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  • Mars in Taurus and the Gemini Mercury Cazimi

Mars in Taurus and the Gemini Mercury Cazimi

Through the Mercury Cazimi happening today, new perspectives are being realized; consider what is asking to be acknowledged

Vol. 58 // 06-14-24

This season of life has been full of quite a number of trials, I will admit. Saturn has been making one harsh aspect after the other to some of my personal placements and is currently squaring up to my moon, which has been quite an emotional battle. Seeing the silver lining in things has had to be a much more conscious choice as of late, which is not very typical for me, as I’m usually a pretty optimistic person. Life has been taking some unforeseen turns, but even in the face of the many unknowns I am leaping into the arms of—some of which are against my egoic will—there is a subtle, underlying peace enveloping my very being.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always experienced my consciousness as two halves of a whole, and the only reason they are a whole is because they are both mine. One consciousness sounds sagely, ancient, and always calm and collected. The other consciousness sounds bratty, self-centered, and naïve, but I can’t fault her for that. I suppose if I wanted to give them names, the wise one would be my soul consciousness, and the other would be my human consciousness, but that feels silly to say because they are both a part of me and feel much more complex than that. When I feel unthreatened, comfortable, and like I’m moving in the direction I wish to move in, the “soul consciousness” is the one I convene with most often; I hardly hear from the other voice, but it was not always that way. Up until a few years ago, I was deeply dependent on the logical reasoning of my human-ness and felt so threatened by the higher perspective. I used to view that higher-vibrational stream of consciousness as a separate part of myself—as if my human thought process was more “me” than the one challenging me to see from a broader perspective.

At this point in life, it’s quite strange to look back on that way of thinking, living, and perceiving the world around me, as I feel like the soul consciousness and human consciousness have swapped places—I view myself as my soul, and my human self as the girl through whom I am here to further my learning and evolution. This is why being in such a trying season of life has been so difficult as of late; I’ve had some big emotions and have been pushing through some pretty intense waves of fear, worry, and stress, and even though I am fully experiencing them as they come, that soul essence within me feels as if she’s saying, “I wish you wouldn’t worry so much; you know it is all going as planned.”

I find it so fascinating to be going through all of these things and being immersed in all of these emotions while simultaneously feeling as if I knew they would all happen because I had planned for it before I even came back here (to Earth, I mean). That’s not to say I am not experiencing some difficulties in surrendering; while I feel this weird peace about everything, I am also so fearful of some of these unknowns. But I’m trying to let go. I’m trying to trust. And I’ve just been making peace with feeling everything as deeply as I need to.

What I’m meaning to share in this whole thing is that you can be scared and confused and still know that it’s all going to be alright. You can be worried about what’s going to happen and still know that whatever happens is what is meant to happen. I think that’s something I’m making peace with, as I have a very strong intuitive feeling about what the outcome will be for some of these unknowns in my present reality, even though I don’t have any tangible evidence to explain why I’ll be right. I don’t even know if I’ll be right, but I feel like I’ll be right. And, especially in the essence of Jupiter’s presence in Gemini, the feeling should be enough. The feeling is enough. We don’t always need tangible proof for things to be real.

I’ve been given many opportunities leading up to this present moment to show me that trusting the divine plan is always in my best interest. Even in the darkest moments of my life, I look back on them with such acceptance, as they have brought me to right here, right now, and I love it here. But there are some things I’m being asked to let go of right now, and I am so afraid to trust. I’m so afraid to trust that they’ll come back to me because I want them so badly. And yet, in the midst of my fear, I choose to surrender. If you’re having a hard time letting go of something right now or relate at all to what I’ve shared, just know that you can not feel ready, you can be scared, and you can feel so uncomfortable, but surrender is a choice, and you can choose it. Listen for your soul within you; that is the true you, and they know the path of your highest good. We can hold our own hands through difficult things; we can guide ourselves even though we don’t feel like we know the way. It’s going to be alright. I love you.

While Mercury entered Gemini on June 3rd, today, June 14th, it joins the sun in a cazimi, which is where we may be feeling all of the conversations of the past week and a half or so coming to a head. We also had Mars move into Taurus on the 9th, and it will stay there until July 20th, making it one of our energetic guides into summer. Let’s discuss what both of these mean:

Since Mercury entered Gemini, we’ve likely had a bit quicker mental energy, as this is a sign where Mercury finds its strength due to it sitting in rulership here. In Gemini, Mercury has the mental capacity to manage many things at once—projects, streams of consciousness, questions, thoughts, ideas, conversations, connections, and more. Mercury thrives in Gemini, as it is strengthened by Gemini’s natural agility, sharpness, and flexibility to accomplish whatever it finds itself interested in. Considering Mercury governs the mind, mental activities, thoughts, conversations, ideas, thresholds, and exchange, this has likely been a time in which we’ve collectively been more intrigued by all of these things; perhaps there have been many conversations being had that lead you in all sorts of different directions.

