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Jupiter Retrograde, Pluto Direct, and What Once Was (But Will Never Be Again)

Pluto is spending it's final month or so in Capricorn! Giveaway winners are announced!

Vol. 64 // 10-13-24

I’ve been grappling with the concept of time over the past few months, as I find it to be such a cruel yet gentle healer. I look back upon where I’ve come from and, at times, yearn for it to come back to me, but am faced with the harsh truth that, because of what has unfolded, things will never be the same. I have reached a really lovely place in my life—I feel like, for the most part, I am very content and am learning to embrace the unknown with more grace and a bit less frantic worry. I think there have been so many things that have happened in the past several months that I never would have anticipated that I’ve now reached a point where I am more surrendered than I ever imagined was possible for me (me and my busy, busy mind, haha). It is beautiful to reflect on the past and identify how intricately crucial each experience was in my development into this exact iteration of myself; I’ve found a strange sense of gratitude for even the most devastating experiences, both recent and distant.

As you’ll read further below, Pluto is now direct in Capricorn and is spending its final weeks in this sign for a very long time—none of us will see Pluto in Capricorn again (at least not in this life, haha). Pluto is one of those planets that is often discussed in a more negative light, as it rules over the underworld, destruction, power, and the regeneration cycle. Pluto usually refers to death and rebirth processes that happen over a long period of time, not those that are simply moved through in a matter of a few short weeks. And because of this, oftentimes we find ourselves—especially when it’s transitioning from one sign to another or making direct contact with a personal placement—in sort of a prolonged period of pain, although your experience of such pain is heavily dependent on your perspective of it. When it comes to more negatively presenting planets like Pluto and Saturn, I feel like we often forget the sweetness that only these planets’ influences can gift us.

Pluto decimates, but in the name of rebuilding, perhaps something better, perhaps not, but indeed something different. It rebuilds upon the history of what once was—the generations before. Saturn forces us to wait, painfully teaching us patience but not to be cruel—to remind us of how precious our desires are. Pluto reminds us that life always finds a way, and what is meant to be will always find a way to be. Saturn reminds us that oftentimes, the best things take time, and while we may want them now, oh so desperately, there is nothing we can do to accelerate the development process. Saturn reminds me of a flower that is an occasional sight on Washington hikes—Trillium—which takes seven years from being planted to bloom. The sight of one is somehow more lovely knowing that the plant has had such a long journey to reach maturity. It feels more sacred. Pluto can follow this same narrative, but on a more dramatic scale—Pluto is like a forest fire that wipes out everything, yet over time, life returns, the ecosystem rebuilds, and the Trillium will bloom again. The new life is nourished by the life that once existed.

With very pivotal Saturn and Pluto contacts currently activating my chart, I’ve found these themes to be present in many aspects of my own life, which has had me impatiently chomping at the bit sometimes, especially when I look into how these transits will progress over the next couple of years. I have an idea of how things may transpire, but then again, I find that I can much more accurately translate the charts of others than my own, and I think that’s how it’s supposed to be. I have a general understanding of what is coming for me, but I also have chosen to practice some restraint when it comes to the exact when, where, and who. However, despite being in the midst of a grand “destruction” of sorts, with many things in my life decaying and slipping from my grasp, I also have remained aware of the little glimmers of new growth that are coming to life because of my old life’s sacrifice. I am in the midst of a long renewal process, one of which I am not even near the halfway point, and there is nothing I can do to speed it up other than find solace and peace in this present moment. But, sometimes, for some things to reach their fullest potential, we have to let the entirety of what they were decompose, die, and fall away entirely so that they can be rebuilt with a completely different approach. This requires complete detachment from its previous form—and this is where the challenge lies, as detachment requires trust—deep, devoted trust.

I am admittedly still working to trust the path ahead of me, as looking at the transits has had me wondering, “But what if it doesn’t work out that way? How can I be certain? How can I be sure this is safe to surrender to?” I don’t have an answer yet, and I don’t think I’ll find one. But isn’t that what faith is? Not knowing, but choosing to trust anyway? I have moments of blissful peace, moments in which I feel very intimately connected to whatever is in store for me, and sometimes that state of being quickly switches to being so afraid—but alas, that is being human. As I continue along this strange, tumultuous, humbling, beautiful, and truly magical journey, I’m trying not to seek the answer anymore. Instead, I’m actively pursuing acceptance. I’m choosing to listen to my inner truth. I’m only focused on today. If you find yourself in a similar season, I truly hope that this helps you see the beauty in whatever has fallen away, even if for just a moment. The grand rebirth is on the horizon; it is simply inevitable. But rebirth cannot happen before death is complete. What a tragically beautiful and omnipresent truth to face.
Sending you love. xx

I just recently started a buy-me-a-coffee, which, if you didn’t know, is a platform for creators to accept donations from their community. I will admit, I feel a bit funky putting it here (confronting money taboos, woo!), but I’m going to include it anyway. Donations are never expected but always appreciated, and while I invest a lot of time and energy and infuse a great deal of value into this newsletter, it’s something that I always want to make accessible to as many people who may benefit from it as possible.

