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Mercury Retrograde, The Ego, and the Jupiter-Mars Conjunction

We are in a whirlpool of BIG energy! Here's how to work with it

Vol. 62 // 08-19-24

Upon turning 23 in March, I entered a twelfth house profection year. If you aren’t familiar, profection years are an astrological concept that suggests we focus on a different house in the natal chart with each new age we turn. From 0-1 you’re in a first house year, 1-2 a second house year, 2-3 a third house year, and so on. Once you turn 12, you start a new cycle in the first house. This is my first 12th house year as an adult, and I will say that it is overwhelmingly different than my last experience of it at eleven years old, haha. The twelfth house is arguably one of the most nuanced, as it governs over many intangible, invisible things. The twelfth house governs invisible spaces that unite us as a collective—the womb, the afterlife, mental health, the dream realm, the subconscious; we all experience them at one point in life or another, but we don’t have any physical proof of their existence. Yet, we all know they exist; we all understand them in some capacity or another. Twelfth-house matters entail things that you can discuss with anyone, even the most distant stranger, and they will still be able to relate. This is oftentimes why the 12th house can be so confusing for some in their astrological learning experience—it is more easily understood through descriptions of “you know that feeling when…” rather than practical, simple, tangible symbols.

The twelfth house year is characteristically said to be one of isolation, and so far, I can definitely confirm that, but it’s not something that I’m upset by. When my partner and I broke up, I could have moved just a little down the road, but did I do that? No—I moved to an entirely new state where I know less than a handful of people, haha. Although I have a few connections and remain in contact with my loved ones back home, I have never felt more alone. I don’t mean to say that tinged with grief, as I’m rather enjoying it. Most days I don’t talk to anyone other than you via social media, my clients, or the barista at the coffee shop. There’s a level of simplicity that I’m learning to embrace, which is manifesting by finding consistency through rituals and routines. I’ve made the same thing for breakfast for the past three weeks, and it’s incredible.

The theme of isolation or mystery extends beyond the physical plane in this year though; while being physically isolated makes it easily digestible, I think that this year translates to a much more conceptual experience. Yes, I’m physically much more alone than I used to be, and yes, I know fewer people here in a relational sense, but in that complex, 12th-house, nuanced way, the aloneness could not be easily remedied by simply meeting more people. One of the biggest spaces that I’ve found this manifesting is in my interactions with men. I’ve made a habit of going to the beach every day so I can get some sunshine, commune with the ocean, and intentionally take some time to read. I’ve been approached by countless men during my beach time who always note my beauty and how they just couldn’t not talk to me. I want to clarify that I say this with so much humility and zero arrogance—I don’t want this to come across as “Oh my god, I’m just so pretty that they can’t stay away from me!” 🤨 I only share this because of how well I’ve noticed it illustrates this twelfth-house experience.

I do feel flattered by the respectful ones, but I am not used to receiving this type of attention from so many men, like, ever, which has made these encounters more and more bothersome the more I experience them because they all are, seemingly, motivated by the same intention—lust. My frustration is partially fueled by not wanting to connect with other men, as I’m still going through the motions of my relationship status not being what it once was. But the bigger piece is that it feels insulting to have men only wish to know me physically. My body is the least interesting thing about me. I genuinely don’t think that most of these men have the depth or awareness to even begin to understand me. That sounds so dramatic (LOL), but to be honest, I’ve never been involved in such big and diverse social spaces before, so while I’ve known these types of people exist, I haven’t interacted with too many of them face-to-face. It’s jarring to shift from being in such a heart-centered, soul-level relationship—one in which I truly felt seen beyond my physical form—to engaging in tasteless conversation with men with wandering eyes. And it’s also bizarre because I keep having these sort of “seeing from a god perspective” moments where I recognize that these men are souls, just like I am, here to complete a chapter in their soul’s development, but I simultaneously think to myself, “How are you so unaware? Does life not have more meaning to you? How do you not crave something deeper?

