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May's Astrology is Aligning in Your Favor

This is going to be one of the smoothest months of the year!

Vol. 54 // 05-02-24

In the last few weeks, I’ve noticed myself finding it increasingly harder to focus and prioritize things, which has been more frustrating than I’d like to admit. I have so many things that I’d like to do, and in my head, they’re all outlined and organized, but when it comes time to physically accomplish them, that’s an entirely different experience. I’ve fallen into a cycle where I constantly feel stressed, although I’ve just recently come to terms with it and am starting to implement some changes. Running your own business is a tough beast; you’re wearing a million different hats, learning things that you never thought you’d have to know, and no one is there to keep you on task but you. These past few weeks, I’ve kept telling myself that I just have to try harder to focus and be on top of things, but the harder I try, the more my attention seems to wander. Keeping my focus feels like trying to bottle the ocean, and this week I’ve been hitting a low point as I’ve been feeling quite defeated.

When beginning this platform, my goal was (and still is) to create from the heart, to write what I feel is truth, and to share the pieces of wisdom I’ve acquired from studying the patterns of the universe—to be of service to others to the best of my ability. My other intention, though arguably a more selfish one, was to break free from the traditional professional path, as I have had a multitude of different jobs, all drastically different from each other, and I have not felt the level of fulfillment from any of them as I have found in this newsletter. That said, as I have been gifted the privilege to no longer work a “regular” job, I had expected myself to accomplish far more than I have thus far, which is a big source of my frustration and disappointment. While I have been acknowledging what I have accomplished, I know I’m capable of far more if I can just stay on task, which is why no matter how much I do or don’t do, it seldom feels like enough, as when I look back on my day, I tend to think of the large gaps in it where time seemingly slipped away. I’m now recognizing that in these past few weeks, I’ve been approaching productivity from the wrong angle, as I’ve completely ignored how my mental energy may need to be accommodated and have tried to solve my issue by just “being better at focusing” (LOL).

I think in my efforts to be a better business owner, writer, and creator, I have forgotten that I cannot be better at those things if I am not standing on a stable foundation, and in the pursuit of improving those things, I have neglected the upkeep of my life foundations, which has left me constantly feeling exhausted, foggy, stressed, and unable to maintain my focus. This is seemingly the perfect, paradoxical, self-sustaining system to make things worse and worse if I do not implement any changes. It feels weirdly uncomfortable and vulnerable to share that, but I hope you get what I’m trying to say. I started this newsletter to hopefully give me more time to enjoy a life of my own design, but in the process, I have sacrificed a lot of what makes life feel good and have confined myself to an unsustainable way of being.

I hope this isn’t coming across as me asking for pity; that’s definitely not what my intention is. I suppose I’m sharing my experience from the past few weeks to validate yours if you’ve also been in a “survival mode” of sorts. And if you struggle with maintaining focus, I’m right there with you too. You’ll read more below about how this month’s astrological influences are supporting us to get back to a more sustainable space on all fronts, but especially in our personal habits and needs. I’m beginning to invest in myself more and design intentional spaces in my day that will nourish my mind, body, and soul, as well as my relationships with those closest to me. I have a feeling that once I come back to a state of equilibrium, I’ll be able to accomplish my work goals more fluidly. And if you relate to this segment in any capacity, know that you too will achieve your goals in perfect timing. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the burnout I’ve been experiencing these past few weeks, it’s that trying harder to do something will not guarantee that it will get done faster; in fact, it may become delayed even further. Rigid fixation on a task does not make it easier to accomplish. Before we fixate on an external goal, we have to make sure that our minds and bodies are supported to achieve it. I'm emphasizing the importance of self-care for myself and instilling a little more structure so I can nurture myself better. If you've been feeling like you need to do the same, I hope this can be a gentle reminder to think of yourself and your needs more this week.