I am in the midst of including sponsorships in my newsletter, which is really exciting, as that will make this platform a more sustainable source of income for me and allow the content in it to remain free for you to read. If you enjoy my work, engaging with my sponsored content, interacting with my social media, and sending a donation if you feel so inclined is highly appreciated and is a lovely way to show your support. <3

Jupiter is now in its annual retrograde—it will travel from 21º back to 11º Gemini over the next four months. It will station direct again on February 4th, 2025. Pluto, on the other hand, is preparing to station direct at 29º Capricorn, which will begin on October 12th and initiate its final stay in Capricorn—it will re-enter Aquarius for its 20-year stay on the 19th of November. For a brief period, between now and November 15th, we will have quite a few planets retrograde—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and even Chiron, the asteroid of deep-seated wounds, will all be directing our attention inward. This may be a time of recuperation for us, one in which we’re highly encouraged to slow down and observe any inner shifts that have happened amidst eclipse season. This is generally a good time to keep your schedule on the lighter side and not overwork or overwhelm yourself if you have the availability to do so. While we’re out of eclipse season, this concentrated period of retrograde energy will likely remind us that we energetically and emotionally need some time to process the big changes—both internally and externally—that have taken place over the past six months or so. Saturn will go direct in November, and Neptune will turn direct a few weeks later in December, which will then be followed by Chiron right before the new year. All this to say, as we settle into this new season, we’re invited to simplify our schedules and more intentionally direct our attention toward the things that matter most to us. This is a favorable time to invest in ourselves, projects, connections, and passions.

Jupiter has been passing through Gemini since mid-May this year, which has supported us in rewriting our inner belief systems that shape the realities we live in. With Gemini governing the conscious mind, Pisces ruling the subconscious mind, Jupiter influencing learning, and Saturn governing things that last, Jupiter’s presence in Gemini and Saturn’s in Pisces highlights the potency of this time to implement new belief systems that we want to exist long into the future. This is an ideal time to actively choose the narrative you will not only believe but also live by—honoring it through faithful action. Gemini can limit Jupiter’s ability to trust the process; while Jupiter is naturally quite content with seeing the meaning of things along the way, Gemini can feel quite anxious about acting before fully understanding the why and how. This is one of Jupiter’s greatest challenges in Gemini. This placement indicates admirable discernment, cleverness, intellect, and intuition, but when it comes to inner insight (ideas, the intuitive “feeling,” inspiration), Gemini may anxiously desire additional tangible evidence to validate their insight’s reliability. They must learn to trust their intuitive feelings enough to take action—to allow it to be enough evidence that things will work out.

Whether this is a placement you have natally or not, this has been a theme that has been highlighted through this transit, as we’ve been asked as a collective to one, observe the inner narratives that are rooted in limiting beliefs, doubt, or anxiousness so we may rewrite them, and two, develop trust in our intuitive voice by taking action from it before the full picture is wholly illuminated. Although if you do have this placement natally, this has likely been a time in which you’ve been broadening your understanding of this lifelong teaching and have been working to strengthen these inherent gifts.

While retrogrades popularly have a bad reputation, as I’ve discussed with previous retrogrades, these are not bad periods of time but rather valuable seasons of reflection and inner exploration, which is especially emphasized in Jupiter’s travel backward. Retrogrades aren’t when the planets literally move backward; they are an illusion that makes them appear this way from our perspective here on Earth. Jupiter’s retrograde period can actually be quite an insightful time for us, as this planet governs belief systems, expansion, the vibration of abundance, manifestation, good fortune, wisdom, higher learning, and travel. It naturally governs Sagittarius and Pisces, both signs that symbolize spirituality, limitlessness, and seeking understanding of the unknown. While Jupiter’s direct motion can often guide our attention toward experiences that help us to externally expand, whether that’s learning about something new, traveling to an unknown land, or simply having an enhanced level of curiosity for that which you don’t know or understand (in a philosophical and physical sense), when retrograde, we are urged to explore what already exists within ourselves. This can be a favorable time for productive inner healing, self-improvement, and growth in the mental domain. This may be a time in which we’ll have profound breakthroughs in our mental efforts, insightful epiphanies about our own mental spaces, and perhaps gain a better understanding of how our daily thought processes are either supporting or restricting the implementation of beliefs that we want to see more aligned action from.

