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  • Mercury in Aries and a Pre-Eclipse Season Check In

Mercury in Aries and a Pre-Eclipse Season Check In

Eclipse season will be here soon, here's how we can prepare

Vol. 50 // 03-08-24

I recently celebrated my 23rd solar return with a night in the city with my lovely partner and a mind full of ideas. Lately, I’ve been dealing with overwhelm; it’s like I can’t seem to manage my schedule to come to a place of homeostasis because I spend so many of my working hours daydreaming about new plans that I want to take flight. And while I’m grateful for the inspired ideas, I’m moving into a headspace of quiet and strategic movement that will help me restore the balance between my professional, personal, and creative efforts. Saturn is soon approaching my sun, which is a first-time experience for me. The past few years have held a multitude of Saturn aspects, and while I used to be easily frustrated and annoyed by them, the past year or so has been one of humorous delays and slow, dedicated work, which has provided me with the success I am witness to thus far. In a sense, Saturn has seemingly become a dear friend, one with more wisdom and patience than I presently have who isn’t flashy and doesn’t shove its insights down my throat, but rather a master moving in silence, waiting for me to catch the hint so I may finally surrender and follow in its footsteps.

I have always been the girl who cries on her birthday, immersed in the melancholic realization that I am being pulled further from childhood and into adulthood against my will while simultaneously being overwhelmed by the love I am surrounded by and the privilege I’ve been given for being provided so much love. I can remember turning eleven, lying in bed after a day of surprises and candles and wishes, tears streaming silently down my cheeks as I traced the swirls of my iron bedframe. I remember thinking to myself, “If I feel this sad and happy and mournful at eleven, how will I feel when I’m sixteen? Or eighteen? Or twenty-one? Would I run out of tears at the thought of my innocence, never to be returned to?” I think I was afraid of the magic of it all disappearing or that, as I grew older, I would stop looking for it hiding just under my nose. But it seems that at twenty-three, I am more connected to that girl tracing her bedframe than I have been in a long time. There were some years between then and now that challenged my will to continue to be bright, to be loving and kind and youthful. The hardships and grief I’ve encountered originally pushed me into a hardened state, yet in healing them, I’ve reconnected with my softness.

Entering adulthood has shown me how unprepared I will always be. In my attempts to take great strides toward independent ventures, I still feel like an innocent child most of the time, grasping for something or someone to soothe me with familiarity. But as I’ve held my own hand through many transformative and challenging experiences, I have created such a sanctuary within my own identity and have cultivated a trust with myself that feels unshakeable. I am the child and the parent, the follower and the leader, the helpless and the protector. On my journey thus far, I think I’ve understood that I have to keep nurturing the child within me by taking up the roles I once relied on others for. This is not to say that I don’t have the support system of my family and loved ones; without them, I would feel far less prepared and much more alone. But I’m figuring out that there will never be a day where I completely leave my childhood, just as there will never be a day when I feel fully like an adult. Because in a corner of my mind, I am still three years old, and I’m sitting in the wagon with my sister, listening to cassette tapes as our mom pulls us along a woodsy trail. And I am also still nine, longing for a horse to ride through the forest and braid intricate designs into its mane. And one day, I will be old and will think of when I was twenty-three and was crying as I wrote about my childhood, which was so much closer to me then than it is to me now.

I don’t entirely know what my plan was in writing all of this, but I hope that it gives you a sense of nostalgia, or perhaps inspiration. Maybe you don’t get anything from it, and it’s merely an installment for me to reminisce and reflect upon. Whatever the case, I am full of gratitude for all of the ages that have brought me here and for the new opportunities that lie ahead of me. My soul has such a deep craving for a life that feels so within reach, one that I feel I was destined to live out. I am in no rush to get there, as this present moment feels so tender and peaceful to experience. But I look forward to the things waiting for me, and I will keep looking for the magic around me along the way as it playfully floats in and out of my peripheral. And I thank you for being here and participating in the space where I am learning how to grow and evolve and better understand the tie between my girlhood and womanhood, as I’m realizing they are interconnected far more than I originally thought. As an astrologer, thinker, and sharer of my findings, I appreciate your presence, and I truly hope that my insight can continue to offer you support in your unique personal journey. But as a growing, healing, learning twenty-three-year-old girl, thank you for supporting my dream and sharing in this sacred, vulnerable space. <3

