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Liberation from expired connections, ideologies, and social personas.

2024 NEW MOONS + SOLAR ECLIPSE // Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024

Greetings friends,

You have perhaps seen quite a bit of conversation on this eclipse, with the discussion heavily centered around “severing ties” with or “slamming the door” on something or someone, as this new moon’s conjunction with Lilith, proximity to the south node, and being the final eclipse in Libra (at least until nearly 2033) reference a prominent conclusion being reached for many of us, in some capacity or another. For many, relationships may be a focal point in this event, as Libra naturally governs the seventh house of partnership, marriage, sacrifice, contracts, and devotion, although other contractual matters or things involving commitment may be the topic of your focus. This will not just show up in our relationships with others; it will also show up in our relationships with ourselves, as well as our relationships with different concepts, ideas, or belief systems—things that we’ve been proverbially “married” to. And while this eclipse may refer back to October 2023 or earlier this year in April, I think shifts that happened around the end of June of this year will be more prominent, as this was when Lilith moved into Libra. Lilith has played a significant role in this Libra and Eclipse season. The end of June may have been when some type of initiation of an ending happened, perhaps a breakup or a shift in consciousness away from an ideology, but this ending has likely felt as if it has lingered, and each of the past few full moons we’ve had has helped us tie up any remaining loose ends from it. This new moon and solar eclipse are, in a sense, a final push to set it free—to let it go. In doing so, we may feel ourselves also being set free and opening a door for us to embark on a new journey, but this initiation may feel bittersweet.

We are exploring themes of guilt and shame in this new moon, as we’re being radically liberated from them and may find ourselves rebelling against the systems, structures, or belief systems that have used these feelings to control us. We are also looking at our definitions of “good” and “bad” and asking ourselves what it means to be a “good partner” or a “good person.” In pondering such ideas, you may find that you, albeit unintentionally, allow your assumption of how others would define these things to influence your definition. It’s almost impossible not to, as our goodness or badness often affects those we interact with. However, there are moments in which we are confronted with the fact that sometimes, to be good to ourselves, we must accept that others will think of or experience us in a poor light, but that does not necessarily mean we are inherently “bad.” Sometimes, to be the hero in our own stories, we will end up the villain in someone else’s. Sometimes, in the process of saving ourselves, we unavoidably hurt others. Such situations are what this moon specifically points to, as we’re being urged to accept that the matters we may be facing under this energy are ones in which we should choose ourselves, and ferociously so, as an outcome in which everyone walks away feeling satisfied may not entirely exist.

While this eclipse is a new moon—lunar events that are known for their symbolism of new beginnings—this one may feel like a bittersweet new chapter, as it is likely being gifted to us through something ending or being taken from us, or at least we may perceive it that way in this space and time. Some of us may be preparing to deliver difficult truths, but others may have to receive them, which will likely surround this moon with different iterations of the concept of harsh but necessary truth. Simultaneously, there is a sense of sexual liberation or just overall freedom in this moon, as Lilith’s involvement encourages us to defy the social roles we’ve felt confined to in our attempt to receive acceptance or approval. We’re encouraged to stop trying to be what others want us to be. We may find ourselves rebelling against social concepts or moral arguments we’ve loyally stood by for quite a long time, perhaps recognizing that we don’t actually align with them in the ways we thought we did; we merely said we aligned with them because we didn’t want our true thoughts to be frowned upon.

While Libra is painted as the perpetually indecisive type, many of us may be coming to terms with something that we know needs to happen, but we may find it hard to proceed with. And the decisions involving other parties that need to be or have already been made are likely not maliciously plotting to hurt those they involve. We may find that others’ hurt or dissatisfaction is merely a byproduct of our choosing ourselves. There may be the inclination to act in revenge (“However low you go, I can go lower”)—this is advised against. There is no need to dramatize any interpersonal exchanges that are necessary to move on. We can share our true feelings without pushing guilt or shame onto others, especially if these conversations revolve around how someone has wronged you in the past. Someone hurting you does not warrant your hurting them back—we must remain accountable for our own actions and responses, regardless of how immature or tactless others have acted.