Mercury’s entry into Gemini has been more significant this year than it usually is, as Jupiter is also in this sign, meaning that many of the conversations, ideas, realizations, and insights we’ve been having have perhaps been more expansive and focused on growth. We may find things budding at this time that will grow into something much bigger, or we could be having conversations addressing things essential for growth to occur. Mercury aligns well with Gemini because it’s practical and logical, it makes decisions and draws conclusions based on what it knows. While Jupiter’s presence in Gemini has been challenging us to make decisions based on intuition, discarding the need to have evidence to justify our choices, Mercury’s influence here has likely been making our minds’ opinions a bit louder. This can be viewed in both a favorable and unfavorable light, as we are able to reason with ourselves with greater dexterity, but we simultaneously may be easily overwhelmed by the voice within, which may make it hard to differentiate intuitive truth from ego-based reasoning.

The benefit of the mind being strengthened and sharpened by Mercury’s presence in Gemini is that, through conversation with ourselves and others, we’re able to better understand the full picture of our situations. No matter the topic of conversation, Mercury in Gemini influences us to see ourselves in the other party and identify how they are mirroring back an aspect of ourselves. It’s possible that we’ve felt like we’re being pushed into directions that we aren’t quite ready for—when Jupiter moves into a new sign, it can often insist that we do something big to help ourselves expand. Regardless of the things we’ve felt inspired to do, Mercury has encouraged us to discuss these things with curiosity rather than taking any harsh sides. Even through the most tense conversations, Mercury reminds us that there is something valuable to learn and that by intently listening, we may actually recognize that we resonate more with the opposing perspective than we had initially believed we would.

This is the last cazimi we’ll be having for a while, and, as cazimis go, it’s purifying and renewing an aspect of ourselves—in this case, our minds, thoughts, voices, and how we exchange with others, energetically, physically, verbally, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etcetera. “Cazimi” is the Latin iteration of the Arabic word "Kasmimi,” which translates to “as if in the heart.” A cazimi is when a planet is within one degree of the sun and is therefore engulfed in the sun’s essence, causing the planet to be reborn, purified, and cleansed by fire. Mercury cazimis are quite common—we have one between five and six times a year—but each one facilitates a shift in perspective and can often symbolize clarity being found in mental or conversational matters that we have previously felt confused or uncertain about. This Mercury cazimi is the first with Jupiter in Gemini and may be leading many of us to a point of decision, especially regarding matters that are asking us to have faith in the bigger plan at play.

Because the sun “charges” a planet with vibrance, life force, vitality, confidence, and joy, this cazimi may feel extremely relieving to our minds; perhaps we will regain the mental energy that we’ve felt like we’ve been lacking or will be able to trust our minds with more certainty. This also benefits our ability to gain mutual understanding in matters that we’ve been discussing with others. We may find that we’re having insightful conversations over this weekend that allow us to see things from others’ perspectives, which could inspire us or provide us with some sense of clarity.

This weekend can host many important conversations and strengthen the power of the mind to work for us. This is a time to make proclamations and decisions, and to speak with confidence. Cazimis can always be a useful time to manifest as well, and doing so through writing or speaking is highly encouraged if this is something you feel called to do. The sun is blessing the mental domain with energy and self-reliance, encouraging us to speak our truths and allow what follows to fall into place as it needs to. Writing down ideas and allowing new creations to be birthed into the world is favored. Whether you’re having a realization, reaching a conclusion, launching a new product, initiating some type of change, or beginning to write a new proverbial chapter in your life, this cazimi suggests that, while we may not have all the answers, we do have the confidence to know what the next step is, and that’s all we need to worry about right now. Use this time to observe where your mind is taking you and show gratitude for any and all insights that come in, whatever shape they may take. The intuitive voice is being brought to our conscious awareness at this time, and things that we’ve subconsciously known are likely to be made a priority for our focus. It is best to honor and accept what we intuitively know, even if we may not understand why or how we know it.