Mercury moves into Aries on the evening of Saturday, March 9th, giving us the first taste of the astrological new year and the upcoming eclipse season. This may feel like a jolt awakening us out of a dream, as we have been drifting through Pisces season in a state of reflection and contemplation, considering how we may more effectively and practically help our dreams materialize. Despite the seriousness that Saturn has infused this Pisces season with, we have all likely been understanding the necessity of rest, recovery, and quality sleep, which I hope you all are getting at least a little bit of! I think this season has been interesting for us to experience, as we may be having a variety of scenarios that are asking us to consider our long-term plans, with Saturn sort of acting as a mentor, asking us to clarify our vision and asking us the necessary questions so we can set attainable goals and organize tangible action steps forward. Yet simultaneously, we’ve been feeling the fluid, agenda-less nature of Pisces, inviting us into spaces of stillness and contemplation more frequently and reminding us that there is immense value in stillness and retreat.

With Mercury’s shift into Aries, we’re likely going to reach a space of readiness to make action toward our goals a bigger priority than dreaming about them. Pisces season is spent in a dream state—regardless of whether we’re sleeping or alert—allowing us to reconnect with the desires and visions that we’ve talked ourselves into thinking were out of reach. We are remembering the intentions we set when we originally began pursuing our dreams and are recentering on the feeling that is our driving force toward them. In the remainder of Pisces season, we are encouraged to keep dreaming, and keep dreaming big! With the support of Mercury in Aries, we will likely start to feel our mental motivation building, offering us exciting ideas, insights, and the mental drive to be the force of change within our own lives. I encourage you, in the remainder of Pisces season, to pay attention to what you are yearning for, what you dream of, and where your mind wanders. Write down any ideas you have and consider the bold ones especially; eclipse season will call us to take all of the things that we’ve been working on and developing over the past six months or so—authenticity, confidence, trust in ourselves, and proactivity—and put them to use.

Mercury in Aries is sharp, hot, loud, and bright. Its natives are usually animated and loud speakers; their inside voice is oftentimes the outside voice of the rest of us, hehe. They are great idea generators; many have deeply inventive, curious, and excitable minds, which can lead to many projects starting with gusto, which they might quickly lose the passion for as their next idea has often already captured their attention. When Mercury is in Aries, we can be deeply passionate about any one of the ideas we have, but we may feel overwhelmed by not having enough time to take action on all of them. This is why writing our ideas down is so important, especially in preparation for Aries season. This is also often a transit that can offer us a fresh perspective on things that we’ve already been handling, so expect yourself to feel a new sense of motivation for things you may have been losing passion for. Intense conversation is likely at this time, and because Aries is traditionally hot-headed and short-tempered, be careful to review your words before speaking them! Aries can say things that they don’t necessarily intend while in the heat of a passionate speech.

Considering how the North node and Chiron have been in Aries for a while, this transit also encourages us to be the masters and authoritarians over our minds. If we do not take up the role of leadership over our minds, our thoughts will take it up for us! Don’t let your thoughts dictate your reality. Our thoughts will be louder at this time, but so will our will to be the leaders of our experiences. Especially for those of us who struggle with overthinking or mental chatter, it’s imperative we take responsibility for what narratives we are going to believe and which we are going to discard. You get to decide what you believe; don’t let your mind convince you differently. This will be a good time to solidify new thinking patterns that are rooted in our authority over mental domains. “I am” affirmations in the form of statements are especially potent; it wouldn’t hurt to incorporate these into your daily routine as we move closer toward eclipse season.