We’re stepping into May with quite a number of astrological shifts, most of which are highly favorable and supportive of a more peaceful and productive month. After looking at the transits for all of the remaining months of the year, I can confidently say that this month will be, arguably, one of the most enjoyable, as we have Mars and Venus in their home signs and Mercury is direct. The new moon in Taurus and the full moon in Sagittarius are also looking quite favorable and are free from any aspects that are overly strenuous or stressful. Overall, we’re highly supported to take action from a place of inner security, confidence, and excitement this month, and we’ll likely feel little resistance compared to the experiences of April. April was highly transformative and likely intense for some of us, but May holds more new beginnings, comfort, and enjoyment.


Mercury shifted direct on April 25th and will remain in Aries until May 16th, meaning that we are likely feeling the mental energy and drive to take action on many new things. The Mercury retrograde urged us to turn inward, to take account of what was changing in eclipse season, and to get to know the “new you” that emerged. This retrograde showed us that action is not always the answer; sometimes we must pause and listen to gain more insight into our conflicts. In the essence of Aries, many of us may have entered Mercury’s retrograde feeling irritable and frustrated, chomping at the bit to find answers for the conflicts we may have been dealing with so that we could move on to whatever came next. While the conflicts we all dealt with were probably vastly different from each other, they were all likely somewhat tied to issues in communication, a temporary or inconclusive solution, or a battle of some type, either an inner one with yourself or a perpetual conflict with someone else.

Since Mercury has turned back direct, these issues have likely ironed themselves out, or you may be finding yourself feeling more confident in and accepting of the outcomes that were reached, even if you hadn’t been very happy with them previously. Mercury retrogrades promote introspection and inner exploration so that when Mercury shifts direct again, we can proceed with what we were doing beforehand with a better understanding of our inner limitations and mental needs. Since Mercury turned direct, you may have noticed a bit more mental clarity, a stronger will to achieve your goals, and a stronger intuitive understanding of how to get wherever it is you’re aspiring to go.

Mercury will cross paths with Chiron once again in its final pass, as it has already contacted the asteroid of wounds twice in the past month or so, once when it was initially direct and once during its retrograde. Despite it being direct now, Mercury went retrograde at 27º, meaning that the majority of its remaining time in Aries will be spent in what is called the “post-shadow period” of the Mercury retrograde. This is a time in which we’re going to be wrapping up the loose ends of anything that began during the pre-shadow period, which was between March 18th and April 1st. That being said, its final conjunction with Chiron for the year will likely feel less painful than the other two interactions, as we now have the wisdom and experience that we gained through those previous contacts. Readdressing these things or bringing them to a point of conclusion will likely feel gratifying, rewarding, or inspiring in some way, even if some of these matters may be bittersweet.


Venus shifted into Taurus on April 29th and will stay there for the majority of May, until the 23rd. This is where Venus finds a moment to rest, rejoice, and indulge in her senses. Taurus placements may feel a sense of revitalization as if they’re being surrounded by more softness and pleasures, but it’s important to note that all Venusian people will benefit from this, meaning that Libra placements may find a sense of inner peace within them because of this as well. That said, all of us are likely going to find some enjoyment from this transit, as it is, in essence, the blue skies and calm waters following quite the intense hurricane.

When Venus is in one of her home signs—Taurus or Libra—her comfort and familiarity can be felt by the entire collective. Considering Taurus is the Earth half of Venus’s domain, this transit pertains more to our physical experiences and senses. Taurus appreciates comfort, stability, luxury, and material pleasures, and also favors holistic wellness practices that utilize natural resources. During this transit, we may benefit from investing a bit more time into our beauty and wellness regimes merely for the pleasure of doing so, not necessarily because of possible results. Venus in Taurus encourages us to take great care of ourselves simply because it feels good to feel good. Because Taurus governs food, material items, finances, and what we place our value on, Venus being here can benefit each of these areas in our lives. This can be a beautiful time to heal our relationships with food, money, and self-worth.