It’s conflicting because I feel like I know the answer—it’s all a part of their journey, all in divine timing—but I also find it so empty. I’ve been learning more and more about asserting my boundaries through these experiences, but it’s also frustrating because I enjoy human connection and masculine energy…just not that type. It’s strange to leave behind a relationship in which I encountered so much respect, kindness, truth, and integrity—every flirtatious masculine interaction I have is now compared to him. It’s beautiful because it points out the type of love that my last relationship fostered, but simultaneously so disappointing—these “men” don’t even come close. Even with those who seem friendly, I feel like I can sense their secret intentions, and I’m recognizing that I really do not trust people like I once did, which is good but strange to be reminded of. There was a time in life when I was much more insecure and probably would have loved the amount and the type of attention I’ve been receiving lately, but at this point in my journey, the more interactions of this nature I have, the more alienated I feel. I’m surrounded by and interacting with more people than I ever have in my entire life (that is not an exaggeration), yet I feel so, so alone. I’m approached by so many men, but they are all the same—I feel like when they look at me, they’re trying to consume me. It’s hard to describe how disorienting it is to be treated like a sacred treasure for so long, to then be treated like an object to possess once again…it’s bringing up so many memories of the past.

So many men want to “get to know me,” but don’t understand that the way I’d define that and how they’d define that is drastically different. So many people want to know me, but they don’t really want to know me, and I think that’s what feels most ostracizing.

Because this profection year was also one I experienced at eleven years old, I feel like I’ve been reminiscing on my eleven-year-old self—the sweet, witty girl who always had something to say (I think she’d relish in the fact that we never stopped talking, in fact, we talk WAY more than we used to, haha). I’ve been reflecting upon what is irreversible as well, identifying the strange fated events that she had to endure for me to become who I am now. Time does not exist in the twelfth house, and this is why every version of you who will ever exist collectively resides here—my eleven-year-old self is not the only essence of me I’m visiting, I think I’ve been communing with all of the iterations of me who I once was and all the versions I will become too. There’s a weird mixture of grief, nostalgia, magic, mystery, and clarifying epiphany found in this profection year.

I cry for eleven-year-old me, who does not yet know all of the pain she will have to get through, but I celebrate the love she will learn to know so well. Her definitions of these things will expand exponentially. She will be misled, abused, and forced to grow up faster than she wants to through events that no one should experience. But love will take on a new meaning for her—it will become more complex and profound, and she will be completely enveloped in it. Life will scoop her up in its arms and show her what she is capable of, and she will only become more herself. What I’m realizing through writing this is that while I’ve been having experiences in this new chapter of life that make me feel alienated, simplified against my will, isolated, and misunderstood, I also feel as if I’m reuniting with parts of myself I have forgotten because of that feeling, so I don’t think I’d remember them if I didn’t feel so alone. It’s like I have this heightened awareness of the entire story that my life is despite only physically existing in this present sliver of it. I’m 23 right now, but I also can feel the presence of every past and future self.

I have tried to make this section more concise and make it make more sense, but I’m giving up; what I’ve written is what needs to be said, I suppose. I hope that this makes sense to you, but if it doesn't, that’s okay, because it makes sense to me. And I suppose that is the point of this whole account I’ve laid out, and also of the twelfth house year. Many people will not understand you in the way you wish to be understood—some refuse to try, others simply are incapable. Some people will understand you, and an even smaller number will make you feel truly known. Some people will speak the language of your soul. To some, you will be the answer to a prayer; to others, you may be a knife that twists in an already open wound. But how strange that you may be all of those things to yourself. I think I’m learning that a part of the process of knowing yourself is to be unknown by others, to be utterly misunderstood by them. This, I know, is a gift, despite not quite seeing the blessing in it yet. Be well, my friends.

As a side note, I apologize for my continued inconsistency. It feels like I just can’t catch a break. I finally established a sense of routine and was beginning to figure out my new normal, but then on Friday night my ex-partner and I cut contact, which has been submerging me in a whole new collection of emotions. Our relationship ending feels much more real now. I am processing so many emotions—anger, confusion, grief, rage, loss, hopefulness—the whole nine yards. My heart feels much more broken than it felt before. Thank you for the kindness and support I’ve received. I’m still writing about the Aquarius full moon, but it won’t be going out in the timeframe I had hoped. Ughhhhh, I’ll find my groove again eventually. Life is just especially turbulent right now. Thank you for understanding.

NOTE: I have written so much in this email that it cannot all fit in one—horoscopes will be sent in a second email!