This transit also reminds us that we get to decide how we perceive ourselves, meaning we get to choose what we identify with, what we stand for, and what our authentic truths are. We may be called to use our voices to lead during Mercury’s stay in Aries, either by leading ourselves or leading a group of others. Know that the role of leadership is available to you; all you have to do is claim it and believe you are a leader! It may be easy to get caught in a train of thought: “How am I qualified to lead? Will people see me as a leader? How do I know I’m an authority on [insert topic]?” Don’t be fooled by these thoughts; roles of leadership are composed of 80% claiming the space and declaring your authority and 20% others seeing you as such and listening. You are a better leader when you claim your role with confidence! I truly believe that there are so many powerful and inspiring leaders already in existence who are merely sitting in contemplation, wondering if they’re ready or deserving of such a role. However, know that you do not have to convince the right people to listen. Share your authentic voice and unique perspectives, claim your space, and you will naturally magnetize those who need to hear from you.

The Fertile Void card made an appearance for a second time this week, which I find interesting. With its message being on resting, having patience, and intuitively moving with our inner seasonal cycles as well as the external seasons around us, I think it’s a direct message for some of us who have not taken its message to heart already! In these final weeks of Pisces season, we are reminded to continue to slow down and restore; the time for movement and change will come with Aries season and its eclipses, which will be here before we even know it. The Healing is Happening card is an additional affirmation that even though we may not see ourselves healing, growing, making progress, or changing in the ways we think we want ourselves to, everything is being orchestrated to serve our highest good, which means that even if you have an off day, it will be used to your greatest benefit. I think this is a valuable message for those who struggle with control and those who are fearful that they’re “missing out” on what they "should” be doing. These are important reminders that there are seasons for action and seasons for stillness, and while we are in a transition between two of the very sorts, many of us are still awakening from an inner winter slumber, which will provide us the energy to leap into Aries season with power.

The Release the Petals card reminds us that we are ever-changing, ever-evolving beings; you are not the same you you were yesterday. We can often have funny relationships to change; sometimes we crave them so deeply that we can’t wait for their arrival, while other times we resist and avoid their gentle coaxing from our comfort zones. There may be things that you feel have run their course and are falling away, as they are, evidently, no longer in alignment with you and are becoming more of a hindrance in your life than a benefit. This could be a habit, routine, job, connection, mindset, belief, or environment. We’re being asked to trust that when we allow it to fall away, there will be something that can be of greater service to us to take its place. It seems that with the themes of the Oracle this week, some of us are afraid of change in some areas and are chomping at the bit for it to happen in others. Follow the flow of change and embrace the decay of what is falling away; new buds will form in their place.

Mercury in Aries

ARIES, with Mercury moving into your sign, this will likely feel like the mist clearing; your mind may feel sharper, and you might find yourself feeling more action-oriented and motivated. In the few weeks that it will be in your sign, consider how you can invest mental energy into your personal plans and ambitions, and don’t be distracted by things that don’t serve you directly. This transit will likely give you some ideas about how you may evolve or transform during the eclipse season and may reveal some mental blockages that you will be urged to confront once the spring equinox arrives. Use this mental energy to your advantage; your mind can do a lot for you under this influence! While you may feel the inner desire to take action, you may not actually have the physical motivation to do so until Aries season. Use the time until then to plan, strategize, and gather inspiration about what you may accomplish.

TAURUS, Mercury’s passage into Aries may bring your awareness and focus inward, drawing you away from external distractions and your social groups around you and pointing your attention to the inner work that may be necessary for you to prioritize in order to get the most out of eclipse season. You may be more aware of your inner limitations, or you might have realizations about the leader within you and will perhaps focus on how you can use your voice authoritatively. While Aries energy is all about authority, exuberance, forward movement, and quick decision-making, this energy is naturally hidden from you. However, during Mercury’s stay in this sign, you may feel more motivation to bring your inner leader into the light, although it may feel uncomfortable to you while exploring it. This is a powerful time to claim authority over your inner narrative. You have the power to rewrite subconscious narratives at this time. All you must do is take ownership of the story rather than allow your mind to tell you otherwise.

