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  • Gemini Season, Jupiter in Gemini, and lots of new opportunities

Gemini Season, Jupiter in Gemini, and lots of new opportunities

Perspective is everything. What do you choose to see?

Vol. 57 // 05-29-24

Since I turned 23 in March, I have been navigating a twelfth house profection year, which in astrology is associated with endings, hiding, isolation, spirituality, and the space between death and rebirth. It has been so deeply insightful, but I have definitely noticed its impact on my ability to work, write, and be motivated. Time feels like the biggest illusion, and I feel more suspended in space than I ever have. I’ve found my moments of introspection to be much more numerous, and while I’m only a couple of months into this journey, I feel like I’ve had so many subtle realizations about the depths of my inner world. I’ve been reading far more in the past couple of months than I have in the past few years, which feels quite lovely. One book, in particular, has been really reframing the way that I think—it’s called The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (it’s one of several books I included in the reading list for the Jupiter in Gemini guides, hehe).

This book describes how resistance is the root of all things undone, whether they relate to art or not. Resistance is the inner blockage that emerges when inspiration begs to be actualized. Procrastination is fed by resistance and is the primary cause of any feelings of “stuckness” we might encounter in life. I’ve resonated deeply with this idea, as I have noticed resistance blooming in a very deep part of me as my online presence, newsletter, and voice continue to grow and be heard and seen by more and more people. It has slowed my desire to write and has led me in many different directions other than the places I want to go, but being aware of its presence has made me much more determined to catch it when it arises and call its bluff. Confronting these feelings has felt immensely vulnerable, and while I have moments where I prefer to hide away from the world, there is also a great will within me to override this resistance, even though it grows bigger and louder the more I push against it.

It feels quite ironic—while resistance makes one feel as if they should not be doing the thing they’re doing, it is simultaneously confirmation that you absolutely should do that thing. Resistance is what tries to hide the light of success, fulfillment, joy, and victory on the other side of what scares us. It tries all it can to spook us into submission—it is the greatest manipulator and will come in many forms. I’ve noticed that my own resistance shape shifts from self-doubt to perfectionism, but if neither of those works, it seduces me through tantalizing avenues of comfort that distract me from the work at hand. Unfortunately, it also knows my greatest points of weakness and will use them against me as well, if given the chance. Resistance will show itself to you in whichever form will divert you from the true path you wish to walk. It is the quick and cheap sources of dopamine that you can easily reach—scrolling on social media, excessive sleep or sugar, binge-watching TV shows, video games, substances, and other distractions. It is the hateful critic in your mind, the feeling of “unreadiness” that never seems to deafen, the voice that reasons why “it can be saved for tomorrow.”

The reason I share all of this is because overcoming inner resistance will be a big focal point of Jupiter’s transit through Gemini, but choosing to beat it over and over and over again will offer us many beautiful and expansive opportunities. When we find ourselves justifying why we should not pursue an inspired idea, it is all the more reason to pursue it. Don’t let your resistance win; your ideas are too precious to be silenced, and you never know where they may take you.

This is the season I have been anticipating the most, and I am utterly ecstatic that it is now upon us. The sun entered Gemini on May 20th, and Venus followed shortly after on the evening of the 23rd. But the biggest influence that makes this season stand out more than usual this year is the ingress of Jupiter from Taurus into Gemini on Saturday evening, the 25th. This begins a very exciting new chapter of expansion, learning, growth, and opportunity for each of us, even if Jupiter is not natally in Gemini for you. We will all be able to benefit from this transit in some way, and how it impacts us will be dependent on which house it activates and which of our natal placements it interacts with, as well as how it interacts with them. However, for those who have Jupiter in Gemini or Jupiter in one of the other air signs, Libra or Aquarius, or if your ascendant is in a mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces), this next twelve-month period may seem especially exciting and opportunistic. Jupiter is the planet of blessings, expansion, opportunity, good fortune, wealth, abundance, perspective, and agency, and, while it finds itself detriment in Gemini, whenever it changes signs, we are invited to learn how to understand how we interact with the frequency of abundance and expand ourselves through a different archetype, regardless of its strength or weakness.