Taurus Venus is in tune with the Earth and has a great appreciation for high-quality things and experiences. This placement is deeply aware of what they specifically want, as they have a keen eye for their aesthetic tastes and can clearly articulate exactly what they envision themselves experiencing. They are highly connected to the five senses and, if they can help it, would only subject themselves to things and experiences that would look, feel, smell, taste, and sound most pleasurable to them. The unevolved expression of this placement can be gluttonous and excessive, but the evolved expression is tasteful and romantic and appreciates the small details that make an experience more authentic and immersive. While we may be inclined to treat ourselves more frequently under this influence (a daily ~little treat~ is almost inevitable, haha), this transit supports us in asking our bodies what they need to thrive so that we can give them the tools to do so. This past month had many of us operating in survival mode, as we may have found ourselves spread thin, requiring some of our basic needs and comforts to be neglected to manage whatever else was being added to our plates. Now that things are more harmonious, we can spend a little more time giving ourselves a bit more affection.

This transit encourages us to indulge in things that will be nourishing for us on all levels—mind, body, and soul. Don’t settle for the second best if the original thing you desire is out of immediate reach; it probably won’t be as enjoyable as you had hoped it to be. Venus in Taurus values quality over quantity, so when dealing with the matters of Venus—clothing, beauty items, food, novelties, romantic encounters, wellness rituals and services, etc.—this transit will most favorably benefit you when you avoid compromising for what you truly wanted. Venus in Taurus is classy, sensual, and greatly aware of the efforts that were put into a service, item, or experience; it has little tolerance for last-minute or low-quality. At this time, it will be worth it to spend a little more time on the things that you enjoy most, whether that’s your morning ritual, your weekly dinner menu, or the time you spend with those you love. I’ve already found myself doing this when baking cookies yesterday—between scraping the vanilla beans from the pod and sprinkling my creations with flakey salt, I’d say I’m already in the spirit, LOL.

Relationships and finances will benefit from this transit as well. When Venus is in Aries, things between ourselves and our partners are likely to be more ~spitfiery~ than usual, which can lead to more opinionated conversations, aggressiveness, and competition. While it can help spark new experiences in our relationships or reignite the fire of love, there was already a lot going on between the eclipses and Mercury retrograde, so this may have created some tension in our romantic connections. With Venus in Taurus, we’re more likely to find common ground and are looking to stabilize our relationships so that both we and our loved ones may feel safer. Detailed romantic gestures are more likely, but they don’t have to be grandiose—just meaningful and heartfelt. Many of us may have had some intense conversations over April, and now, because of the conclusions reached, our romantic lives may be feeling more stable—even if that means you are not (or no longer) in a partnership. Our sights are set on how we can create comfort for the long run—how we can design a future that is nurturing and safe, which is why we also may be assessing our financial goals.

Money might be something more prevalent in our minds under this influence, which may cause us to fixate if we’re not accountable to ourselves. There is a tendency to hoard money in Taurus, as they want to be sure that tomorrow’s comfort is promised. While it’s not an issue to want money, it might be helpful for us to identify why we want it at this time. What number in your bank account would make you feel safe? Is there an exact number? What would you do with that money if you had it? Would it just sit there and look pretty? Whatever you decide to do with it, this can be a supportive time for us to realign with our financial goals and sharpen our focus toward what it might take to reach them.


Mars in Aries is a powerful energetic influence, as Mars is our willpower, drive, and action energy—the motivation within us to get things done—and in Aries, there is little that can stop them from accomplishing what they set their sights on. When Mars was in Pisces, we may have felt as if we were held back from taking action because of unseen forces, our own distractedness, or too many imaginary “what-if” scenarios. While this is a great placement for dreaming of what you can do, it can be difficult to translate that dreaming into motion. Now that Mars is in Aries, we have a great deal of energy accessible to us, which can assist us in getting quite a bit done if we can focus our attention on a set of clearly defined goals. This transit is a great influence to begin projects under and to reignite the spark in things that we have lost our motivation to see through. We are more aggressive, assertive, and self-sustaining with Mars in Aries—we have little need for external encouragement to help us maintain our power when approaching the work at hand.