Mercury went retrograde on August 5th and will remain retrograde through the 28th, meaning that for the majority of this month, we will be in a state of reflection. This retrograde will take place primarily in Leo, as it crossed back into Leo on August 14th. While retrogrades usually get more of a negative conversation about them, these periods are not the universe trying to hurt or upset you! Retrogrades, regardless of the planet, are periods of inner observation, reflection, pause, and integration—a retrograde, unlike direct motion, infuses the planet’s travel with feminine energy, inviting us to slow down, listen, and soften ourselves in the energy of whatever planet is retrograding. As I’ve said in previous newsletters, Mercury is the most common retrograde we’ll encounter, as it retraces its steps between three and four times a year! And although we use the phrase “traveling backward,” Mercury is not literally traveling backward, and neither is any other planetary body in retrograde. These events are merely an optical illusion from our perspective here on Earth, making the planets seem like they’ve reversed.

With that said, these periods are a symbolic time of pause and reflection, but the sign that they occur in, and more specifically, the house(s) they activate in our natal charts, describe to us the specific energetic themes and qualities about ourselves that we’re being asked to look at with greater attention. With this Mercury retrograde taking place in Virgo and Leo, this will be addressing our ego expression and personal discipline, as well as how we communicate our expectations and boundaries to others. I’ve been observing and analyzing this retrograde for a little bit now, and I think there are a handful of core things that we all may benefit from being aware of, and perhaps if we wish to reap some benefits from this time, put a bit more of our conscious awareness toward integrating.

With Mercury stationing retrograde in Virgo, this review is initially having us return to our routines, personal discipline, and daily rituals, which may be having many of us find a new way of being to serve our needs better. With Venus in Virgo as well, and considering she and Mercury made a favorable conjunction at the beginning of Mercury’s retrograde, this has likely felt like a new wave of mental clarity for some of us, even though Mercury retrogrades can sometimes be described as a time of mental fog. This has supported us in remembering the pleasure that becomes accessible to us through discipline and structure. This could be a time in which we’re actually feeling quite invigorated to implement new daily structures, but when I say "structures,” I’m not only referring to the things that we may usually think of—work, chores, keeping up on our health and well-being—I’m also referring to play, leisure, fun, and the things that add excitement into life. Virgo can often be stereotyped to be solely focused on improvement, which is true, but this can often be translated in a rather one-dimensional way. We can often think of improvement as being more restrictive, working harder, and doing more, when in reality, this is merely a cultural expectation upheld in our society. And while integrating these things is favorable, this retrograde’s beginning in Virgo asks us to look at the feminine side of improving ourselves—softening, allowing, and making more space in our lives for stillness and rest.

We may be encountering an interesting experience in this; perhaps we are finding ourselves having more structure and discipline in the work-related tasks of life so that we can honor our restorative practices more intentionally. While this may benefit our work and productivity, we may be doing this with our attention set on creating more space for intentionally investing in restful hobbies. This will likely be carried on once Mercury moves back into Leo on the 15th, but will be inviting us to more specifically ask ourselves the question, “Is this fun for me?” With Mercury retracing its steps through Virgo, we’re observing the practicality of what brings us pleasure, specifically mental pleasure. We’re reviewing our eating habits, daily practices, self-care rituals, and work-life balance, asking ourselves, “Is this working in support of who I wish to be? Does this align with my priorities and values?” Because of this, we might find ourselves in quite a significant experimentation phase with many of the physical aspects of life—exercise, diet, responsibilities—all the daily throws of our everyday experiences.

As I said, once Mercury returns to Leo, this will shift from a mentality of what is pragmatic to what is fun. The earth signs operate from a mentality of what is practical and materially reasonable; their motivations to act will almost always be associated with a physical goal or desired outcome. They go to work because they want their money; they maintain eating habits to get their desired physique and feel physically good; they put the time and work in so they can get the result. Fire signs, alternatively, do not need practical reasoning to motivate them to act—they just need the thrill of the experience. They act purely from the desire to experience whatever that action will provide them. If it ignites that spark of excitement within them, they’ll want to do it. Leo, specifically, is associated with the heart space, which means that this is a time for us to return to what lights us up—what makes us feel excited, happy, inspired, creative, and most connected to our inner child.

As we navigate the remainder of this retrograde through Virgo, we might find ourselves needing to consider how we can create the physical space for our inner child to come out and play in once Mercury moves back to Leo. We’re setting the scene now so that later we can delve into our heart spaces and return to that feeling of joy that urges us to act. Once Mercury moves back into Leo, we will likely be exploring our relationships with creativity, which may mean that we will have shortened attention spans and will want to pursue things that give us instant gratification. This is why this time before, with Mercury still in Virgo, is so valuable—we have space to consider how important discipline and structure are in our creative processes. This may be a time in which we understand that, although we may not always want to push through the more monotonous or boring parts of our lives, developing the mental stamina to stay dedicated to them allows the fun parts to be all the sweeter.

