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Rewriting the story.


Greetings friends,

The Venus cazimi happening alongside this new moon energy feels—while inspiring and renewing—exhausting!! I have never experienced a cazimi that—for lack of better words—has told me to sit my ass down and forced me to stay there as strongly as this one (LOL). While this new moon energy is powerful on its own, the Venus cazimi is amplifying it to a different level and will likely have us digesting the realizations and epiphanies that come from it over the next week. This cazimi energy will last through the middle of next week, although it will feel like it's starting to dissipate around Monday. I’ll be sharing more about what the influence of this cazimi on the new moon will be in the Moon Circle, which you can get free 48-hour access to below! That being said, this moon is a powerful one to send your desires out into the etheric realm via words—speaking and writing are highly favorable. You can set intentions and manifest any time over this weekend; this energy is not going anywhere.

I would highly suggest you get some rest this weekend, but if your weather is looking nice, then getting out in the sun will likely feel deeply restorative. With Venus and the sun so cozied up together, we can metaphorically absorb Venus’s energy through the sun’s rays over this weekend, which will help to boost our beauty, vitality, inspiration, creativity, and curiosity. Gemini energy is flighty, sharp, inquisitive, and witty, but at times, it can feel chaotic, even to those who have strong Gemini placements. This moon’s lingering energy and the Venus cazimi will both quite possibly bring about a tendency to overanalyze or overexert our energy. Overcomplicating things for ourselves is easy with such concentrated Gemini energy, so try to keep things simple for yourself; enjoy this energy and all that it has to offer you.


This moon is the second of two very favorable new moons this year, the first being the Taurus new moon that happened last month. We have Venus and Jupiter, the benefic—good fortune—planets, in the sign of Gemini, amplifying the power of our voices and minds to help align us with our desires. New moons are the beginning of a new lunar cycle, meaning that setting intentions now and identifying what we want to see grow over the next six to twelve months is ideal. This moon has a heavy concentration of Gemini energy—Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, the sun, and the moon are all gathering in this sign. When the new moon formed alongside the Venus cazimi, Venus was also supported by the moon’s nurturing and restorative properties, so the remainder of its cazimi may feel a bit less chaotic than the past few days have felt. Despite all of this focus in Gemini, the sign that governs the mind, thought, communication, curiosity, and ideas, among other things, we may be feeling quite mentally foggy, sluggish, confused, and tired. While we may have a strong sense of restlessness, perhaps worrying that we’re missing something or are not doing things in the right way, cadence, or timing, the energy that will carry out into this weekend is asking us to give ourselves a break and let our minds rest!

There may be many inspired ideas that come through in the following days, as this new moon energy renews the power of the mind and, paired with the Venus cazimi, our creative perspectives, inspiration, and relationships—with others, art, ourselves, money, etc.—are all being refreshed as we are shown a different angle to look at them from. This energy asks us to allow things to be defined in different ways and to allow them to take many forms. How can love, beauty, creativity, inspiration, artistry, abundance, and wealth take shape in different forms? How might they be hiding in familiar spaces? How can your perception redefine their meaning?

We can set intentions over this weekend for the next twelve months, as Jupiter will be in Gemini until June 2025. This is a moon that encourages us to be imaginative and creative and to let our worries about technicalities and practical things go. We may become so fixated on the desired outcome that we forget to enjoy the journey and embrace the learning process. This energy encourages us to release worry so that we can be present in the now. The funny thing is that we may feel so intent on achieving our dreams, feeling inspired, and creating the things we wish to create that we will become fixated to the point where we strip the experience of all fun. We may be trying to intellectualize inspiration and creative action as if there’s a one-size-fits-all formula for them. These things are meant to be fun! If we can soften our gaze upon them and direct our attention to creating a space for our minds to be at ease enough that they can welcome inspiration in, we may find that we’re able to actualize our goals and be productive much more easily. We’re reminded that if it doesn’t work out in the way that we want, we can always start again. We’re allowed to change directions, we’re allowed to learn along the way, and we’re allowed to not know.