This retrograde period can be a good time to begin new conversations with ourselves, whether that is by reading new materials or telling ourselves new affirmations. Rewriting the inner narrative may be easier for us at this time, as this retrograde will make our minds seem more malleable and absorbent and weaken the stronghold of any stubborn belief systems that have grown stale. For those who have been dedicatedly working through mental blockages or ingrained beliefs since childhood, especially if doing so by reading self-help materials or through therapy, this may be a fulfilling time of growth and healing. Jupiter retrograde can be a favorable time to establish more trust and confidence in ourselves, as we often feel inclined to seek ourselves more intentionally.

The primary thing to be aware of during this retrograde is that whatever we invest in over the next four months will likely influence your expansion in your external world once Jupiter turns direct again. This is an opportune time to fine-tune our mindsets toward abundance and growth, as the foundations we lay in the next four months will likely be the structure that more external matters are built upon. Whether you’re hoping to improve your relationship with and mindset toward money, deservingness, “the divine plan,” love, or miracles happening, this is the time to devotedly implement new thinking patterns into our daily rituals to establish long-term beliefs that are more cohesive with our desired outcomes.

It may feel as if we’re reflecting on where we’ve come from—in a very long-term sense—as Pluto finalizes its stay in Capricorn. Even if Pluto is directly contacting one of your natal placements, this final stretch is more of a broad undertone than a specific experience we will encounter. This final pass may feel as if it’s calling back to themes that we’ve grappled with over the past sixteen years—perhaps you’re assessing how your response to emotional pain or how your tolerance for painful experiences has shaped you as an individual. Or you may find yourself more broadly observing how emotional pain has traveled through your family lineage, undealt with and passed on from one generation to the next. Many of us are the ones who are breaking these generational patterns—we’re the first in our family lines to feel the emotional burdens that so many others have cast aside or suppressed. This is a great responsibility, but also a valiant honor.

Pluto is the planet that governs power dynamics, empires, hidden motivations, the underworld, death and rebirth, generations, and obsession. It is a generational planet due to its slow-moving nature. This is the planet that describes to us how power is distributed and how power can be a tool to abuse or strengthen an empire, which can perhaps be most aptly observed through the development of societies and cultures over long periods of time—not decades, but centuries. It can symbolize the flow of power through and shared experience of the collective as a whole, but individually, it may be more noticeably seen in our relationship with control and how we transform through difficult conditions, environments, and experiences.

Pluto began its retrograde in Aquarius five months ago and eventually crossed back into Capricorn at the beginning of September to review how we’ve perhaps still clung onto the essence of Capricorn when it comes to how we exert our power and exercise our authority over what is in our control. That is arguably, in my opinion, the biggest teaching of Pluto on the individual level—it intends to show us how we may remain in an empowered state despite all of the variables that are often out of our control and educates us on how to exert our power from a place of sovereignty. Capricorn maintains power by holding; Aquarius maintains power by releasing. Capricorn deals with pain by tolerance; Aquarius deals with pain by transmuting. Neither of these signs is better than the other; they merely have different approaches to power, control, healing, and evolution. Capricorn has brought us to this place as a collective as Pluto has passed through it, and now Aquarius is preparing to offer us a new perspective on Pluto’s themes to guide us through the next chapter of our collective journey.

This is the final Pluto retrograde in Capricorn we have experienced for our lifetimes, and it is in the next few weeks that we will do one final review of Pluto’s thematic presence in Capricorn. During its retrograde in Aquarius, we were perhaps being invited to assess what areas deep within our psyches are in the process of being upgraded, but once Pluto shifted back into Capricorn, we may have been made (perhaps painfully) aware of where we are still clinging for control and what aspects of ourselves are stubbornly resisting evolution. Pluto destroys with the intention to rebuild, and when it changes signs, we can often find ourselves in a stressful transitional space in which many fundamental structures of our lives are under some major reconstruction. Because of this, the houses that Capricorn and Aquarius govern in our lives may be under some stress at the time being, but this is ultimately for our own good. With Saturn’s influence in Pisces (governing over both Capricorn and Aquarius), we might find ourselves grasping for control over things that have been ripped from us, and while we may know it is best for us to trust the process, doing so may be quite intimidating and scary. Some of us may feel like we’re in a massive trust fall with the universe, and all we can do is hope that it catches us on the way down.