Some of us may be making choices that we aren’t entirely emotionally satisfied with; the only reason we’re deciding what we’re deciding is likely because we know this is what is best for us. Some of these matters may even be tinged with the question, "Well, what else am I supposed to do?” as it may feel like we’ve been backed into a corner and are simply making do with what we have. These types of situations are never ideal, but when they arrive, we cannot avoid our roles in their outcomes. At some point, we must act. This moon may be infused with complex feelings regarding matters of the past that we cannot change, even if we may want to. If things had transpired differently, then maybe we would be acting differently now, but that is simply not the case. This eclipse signifies our reaching a point of peace regarding something we cannot change. It represents our breaking free from codependent or inauthentic relationship patterns. It symbolizes liberation from who we’ve thought we should be and alignment with the deep, inner truth that we resonate with, even if that truth will get us rejected in certain spaces.


Eclipses are well known for being turning points in our personal development, spiritual evolution, and alignment with the “higher purpose” many of us feel connected to. They are like spiritual wormholes that we must uncomfortably move through, but oftentimes on the other side, we find ourselves occupying a different iteration of reality. This eclipse may feel especially intense for some, as it’s charged with the rebellious nature of Lilith and is forming alongside the south node, a point referring to the past but also fate—”what has always been meant to happen.” This eclipse’s conjunction with Lilith sparks a new journey of sexual freedom and liberation from societally imposed expectations that we’ve felt pressured or shamed into conforming to. This is due to Lilith’s themes of feminine power and sexuality, the untamed, and defiance. However, this does not just translate to sexual matters; this also applies to creative expression and our authentic way of being—our sexual energy is our most potent force of creative energy and must not be limited to expression only through sexual experiences. Lilith represents feminine sexuality that does not conform to societal roles or expectations and therefore is not performing for anyone or anything. She acts without concern for those witnessing her; she is deeply in touch with the womb—her temple of creation—and is in a constant creative flow state.

Lilith has been a significant influence this Libra season, and in this new moon, she unchains us from interpersonal archetypes that we’ve stayed in to appease others. This moon is about abandoning relationship patterns and tendencies that have prevented us from pursuing a more authentic path, which may mean that we are fully separating ourselves from connections that we’ve perpetually overcompensated for. We’re reminded through this moon that it’s not our job to rebuild a bridge that someone else burned or rekindle a flame that someone else extinguished, and while we may long for what we once had, the version of that connection that once existed is no longer accessible due to the actions that have been taken and choices that have been made. While we may wish that our “fixing” things by sacrificing ourselves in some way may be what will restore what once was, the reality is that this would not be authentic or sustainable. We must allow others to suffer the consequences of their actions and the repercussions of their choices at this time. We can no longer pick up the pieces.

This moon introduces us to a new way of being in relationships and an evolved essence of our sexuality. We may find ourselves radically approaching dating, connection, and self-expression differently, which may mean that some will go through an experimentation phase to understand how they can best show up in this new iteration of self. Perhaps we will find ourselves rebelling against beauty standards and gender roles; we may find in the weeks following this moon that we care much less about how we are perceived by others, or we may at least find ourselves becoming more dedicated to not concerning ourselves with how others see us. In the weeks following this lunation, we’re encouraged to bring awareness to any insecurities or inner wounds that arise so that we can identify where they are potentially rooted within us. Lilith advises us to run toward fear of rejection and consider how celebrating the qualities that society may frown upon may help us access a different form of confidence and attract more intimate connections.

As eclipses go, the energy of this may be felt over the next couple of weeks, especially considering how the next full moon will be happening in Aries (although it will not be an eclipse). That will be the first full moon on the Aries-Libra axis, phasing us out of the teachings of their nodal cycle, but may be just as relevant in the themes we’ve been exploring over the past year or so. For the time being, embrace the release of whatever you are finding yourself liberated from, and allow the past to remain in the past. While this moon may have us glancing back at relationships that we are now no longer involved in—perhaps having us yearn for their reunion—we are reminded that if a reunion is in the cards, the approach to the relationship must be much different than it previously was, and there is likely much work to be done in order for that to happen. Time will tell. Some relationships are meant to come back together, while others are simply meaningful stepping stones, and regardless of which our previous connections may be, now is likely not the time for us to entertain the potential of their re-establishment. This is a time to exercise a healthy amount of selfishness and choose what is best for you and your path—honor your authentic path and don’t worry yourself with how it is perceived by others.


If you’re interested in reading a more detailed analysis of this full moon and want to receive the journaling prompts and mindfulness practice that I designed with this full moon in mind, you can join the Moon Circle through the button below. By joining the moon circle, in every moon newsletter you will receive:

  • Detailed discussion of additional planetary influences and any prominent aspects that will be active during the lunation

  • Manifestation practices, release rituals, journaling prompts, and other moon-related offerings

  • Description of what it means if the new or full moon is contacting your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node

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