Depending on how it influences your individual chart, this can be a great influence for new routines and personal ventures to be born and can be a valuable asset for anyone running a one-person show. We can, arguably, accomplish twice the amount of work during Mars’s transit through Aries. This transit often requires more physical exertion from us, as Aries naturally governs the first house of self and Mars rules over activity. This, paired with Venus in Taurus, suggests that we will be able to reach higher goals and accomplish bigger tasks the more we prioritize our bodily needs. Now is a fantastic time to make daily movement a top priority, which, ideally, would be paired with mindful nutrition. As I said further above, eclipse season and Mercury retrograde put many of us into “survival mode,” which may have made us too exhausted to exercise and uninspired to cook ourselves meals that would uplift us. In a sense, May is a reset for us to begin physically investing in ourselves again if we haven’t already begun to do so.

This is not to say that this energy can only be utilized to nurture our basic needs; this also applies to other areas that we have neglected because of our focus going elsewhere in April. Perhaps you had to draw your energy away from your relationship to focus your attention inward more or from your career to prioritize your family life. Something had to be given up so that we could attend to the things that April’s transits were highlighting for us. May is to rebalance. With Mars in Aries, we have less inhibition, which can be a benefit if there are things you’ve avoided taking action toward due to a lack of confidence or uncertainty. This energy is simple and easy to harness if we get out of its way. All we must do is allow ourselves to feel inspired and channel that inspiration into action.

Mars in Aries creates a fire within us, which must be used, or else it will burn us up from the inside out. Aries Mars energy is like a pressure cooker; if not managed, the longer you sit in stagnancy, the more pressure is built up, and the explosion becomes more and more inevitable. Because of this, exercise is imperative at this time, which does not always have to be physical. That said, getting the blood flowing and sweating by exercising is one of the easiest ways to distribute our energy throughout the body, but this can also be accomplished through breathwork, the creation of art, and yelling (just maybe not at anyone, hehe). Find what works for you and try to stick with it; you might find that a short 30 minutes of exercise in the morning helps your productivity sustain itself throughout the remainder of the day.

Pluto will also be going retrograde today, which I will expound further on next week. It will not have a huge influence on us individually unless we have natal placements between 2º Aquarius and 29º Capricorn. This retrograde also does not really impact the beneficial influences of Mars in Aries and Venus in Taurus. Accessing the blessings of these two transits is quite easy; find some movement in your day, treat your mind and body well, prioritize quality over quantity in your time with loved ones, food choices, and material investments, and don’t hesitate to take action on the things that inspire you. Many of us have the potential to put some beautiful creations out into the world or to start projects that will serve us greatly in the future. These transits are supporting us to get to work on the things we discovered we need or want to do, which were perhaps illuminated by the eclipses and Mercury retrograde. Don’t hesitate; you are capable of achieving so much. <3


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60-minute Birth Chart Reading - $190: A 60-minute 1:1 meeting held over Zoom. Covers primary energetic themes in the natal chart as well as 3-5 questions. Ideal for those who have had their birth chart read before or understand the basic functions of the chart, signs, and planets.

90-minute Birth Chart Reading - $222: a 90-minute 1:1 meeting held over Zoom. Covers primary energetic themes in the natal chart as well as 5-7 questions or includes additional time to discuss specific issues or areas of focus. Perfect for those wishing to go deeper or for a first-time birth chart reading.

90-minute Astrological Entrepreneurship Consultation - $333: a 90-minute 1:1 meeting held over Zoom. For entrepreneurs who are designing or redesigning a business. A meeting uniquely designed to help you understand the fundamentals of your energetic makeup so that you can establish a business that emulates the authentic you. Discover how to optimize your workflows, tap into your inner authority, overcome blockages, access your magnetism, and maximize your productivity by discussing your natal themes.

