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  • Leo Season, Venus in Virgo, and Accepting "What Is"

Leo Season, Venus in Virgo, and Accepting "What Is"

Life gets a lot easier when you realize how little you control

Vol. 61 // 08-07-24

Obviously, I’ve been quite open about the drastic life changes I’ve been encountering in the past few weeks, but we’re gonna keep talking about it, hehe. I’ve been seeking out the magic and beauty in this new chapter of life, even though those whimsical moments of seeing a new horizon line, finding a new favorite coffee shop, and parking in a new parking spot are also infused with a tint of grief for the iteration of those same things that reside in my old life. I encounter bittersweetness on the daily and have quite a few moments of longing for where I once was and who I once spent so much time with. Before I secured my apartment, the pain of not knowing where I will find sanctuary was nearly crippling at times, and even now that I have a place to live, I find myself wanting my old life back. But even if I were to return and things were to be “just like they used to be,” they actually wouldn’t be. Everything has changed, and I cannot reverse it.

In navigating all of these complex emotions and the ongoing transition I find myself in, I have learned something quite valuable: life becomes a lot easier when you just let it happen in front of you. I didn’t realize before this transition how in control I was of my life, and I found so much confidence and security in what I thought the next fifty years of my life would look like. Clearly, nothing about tomorrow is promised, but when you get into the daily throws of routine and familiarity, it can feel like it is. I’ve recognized through this experience thus far that I actually cling to the thought of what I think tomorrow holds much tighter than I thought myself to, and because of that, I’m actually not as flexible with changes of plans as I once considered myself to be. When I first got to this new city and didn’t quite have my feet underneath me, the fear and discomfort that accompanied this big change was enormous, and I felt like it was infused into every thought I had, despite my trying to remain ~chill~ and unphased. But now, I think about 90% of the time, I’ve been able to practice a bit more of a stoic mentality, which has provided me with so much peace. And it also helps that I've been establishing a new sense of normalcy by creating simple daily rituals.

When you allow people to show you who they are, let life unfold on its own time, and remove your investment in what you think should happen, there’s a lot more room for fun, peace, joy, opportunity, and contentment to exist. I used to be the type of person who would cling onto people even if they didn’t want me in their lives, and back then, I would have done anything to maintain my friendships, relationships, and other such connections. But now, I don’t do that at all. I accept those who fall out of alignment with me just as much as I accept those who do. And if someone I love dearly wishes to journey in a different direction without me, I wish them well and send them off with love. I think that is the primary teaching I am learning through this whole experience—to let go of control and allow. While I hope one day that ability to allow will be an effortless piece of my character, but for the time being, it has been a very intentional and conscious effort. However, the more moments I’ve found that I’ve been able to make peace with what is, the less complicated my life has become. I’m not spending hours swirling the drain anymore and can catch myself when I’m starting to slip into a mentality of wanting control.

I suppose my entire intention in writing this little section to you is to invite you to allow more, regardless of what is happening in your personal experience. If someone wants to leave, let them leave. If something doesn’t work out how you wanted it to, accept it and thank it for the opportunity. If someone demonstrates their character to you, don’t try to fit them into the concept of them that you’ve imagined—accept the reality of who they are. But most importantly, if your heart speaks a truth to you and your intuition affirms it, honor it, accept it, and embrace its simplicity. We can spend a lot of time trying to convince ourselves that we want to stay at jobs, in relationships, involved in friendships, and other such engagements, even though we do not, just to maintain a sense of comfort and security in what is familiar to us. However, when we celebrate each truth that emerges from within and can honor it despite our egoic resistance, we align with the natural order of the universe and unite with our soul’s callings. Let what is be just as it is; there’s no need for overcomplication. <3

On July 22nd, the Sun ingressed into its home sign, Leo, encouraging us to return to the spark of inspiration that resides within each of our hearts. Venus has recently shifted into Virgo on August 5th, which may be having us investing more into our routines, self-care practices, and habits and becoming more passionately devoted to the process of actualizing our desires. As we progress through this season, we may find it beneficial to act more from instinct and passion and to actively seek out ways to embody what makes us feel more empowered, confident, and bright, so that we can use that power to propel us into more productive and empowering spaces.