As an early degree Aquarius rising, Pluto’s transition has been especially exhaustive. I find myself fluctuating from feeling so surrendered to scrambling for an ounce of control over the future. Pluto’s final passage through Capricorn has likely been bringing up some deep inner conflicts, as we may be trying to muscle things into what we want them to be, yet we are also aware that this is not the way to proceed, as this method of finding security is now outdated. Aquarius values freedom and autonomy and advises us to find our power by choosing to see from a higher perspective. This sign encourages each individual to freely exercise their autonomy, and with Pluto soon re-entering Aquarius, this is what we are advised to encourage others to do as well. In the past months, we have likely been challenged to continue creating our own sense of security and control by making peace with all that we do not have control over—other people’s choices, unexpected changes, things not working out how we wished them to, etc. Pluto in Aquarius makes us aware that, at the end of the day, there are a lot of variables that we don’t have control over, but we can gain control over our experience by choosing to allow things to be just as they are. Letting people choose what they want, even if that is not what we wish. Accepting things as they are. Making peace with everything as it organically unfolds before us. Pluto in Aquarius shows us that, in order for things to reach their full potential sometimes, they must crumble apart and be rebuilt, and in that crumbling process, we can soften the pain that is unavoidably a part of that process by not trying to hold things together. If the tower is falling, your attempts to hold it up will only cause you more pain and prolong its inevitable collapse.

As Pluto finalizes its passage through Capricorn, consider what has been crumbling around you that you have perhaps been trying to keep together. This may be something that began slipping away at the beginning of May when Pluto initially went retrograde, but it may have shifted in a more physical way when Saturn went retrograde at the end of June. The things, opportunities, situations, or connections that have been pulled away from us since then have likely been matters that we’ve continually found ourselves trying to repair—perhaps we’ve gone through waves of accepting them as they are and, contrastingly, pining for how they once were. In these next few weeks, we will be asked to dig deeper into our attachment to these matters and intentionally make peace with their current standing in our lives. Interestingly, Pluto will re-enter Aquarius a mere four days after Saturn turns direct in Pisces, which will likely be the primary influences urging us to identify any inner conflicts we’re facing due to not being able to make things what we want them to be. The matters we may be wishing for control over are likely things that only time and accountability can remedy. With intentional effort and dedication to the process, we may see these matters rebuilt into something worlds better than what they once were. We must let go of what we think the timeline should be though—we have to fully surrender and allow things to evolve at their own pace.

Mercury ingressed into Scorpio today, October 13th, and will stay there through November 2nd. This may support our exploration of our deep psychological processes and reveal secrets to us, either about others with whom we are intimately connected or about ourselves—we may be coming to terms with inner truths that we have tried to suppress. Mercury in Scorpio is highly investigative and refuses to take matters at face value; it often seeks the deeper emotional meaning of anything that crosses its awareness and does not feel discomfort when analyzing otherwise intense or off-putting topics. Mercury in Scorpio is willing to look at what others may be disturbed by—this transit allows us to observe our inner workings from a more truthful standpoint, including our issues, bad habits, toxicities, and wounds. We might be able to accomplish some valuable self-assessments during this transit, particularly regarding our self-development and healing.

Scorpio naturally governs transformation, elimination, and the death and rebirth process, similar to Pluto, its modern ruler (although when reading natal charts I don’t recommend focusing on the modern rulers’ influence as much as the traditional rulers). We might find ourselves transforming our daily thought processes during this transit, as Mercury rules over daily thoughts, the mental domain, and the conscious mind. With the influence of the other planetary shifts I’ve discussed further above, these next few weeks are an ideal time to purge outdated narratives and replace them with those that are more cohesive with the beliefs we’d like to solidify in the subconscious. Consider how you wish to transform your mental habits to better support who you are evolving into. This is a favorable time for us to actively affirm to ourselves the power that we inherently possess over our perspective. If your mind has had you clinging to something, especially something that has been ripped from your grasp, these transits are a supportive time for you to draft a new narrative about it. Mercury’s transit into Scorpio directly points to the events correlated with Pluto and Saturn’s movements (the events that perhaps happened at the beginning of May or the end of June). There may be an obscure reality that many of us are facing in regard to whatever has crumbled away over the past several months. We may be mourning our loss of what it once was, perhaps wishing for it back, but also acknowledging that at this point, it cannot be repaired or rebuilt into what it used to be. And therefore, we must accept the proverbial death of what we once found security in.

In a way, these past several months have perhaps been guiding us through the grieving process of this matter. And I have to clarify that while for some this loss may have been a literal thing or person, it could also be an intangible thing like a belief, an aspect of your identity, a value or moral structure, etc. Mercury in Scorpio benefits us by guiding us into the most vulnerable spaces of our minds so we can understand ourselves more wholly, even if we may not entirely enjoy what we discover. The mental shifts that happen during this transit will set us up for the Mercury retrograde initiating in Sagittarius toward the end of November; we are likely going to be clearing space for new ideas to be planted in the span of that retrograde. This would be a valuable time to begin a more intentional journaling practice that explores your inner world with greater transparency and honesty. Seek out any secrets you’ve been keeping from yourself, and if any discomfort arises, feel into where it may be residing in the body. We may have to face fears, taboos, or areas of discomfort during this transit, but this will be in support of our evolutionary process. Remember, the next four months or so are a highly favorable time for us to, essentially, reprogram our minds. What we put into our mindsets and perspectives now will likely be seen reflected in our lives in a more physical sense come February.