This deck (the Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell) is very Venusian, and this spread feels like an intensified concentration of that. I was a bit astounded to see all three of these cards come out together, as they each refer to love and connection in some way. For some, this may suggest that there are going to be more romantic encounters in your external experience over the next few weeks. Or, what I feel is the stronger message, we are invited to restore the balance between the divine feminine and the divine masculine within ourselves. This could be an invitation for you to heal your relationship with your sensuality and sexuality so that you can learn to surrender to pleasure with more grace and acceptance. Some of us may be exploring the themes of connection, intimacy, sensuality, pleasure, and stimulation within relationships with our partners, and this could be a sign that there are going to be some expansive breakthroughs that you experience through your union. However, regardless of each of our relationship statuses, a relationship that we can always invest further in is the one that we have with ourselves.

April was so full of transformation, change, and, I’m sure for some of us, chaos. This spread invites us to replenish our energy through loving touch and a deepened understanding of the self. How can you show yourself more love? What is your body craving more of? How can you honor your vessel today and partake in the sacred union between your body and soul? Some of us may be thinking of something in particular that we know our bodies need, but perhaps we’ve continued to put it off because of mental exhaustion (🙋‍♀️).  For others, this spread asks you to ask yourself more questions and to check in with your body’s cravings more frequently. The intensity of Aries season, the eclipses, and Mercury retrograde are over—we powered through and made it to the other side. May invites us to infuse romance into our days in any way we can so that we can find our new center of gravity.

For me right now, romancing myself looks like my skincare routine, more walks outside, raspberry leaf tea, and my weekly flower arrangement. How can you cater to your senses?

Mercury Direct in Aries, Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus

ARIES, you are likely feeling more clarity in your mind and are building momentum to direct your energy toward projects and inspirations that are self-gratifying and beneficial to your overall well-being. Exercise or other forms of energetic expression will be important for you to make a habit under this influence, as Mars in your sign gives you a great deal of energy. When Mars is in the first house and in rulership, you essentially have the god of war and combat in the palm of your hand, making you a powerful being during this transit. This can be wielded for your betterment or detriment, depending on how you choose to channel it. You are likely feeling immense motivation and willpower coursing through your body, which you could feel inspired to channel toward your finances and values. If you’ve struggled with confidence in yourself over the past several weeks, this will likely be a time in which you bounce back and find your footing in your new identity, as you’re becoming more comfortable with how you as a person have changed. You are likely feeling revitalized in some way—the more effort you put into yourself, the more vibrant, attractive, and magnetic you will likely feel, as Venus blesses you with her sensuality and beauty when you take the time to nurture yourself. Self-improvement may be a big focus for you this month, especially on the physical level. Developing a better relationship with yourself may be highly important to you presently, and you may be working to love yourself more by actively treating your body better. Through your growing self-acceptance, you may find that you become more magnetic for material or financial blessings, or they may reach you because of action taken from a faithful trust in yourself.

TAURUS, because there is still a prominent focus in your twelfth house of Aries, this season invites you to become more driven to understand yourself through authoritative inner exploration. You may find that you accomplish some of your best work when in solitude, as this time may have you feeling reclusive, inward, and avoidant of interaction with the rest of the world. You may deal with irritation or become easily aggravated at this time, which you may think is due to those around you, but is likely from an inner conflict that you may not be seeing. Although Mars in Aries usually indicates inspiration to take action and explosive movement, for you, this energy may feel more like a lot of inner turbulence, and instead of requiring movement, invites you to internally investigate any disturbances that are causing you any inner discordance. You will likely require more rest under this influence, so be sure to pay attention to your body’s cues. This can be a deeply creative time as well, which may result in vivid dreams or unexpected ideas emerging from your subconscious. With Venus in your sign, the insights of Mars may be deeply healing for you and will likely offer you beautiful blessings in your relationship with yourself. You will likely feel more yourself than you have felt in the past couple of weeks, and you are encouraged to find rituals or routines that nurture your physical body. This season may be full of profound realizations that become assets in your journey of self-understanding and may provide you with solutions to things that have felt out of reach or shapelessly undefined. Journaling may be especially helpful for you to organize your inner dialogue and the discoveries you make.