As I said above, Leo is the sign of the sun. The sun is the star that is the center of our solar system—it is what all of the other planets orbit and are illuminated by. The sun is a powerful force and produces an enormous amount of light, heat, energy, and power. In astrology, the sun is the ego, pride, our star quality, and the “light” about us that is infused into everything we are, do, say, and embody. If you think of how the sun’s light touches so much of the earth at once and is able to bathe so much of the world with its life-giving energy, this is what the sun does in our personal charts. This is why the sun governs Leo—it embodies this quality well and does so unapologetically. Leo is symbolized by the Lion, a figure of pride, confidence, leadership, power, and an animalistic, primal quality. Leo has been described in ancient texts as a creature or beast—its natives may find themselves driven by passion and craving rather than any type of “practical” goal. Like the other fire signs, Leo navigates life by listening to the spark within, the thing that excites them—they need no other reason to do something other than to experience the excitement of doing it. These individuals can be quite exuberant and lively—like the sun, they may crave appreciation, attention, and praise for their brightest qualities. Oftentimes this leads to a stereotype being established around Leo, one that ends up emphasizing the concept that Leo is boisterous, egotistical, and so self-centered that they will consume as much attention from those around them as they possibly can. They have been stereotyped as loud, vain, dramatic, and self-absorbed, and while this can manifest as one of the unevolved iterations of Leo, it is definitely not who they truly are.

In order to understand Leo better, we must also understand the quality of the sun and the house that Leo naturally governs, the fifth. The sun, as I said, is primarily described in astrology as the ego, but what is the ego? I like to interpret the ego as the part of ourselves that wishes to feel in control, empowered, and “on top” of life. The ego, as a vehicle, will accomplish this in many different ways, especially depending on our individual sun signs and the houses they occupy. Some may do so by bullying, calling attention to themselves, and seeking out moments where they feel like the most important person in the room. Others may do this through self-deprecation, making themselves smaller so that they may not have the pressure of being noticed by the world around them. Each sun sign has its own nuances and variations of expression, but at its core, the sun and ego wish to feel as confident as possible, and this is also what Leo craves. Being governed by the sun is a big responsibility—being seen is unavoidable for Leo, which may be something that they either relish or detest, but regardless, it is their life path.

The fifth house, Leo’s natural domain, is the home of fun, creativity, all acts of creation (including sex as a physical act), flirtation, all forms of art, attraction, humor, drama, recreation, dating, and inspiration. The fifth house is where all gossip, parties, festivals, first dates, no-strings-attached interactions, shower concerts, performances, first impressions, and meet-cutes happen. This is the house where outfits are planned, ideas (and babies) are conceived, and movie-esque experiences are had. Children fall into this house, but it is also where our most childlike quality is, so we may explore this house to accomplish inner-child healing and better understand what kind of parent we will be. The fifth house is where we are our most unfiltered selves, but it’s also where we care the most about how that self is perceived by others, as it can symbolize how we wish to fit in with the “cool kids.”

With all of that said, Leo has a natural craving to be celebrated by the world around them and oftentimes requires more external validation from others than the other signs, as they are always “shining their light” on others but seldom receive that light back in the capacity that they desire. Self-confidence and accessing the “true self” at their core is a massive part of their journey of soul evolution, and this is what we’re all invited to consider during Leo season.

In this season, we may become more aware of our insecurities, the development of our self-concept, and social presence, but we are also often reminded of our “star power,” the thing that sets us apart from the rest of the world. It is in this season that we reconnect with our zest for life, the things that inspire us, and who we truly feel we are—the things that make us individual and unique. This can be a season of self-reinvention, the beginning of numerous creative projects, and exploration of the core essence of who we are. We may recognize in this season how we’ve been performing for the world—in an attempt to be the “true self,” we may realize that we’ve curated a character of who we think we should be, rather than simplifying things and embodying the authentic self that can flow effortlessly through us if only we stop overcomplicating things for ourselves. The key to getting the most from this season is to not make things more complex than they need to be. Leo’s strength is inspired action, but when they start trying to make things too strategic or controlled, they may lose their confidence in their ability to do things “right” and crush the magic of their inspiration.

