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Mercury in Aquarius + 17º's First Birthday!

Reflecting on progress, consistency, and growth

Vol. 46 // 02-07-24

Wow. Tomorrow, February 8th, marks a full YEAR of this newsletter, which is such a big deal to me! Whether you’ve just recently subscribed or have been in this little world of mine for a while, thank you so much, truly. This newsletter has taught me so many things about myself, my healing, and what I am capable of, and it has helped me connect with so many lovely, beautiful individuals. What an incredible life that doing something so small as sharing my thoughts has allowed me to have!

Consistency was something I deeply struggled with for most of my life and is something I am still learning to be good at, as it does not come naturally to me, haha. I think there have only been two things in my life that I have been deeply consistent with: my close relationships and astrology. I have had more short-term ✨ fixation hobbies✨than I care to mention, all of which have had a passionate beginning and a forgetful end. A few years ago, this was one of the biggest conflicts I would continue to revisit, as I knew I would not be the type of person who could stay at a job for a long time and find enjoyment in it (seriously, I have such respect for those who do). It was also at that point that I was reaching a new level in my astrological study, but it would take me a couple more years to gather the confidence to start reading for strangers.

My biggest blockage to starting this newsletter was my worry that I would change. I will change; I am changing; I have changed. We all do. I was so fixed on the idea that I had to “define my niche” and “create my brand identity,” as these are things that are said over and over again to those wanting to create a business online. While my business does fit into both a niche and a brand identity, I have made a commitment to myself that I will never let either of those things restrict me from sharing other things that I feel equally passionate about. And I hope that by doing so, others can be inspired to not feel confined to the boxes that they put themselves or their projects into.

While it can be a challenge of willpower and a testament to your endurance to stay consistent with things you don’t always enjoy, it’s not always the most enriching for the soul. I have found that it’s much easier for me to be consistent with things that I don’t particularly like (anything involving technology, ironically) when doing so is in the name of my passions. That seems so simple and silly to write out, but it’s true. I suppose what I’m meaning to say in conclusion is that I am both impressed by and proud of myself for holding out through the stale patches and moments of hopelessness. And I’m eternally grateful to you, who have made this newsletter what it is. Your presence here is healing the little girl in my heart who didn’t feel like she belonged. Your presence here is proving my limiting beliefs wrong every day. I have so much gratitude.

Seventeen Degrees was born on a January afternoon at a bar stool in a small coffee shop while I was mid-identity crisis. I had quit my job a few months before and was living at home and off of my savings. I had been going to coffee shops every day for two months straight (I’d stay for at least 5 hours), journaling, writing, reading, and working on something that didn’t have a shape, name, or meaning yet. My dad had told me that I should start a newsletter, but it took me a while to look into it (thank you for being persistent, Dad). I knew I wanted to write; I knew I loved astrology and the insight that it can offer us, but I was also afraid that writing about it would confine me to a box that I would be unable to escape in the future. But it’s been quite the opposite; astrology has given me a space to exist as I am, without either fear or restriction.

I have very big plans for this year, some of which I’m super excited to share very soon! I can’t wait to tell you more about them. Thank you for being here. I love you. Here’s to another year. ♥️

Mercury entered Aquarius a couple of days ago on the 5th and will breeze through the sign in just a little over two weeks.  Mercury governs the mental domain, short-distance travel, communication, thought, and the nervous system.  This planet is the messenger and often represents the “in-between” spaces: the spaces between confusion and clarity, worry and peace, and many other points A and B.  Mercury represents neither the starting point nor the destination but rather the journey in between, which can be both literally and conceptually applied.  Whatever sign it passes through can often show us what themes our thoughts may be mulling over and where we may expend the most mental energy, depending on the house it is passing through.  Mercury can get a little confusing pretty quickly, but I find that referring to the planets’ traditional gender essences can be helpful in grasping Mercury’s tricky expression. Mercury is the only androgynous planet, as it is simultaneously masculine and feminine while also being neither.  It represents both sides of a spectrum and all of the space between them.
 This is why I love Mercury in Aquarius, as Aquarius relishes being shapeless, formless, and undefined.  Aquarius has no need to be perceived in one way or another by the collective; they are perfectly fine with being a perplexing mystery to the public, as they know themselves so intimately.  They don’t need external validation to know their inner truth.  While Capricorn’s expression of Saturn desires to label and categorize everything and wishes for others to see things just as they do, Aquarius is quite the opposite.  Aquarius is content knowing that while they may see themselves and the world around them in one way, everyone else likely sees them quite differently. And that’s okay!  Aquarius’s innovative nature acknowledges that innovation requires different viewpoints, opinions, and perceptions and therefore celebrates such things that conflict with their own.

Mercury in Aquarius individuals have brilliant minds and are often busy thinkers. They enjoy holding conversations about unconventional topics—the supernatural, metaphysical, and obscure.  Oftentimes, you will find Mercury in Aquarius individuals to have very niche interests that they are very proficient in, as these natives are also prone to perfectionism, which is often fueled by their strong desire to be the most educated in their chosen area of interest.  These individuals enjoy being the smartest person in the room and often have to learn that those who share their interests can be expansive allies rather than threats to their intelligence.  In non-competitive, collaborative environments, Aquarius Mercury can thrive.
Human behavior, psychology, personality analysis, and social and cultural study are all things that Mercury in Aquarius natives are often interested in, and you might expect to have conversations that are extremely deep right off the bat with these folks, as they don’t enjoy entertaining small talk.  Mercury in Aquarius may have you pondering the meaning of life more, or it could shift you into a more self-aware and introspective season.  You may also find yourself turning to alternative methodologies (like astrology!) to help you come to a place of understanding in whatever thing you are analyzing.

This transit is a great time for us to think outside the box and consider how we may change our mental habits and inner narratives. This may be a beautiful time for inner work to naturally happen, as we are likely liberating ourselves from beliefs that we have outgrown! We might find ourselves drastically shifting our beliefs, which may be brought about by conversations we don’t quite feel prepared for. These next couple of weeks have the potential to greatly alter our mental energy by helping us break through mental blocks and overcome any feelings of stagnancy we’ve been recently experiencing.

See the horoscopes below to learn how this transit might affect you. Check your rising sign.

This week’s Oracle message feels very in line with the Aquarius new moon coming up on Friday.  The message is simple and direct: we’re transforming and upgrading and have always been meant to do so!  Many individuals who are meant to usher in the new age, one that is more spiritually conscious, experienced their spiritual awakening some time ago (2020, when Saturn entered Pisces) so that they could be ready to lead in the Age of Aquarius.  We are stepping into a new level of alignment with our souls’ missions, which is why our collective has been focused on authentic expression over the past several months.
This spread is just confirmation to those who need to hear it that they have always been meant to move in the direction that they feel called to.  Your soul intended for you to do so. Don’t be afraid to take up space, be seen, and be heard!  Your presence matters, and your calling means something.  Each of us following our true callings creates a powerful collective that is coursing with inspiration, power, confidence, and celebration for this life we all get to have.  Now is not the time to shrink and hide; you are meant to shine and be seen!

Mercury in Aquarius

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