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An introduction to the Pisces-Virgo nodal cycle.

2024 FULL MOONS + LUNAR ECLIPSE // September 17th, 2024 through September 18th, 2024

Before I get into discussing this full moon and lunar eclipse, I’d like to tell you something about math. A conversation with a math genius who has become very dear to me inspired the graphic for this newsletter, as we were discussing the concept of infinity and translating it for one another through our respective passions. The twelfth house and Pisces, by association, describe the endlessness of infinity but also imply that, despite infinity’s bigness, it is strangely a singular, unified object. He quickly related this to a mathematical symbol of infinity, the Mobius strip. This is what the fish in the graphic are traveling—a non-orientable surface that never intersects itself but seems like it should. It is, strangely, an infinite loop with only one edge and one surface, and by tracing one loop, you end up in the same place that you began, but on the opposite side of the strip and facing the opposite direction. A second loop will bring you back to your original point and in the direction you started in. From my understanding, it is, one, an allegory of control that is lost—when attempting to travel outward, you end up spiraling inward; when trying to navigate away from where you are, you unavoidably end up back where you were. But secondly, it represents the delicate intimacy that surprisingly dwells in vastness. It provides us a visual concept to describe how life is an intricate multitude of many feelings, decisions, victories, failures, and experiences, yet simultaneously one singular object. It symbolizes how life continues to echo back memories of the past through new, unknown experiences—even when you grow so distant from where you were, familiar feelings seem to make their way back to us in different forms, over and over and over again.

This is also the nature of Pisces and its symbol, the two fish unified by a cord, which has many interpretations but, in my opinion, represents the invisible ties that make us much more relatable to one another than we realize. Similar to how all the fish in the ocean are technically in the same body of water, we all reside in the “ocean of existence,” and despite its enormity, it is one ever-ongoing experience that we cannot find ourselves separated from, even if we were to try to isolate ourselves from it. The Mobius strip and Pisces are two interpretations of the same thing, which, in itself, is an example of what they individually intend to describe. Something can have many interpretations from many different perspectives, but the number of interpretations does not change the fact that it is one singular thing, no matter how many there may be. This applies most tangibly to the feelings we encounter through life experiences. If love is seemingly lost, it seeks us out over and over through any form it can find—even if we actively avoid it, doing so seemingly draws it toward us faster. Inspiration will be found in unfamiliar spaces, which may strangely call forward feelings of nostalgia. Love and inspiration, among other things, are singular experiences that can have many faces, and surprisingly, even when they come to us in a new form, we will always undoubtedly recognize them. While we continue to travel forward through linear time, we are unconsciously retracing metaphorical paths that are weathered from the number of times we’ve already tread them. We circle back to themes we’ve already addressed but return to them with a new set of eyes, a bit more experience, and more often than not, a shifted perspective from what it previously was.

The eclipses that occur on the Pisces-Virgo axis will likely continue to dissect the nuances of infinity, the universe, control versus surrender, the unknown, magic, belief, nostalgia, and paradoxes, among many other things, which I will expound upon at a later date. As we move through this eclipse season, and especially as we continue to explore these themes over the next year and a half with the lunar nodes activating this axis, consider how you may be shown the past through new experiences. Take notice of familiar feelings being illustrated through unfamiliar mediums. This life we have is a perpetual question that answers itself again and again.

Important Note: This newsletter is so big that I had to put the horoscopes in a separate email; keep an eye out for it!

It’s here—eclipse season is upon us. An eclipse season will last approximately two weeks, and because they follow the path of the north and south nodes, they will always occur in pairs—one will form a full moon and lunar eclipse and a second will form a new moon and solar eclipse. Eclipse season will begin upon the first one’s formation and close with the second one’s, but the eclipse season’s energy is traditionally said to be present and noticeable as early as four weeks before the season begins and four weeks after it concludes. Because the north and south nodes are involved, there is an element of rebalancing that happens through eclipse seasons, which, on a grander scale, is carried through the entirety of the sign axis being activated by the nodes. The nodes take about eighteen months to pass through a pair of signs, but as they prepare to change into a new set, we will encounter eclipses in the pair of signs that will soon be activated by the nodes. This is what this eclipse is—the north node is still in Aries and the south node in Libra, but we are getting an introduction to the themes and focus that the Pisces-Virgo axis will highlight for each of us one the nodes make their transition into this pair of signs. Because the nodes are still finalizing their travel through Aries and Libra, we will likely be exploring through this eclipse how we can integrate the teachings of the Aries-Libra axis into the Pisces-Virgo axis once they shift over in January.

This will be the first eclipse activating the Pisces-Virgo axis since 2017, although the previous time it was active was when the North node transited Virgo and the South node Pisces. The last time that the North node was in Pisces and the South node in Virgo, which is the exact transit we will soon re-experience, was between 2006 and 2007. We will be asked through this next nodal cycle to align more with the energy of Pisces, which will likely have us addressing matters that require surrender, acceptance, belief, trust, and a sense of faithful devotion to the ever-unfolding unknown. This will simultaneously ask us to loosen our grip on the material world—the domain of Virgo—to loosen our grip on logic, facts, and tangibility for a period so we may entertain the magic that subtly surrounds us, despite us perhaps not noticing it often. This nodal cycle will emphasize the importance of detaching from that which we cannot control. We may be presented with many opportunities to let go of, make peace with, and set free matters that we desperately wish to have some sense of immediate influence over. And this may be what this specific full moon is introducing us to by inviting us to set something or someone free, as an act of faith in what has always been meant to happen. This next nodal cycle may ask us to believe in magic or the impossible, and if we can open ourselves to welcome experiences of this nature, we may find ourselves rapidly aligning with a deeper sense of fulfillment. The next nodal cycle will ask us to be more devoted to our dreams than we have been in quite a while.