This will be a more prominent piece in this retrograde once Mercury re-enters Leo, although we may already be recognizing weak points in the ego that we feel especially defensive of due to our struggle to evolve them. I don’t say this to alarm or dishearten you, but the ego will almost inevitably be triggered during this retrograde, if it hasn’t already. The ego, we must remember, is the part of ourselves that craves a sense of safety and security the most and will do anything it can to maintain control over their experience. The ego is our stronghold—it is the energy that we instinctually go to to find confidence. This will manifest differently for each of us (your natal sun and the house it sits in will be important during this period!). See further below for details on when I’ll be going live on TikTok this week if you’d like to get a mini-reading from me to help decode how this might manifest for you. :)

While Mercury is still in Virgo, we may find ourselves being defensive and feeling more critical of what is “right” or “wrong,” or rather, who is right or wrong, if this comes up in a conflict with another party. There will be a tendency to take sides in this retrograde overall, so it’s advised for us to try to keep the bigger picture in mind throughout this period’s entirety. We may have experiences that trigger our pain points—the areas in which we have the most insecurity, discomfort, or dissatisfaction. This will require a bit of detachment from the experience if we wish to gather the benefits from this time—our initial thought may be to defend, speak our piece, and try to sway others to our side. However we may end up being triggered, it’s imperative to be mindful of why things get triggered—it’s not a personal attack from the universe, but rather, an opportunity to address our pain points by them coming to us, which leads me to the conversation about authentic embodiment that will be a core piece of this experience.

This retrograde points out there are a multitude of conversations to be had about personal development, authentic expression, values, morals, and character, but if those concepts are not implemented through embodiment, then they’re no more than substanceless air. We are reminded that it’s easy to say you believe something when the ego feels in its place of power, but there is something more meaningful in being able to honor that belief through your actions when the ego feels invalidated, exposed, and vulnerable. While we may have arguments, heated discussions, or uncomfortable confrontations through this retrograde, which will perhaps reveal what the ego wishes to keep hidden, we are asked to consider if and when such encounters arise how we can use those moments to put into practice the things that we’ve been learning about and saying we value so much.

This is a great time to assess how well we’ve connected with the concepts that we’ve been trying to learn more about in the months past—retrogrades are really simple and effective periods to figure out how well all of your inner work and self-development are being retained by your subconscious! As we move through this period, consider what values, concepts, qualities, and traits are most important to you—are you living in alignment with them? The ego may try to convince you that it is the authentic truth at times so that you can maintain your sense of control and confidence over the matters you encounter, so try to pause when you find yourself facing a conflict, roadblock, limiting belief, or inner feeling of dissatisfaction, and consider what inner force is driving your proverbial ship. Sometimes honoring the authentic self means doing the opposite of what we may naturally want, and this is where the ego will try to get you. Whether this is making a compromise with someone, placing your own wants on hold for something else to happen, restricting yourself for your own good, or some other situation of this sort, the ego may try to whine and complain to you that bypassing your own wants means you are not honoring yourself. The difference between the ego and the authentic self (the soul consciousness within each of us) is that the ego has to convince—it justifies why it’s right. The soul does not ramble, argue, or need to convince—it is a wise, soft tone, reminding us with a gentle, “There’s no need for me to make my case, you already know. I’m just here to affirm it.”

The last piece of this retrograde that I will discuss before briefly pointing out some issues you may want to be aware of is how perspective is everything during this time. In general, during Leo season, we are more aware of our perspectives over the viewpoints of others, which can make us feel a little more self-interested and, at times, narrow-minded. With this in mind, this may be the biggest contributing factor to any friction we will encounter between ourselves and other parties. We are so “me, me, me!” focused at this time that we may easily forget that everyone else is feeling that way too! This is not a bad thing, as this can benefit our understanding of ourselves and our individuality—the “star power” within each of us. We may use this time of heightened self-interest to invest more in the needs we’ve been neglecting, whether they’re physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. This can be a lovely time to be self-observant as well—to see ourselves from an outside perspective and understand ourselves from a different point of view.