GEMINI, you will likely feel more motivated to be active in your social and online communities under this energy or may feel called to lead others into activism for humanitarian causes. You are highly encouraged to dream big at this time, as Venus and Mars are activating houses that govern your vision for the future, your imagination, and your dreams. Working in groups or networking will benefit you at this time, and you may find that you’re able to accomplish more when you are in social environments or are surrounded by others with the same intention (i.e., if your work is portable, working in coffeeshops where others are also busy may motivate you and help you stay focused). Your imagination and dream life may be quite active at this time; this may be a good time to start a dream journal. While you may accomplish the work portion of your efforts in social scenes, the inspiration that motivates your actions may more likely be found in solitude, especially in the peaceful surroundings of nature. This is a valuable time to nurture gifts or creative projects in secret and to conserve your social energy. Despite being more motivated in social environments, you may find that you cannot deeply invest in every connection that you are involved in, which may lead you to retreat inward so you can prioritize self-care and your sense of peace and security. You are more energetically sensitive under this influence, so try to prioritize restorative practices. These transits support you to take action toward your dreams and to feel inspired by the process; releasing the timeline from your desired outcomes may benefit your acquisition of them.

CANCER, you may be feeling a great deal of motivation to start taking the lead in the acquisition of your ambitions, if you haven’t already begun doing so. Your perspective on your future has likely been altered through the eclipses and Mercury retrograde, perhaps by reminding you that your dreams aren’t going to create themselves—sometimes you have to make some big moves to get things moving in the direction that you want them to go in. These transits may be facilitating some changes in your life, especially when dealing with matters that you associate with success. Whether that’s career, family life, finances, well-being, self-understanding, or a combination of all of the above, you have likely experienced a shift in your energetic approach and motivation that is urging you to act boldly so you can start seeing more progress toward your aspirations. You may receive blessings through your community or have enjoyable encounters with your social circles at this time as well, which applies to both physical and online communities. If you are joining a new social environment due to a physical move—such as changing your job, moving to a new town, or immersing yourself in a community that feels foreign to you—you will likely be warmly received; it may even feel more welcoming than your previous, more familiar situation. Venus is in your house of good fortune and wish fulfillment, meaning that you may receive unexpected blessings or gifts at this time. Be mindful of the many iterations of abundance around you. The upcoming Taurus new moon will be the most favorable one for you to manifest under, so now may be a good time for you to consider what you’d like to call in.

LEO, you are likely feeling more inspired by your vision for the future under these influences, which may be the motivation that coaxes you out of your comfort zone and into uncharted waters. There were likely some realizations over eclipse season and during Mercury retrograde that illuminated the steps that must be taken for you to achieve your bigger aspirations, most of which require you to be the agent of change in your own life. Mars in your house of expansion, unknowns, travel, and higher learning encourages you to break free from the activity patterns that have kept you in a place of stagnancy or held you back from expanding your horizons. The more you can trust your instincts to guide your actions without questioning their instructions, the more progress you will likely make toward your desired outcomes. The expansion you experience in your life is often facilitated through your own actions, so if you refuse to change despite your intuitive guidance to do so, you may find yourself frustrated, irritable, and discouraged. These transits ask you to consider how you might take action for the benefit of future you, even if the actions needing to be taken feel unfamiliar or outside of your comfort zone. You may receive blessings through your career or professional life at this time, which could very well be connected to the invitations of Mars—perhaps you’ll be offered a promotion that you don’t feel qualified or ready for. It may be in your best interest to act from instinct—following your gut is highly advised! This season will invite you to get out of your own way by allowing everything and everyone else to tell you “no” rather than deciding that for yourself before even trying. There’s no harm in experimentation!