I will discuss these transits briefly, as we will be able to get a fuller grasp of Gemini’s essence through the more in-depth conversation about Jupiter in Gemini below, but this season is the one in which we will get a refreshing new perspective, which will carry onward through the entirety of Jupiter’s transit. Gemini is light and zippy; its energy is much different than that of Taurus. While Taurus likes to take things one at a time, Gemini prefers handling many things at once, and we may find it to be quite noticeable in this season’s energy. As the sun makes its way through Gemini, we will likely be inspired to explore many different things and might find ourselves in a prominent “testing phase” for new opportunities. This is a season to let our imaginations and curiosity lead the way so that we can become acquainted with all sorts of people, things, hobbies, interests, and possible new avenues to venture down. In Gemini season, the key is to not try to force ourselves to stay strictly focused on one thing over the other; your attention span may be shorter, but you also may find that you can balance more things than usual. Keeping things light and casual will help us comfortably replace present interests with others as they come into our awareness, rather than feeling as if we have to hold onto everything else as well. This is a season to “date” any ideas and interests with no exclusivity or strings attached.

Gemini is the “information intake” half of the Mercury-ruled signs; Gemini ingests all of the information and seeks out more, and Virgo categorizes, analyzes, and digests what Gemini collects. This season is best utilized for doing just that, taking in as much information as we desire. With Jupiter now in Gemini, we might find ourselves feeling a bit over-excited, which may lead us to make commitments to things that we aren’t truly ready for or bite off more than we can chew. We can easily overload ourselves under this energy by taking on too many projects at once, so it’s best to keep things open and free-flowing. Use this season to get acquainted with people, ideas, new possibilities, opportunities, and any other things that come into your awareness. This is a valuable time for us to explore and be curious, without making the promise of a full blown expedition. Many of us may start to read more, have more insightful conversations, or begin new chapters during this season, which is also because of Jupiter’s entry into Gemini.

With a new chapter of growth beginning, there may be things that we have to let go of because they have served their purposes, and we’re likely to recognize that holding onto them will only drag us down and hold us back. When Jupiter changes signs, there is often a focus on all of the new growth beginning, but it isn’t usually discussed how there is also some loss as well. Usually, this loss is bittersweet—you may find that you’re letting go of a place, person, idea, job, belief, or other comfortable thing that served you well and is associated with many fond memories. Some may feel ready to let go, but others may not wish it to be this way—perhaps you had hoped that whatever or whomever you are outgrowing would be able to evolve alongside you. While Gemini may wish to have the capacity for everything they desire, there is a truth that must be respected, which is that while we are capable, we all have our limits. We can only hold space for so much and so many.

This season, paired with Venus’s transit through Gemini, is bringing our awareness to what we value intellectually and directing our attention to new paths that may very well turn into something far grander. It’s important we be realistic with ourselves at this time and create an environment for ourselves to learn, explore, and be curious. This may be a time in which you meet new people, find new interests or hobbies, and start putting yourself out there more to get acquainted with all of the options available to you. Your mind is sharp and brilliant with the blessing of the sun being there, and with Venus in Gemini as well, we likely will be feeling very creative and inspired to take action on all sorts of little ideas. This is a great time to begin a journal, a notebook for ideas, or get a better picture of everything going on in your mind by putting together some type of visual representation. Because Venus represents our values, pleasures, gifts, and talents, this could be a time in which you’re developing a talent that ends up becoming quite valuable to you. Investing more time in developing our talents—especially those involving the hands, the voice, writing, speaking, and the exchange of information—will be well worth our effort. Hobbies or interests explored now may organically grow into something much bigger and exciting later down the road.

This season blesses the thinkers—those who ask many questions so they might make more sense of the world around them. This is our “initiation” period into Jupiter’s long transit through Gemini, so take note of how you’re feeling, what’s happening in your inner world and social life, and where you find your mind wandering often. You will likely be more realistically identifying what is helping you grow in the directions you feel inspired to expand in and what is not. If you recognize that you’ve outgrown someone or something, stay focused on what is best for your personal evolution and development. Jupiter in Taurus had us focused on what we can do to sustain what we have and invited us to grow things slowly, but Jupiter in Gemini will challenge us to consider what we need more or less of to soar higher. There will likely be necessary conversations with yourself and others during this season that will help you get a better understanding of what is supporting your growth and what is tying you down. Keep your focus on what inspires you, and acknowledge that even though some things may be ending, either permanently or temporarily, they’re making space for new things to grow, things that will likely encourage you to think bigger.