Eclipses have a reputation for rapid or unexpected change, which can sometimes mean that chaotic events occur around or during their formation, but they are powerful periods of evolution and transformation and symbolize a time in which our awareness of what we must learn is amplified. These periods are like wormholes of growth, in which we can accomplish months of work in a short period if we can trust our inner guidance and let go of what we think things should be. During the lunar eclipse (full moon), we may encounter sudden and intense breakthroughs, feel certain things ripped from our grasp despite perhaps not feeling ready, have profound epiphanies, or perhaps we will experience a mixture of all of the above. The solar eclipse (new moon) is often accompanied by blessings in disguise, new opportunities that may grow into something far more important, and radical new beginnings in many different spaces. This eclipse cycle will host one eclipse in Pisces, giving us a taste of what will be more heavily highlighted in the next year and a half or so, and one in Libra, which will continue to encourage us to sever ties with performative behavior, people pleasing, and maintaining old identities for the sake of being accepted, celebrated, and understood by others.

This full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces is an awakening to a new journey about to be embarked upon, one that may feel much less tangible and more of a symbolic voyage inward to a higher state of consciousness. It is an activation of something bigger that resides within us that we have not yet realized. There will likely be some level of clarity found in this full moon, as it is the conclusion of this summer’s major astrological events and the final full moon of the season—the three preceding it were quite heavy for the collective, as they likely symbolized some difficult emotions we had to move through but may not have wanted to. The full moons of the summer were for purging the things, people, scenarios, beliefs, and environments that were weighing us down in some way, but that’s not to say they were “bad” for us. Perhaps we had to release people or situations that once felt deeply cohesive with our paths but now do not fit into our lives as easily as they once did. This full moon acknowledges the hard work, tough choices, dedication, and will to see things through that we’ve collectively demonstrated and echoes the insights that may be realized through this next nodal cycle. Embrace any emotions that arise and keep your eyes set softly on the horizon.


The primary invitation that this full moon and lunar eclipse are posing to us is one of surrender and acceptance. Over the course of this summer, we’ve been purging old habits, patterns, cycles, and beliefs and have been clearing out karmic tendencies—that is, repeated behaviors and responses we’ve found ourselves resorting to when our egos feel challenged or threatened. The ego craves to keep us in a space of control so that we may always feel safe, and while its intentions can be admirable, in its pursuit of safety, it can often prevent us from making progress in the directions we desire to move in. This is how we may find ourselves slipping into cycles of repeating our lessons over and over again, not fully grasping what we’re truly meant to understand until we’ve grown tired of encountering the same, perhaps disappointing, result.

This full moon continues to ask the question that the past few full moons have inquired about: can you let go even when you don’t feel ready to? Can you make peace with “all that is,” even when it doesn’t fit the description of what you’d expected? This full moon will be contacting Neptune, which is still retrograde in Pisces, and will also complete the formation of a kite pattern, an astrological planetary formation associated with destiny, determination, optimism, and a will to actualize the potential available to us. The other planets participating in this formation will be Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, both of which are retrograde as well. The thing that sets this full moon apart from the other three of this summer is that it’s, in my opinion, actually quite refreshing and energizing. We may find ourselves quite inward during its formation, as this is typically the nature of full moons; however, it is participating in such harmonious and optimistic aspects to other planetary bodies involved that there will likely be a strong undertone of hopefulness and possibility present.

This eclipse asks us to have a level of faith that may feel uncomfortable for us to demonstrate—it invites us to dream a little bigger and, rather than look for evidence around us, feel for our intuitive voice’s guidance toward the things that give us purpose and meaning. This invitation for us to continue to expand into our faith in the divine plan, the universe, “all that is”—however you define it—will become a more and more prominent request as the North node moves through Pisces. This will challenge us to act in faith of the invisible, that is, to believe it so we can see it. In a way, this eclipse is like a glimpse into the future, as it illuminates a state of being that we can gain access to when we release our grip from the material plane. With an added opposition between Mercury and Saturn at the time of this full moon, we may be deeply grappling with a strong inner desire for control—the mind may be analyzing our environments for any stronghold it can manipulate to establish some sense of security for itself. However, Pisces demands for us to remember where we’ve come from—we are the universe experiencing itself. As singular as we may feel at times, we are actually far more connected to everything than we understand, both on a visible and invisible plane. This full moon asks us to embrace the dissolution of our concrete sense of knowing and instead to melt into the blurred lines that challenge our perceptions constructed by our current standing in this space and time.

Let go. Be and let be. Allow all that is happening around you to act as organically and freely as it wishes. You grant yourself much more freedom and give yourself access to a deeper sense of peace when you release the need to control and instead allow all that is to be just as it is right now. When you do so, you may notice that words we use to assess and categorize how “good” or “bad” we’re doing seem to lose their meaning—this moment and by default you in it (as you’re the experiencer of this exact moment) become perfect. There’s no rush to get where you’re going; all will unfold in due time. For now, feel, dance, stretch, sing—get in touch with your inner world. Be well.


If you’re interested in reading a more detailed analysis of this full moon and want to receive the journaling prompts and mindfulness practice that I designed with this full moon in mind, you can join the Moon Circle through the button below. By joining the moon circle, in every moon newsletter you will receive:

  • Detailed discussion of additional planetary influences and any prominent aspects that will be active during the lunation

  • Manifestation practices, release rituals, journaling prompts, and other moon-related offerings

  • Description of what it means if the new or full moon is contacting your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node

Readings are also available if you’d like to book a 1:1 session with me! You can see my available meeting options through the button below.

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