We may also be exploring our mentality toward intimacy and sexuality through this transit, perhaps uncovering hidden wounds around these subjects or understanding our relationships with them on a deeper level. We also may find ourselves uncovering inherited beliefs that have disguised themselves as our own perspectives—we will likely be recognizing how painful experiences, harmful environments, or difficult memories have altered our mentalities. This is the time to let go of thought processes, narratives, and beliefs that were never ours. Some thoughts and mental habits are established as a defense mechanism to keep us protected when experiencing something traumatic or harmful. While we may not want to, our mind can stay in that survival mode long after the traumatic event, especially if we haven’t allowed ourselves to process the emotions or pain that arose from going through such misfortunes. This is a valuable time to consider which parts of ourselves are still living in survival mode so that we can set ourselves free by providing our minds with a new story to live by, one that is written on our terms.

I will just briefly mention that the next several months will have some big invitations for us to have faith, heal, and more actively participate in our evolutionary process. We will have Mercury going retrograde in November, Mars going retrograde in December, and a Venus retrograde at the beginning of March next year (which will begin before and be active through our next eclipse season!!). These retrogrades happening alongside the big planetary shifts that are also happening—Pluto moving into Aquarius, Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron turning direct, and the North Node’s movement into Pisces—will provide us with a multitude of opportunities to explore our inner worlds and dislodge old ways of being, mentalities, habits, belief systems, and the like. With all of these big changes, I encourage you to discover what tools and practices will help recenter you in times of stress and ground you in times of uncertainty.

Because of the big energies mentioned above, I’ve redesigned my recorded readings and am now offering them once again. I will be discounting these recorded readings and all my other reading offerings for the remainder of the Libra season, which ends on October 21st. They are all 15% off!

Recorded Readings - $99 $85
Receive a 20-30 minute recording discussing anything of your choice; includes a discussion of up to three questions and an intuitively pulled oracle card for closing messages.

1:1 Readings (hosted via Zoom) - $222 $189 (90-minute meeting) || $190 $161 (60-minute meeting)
Meet with me for either 60 or 90 minutes to discuss your natal chart or current transits and any topic of your choice; includes discussion of 5-7 questions and a recording of your meeting.

1:1 Astrological Entrepreneurship Consultation - $333 $283 (90-minute meeting)
Meet with me for 90 minutes to discuss how your natal chart can be utilized to support your entrepreneurship journey. Discussion of 5-7 specific questions included alongside analysis of your greatest strengths in business, as well as conversation about any potential roadblocks to look out for. A recording of your meeting is included.


I am so excited to share that there were over 150 entries for this giveaway! I am so appreciative of each of you. If you didn’t win this time, just know that I hope to do more of these sorts of things in the future. <3
The winners of this giveaway were randomly selected. If you are mentioned below, I will be sending you an email tomorrow—you may have to check your spam folder if you don’t see it by the end of the day.

The winner of the 1:1 birth chart reading is Tallen G.!

The three winners of the bundle of extra offerings are:
Cami W.
Caroline M.
Daniella B.

Thank you again to everyone who entered. Sending you all love. xx

I find this trio to be a bit odd, as they, at first glance, seem to have quite unrelated themes. The family card refers to what happens behind closed doors, family issues, and family joys. The peacock represents extravagance, majesty, and divinity. And the apple refers to craving, the senses, and sex. But after a moment to ponder, I feel like the message is clear: to fully step into our splendor, we may have to disturb or upset those we feel closest to (or defy our places of origin in some capacity). Many of us may be going through an awakening of sorts, perhaps getting more deeply connected with our sexual essence and magnetism—our seductiveness—which could be the very thing that is helping us to evolve spiritually. There may be feelings of guilt that accompany this, as our internalized shame may be trying to keep us from exploring these more provocative or bold aspects of our identities. I also think this speaks to those who merely have a hunger for a hidden aspect of themselves, maybe not at all relating to sexuality, but equally as tabooed and uncomfortable to address as sexuality is for some. Whatever this matter is, we may find that we have to rebel against the structures from which we came—the values, morals, beliefs, and behavioral expectations that our caregivers raised us to have.