GEMINI, Mercury moving into Aries may motivate you to think bigger and set plans for you to attain the goals that you’ve always dreamed of. This is a good time to share your ideas with your community, or you may find that you experience a great deal of inspiration in social environments. This could be a time in which you take up a place of leadership or authority over your social circles, on social media, or among your coworkers. You’re entering one of the luckiest seasons of your astrological year, which will officially begin with the spring equinox. This eclipse season may significantly transform your social groups, your social media presence, or how your identity has been shaped by either of them. In preparation for it, allow yourself to consider how you may allow yourself to express your ideas authentically rather than sharing what you may think others want to hear from you. You may have inspiring ideas that can have a powerful impact on your social circles; don’t be afraid to share your original thoughts!

CANCER, Mercury’s ingress into Aries may have you thinking more boldly and is encouraging you to step into your power in preparation for eclipse season. You may feel your focus shifting from learning, expanding, and envisioning the possibilities to actionable, strategic, and passionate planning. This may be centering your attention around your long-term ambitions and career path, perhaps you are preparing to advocate for yourself in your workplace or ask for a raise or promotion. This is a valuable time for you to consider your biggest ambitions and identify the possible paths to achieving them. If nothing was in your way, what would you reach for? But if you were to encounter roadblocks, what would be worth pushing onward for? These are things that may be important to ponder, especially in preparation for eclipse season. Mercury’s presence in Aries may have you thinking more directly rather than directing your thoughts this way and that way. Identify what you feel adamant about and what you want and believe you deserve. There may be opportunities for you to step out of your comfort zone to speak your mind, especially in public or professional spaces. Go for it!

LEO, Mercury’s movement into Aries is likely to have you move into a very forward-thinking space, one in which you are becoming more motivated to break out of old ways of thinking and outdated habits and reinvent yourself in a variety of different ways. There may be scenarios that prove you wrong or ask you to consider different perspectives on topics that you believe you are well versed in. You may have more instinctual cues that urge you to press into unknown territories under this influence, while you may have the tendency to second-guess and analyze. This influence encourages you to trust in your intuition to guide you in the direction that will be most favorable for you. If you need some support, having conversations with those whom you have great respect for will be beneficial. Eclipse season will likely push you into new spaces or new mentalities that reside outside your comfort zone, whether you feel ready to venture there or not, so use this time to mentally prepare for trying new things. Eclipse season will likely be a time in which you will radically expand; it’s time to embrace change!

VIRGO, Mercury’s entry into Aries is preparing you for the eclipse season beginning soon, which will initiate you into transformation on many levels. You may be prone to fearful thinking under this influence, as you may already anticipate the changes that will occur. Do not be alarmed! While eclipse season will likely feel very intense for you, you must remain in a headspace of authority to reap its benefits. Do not get authority and control confused, though; authority, in this situation especially, means remaining aware of and willing to approach the fears, pains, wounds, and painful memories that will inevitably arise. Eclipses send us into a space of radical change, whether we feel ready for it or not, so you may as well choose to be willing to take on the challenge, right? Mercury in Aries may bring your awareness to wounds around identity, self-acceptance, confidence, or self-assurance; you’re invited to be attentive to where your mind goes when these things come up. Step into a role of leadership for yourself so that you can navigate anything brought up by the eclipses with self-assurance and confidence.

LIBRA, Mercury moving into Aries is preparing you for a deeply transformational season, in both your personal experience and your close relationships. This transit may be shifting your focus to your relationships, either existing or potential, and having you consider how you can facilitate important conversations by stepping into a space of leadership rather than waiting to be approached by the other party. This may translate to business, romantic, or platonic partnerships. You may already be feeling the transformation about to take place, as this could very well be a time when you are making a move in a relationship in a bold way. Mercury’s passage into Aries is likely helping you plan your actions, offering you the mental sharpness and assertiveness you need to actually take your plans seriously. Whether you are preparing to end a relationship, make a relationship more official, or set a big boundary with someone, this time will be favorable for you to get clear on what you want so that you can advocate for yourself effectively.