While the moon officially aligned early yesterday morning, the lingering energy of it may feel more comfortable to work with over the weekend, as the potency of the Venus cazimi and the new moon’s alignment with it will still be there, but the moon itself will be in gentle, nurturing Cancer, supporting us to relax a bit more and invest in what nourishes us. In order to learn more, expand ourselves, and create authentically, we have to create a space for our minds to work for us. What creates paradise in your mind? What intellectual pleasures can you indulge in? What does your mind need to function at its best? These are valuable questions to be asking ourselves as we get acclimated to Jupiter in Gemini, as during its transit, our ability to expand, reach higher, and go farther will reflect our investment in our mental mastery and inner balance. Doing things that allow us to mentally recharge is highly encouraged, and considering what habits we may need to rework to be of better service to us is also advised. Release meaning from the words “good” and “bad” and instead accept yourself as you are and your life as it is right now. This is not a time to put pressure on ourselves to be a certain way or to fixate on where we want to be in the future, but instead to celebrate the magic, insight, and clarity we can find by simply being present with our consciousness and quieting the chatter of worrisome thoughts.

We are the authors of our stories, and we write them with our beliefs. This energy reminds us of that and asks us to embrace the authority we have to choose the narratives we view as the truth. While we’ll spend Jupiter’s transit through Gemini challenging our mental bandwidth and developing a broader perspective so that we can become masters of our minds, this moon reminds us that new ideas, beliefs, and inspirations thrive in a mind that is well taken care of and adoringly nurtured. For your desires to thrive, you must believe that they’re already yours, but affirming new beliefs is much easier to do when the mind is not in a state of panic and overwhelm. Spend these next couple of days returning to inspiration and wonder. In doing so, we can become so enveloped in and aligned with the vibration of creative curiosity that the practical how of our manifestations materialization will be completely out of our minds. Take care of your mind, choose to believe in your dreams, and let inspiration direct your actions—the rest will work itself out in perfect timing.


If you’re interested in reading a more detailed analysis of this full moon and want to receive the journaling prompts and mindfulness practice that I designed with this full moon in mind, you can join the Moon Circle through the button below. By joining the moon circle, in every moon newsletter you will receive:

  • Detailed discussion of additional planetary influences and any prominent aspects that will be active during the lunation. In this specific newsletter, I share more details on the influence that the Venus cazimi has on this moon, the square Saturn is making to the new moon and Venus, and the Trine between Jupiter and Pluto.

  • Manifestation practices, release rituals, journaling prompts, and other moon-related offerings. In this installment, I created a step-by-step scripting guide!

  • Description of what it means if the new or full moon is contacting your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node.

I’ve created a 48-hour free trial, which you can redeem through the button below! This offer is redeemable until Tuesday, June 11th, at 11:59 p.m. PST.

If you aren’t interested in the Moon Circle but would like to receive the scripting guide and step-by-step tutorial (for manifesting!) that I created for this moon, you can get that offering through the button below.

You can also still grab the Jupiter in Gemini guides, which are currently 40% off! This transit will last through June 9th, 2025. Jupiter rules over beliefs, perspective, and abundance, as well as the energetic mechanics of the universe—understanding its energy and how it interacts with your chart can help you become more magnetic, present, and aligned with the vibration of abundance. Here’s what’s included in those guides:

  • Audio recordings discussing the primary themes of Jupiter, its expression in Gemini, key dates for when it will interact with other transiting astrological bodies, and insight into its primary teachings, as well as conversation about what this means if you are in your Jupiter return. Written notes for transit discussion are included for easy reference.

  • A detailed audio recording discussing the unique themes and areas of focus that this transit will highlight for you based on your rising sign, as well as the interactions it may have with the rest of your chart as it travels through Gemini.

  • Journaling prompts, optional tools for intention setting, and a suggested reading list.

  • A mini-masterclass about manifestation, limiting beliefs, and how to rewrite them to support you in creating your desired reality.

  • A guided manifestation practice to manifest $6,000—this same practice can be utilized to manifest other things as well!

You can get yours through the button below!

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