This may be an insightful time to decode the personal narratives that we subconsciously abide by—the stories we’ve told ourselves about ourselves that shape how we think, act, and show up in the world. Perhaps you are recognizing stories that have been planted in your mind against your will, either because of your childhood environment or the social groups you frequently found yourself in in your youth, which are now impeding you from being the true you. We are exploring how we’ve been “performing” for those around us, a perceived person we think we should be, or an invisible audience, and may be coming to terms with parts of ourselves that are being repressed because of it. This can be an insightful time to ponder our self-concepts and identify why we’ve felt inclined to be the way we are. In exploring this, we may find that we are feeling a bit more sensitive to rejection or misunderstanding, as we may find that it’s difficult for us to feel fully accepted by others if we cannot be entirely relatable to them.

This retrograde asks us how devoted we can remain to our inner truth if the crowd is not there to applaud it—how devoted we can remain to it if the crowd were to, perhaps worse than no applause, ridicule, reject, or exile us. The ego represents our human nature, and on a biological, human level, we naturally crave community and belonging. Although we may try to live without it at times, we need others to agree with, celebrate, and support us—it’s only human. This retrograde does not intend to confront us with rejection but rather invites us to embrace the paradoxical nature of being your true self. We all want our true selves to be appreciated, but when we do so, we naturally gamble with the possibility of being misunderstood and cast out of the social group, yet simultaneously, when embodying the authentic self, we act as a beacon of light, drawing those who relate to our uniqueness toward us, and therefore, creating the community that is meant for us. We have to accept that we’re not for everyone to find the people we are for.

Because retrogrades benefit more feminine energy activities (resting, reflecting, observing, listening, feeling, integrating), we may encounter some frustrations in our external realities. As Mercury retrogrades go, this will disrupt all the things in Mercury’s domain, at least in an external world sense—transportation, technology, writing, speaking, conversations, things we do with our hands, thresholds, documents, and anything else pertaining to thought exchange and short travels. Mercury is the messenger, so when it retrogrades, there can be higher chances for issues to be encountered with conversations—things can get lost in translation. When Mercury is direct, communication flows easily; it’s like a conversation being had between two people sitting across from one another. But when it turns retrograde, it can be like there’s a middleman being told each person’s thoughts, and he is the one to interpret what they’ve said and deliver it to the other—like a game of telephone, what was intended to be said may get warped. Due to this, and even more so because of the themes of this specific retrograde that I’ve discussed above, that “middle man” is probably going to be the ego. There could be a tendency to make otherwise civil conversations into unnecessarily dramatic exchanges just because of a tendency to shift blame and point the finger, even if there isn’t any blame for either party to shoulder.

Carrying on from that, we may have the tendency to speak out of turn or to say things that we don’t entirely mean, as Leo’s dramatic flair may be infused into our thought processes, but we may not have the tact to know what is productive to say and what is not. This contributes to the tendency for things to become unnecessarily dramatic, which is why keeping our thoughts—especially when in conflict or intense conversation with others—as concise and practical as possible. There’s a fine balance between sharing our truth and sharing it with how it will be received by others, which is encouraged for us to be mindful of throughout this retrograde. While we want to get our perspective out there, there may be a tendency to be selfish in conflicts where compromise is trying to be found. We will have to recognize that in more scenarios than not, we will likely have to give up a portion of what we want in order for peace to be found.

The biggest thing to remain aware of through this period is who is in the “driver’s seat” of your mind—is it your ego or authentic self? Who’s using the voice, leading the thought process, and shaping the mindset? Continuing to ask yourself this question during this retrograde may not only help you to understand how your ego tries to disguise itself as your soul, but also identify how your ego may be trying to warp your perception of your own potential to keep a grip on your actions. The ego is like a child, so it is not acting maliciously when it tries to keep you from evolving, but that does not mean we should let it run rampant with us. The ego yearns for control, so we must, like a parent, place restrictions on where we allow it to have power. When we do this, the ego can be a supportive aspect of ourselves that contributes to our growth, expansion, and alignment with our highest potential.

