything in life is coming at us at once—it may feel like a tidal wave we see approaching us and there’s little we can do to stop it. But there are a few important things to remember.
It’s not that deep. As I stated above, we may be more prone to exaggeration! That “tidal wave?” Maybe it’s just another regular ol’ wave—yes, you can’t stop its movement toward you, but perhaps it will only reach up to your knees. It might shock you, but it won’t knock you down.
You are the master of your thoughts. With so much mental chatter, we might feel like our minds are in the driver’s seat. Remember, you are in charge; you can redirect your thoughts to something that feels more empowering!
Searching for an answer in a panicked state won’t help you find one faster; it will just make the experience more unpleasant. The answers are more likely to dawn upon us when we’re immersed in the present moment under this full moon, and even if a succinct, specific answer isn’t found, this moon emphasizes that we do not need to know every answer to every question right now.
The blessing of this moon is that the solution to the mental chaos we may be facing is quite simple—we’re asked to partake more in the tangible experiences of our daily lives. Let’s discuss this a bit further.
This Gemini full moon, despite causing some big emotions and potentially drastic mental overwhelm, is all bark and no bite—it’s an astrological comedic bit. This moon has likely put many of us in our heads, feeling as if all of the things we’ve been thinking of, discussing with others, mentally preparing for, and casting aside to be dealt with later are running up to us like a swarm of toddlers, each asking to be held and paid attention to all at once. This moon has such prominent contradictory energy, which may make it difficult for us to identify what the “right” way to work with this energy (which will linger through the end of December) is, but there is no clear answer, which is why it’s best we each listen to our own intuitive insights. We may find ourselves thinking of the future and the past simultaneously, wondering how all of that ties into now, but ironically, we are perhaps having a difficult time being present because we have been so preoccupied with thinking of “what was” and “what could be!” With Jupiter still retrograde, and because it is a prominent player in this moon, we may be looking to what worked in the past when we encountered experiences that are similar to those that we’re presently facing, but we may be learning that, while the past can inform us about what may work, it won’t have a full and complete solution for the specific matters in front of us.
Gemini often finds the solution it’s looking for by combing through the evidence and seeking out new solutions; it will reach for more information before it observes what it’s already gathered. This can be problematic in this context, as Mercury, which is currently in Sagittarius and is ruling this moon, may be feeling a bit overwhelmed with just how many answers there may be. We’re reminded by these energies that feeling a sense of peace with the answer we’re being given at the time, whether it feels direct and complete to us or not, is dependent on our perspective of it. We can continue to find more evidence to support one argument just as easily as we can find evidence to support the opposing one. It’s where we place our attention and faith that influences our experience. Interestingly, this moon asks us not to sharpen our focus but instead to soften it. We’re invited through this lunation to cease our searching for clarity or answers and to instead allow right now to show us the wisdom sitting right beneath our noses.
This energy seems simultaneously cerebral and unserious, introspective and sarcastic. We’re essentially being told by the universe that we can provide ourselves the peace we may be looking for by choosing to believe that exactly where we are, right here, right now, is right where we’re supposed to be—we’re right on track. Things may seem chaotic if we focus on what we feel is going wrong, but considering some of the additional energies we’ll soon be subject to, this moon invites us to exercise our authority over our minds by consciously participating in where our mental energy is being directed. We may be unintentionally creating more stress for ourselves by looking at our obstacles in their entirety, rather than breaking them down into more digestible pieces. Whether you’re trying to instill healthier habits, more discipline, a new hobby, or are trying to get a big project off the ground, we may be looking at the end result and feeling a bit daunted. For example, if you’re trying to implement a morning routine into your day, you likely have an idea of what your ideal morning looks like—that is, where you’d like to end up—but trying to create that all at once only sets you up to fail. Going from no routine to the full protein-rich breakfast, morning sunlight, journaling, a 10-minute clean, a 30-minute walk, to-do list creation, etc., is nearly impossible for any human. Instead of feeling discouraged, which may be driving you away from making any change, consider a couple of things that seem easily attainable. Maybe you put your water next to your bed so you can hydrate right when you wake up. Or perhaps you set your phone in the other room before bed so you don’t slip into the habit of scrolling for a couple of hours first thing in the morning.
Gemini governs today, and this full moon reminds us to set ourselves free by showing up for ourselves in the moments that matter: those that we’re in right now. We have little control over the future, but we can influence it through our actions today. We can let our minds get the best of us by succumbing to their endless chatter about what might happen later, or we can take back the narrative by participating in what is happening. The choice is yours.
If you’re interested in reading a more detailed analysis of this full moon and want to receive the journaling prompts and mindfulness practice that I designed with this full moon in mind, you can join the Moon Circle through the button below. By joining the moon circle, in every moon newsletter you will receive:
Detailed discussion of additional planetary influences and any prominent aspects that will be active during the lunation
Manifestation practices, release rituals, journaling prompts, and other moon-related offerings
Description of what it means if the new or full moon is contacting your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node
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I decided to extend my discount on year-ahead readings through the remainder of the year. This offering is a rich conversation with a multitude of valuable tools to help you approach the new year feeling motivated, empowered, and centered. Availability is limited.
You can also meet with me to discuss the upcoming quarter! That offering is also discounted through December 31st, 2024.
Lastly, if you want to start 2025 with in-depth astrological guidance each month, you can book your discovery call to learn more about my monthly astrological coaching. Each month, we meet to discuss longer-term transits, the impacts of that month’s new and full moons, and any specific questions you may have. Each session is highly customizable to fit your needs. I look forward to connecting with you!