With Mars now in Taurus, our energy may feel less explosive, but we will likely be able to focus our efforts on things a bit more consistently. When Mars is in one of its signs of rulership, like Aries or Scorpio, it acts with assertiveness and aggression; it has an immense level of power that fuels it to be in perpetual motion. Mars is our vehicle—it is the force that urges us to take physical action and act on our primal, instinctual nature. If we consider Mars to be a vehicle, the different signs it passes through are like different iterations of transportation, and the way that we can best work with its energy, regardless of the sign, is by understanding how that form of transportation works. In Aries, Mars is a motorcycle, but in Taurus, it is a bicycle—still capable of traveling, but perhaps not as fast as its sibling.

Aries and Taurus share many qualities, which can be seen in the animals that symbolize them. Aries is the ram and Taurus is the bull—both of these horned animals have stamina, strength, and stubbornness, but the ram will exert its efforts in aggressive and short bursts, while the bull is slow, methodical, and requires a bit more effort to get moving. The ram is more agile and lighter; the bull is heavier but possesses the patience to pace itself. Now that Mars is in Taurus, we’re advised to consider what we need to sustain our energetic output so that we can go the distance ahead of us and will likely be reminded to invest in ourselves more so that we can do so sustainably. There is no rush when Mars is in Taurus, and while all of the Gemini energy may have us feeling as if there’s so much to do in such little time, Mars in Taurus reminds us to slow ourselves down enough so that we can mindfully assess our circumstances and act accordingly.

Mars in Aries is like going to war; we’re amped up on adrenaline and may feel as if we have to keep going at full speed on full blast, or we may miss something. Mars in Taurus feels that even our biggest priorities are less exigent and reminds us that to accomplish all of our ambitions, we must make sure that we are nourishing ourselves. Taurus is governed by Venus, the planet of luxuries, food, pleasure, comfort, love, money, and other such things we place value on. With this in consideration, we may be allowing action to be taken from a more feminine perspective, acting when inspired and not feeling guilt about taking some time to rest, as even activities that we may consider to be “lazy” can be supportive of more “productive” action to be taken later. However, overindulging in pleasures can be harmful to our workflows if we do not establish healthy boundaries—a bull standing up is much easier to get moving than one lying down in a sunny field.

This can be a lovely time to prioritize self-care more, as it will ultimately allow us to be more focused, powerful, and productive in the grand picture. We may feel more focused on our finances, health habits, food choices, and material matters at this time, and some of us may be feeling ready to take on something new in one of these areas, which we’ll likely approach from a more grounded and patient place. Stubbornness is more likely due to this influence, so it’s important to be mindful of this, or we may become stuck in our own opinions, wanting to be right just so that others will be wrong. But that being said, this is also a blessed time to take on new responsibilities if we so choose, as we may find ourselves able to remain dedicated to them longer since Taurus is one that makes loyalty a top priority.

Referring back to the vehicle analogy, Mars in Aries is like a motorcycle because, while it goes faster, it requires less effort. There is little endurance needed to keep moving, and while there are technicalities involved in operating such a vehicle, there is much less physical energy needed from the rider. Mars in Taurus is debilitated; it is the opposite of its other sign of rulership, Scorpio, which makes Mars find its detriment in this sign. This is why Mars in Taurus is like a bicycle. There are many more requirements for the rider in order for optimal operation to happen. Are you well-hydrated? Have you eaten? How are your energy levels? Do you have the coordination? What else do you need to sustain your energy through the journey? All of these things and more must be considered if you wish to have a successful ride! And this is, in essence, what Mars in Taurus asks of us. Restoration is productive with Mars in Taurus, as it allows us to act more efficiently when we do take action. If we wish to maintain our current pace, we must ensure that we are not disadvantaging ourselves by neglecting our basic needs—food, water, rest, and relaxation.

During this transit, consider what you need to sustain yourself and your energetic efforts, and don’t criticize yourself if you need a moment to pause. This is the time to make slow, methodical, and steady progress—everything is happening in the time that it needs to happen. Embrace the journey, and don’t forget to take a moment to appreciate the scenery.


If you’re interested, I have a couple of different manifestation tools that are available through the buttons below that can be a helpful addition to any manifestation practices done over the weekend. My scripting guide has a step-by-step tutorial outlining how to script for manifestation and includes some templates for manifesting specific things. Or, I have a guided manifestation to call in $6,000 (although you can use the method I walk you through to call in anything), which also includes a mini-masterclass on rewriting foundational beliefs.

To book a personal reading with me, you can check out my current options through the button below! :)

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