Mars, the planet of action, drive, willpower, and our masculine urge, and Jupiter, the planet of belief systems, manifestation, higher learning, and wisdom, as well as blessings, good fortune, and expansion, only join together every two years or so to facilitate a breakthrough in the collective. The last one we experienced was in May 2022, when Mars met Jupiter in Aries. While these unions between Mars and Jupiter are not very frequent, they are powerful, and we will likely feel it through the 20th or so, even though it went exact yesterday afternoon. I also think it’s important to note that whenever we encounter annual or less-than-annual conjunctions of this sort, while they will have a day or two that they’re exactly unified at the same degree because they take a little longer to reach each other, the energetic presence of their conjunction will also last a bit longer than the one day that they’re unified. The energy doesn’t just appear and vanish! It’s more like a soft waxing and waning, similar to the moon. You may have started to feel this energy as soon as the 9th or 10th, and will likely continue to notice its presence shortly after the full moon in Aquarius on the 19th.

There tends to be a more negative or pessimistic conversation about this conjunction I’ve noticed, which is a bit disappointing, as I think this is some valuable energy and a call to be brave—to act without fear! That’s not to say we should act without thinking, as I think this can be where the negative conversation can come from. When Mars, our action energy, is united with Jupiter, the “anything is possible” planet, there’s potential for us to be a bit overzealous, which may lead us to think we’re invincible and not acting from a place of sound judgment. There can be a tendency toward overly excited action under this influence, but by being mindful of that inclination, we can channel it into productive directions, if we so choose! However, before we discuss the bulk of this conversation, I will just briefly share some other things to look out for. That invincibility that we all may feel can lead to some rash decisions being made, which does lead me to caution you when working with machinery, driving, exercising, or partaking in other things that involve great bursts of power (both mechanical and biological). Especially because this is happening in Gemini, there may be a tendency to bite off more than we can chew, overcommit ourselves to things, or think that we’re much more talented at multitasking than we actually are. When driving or operating machinery, take your time, and don’t try to do two things at once—there’s no rush!

Secondly, this may be a time in which our tongues are sharper than is usually characteristic for each of us, which may be magnified a bit by Mercury retrograde. Mars in Gemini, while witty, clever, and great at finding solutions, can be a bit spiteful if they allow themselves to get wrapped up in the dramas of life too much. And with Jupiter making anything it touches bigger, it’s best we stay aware of not just what we’re saying, but why we’re saying it as well. You don’t want to say anything that you don’t truly mean at this time, as it may come back to bite you a bit later, specifically once the Mercury retrograde is over and has returned to Virgo. That’s not to cause any paranoia within you, but just to remind you to stay connected to your heart’s intentions rather than allowing dramatic encounters to get the best of you. And if you find someone driving erratically and road raging, just let them get past you, and wish them safe travels, haha.

When Mars and Jupiter join together, it is a clear and obvious invitation from the universe to act on faith—to demonstrate your belief in your manifestations, dreams, desires, and wishes through your actions. Mars is the driving force within us that urges us to act; it is the masculine energy that can more prominently be seen in our 3D experiences, as it is the motivation that pushes us to act. Mars in transit can show us how we can help ourselves feel more motivated, get more things done, and channel our energy into productive directions. Its interactions with our natal Mars placements may add additional insight, but that is more in-depth than I have space for, haha. However, since Mars entered Gemini—on July 20th—we have likely felt ourselves inspired to act in multiple directions at once, which may have led us, thus far, to begin more projects than we’ve been able to finish. While we do have that tendency to spread ourselves too thin, we also have a strengthened mental capacity, as Gemini is governed by Mercury. Our minds likely have a bigger capacity for responsibilities under this influence, which can benefit our productivity if we’re able to streamline our thoughts long enough to see one project through to completion at a time. Like all planets in all signs, Mars receives both blessings and roadblocks by being in Gemini, but here’s what we can do to make the most of this transit, specifically through Mars’s conjunction with Jupiter.

As I was saying above, we may be inclined to spread ourselves too thin with Mars in Gemini, which may be highlighted a bit more with the conjunction with Jupiter, as Jupiter adds a sense of excitement and exuberance to our action energy. It’s as if this conjunction is saying to all of us, “There’s just so much to do; why don’t we try to do it all at once!?” Because this conjunction is occurring in a Mercury-ruled sign and is happening during a Mercury retrograde, we may want to interact with this energy differently than we would if Mercury were direct. These events happening simultaneously mean this is a terrific time for brainstorming, entertaining ideas, considering possibilities, and making lists. We might find ourselves having so many ideas at once that we want to get each of them started at the moment of their realization, but it may be more helpful and healthy for our inspirations’ well-being to simply write them down and save them for when Mercury turns direct again. The Mars-Jupiter conjunction brings us a heightened sense of belief in our potential and capabilities, which suggests that this can be a lovely time to entertain the possibility of beginning projects that we’ve previously felt unprepared for or incapable of accomplishing. What potential resides in one of your ideas that you have not yet pursued? What do you think could come of it if you were to give it a try? And if you’re meeting these questions with doubt or uncertainty, why not you?