Sometimes to find a more balanced place within ourselves, we first have to lean over to the other side of the axis before we find somewhere sustainable in the middle. This may mean that we will act “out of character” (read: actively defy those aforementioned moral structures and belief systems from childhood). Some may be going through a revolution within themselves with the intention to liberate themselves from inner narratives that they’ve felt quite confined by, and while your actions may not be celebrated or well-received by everyone, this is a reminder that you know your intentions and what you need—only you know what the “right” choice is for you—and therefore, regardless of how others respond, their opinions are no accurate assessment of your goodness or badness. At the end of the day, whatever you decide to do will get a negative reaction from someone, so you may as well choose what feels best for you and disregard the external chatter. Everyone grows, heals, evolves, and expands in their own way—there’s no blueprint for us to follow. Tap into your senses (especially as we grow closer to Scorpio season!) and embrace your instinctual guidance.

This entire album has me in shambles

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini, Pluto Direct in Capricorn, Mercury in Scorpio. Check your rising sign for primary messages,

ARIES, this is a favorable time for you to assess your daily thought processes and how they influence your long-term beliefs. Perhaps you are acknowledging how the beliefs you’ve held and the mental patterns that have perpetuated on a daily basis have impacted your goals and aspirations over a long-term span. This is a time for you to investigate your inner workings, subconscious narratives, and internal monologue so you may be able to dismantle any narratives that aren’t serving your future. Consider what visions for the future still inspire and motivate you and which have reached their expiration date—don’t feel confined to an old mentality in the name of maintaining a dream that you no longer truly want. Your mind is transforming on many levels at this time; embrace new ideas and review your mental habits so you may curate an inner world that optimally supports the establishment of optimistic and heart-centered belief systems. In order to have the impact you may wish to have—either on society as a whole or, on a smaller scale, your immediate communities—you may have to abandon aspirations that feel familiar and safe. This may be having you contemplating leaving behind a job or career path for something that means more to you—perhaps you’re contemplating entrepreneurship! Don’t be afraid to move into uncharted waters.

TAURUS, this is a time in which you may be identifying what you truly value, which may be altering your relationship with money, your appearance, or your instincts. This can be a highly favorable time for establishing more confidence; you’re encouraged to put more conscious effort into narratives that affirm your value, deservingness, and magnetism. Perhaps you are having realizations about what you value most in relationships as well, which may be helping you to deepen your connection with an existing partner or develop a better understanding of what you need in partnership to feel seen, understood, and trusted. You may also be in the process of demolishing old belief systems that you have felt quite cemented in—you may be recognizing how destructive your participation in these belief systems’ rules has been on your ability to have faith in yourself or your aspirations and ambitions. As you clear away old mental structures, you may notice yourself developing a more optimistic and progressive perspective, one that encourages you to ask yourself more frequently, “Why not me?” The next few months will likely urge you to observe what safety nets you are clinging to that are preventing your growth, evolution, and expansion, even if they make you more comfortable at the moment. These influences invite you to build more trust with yourself so that the external matters—money, relationships, approval, success—will be more like enjoyable additions to your sense of security rather than what you depend on to feel safe.

GEMINI, this may be a time in which you’re reviewing an aspect of your identity, body, self-concept, or life path from a different perspective, perhaps by more intentionally implementing philosophies, concepts, or practices that you’ve been becoming acquainted with. This may symbolize a very healing time between you and your body; you may be purging sexual shame that has had an impact on your energy, body image, or physical wellness—even more specifically your reproductive health. You may be reflecting on how rigid or restrictive mentalities have created energetic blockages within you over the years and are moving into a more liberated space—one in which you may be exploring sexual freedom and empowerment, with a focus on being more open-minded. This will likely have a favorable impact on your creative or artistic life. As you free yourself from old belief systems, you may find that you begin exploring ideologies that you had previously been closed off to. Embrace your curiosity—explore yourself as you please, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Know that oftentimes, on the other side of fear, there is a sense of freedom that was previously inaccessible to you. Let the cycles and mentalities that are rooted in fear or shame and those that were established as a defense mechanism crumble away; they’re not serving you anymore.

CANCER, at this time, you may find yourself driven to cling to old relationship dynamics or you may be addressing fears that have heavily influenced the way that you interact with partners, both platonic and romantic. This may be a significantly pivotal time in your romantic life. Perhaps you are breaking free from old structures that have upheld a reliable, but perhaps now, restricting, way of approaching relationships, devotion, and sacrifice. You may be acknowledging that, for your relationships to reach their true potential, you have to let these old structures crumble, which may feel uncomfortable now but will likely be deeply rewarding further down the road. This is a time for you to curiously explore the corners of your subconscious mind and more intentionally demonstrate your trust in the divine plan. While you may try to keep things as they were, you may find that your efforts are not very successful, which is why these transits encourage you to allow what is crumbling to crumble, as you are likely only causing yourself more pain by trying to keep things as they were. You may not know the answers to things at present, and you aren’t really meant to; this is a time in which you’re being pushed to trust your instincts and intuition in ways that you have perhaps been afraid to do in the past. You are likely clearing away attachment wounds and any tendencies toward co-dependency that are preventing you from establishing deeper intimacy with yourself, your partner or close friends, and the universe.