This season can be a good time to try new creative avenues, stylistic expressions, and hobbies, and to remind ourselves of the gift that following our initial instinct is. In an attempt to be attractive, popular, exciting, inspiring, or unforgettable, we may unintentionally crush our natural way of being so. Leo wants to be the person on the train who becomes someone’s crush for the day; they want to be memorable. Leo may be deeply afraid of being forgettable, replaceable, and mediocre. Because of this fear, they may become overly self-absorbed, investing much of their time and energy into their physical appearance, charisma, social personality, and reputation. Leo often grows up observing what types of character qualities get them the most validation, approval, and attention, as these are things that they oftentimes need to feel secure in themselves. They may learn that being overly accommodating, careful, and analytical is what does the trick, which may develop them into severe people pleasers who have few to no boundaries to protect their own needs. They may feel validated by making others happy. Alternatively, they may observe that in order to receive the attention they need, they must proclaim it and chase it, which may develop them into the more stereotypical description of Leo: arrogant, selfish, and vain. These individuals may find themselves to be so deeply absorbed in themselves that they develop the belief that they are the center of the universe and are better than others. Regardless of the expression, both iterations of Leo are rooted in the same pain point—insecurity, low self-esteem, and the fear that they are not worthy of genuine praise or admiration.

During Leo season, we are collectively asked to look at how our egos are influencing how we show up in the world and are invited to return to our core essence—to return to simplicity. This is also a season for us to better understand the relationship between the heart’s desire and selfishness, as they can sometimes be confused with one another. We are asked to regain our sense of excitement and playfulness for life and to remember that, although life can be full of complex emotions and experiences, we can easily overcomplicate them for ourselves by reacting more dramatically to them than necessary. It may be helpful to identify your natal sun sign and the house it occupies during this season, as we are often influenced to not only reconnect with the house that Leo governs in our natal charts but also our personal ego archetype and how it most prevalently manifests. This season inspires us to become realigned with our hearts and authentic expressions, which may mean that we’re changing up our fashion tastes, focusing on our physical appearances, and viewing ourselves as the main characters of our lives more frequently, but beyond the surface, we are ignited through this time to relish in that undefinable quality that makes us unique from the rest of the world—the star quality of being you. Embrace that essence, dance like no one’s watching, and celebrate the magic that each moment of presence can offer you when you pause to sit with it.

As I shared above, Venus entered Virgo a couple of days ago on the 5th and will remain in this sign until the 29th, which benefits our ability to organize, prioritize, and devise a plan of action for our creative endeavors to be channeled into tangible terms. Venus in Virgo is oftentimes a bit rigid, as it enjoys consistency, dependability, and practicality a bit more than the other Venus placements, which can mean that if Virgo’s critical side is overly depended upon, Venus can feel held back in Virgo. However, I often find this transit to be refreshing, especially after her passage through Leo, which often brings up a lot of creative energy but can sometimes be so enormous and without direction that there may be difficulty in exerting any creative energy outside of ourselves. It can feel like having a ton of energy but not knowing where to put it! However, there is often a lot of excitement with Venus in Leo—we flirt with more creative ideas and gather inspiration from all sorts of different spaces. Venus in Virgo is where we create a structure for that inspiration to be brought into a graspable concept.

Venus in Virgo is when we create a ritual and sense of order around our creative efforts—it’s when we dedicate ourselves to consistently exercising our creative “muscles.” Oftentimes creativity can be perceived as something that we either naturally possess or do not possess, but this is not true. We are all inherently creative beings—to be human is to be creative. It can also be believed that inspiration is the only cue for creativity to commence, but this is also false. I’ve found that the more I make creative exploration and expression a disciplined practice, the more I am able to create even when inspiration does not exist. This is the suggestion that Venus in Virgo makes to us—to make creativity a sacred and ritualistic practice that we commune with each day.