When a planet or placement is detriment, it is not “unlucky” or "bad,” but it does have a layer of difficulty that it would otherwise not encounter if in a different sign that is more cohesive with its energy. Jupiter is comfortable in the signs that it rules, Sagittarius and Pisces, because they are symbolic of limitless, and Jupiter is all about the limitlessness available to us if only we test the bounds of our own comfort. In Sagittarius and Pisces, Jupiter is able to function in its natural essence—free, without restraint, and eternally expanding. It can ascend to higher levels of consciousness without interference and is often able to have trust that everything will unfold as it needs to, which supports our extending into unknown territories and unfamiliar spaces without fear or hesitation. A planet in its sign(s) of rulership is like an actor who plays a character with whom it shares a similar personality. There is less work needed because, in a way, the actor already is the character. In detriment, this analogy applies in the same but an opposite way—the actor is asked to play a character that is quite dissimilar to their natural self, which offers them more challenges but does not mean they cannot perform the role—they just need a little more practice.

Gemini and Virgo, the Mercury-ruled counterparts to Sagittarius and Pisces, can create some difficulties for Jupiter, as they are rooted in logic, facts, and concrete information. While Virgo is often associated with being the more analytical and logically inclined Mercury sign, Gemini also has a deep appreciation for the facts and often clings to them in times of doubt or uncertainty. While the Mercury-ruled signs share a similar caliber of intelligence when it comes to gathering and digesting information, they might have a more difficult time understanding things that do not have clear answers and can often struggle to proceed toward their desired outcomes without practical information and a plan. The mind can get in the way of Jupiter’s enterprises when in one of these signs, which is more prominent in Gemini and will therefore be something that we are encouraged to be mindful of as we migrate into this new energy. Gemini and Virgo are more connected to the tangible plane—the “human” aspect of life—as these two signs naturally sit in the lower half of the astrological wheel, which is associated with Earth and therefore pertains to more earthly concepts. Sagittarius and Pisces are more connected to the intangible plane—the spiritual essence of life and the vastness of our consciousness—as they naturally fall in the upper half of the astrological wheel, which can often be associated with more spiritual or philosophical concepts.

With Jupiter in Gemini, the mind’s power is expanded, as Gemini governs how we ingest information and how we go about discovering more. Gemini is quick-witted, curious, sharp, bubbly, humorous, talkative, multi-talented, and brilliant. It rules over all aspects of mental activity, conversation, interest, questions, and hobbies, as well as the hands, lungs, breath, and nervous system. Gemini has many faces, wears many hats, and knows at least a little bit about everything. Being mutable air, they represent the flexibility of the mind and its ability to adapt to any situation, but this also symbolizes how easily influenced the mind can be. With the twins symbolizing this sign, they can represent how contradictory of a nature Gemini is inclined to—how truth can be found in two things simultaneously. Gemini is easily intrigued, which can often sway their attention from one thing to another in little time. They may benefit from learning to have a bit more dedication and persistence so they may develop a more reliable perspective. However, while Gemini is easily impressed, they are not easily convinced, and this is where Jupiter struggles to relate to the sign. Jupiter governs good faith and therefore embodies assuming the best—there is little convincing needed to have Jupiter (especially in a sign of rulership) jump. Jupiter’s natural inclination to trust that all will be orchestrated as it needs to be, regardless of what happens along the way, is where Gemini pumps the brakes. In Gemini, Jupiter finds itself asking for more evidence and a reasonable argument to explain why it must take the leap and how “blindly trusting” will get it to where it wishes to go.

While duality is present in all pieces of astrology, Gemini is often one of the first signs thought of when duality is mentioned, and while they are a quality candidate to represent this concept, I think they better symbolize mirrors and things that are separate from each other yet simultaneously similar and connected at the same time.

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