SCORPIO, with Mercury moving into Aries, you may feel more focused on putting your thoughts into action and may be migrating from a creativity-centered way of thinking to a productivity-oriented one. This is preparing you for the eclipse season, which will likely instigate some form of transformation in your work-life balance, daily routines, and wellness rituals. You may find yourself needing to re-orient your cyclic habits to better serve your needs and personal expression, which will likely require a bit of action and personal accountability. This is a time for you to take authority over your routines and habits, rather than allowing them to govern you; consider what needs to be changed to serve your best interests. You may be thinking more practically or be more inclined to operate from a place of strategy and organization. Use this time to consider how you may be able to be more accountable for your physical and emotional needs by shifting your daily priorities to meet whatever needs more attention for the day. This may also be a time for you to prioritize setting strong boundaries with others and honoring your personal needs. Listen to your body; it will guide the way.

SAGITTARIUS, Mercury’s ingress into Aries may be the breath of fresh air that you’ve been wanting, which will likely help you look at your creative energy with a fresh set of eyes and inspire you to take bold steps in new directions. The eclipses may facilitate transformations in your creative, social, and romantic lives and drastically shift the way you approach artistry and self-expression. You may feel as if you are preparing for a breakthrough in your personal style and in how you present yourself to the world. This will likely be an exuberant and vibrantly refreshing feeling for your creative self, especially within your mental domain. Take note of any ideas or epiphanies at this time and channel your mental energy into your favorite pastimes and hobbies; writing may also be something that you are drawn to creatively at this time, which may help you to express the changes happening within your identity and authentic self. Embrace your unique perspectives and authentic way of doing things; no one can be a better you than you!

CAPRICORN, this ingress is preparing you for a transformation in where you find security: mentally, emotionally, and perhaps physically. The eclipse season we are approaching will urge you to embrace how the foundations of your identity are changing and will likely push you into situations where you can practice embracing your identity shifts. You may have important conversations with family members or loved ones at this time that will help you understand how you can allow your foundational beliefs and inner sense of security to grow and evolve with you. Mercury in Aries may be drawing your attention inward, making you more aware of your personal needs and feelings, and implying that you may find more mental clarity when you are in comfortable and familiar spaces. This may also be amplifying your authoritative voice in familiar spaces, making necessary conversations with friends and loved ones more likely to be had at this time. This may be a time for you to lead a family member or your family as a whole. This could also be a time for you to discover new foundations of your identity, ones that support you as you evolve and grow.

AQUARIUS, Mercury’s movement into Aries will give your voice a powerful renewal, which may allow you to use it in spaces of authority or to lead others in some way. During the eclipses, you may be pushed to boldly speak your mind with more confidence or confront any fear around speaking your truth. Allow this transit to help you speak your authentic truths, especially those you have worried will be judged. Mercury in Aries is shifting your awareness to your mental power and will likely offer you some inspiring ideas that you may feel called to take action on. Write your ideas down under this energy, as you will likely have valuable insights that will be assets to you during eclipse season. You may have ideas relating to sharing your ideas, information, or personal wisdom, which you may feel called to offer to others from a place of leadership. You may become more aware of the power that your voice and mind both hold during this transit, which may be themes that you will be pushed to explore during the eclipses. Don’t be afraid to stand in a place of authority and claim your ideas with confidence. What you have to say is valuable; don’t question its worth!

PISCES, as Mercury moves into Aries, you may find yourself pondering your values, relationship with money, and self-confidence. You might become more aware of how you identify with or place your value in your possessions or money, which will likely be things that you will be asked to explore further during the eclipses. You may be thinking of ways that you can take more authority over your finances during this transit or may feel more motivated to get them in order in a way that you desire. This will be a transit that benefits you most when you are authoritative and decisive in your decisions involving money, possessions, and your well-being. You may also be analyzing your earning potential under this influence, which could motivate you to generate more streams of income or reorient how you make your money. You are a bit more prone to self-criticism at this time, which will likely become a more prominent thing once eclipse season begins. You will be pushed to practice radical self-acceptance and to show yourself the appreciation you deserve. In preparation for the eclipses, consider integrating uplifting “I am” affirmations into your morning.