LEO, you may be reviewing your social circles and considering how they are or are not supporting your progress toward your hopes and aspirations. Perhaps you are also feeling less concerned with how others perceive you as you are becoming more acquainted with aspects of your authentic self that you have suppressed out of fear of being judged or exiled. This period breaks you out of rigid habits that were perhaps established when you were in some iteration of survival mode—whether they were safety mechanisms developed in childhood or coping mechanisms curated in the wake of a traumatic experience, these habitual ways of being have likely felt like a perpetual loop that you’ve struggled to free yourself from. Perhaps these unwanted habits have limited your ability to show up in partnerships as you’d fully like to. Whether in a relationship or not, you are likely evolving on a very deep level either through a connection or are motivated to evolve due to a connection that you’ve been separated from. These influences invite you to investigate the origins of cyclic patterns that you’d like to break away from; they also enhance your ability to “write a new story.” You are invited to no longer submit to the beliefs or mentalities that were byproducts of previous misfortunes you encountered. Liberate yourself from their grasp and use this time to plant new ideologies into your subconscious—beliefs that you intentionally choose to support your growth.

VIRGO, you may be reviewing outdated patterns of self-expression that have been created to perform for or receive praise from others but are likely not very truthful to who you are. This may particularly pertain to your romantic endeavors; perhaps you are finding yourself reviewing attachment wounds or fears of being vulnerable and authentic. This may also symbolize you being urged to break through self-imposed creative limitations that have perhaps boxed you in and restricted your expression. You may be having an influx of ideas at this time, or your mind may just be a bit busier than usual; perhaps you are contemplating your goals and aspirations with greater depth. This may lead you into a period in which you will be reassessing where you’ve been directing your energy and effort and will perhaps reorganize your priorities. You might find yourself pulling away from certain goals and ruminating on what could be more fulfilling to you. Know that time has not been wasted if you’ve invested in something that no longer resonates. You may be able to integrate insight you’ve gained through previous endeavors into future ones. This is a time in which you’re urged to embrace redirection, especially when it comes to professional or romantic matters. You may notice past connections or new ones that remind you of past connections coming into your life; this is likely to provide you with the opportunity to reflect upon where you’ve come from, especially in terms of confidence and self-expression.

LIBRA, you may be recognizing at this time that the foundations of your life are undergoing some major reconstruction; perhaps you’ve had to face fears or wounds that refer to childhood or have had to uproot yourself from familiarity in some way. This is in the name of your authentic development; you are being ushered into a deeper place of personal empowerment, one in which you will likely feel much more yourself. You are perhaps feeling some friction within your family or home at this time, as there may be some misalignment of perspectives between you and your loved ones. Perhaps you feel like your family is preventing you from stepping into a more authentic identity or confining you to an old way of being that feels restrictive and tiring. You’re encouraged to not fear disagreement and to instead stand confidently by your authentic truth and heart’s calling. This is a time in which you’re encouraged to assess your belief systems, as you may be understanding that your perspectives, values, and the matters that are most important to you are undergoing some transformations at present. You may be discovering over the next few months that many of the beliefs you’ve abided by for quite a while have not been what you believe, but rather, are what you’ve been taught to believe. Know that you are allowed to have contradictory opinions and resonate with conflicting perspectives on the path to discovering what your truth is. You are not obligated to remain faithful to one mentality over another!

SCORPIO, you may be being asked through Pluto’s final passage of Capricorn to identify what mentalities or narratives you are clinging to—perhaps you are having to face that you’ve stubbornly held onto them to maintain your sense of security in yourself, even if you know, deep down, they are untrue or are preventing your growth. Jupiter’s retrograde may be urging you to look deeper into the parts of yourself that you run from or push away; you may be able to accomplish a great deal of healing over the next few months but may have to observe wounds or your own toxicities that you have perhaps not wanted to acknowledge. With Mercury now in your sign, this is a time of deep introspection and self-awareness, which is supportive of the work you will likely invest in during Jupiter’s retrograde. There is an invitation for you to consider what ideas may be “wrong” for you now, even if they were “right” at a different point in time. Perhaps you are uncovering narratives that were established during a painful or unsafe time—narratives that were written while in some iteration of survival mode. These influences urge you to consider how they may be preventing you from finding a more peaceful and secure place due to them perhaps breeding feelings of distrust in your discernment or ability to self-assess. Jupiter invites you to observe yourself when in a triggered state of being to understand what narrative is “driving the ship.” And on an unrelated, but final note, beware of gossip or being a “double agent” in interpersonal matters at this time; you may find yourself caught in the middle of unnecessary drama.