This may be having us find an artistic flair to the most mundane of tasks like washing the dishes or doing laundry, or we may simply be finding the artistry that is subtly infused into such habitual tasks. Inspiration and pleasure may find us in the most unexpected of places, which we may feel inclined to integrate into our art—however you engage with artistry. This transit can also be a favorable influence on our wellness and most frequented spaces. You might find yourself finding great joy in redecorating, reorganizing, tidying up, or making the energy of your living spaces feel more fluid. This also may be a time in which we’re relishing more meticulous self-care practices and are honing in on what types of things contribute to not only our physical well-being but also our sense of comfort in our bodies. Many of us may be refining our diets as well, not necessarily restricting or trying to enforce any harsh regiment, but tuning into our sensual energy and asking our vessels, “What do you need from me? How can I support you?” Perhaps you find a new breakfast recipe you enjoy that will become a staple for the next several months, or maybe you find yourself naturally gravitating toward food choices that help you feel lighter, brighter, and more energetically balanced. This also applies to movement and exercise, but again, the focus will likely not be constructed around the idea of, “This is good for me, so I must do it,” but rather, “This feels good, so I must gift my body this experience.”

In terms of money and love, some of Venus’s other focal areas, this may be a time in which we’re being more selective about how we use our time and energy to engage in interpersonal connections and also may practice a bit more restraint in frivolous spending. Venus in Virgo often has a deep appreciation for practical demonstrations of love—acts of service and quality time and conversation are important to this placement. If you can do something to make their day flow easier, lessen their burdens, or offer them some free time, Venus in Virgo will be greatly appreciative. In the same light, under this influence, we are all likely finding great joy in establishing routines that make our days flow a little better and are probably quite appreciative of anyone who is willing to lighten our load of responsibilities. We could crave more solitude under this influence, as we’re more focused on the practical parts of our lives as well as the structures that help us feel supported, which have perhaps been neglected in the months past. This is a time in which we’re enjoying the process of getting back into routine and therefore may not have as much time or desire for excessive recreation or outings. However, we may enjoy a quiet night doing a puzzle with or reading a book beside someone we love.

When it comes to financial and material matters, in the sign of Virgo, Venus encourages us to make a plan and stick to it. This influence supports practical and level-headed spending, not too boundless but also not overly possessive. There can sometimes be money anxiety with this placement, but it’s more likely that Venus will help us to be reasonable with ourselves when it comes to handling our finances. This is an energy that, while it may not want to buy the new couch, can recognize that it’s necessary for the function of the home and for daily life to be easier, so ultimately, it will choose to invest. This might be something to consider when making purchases, especially if you encounter worry or stress around spending. Consider how whatever you’re purchasing realistically will be integrated into your daily routine and go from there. I’ve already found myself in such situations as I’m settling into my new place, and while I technically could have gotten by without them, it’s so nice to eat breakfast off of an actual plate and not a piece of cardboard (LOL)! Don’t deny yourself the blessing of supplying yourself with things that are supportive of your routines and daily rituals. It’s the little things that count!

Lastly, just a final thought about this energy’s influence over wellness—digestion and gut health are blessed by Venus with this transit! If this is something you’ve been putting off, telling yourself, “Oh, I’ll eventually repair my gut,” I encourage you to use this brief transit as a time to reset your digestive system and give it some extra love. We may be more sensitive to caffeine and alcohol with this influence, so we may benefit by limiting our intake of them. Virgo is the “earth maiden;” she thrives off of the earth’s remedies and a holistic approach to wellness. I’m not a health professional, but based on the astrological archetypes and the systems of the body that Virgo governs, we may benefit by eating more whole and fermented foods at this time. This could also be a great time to begin a small blessing ritual over your meal, which can be done by simply taking a moment and a couple of deep breaths, facing your palms to your food and imagining yourself sending gratitude through your palms into it. This is to show gratitude to the land, animals, and farmers who have given their time, energy, presence, life, or effort for you to be able to have the meal before you. It may sound a little silly, but try it out if you feel like it; it feels pretty lovely.

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