VIRGO, these influences will likely motivate you to expound upon what you’ve already learned about your inner world and psychological process. You may be continuing to peel back the layers of your wounds, fears, and inner darkness to better understand them, which may lead to great personal insights. This will likely be a season where you feel motivated to transform yourself and exercise your authority over who you become. Your will to push through discomfort and pain is strengthened, which may help you overcome some weak points that were brought up during eclipse season. With Venus in your house of expansion, travel, higher learning, and the unknown, you may feel more comfortable venturing into unknown spaces, which may inspire you to travel or step outside of your comfort zone or may be supportive of your healing journey, as you may be more accepting of the discomforts that you had previously avoided. This can be a deeply insightful time for you and may offer you blessings the more you are able to step out of your comfort zone and break free from cyclic behavior or patterns. Getting outside may be especially beneficial to your wellness and vitality, especially in natural environments. Utilize this energy to deepen your relationship with your identity, building intimacy with yourself through somatic practices like dancing, meditation, and communing with your sexual nature. You may find an aspect of enlightenment by connecting with your senses and taking pride in your ability to transform and overcome loss or harm. Keep learning about yourself and uncovering the mysteries within.

LIBRA, this may be a time in which you become more of a leader in your current relationships, or if you are single, you might find yourself acting with more authority in your close friendships or other close connections. You may feel more driven to cultivate a committed relationship but also may be more willful in asserting your opinion, which is likely to leave you feeling unwilling to just passively compromise. You’re craving real connection at this time, not just surface-level commitments; you likely wish to truly know someone and for them to know you in every fathomable capacity. For those in relationships, this might be a season of intensity and motivation; you and your partner may be able to accomplish quite a bit together, and your sexual connection may feel especially intimate and magnetic. However, for those not in a relationship, this may be a season in which you’re becoming increasingly assertive about your expectations, especially for potential romantic partners. You may be seeking out a connection that feels energizing and inspiring, one that you feel safe being vulnerable and raw in. While your expectations of others—primarily romantic partners—were likely something you were redefining during eclipse season and Mercury retrograde, you likely have found some level of clarity regarding these expectations and are now feeling more confident to hold others to them. You may feel quite confident and certain of yourself—you know what you want and are feeling more assertive to get it. Trust your instincts; with your ruling planet in its other sign of rulership, you are likely feeling a sense of vitality and energy restored to you.

SCORPIO, your capacity to “get things done” during these transits is expanded, as your ruling planet is in its other sign of rulership, providing you with strength, power, and vitality. With Mars in your house of work, routines, habits, rituals, and your physical health, this may be a season in which you’ll be able to be more assertive and structured in your routines; fitness and wellness may be more important to you at this time, and you may find that physical activity helps you in more ways than one. This can be a good time for you to take more action to establish more structure in your daily life that can serve your unique needs and accommodate what your body needs to feel its best. You are likely feeling driven to accomplish everything on your to-do list and then some; you’re capable of managing more than usual now, which may mean that this will be a busy season for you. Relationships may become a higher priority, which may be the thing that you’re working for; perhaps your motivation for being more actionable and accomplished is to embody the partner that you’d want to have. If you’re in a relationship, it is blessed at this time, and you may be a source of inspiration for your partner, or you and your partner may both feel driven by each other’s motivation. This will likely be a season where self-improvement and discipline will be a primary focus, and because of that, you may receive blessings from something or someone you’ve committed yourself to.

SAGITTARIUS, this season will likely have you out of the house more, and you may find that social environments and creative gatherings are especially inspiring to you. This may be a deeply creative time for you, in which you’re experimenting with new aesthetic tastes and artistic or expressive mediums. This is a favorable time to pursue creative ventures, as you have more passion and excitement that you can invest in whatever you feel most inspired by. If you’re single, this could be a time for you to meet many new people, as you’re more flirty, expressive, and social in this season. However, you likely aren’t easily charmed by others due to Venus in your house of boundaries, structure, and routines, which suggests this time may be beneficial for future long-term relationships if a committed partnership is something you’re interested in. If you are in a relationship, this is a favorable time for your union, as it creates a healthy balance between playfulness and seriousness. If you’re single, you may be feeling inspired to start dating again if you haven’t already done so, but the connections that you make may be of greater substance, as you’re probably being more specific about what you’re looking for in a potential partner. This is a blessed time for you to invest effort in things that you are passionate about, as your objectives are clear and you’re more capable of organizing what needs to be done so that you can maximize your efficiency. Wellness and health may also be of higher importance to you at this time, but your approach is more likely coming from a place of enjoyment rather than rigid restriction. Intuitive eating and movement will likely bring you great joy.