SAGITTARIUS, you may be attempting to hold onto control of something that has provided you a great deal of security; this could be a job, something relating to finances, or perhaps even an aspect of a relationship (either platonic or romantic). Your relationship with the feeling of security is evolving as Pluto turns direct; you’re asked to observe what you are clinging to, even if it is already in the process of transforming. You may find that your foundational beliefs are being challenged to be rewritten, which may be initiated by some sense of instability overcoming you. While this could translate to external matters that you attach your sense of security to—things that validate your safety or value in some way—you may equally experience this in a more interior sense, as your self-esteem may be transforming as well. Perhaps in the past, you’ve placed much of your worth on what you can provide for others and have allowed your value to be determined by what you can give in exchange for what you want. These next few months may be intending to remind you that, while it is admirable to want to be a good friend, partner, and person by giving your time, effort, and love to others, you do not always have to give something to be worthy of receiving. There will not always be an equal exchange in many cases, and this does not mean you must “make up” the difference for you to deserve what you’ve received. These influences remind you that you are worthy of all that you desire, just as you are right now. Consider what subconscious narratives regarding worthiness are being illuminated.

CAPRICORN, this final stretch of Pluto in your sign may feel quite pivotal and significant in your journey. You’re likely looking back upon the past sixteen years and may be understanding the role that even the most difficult experiences you’ve moved through have played in your evolution into who you are today. However, you may find that there are situations that are intentionally pulling control away from you so that you can learn more about surrender and freedom. You may be used to being able to do something when you are dissatisfied with the way something is going and are perhaps encountering matters that you cannot physically change, but you’re being reminded that you can change your experience of them by shifting your perspective. This may pertain to work matters or your daily habits; perhaps you will find that you will be urged to lighten your schedule and review your mentality toward work and productivity. You might find that the harder you push, the more delays you encounter, so you’re encouraged to invest your efforts into alternative projects if you find yourself getting stuck in one. This may also be a significant time for your health and physical body; perhaps you are understanding how you can better support yourself and optimize your energy output and productivity by finding more cohesive routines, diet, exercise habits, etc. This could be a beneficial time for you to delegate responsibilities or collaborate with others, but you’re encouraged to do so with clear intentions and only with those you substantially trust. This may be a beneficial time for you to connect with your community by being more transparent and vulnerable, as it will likely forge a more intimate connection with them.

AQUARIUS, these planetary influences may have you grasping for control in a situation that feels confusing or blurry, one that may have a spiritual undertone in some way—perhaps you feel like you are in the midst of fated events. This intends to liberate you from any deep-seated wounds revolving around acquiring security and comfort. This is a time in which you may find yourself being made aware of secret subconscious motivations; that is, you may realize you’ve repeated behavioral patterns in relationships or in money-related matters that have disguised themselves to be confident and self-assured when in reality they’re insecure and afraid to trust. This may also be a time in which you’re assessing your satisfaction in romantic or creative matters; you may find that a casual romantic connection helps you to understand yourself better, as it may be challenging you to be more open and vulnerable. Perhaps you will explore your relationship with your identity through different creative mediums. There is a prominent invitation for you to develop more trust in your instincts and intuition through these influences, as you may know deep down that they’re leading you in the right direction, but, on a more human level, be struggling to believe that everything will work out as it’s meant to. The next few months may be more interior; know that others are not entitled to know what you’re doing or thinking. With Mercury in Scorpio, you’re asked to be intentional with whom you share your thoughts and life experiences—knowledge is power. Any professional matters, big ideas, and developments involving your public face and reputation should be kept secret unless shared with a trusted confidant.

PISCES, this period encourages you to investigate the roots of your limiting beliefs with greater curiosity, and while doing so may bring about feelings of discomfort, there are likely deeply rewarding realizations to be had. It also asks you to assess how your basic needs are being met. You may find yourself acknowledging that you have been operating from limitations that have been created in an attempt to control how others will see you, or perhaps you’ve found yourself acting in performative ways so you do not shake the standing of your place in your social groups or community. This may also translate to your online presence in some way. You are likely being asked to evolve through insecurities or inner wounds by facing them more directly, perhaps by actively pursuing experiences that, in a way, force you to confront them. These wounds may be revolving around worth, inner power, or sexuality. This is an opportune time to rewrite your foundational narratives to be more supportive of your evolution, which you may find yourself doing by intentionally rebelling against “how you’ve always been.” You may be required to revisit childhood in some capacity, which could have you returning to a childhood home or simply reviewing childhood experiences. You’re asked to exercise your influence over that which you have control of, but when it comes to that which you do not (primarily referencing others’ opinions, choices, and perceptions of you), you’re urged to let go. You’re establishing a more steadfast and secure relationship with yourself and the universe.