While this is an ideal time to think about and jot down new ideas, this is a call to action for things that you’ve reviewed over and over and over again. Mercury retrogrades can sometimes illuminate ideas that we have not yet acted on but have given a great deal of thought to multiple times in the past. It’s almost as if the retrograde says to us, “Remember this? It’s still there—how about now?” If there’s something coming to mind for you—something that you’ve considered beginning, taking action on, or deciding before—this is a supportive time for you to act, and you’re specifically being asked to do so in great faith in the “bigger plan” at play. It’s funny; this conjunction blesses things that have sat on the proverbial backburner for a while but asks us to be patient with new ideas. This Mars-Jupiter conjunction invites us to “put some skin in the game” in terms of our manifestations, as it’s urging us to physically invest in the things we’ve been saying we believe in but have perhaps not done much to act like it. Jupiter in Gemini has been teaching us about having faith in the unseen, even if we desperately want to have a little sliver of tangible evidence that what we energetically feel really is there. This has likely been a challenge that each of us has encountered in different ways, but the overarching message that Jupiter has really been trying to send is, “Have enough faith to act, even if you can’t see it right now.

Jupiter strengthens the power of the mind in Gemini, which can be great for the beliefs we want to have but perhaps not so great for those we don’t want. Since it entered Gemini at the end of June, it’s been urging us to review our belief systems and become more aware of how our beliefs are participating in the creation of the realities we’re living. This conjunction highlights how, sometimes, one of the best ways to plant new beliefs into our minds is by taking an action that’s aligned with that belief! This is not to say we must do something drastic that completely defies reason, although some of us may feel inclined to do so. If you’ve been contemplating moving to a new city, maybe that action is booking a trip to visit one you’re interested in, but maybe it’s just researching potential places and making a list of what things are important to you! If you’ve been wanting a new job, maybe you end up quitting your current job, or perhaps you apply for a job you don’t think you’re qualified for. Whether your action is “big” or “small,” this conjunction encourages you to act in faith, meaning that it asks you to listen to your intuitive guidance and instincts (Mars governs instincts!) in whatever direction they’re leading you.

The thing about Jupiter is that it encourages us to do what seems unreasonable or impractical if it is where our intuitive compasses are pointing toward. Jupiter in a material or “human” sense can refer to grandeur, excess, over-ambitiousness, or big taste—appreciation of novelties and flashy experiences just for the attention they can garner. However, Jupiter is a highly spiritual planet and, in my opinion, can be more insightful when translated into energetic and non-material terms. When working with Jupiter, especially through this conjunction with Mars, the reason behind our motivation to act is everything. If you are acting out of spite, selfishness, vanity, or to appear impressive or someone to be envied, then your actions may be met with calamity, but if your actions are inspiration-breathed and intuitively led, you will likely find blessings will follow. I think Jupiter is one of the most favorable planets to consider for manifestation, as it describes how our belief systems put out an energetic frequency, which then aligns us with that frequency and attracts the things also on that frequency.

This conjunction happening with Mars may bring about some doubt, since Mars technically being a malefic (unfavorable influence) planet might infuse this with some resistance. But Mars is the warrior, and not just a warrior; it’s the brave leader on the front line. Similar to the warrior engaged in battle, we’re encouraged to allow our fear and doubt to be overridden by the call from within. A good warrior does not fight because they enjoy it, but because they have a duty to defend and protect those they love, and the same goes for us with our desires and manifestations. We must act in honor of our destinies, callings, dharma, whatever your name for it is—the thing you feel you must do, the thing you know you’re meant to experience—even in the face of mental blockages. This conjunction advocates for us to take charge of our beliefs, to not allow our beliefs to shape our actions, but rather our actions to shape our beliefs. With Jupiter in Gemini, we may have the perception that in order to believe it, we first want to see it, but Jupiter teaches us through this sign that the moment you truly believe it is when you’ll see it in your physical reality.