CAPRICORN, this will likely be a season in which you will start new things that have the potential to be a foundational piece of your life. You may be starting new projects that feel like they’re extensions of you. This may be a season in which your family dynamic becomes disrupted in some way, perhaps because of your busyness and inability to rest—this is a good time for home improvement, which you’re probably going to naturally gravitate toward. You are feeling motivated to create more comfort or familiarity around you, and this will probably be the driving force behind any changes that happen in your physical living spaces. This can be a beneficial season for your relationships, as you’re more in touch with your senses and, therefore, are probably expressing yourself with more romanticism. You are feeling motivated and driven to stabilize the foundations of your life, especially following the eclipses and Mercury retrograde that may have shaken them up a bit. While you are likely feeling more creative, expressive, and artistic, much of this energy may be directed inward to design a feeling within you or a lifestyle around you that stimulates your senses and promotes artistic expression. Because of this, your social battery may not be as big, and you could be spending more time at home or in familiar spaces this month. This can be an especially favorable time for you to infuse fun and pleasure back into your home and inner world; perhaps you will be drawn to activities that don’t seem to have a practical purpose but nurture your inner child in a way that feels quite healing. Only invest in people and things that feel like home to you—that surround you with the safety to express yourself authentically.

AQUARIUS, these transits will especially benefit you if you intentionally attend to your baseline needs, that is, the foundations that you operate from. While you may have some busy ideas currently and are likely feeling inspired to take action toward them, Venus encourages you to tend to your mind, body, and soul with a bit more quality time, as these things may have been neglected during the eclipses and Mercury retrograde. It may be hard for you to focus at this time as you have a great deal of mental energy needing to be exerted; physical activity may be a valuable tool to regulate your energy and sharpen your focus. Your relationships and family connections are blessed at this time and may be reaching a place of stability if they have been shaken up in the past few weeks. With Venus sitting in your house of foundations, roots, and origins, you’re encouraged to nurture the things that are what keep you in a space of emotional and mental security, as your investment in their health is an investment in all other aspects of your life—the deeper and stronger your roots, the higher and further you can grow. Checking in on the quality of your sleep, nutrition, exercise, and morning routine may be beneficial. These influences encourage you to practice a bit of mental discipline to invest in what keeps you feeling grounded and confident. Establishing rituals that make your home more inspiring to be in may benefit your work-life balance, as it will likely be a focal point of this month. You’ve likely had some big ideas in the past few weeks, and you’re encouraged to take action on them now, as your mind has a broadened capacity to work harder for you. Nurturing your foundations will help you accomplish your goals and maintain your inspiration so you can channel it in productive directions.

PISCES, under these influences, your focus may be on your finances and self-worth, as well as the values that are most important to you, as you’re feeling more driven to create a stronger sense of security around you and within you. Your mind is likely bursting with new ideas or is having you recall things that you had set aside earlier, as you may not have had the time to nurture them. Some of these inspirations may be about your finances; because of your strengthened drive to generate more financial abundance, you are likely considering starting new projects or entertaining the potential that some of your ideas hold to become a source of income. Side hustles or second jobs may be started under these influences, or you may gather ideas that could be the start of a profitable creation. This could also be a time in which you’re putting more conscious effort into improving the flow of your daily activities so that you can optimize your energy and efforts. Your mind and mental habits are blessed under this influence, as are your relationships with siblings, all of which may be improved because more clearly defined boundaries are created and upheld. With the influence of Mars in Aries, you could be more critical or judgmental of yourself at this time, as you might associate your value with the goals that you are or aren’t reaching. These transits encourage you to speak kindly to yourself; the more you uplift yourself, the more you will likely feel confident and excited to take action toward the things that inspire you.