Our beliefs don’t lie. We can say we believe something, but if it’s not something that feels truly rooted in the foundation of your being—if you say you believe it but it doesn’t really make sense to you—then you actually may not believe it as much as you say you do. What we see in our realities is a direct reflection of what we believe we deserve and are capable of accomplishing. If you wish to further align yourself with a belief you’d like to have, this conjunction invites you to act in honor of it. Creating new beliefs that we truly believe and trust takes time, but taking actions in alignment with them can oftentimes help accelerate that process of their actualization, as the mind loves to see proof that the things you’re telling it are true. Don’t force yourself into spaces that you don’t feel safe in during this time, but if you feel that motivating force within you urging you to take a leap of faith, do something you don’t feel quite ready for, or act in a way that doesn’t make sense to your logical brain, and you can feel its truth in your core, don’t be afraid. See where it takes you.


Personal readings, discovery calls for 1:1 monthly astrology coaching, and other such offerings are still available, all of which you can book and learn more details about through the button below. I’d feel so honored to help you understand your chart better to support your growth and the chapter of life you’re in. <3

I have hosted a handful of live events on TikTok in the past week, and I have found so much joy and fulfillment in them, so I’m making an effort to make them a part of my week more consistently. I have events scheduled for tomorrow, August 20th, and Thursday, August 22nd, both of which will be held between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm HST (5:00-8:00 pm PST//8:00-11:00 pm EST), and a third event on Sunday, August 25th, between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm HST (1:00-4:00 pm PST//4:00-7:00 pm EST). If you’d like to stop by and say hello, ask a question about the current transits, or receive a mini reading from me, you can go to my TikTok through the button below and register so you’ll be notified once they start!

If you’re stopping by to get a mini reading, they’re $40 for 1 question—the reading lasts between 10-15 minutes. I’ll have more information on the steps to secure a spot in the live. :)

I feel like the message is pretty clear with this one—things are changing, for some, perhaps quite drastically—and we’re being asked to remember that everything is orchestrated with our best interest and highest good in mind. “The Crumbling” card in this deck is, quite obviously, a nod to the Tower in traditional tarot—it symbolizes something perhaps crumbling away, something that we found quite a lot of security in. This may feel quite disastrous, considering this Mercury retrograde has been picking at the pain points of our egos; many of us may be having things that we felt comforted by ripped from our grasps, or some of us may be stepping away from them on our own accord, even if we may not want to. There is a big, BIG invitation for faith to be had in this spread, which I find to be quite comforting, and you may too if you’re going through another “tower moment.”

I also sense a reference to soul contracts or spiritual agreements being fulfilled with the second card’s presence. Whenever I see that card, I always think of the figures in it as our souls congregating together on the astral plane. It makes me think of how the soul knows what needs to happen even if the human consciousness cannot comprehend why it’s happening. It’s a reminder that these changes or shifts, however drastic they may feel, have always been a part of the plan and an invitation for us to not worry ourselves so much about how everything will unfold. I find myself encountering quite a bit of resistance when typing that, as my own ego wishes so badly to be able to do something to change the things I’m currently grappling with. But with the current astrological energies at play, and not just those of this week but of the entire summer, things are rapidly evolving, which means that the ego may be having a hard time holding on for the ride. This season is one of tough love; remember, you can only become aligned with things that you are ready for, and you are only given challenges that you are capable of facing. The universe would never give you something you weren’t ready to experience, and that applies to both enjoyable and unenjoyable experiences. The final card feels quite straightforward—things are coming together just as they need to. There’s an invitation for us to stop worrying so much (easier said than done, but still) as things are falling into place just as they’re meant to. It reminds me of that saying, “When things feel like they’re falling apart, they’re actually falling into place,” or however it goes.

A part of me felt irritated to see this message come forward, as I am having such a hard time understanding what this season is teaching me and intending to show me. I feel lost. I’m devastated and confused, and, not to be dramatic, my heart feels vacant and hollow. There are so many things that I felt like I understood, so much that I trusted to always be there, and yet, the events that have unfolded before me have felt very contradictory to what I felt was genuinely real and true. Sometimes, most of the time actually, having faith is a conscious choice, one that we demonstrate through action, which feels very cohesive with the Mars-Jupiter conjunction. And so, despite this confusion, anger, frustration, and pain, I am choosing to have faith. A part of me hates to choose that, but I’m doing it for my own good. This is also what you’re asked to do, no matter how this message may apply to your life—we can choose faith and try to embrace the process or kick and scream as life pulls us along. It’s up to us. Sending you love. xx

Relating to this song in a new way lately…