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  • Mercury Retrograde, The Ego, and the Jupiter-Mars Conjunction

Mercury Retrograde, The Ego, and the Jupiter-Mars Conjunction


Vol. 62 // 08-19-24

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo. Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in Gemini. Check your rising sign for primary messages, sun and moon signs (in that order) for additional insights.

ARIES, during this retrograde, you’ve likely been reviewing how your daily routines and work habits are contributing to your sense of joy and confidence, which may mean that you’ve been identifying new ways to get your daily tasks done while also pursuing more fun. Perhaps you’ve found yourself pushing yourself to work but have forgotten to also invest your efforts into things that light you up—the things that inspire and excite you. This retrograde may also be asking you what boundaries you have allowed to slip due to, perhaps, wanting to stay in the social spotlight, so this could be a favorable time to review what social engagements you’re partaking in and observe your motivations for doing so. It could be easy for you to become involved in drama or unnecessary social conflicts under this energy, especially from now forward, considering Mercury is back in Leo. While this is a blessed time for your creative life—you might find yourself returning to ideas that have sat dormant on the shelf for a while—this could be a time in which you’re also reviewing your relationship patterns, particularly those in casual dating and flirtatious engagements. This may be a time in which you’re reconnecting with the pure essence of yourself—the unfiltered, raw expression of you. With the Mars-Jupiter conjunction, you may be gathering some big ideas or having some profound insights about inner conflicts that have seemed like mysteries to you—having some “aha” moments. You could speak abruptly or without much thought because of these influences, so be mindful of what you truly wish to say before you allow yourself to speak. Overall, though, this is a favorable time for self-reflection and self-understanding, especially when considering your inner world, self-concept, and the aspects of your identity that make you unique.

TAURUS, this retrograde encourages a deeper look at your foundational belief systems and encourages you to return to your roots. There are “foundations of self” that we all operate from; these are the personal narratives that we write about ourselves that shape our perception of who we are, what we can accomplish, and who we are to become. This retrograde encourages you to review these personal stories about yourself, as you may be identifying how some of them are not as supportive of the direction you’re moving in as they could be. You could be uncovering childhood wounds that influence your ability to create a sense of security for yourself, which may mean that you are feeling more sensitive to criticism or others’ opinions than usual at this time. This retrograde is supportive of intentionally reflecting upon your self-concept and the areas of life or topics in which your ego finds its stronghold. Is it in how much information you know? How many people agree with or admire you? How much money you have? The places where your ego finds most of its comfort may be the areas that are being triggered the most at this time; perhaps you are finding these things brought to your attention in more ways than one. This, paired with the Mars-Jupiter conjunction, may be challenging you to create your own security by choosing it for yourself. The conjunction could be offering you an opportunity for a new stream of financial abundance or may symbolize a breakthrough in your self-esteem and sense of worth, which might be having you focus on writing foundational beliefs that are more coherent with this new perspective of yourself. Overall, both of these events are supportive of new confidence being found not only in yourself but also in your ability to create security for yourself—emotionally, financially, mentally, and spiritually.

GEMINI, this may feel like a busy time energetically for you, as this Mars-Jupiter conjunction is happening in your sign, and you’re also more significantly impacted by Mercury’s movements due to you being Mercury-ruled. With the Mars-Jupiter conjunction occurring in your sign, this may be a time of rapid expansion for you—if you’ve been staying quite busy in the weeks leading up to this event, you may find your energy crashing, but for most, this will likely feel like a new surge of excitement, optimism, and inspiration. You could be having some breakthroughs in your self-concept, recognizing new aspects of yourself and the path you feel called to walk. However, the biggest expression of this energy may come through as invitations for you to “bet on yourself.” Opportunities to demonstrate your faith in yourself may arise, which may challenge you to have courage and act with the awareness that you will be able to navigate whatever comes after any big leaps you may take. This conjunction assures you that you have the power to navigate any experience you may encounter, even if it seems unfamiliar to you. With the Mercury retrograde occurring simultaneously, you might find yourself returning to your roots, which could have you more intentionally observing your foundational beliefs, but also may have you reminiscing on childhood in some way. Perhaps you are accomplishing some healing within yourself through the eyes of your inner child. This retrograde could potentially cause some disruption in your home or family life, which may involve boundaries and expectations needing to be more directly communicated. You’re encouraged to find a balance between advocating for your truth while also maintaining a curiosity for others’ thoughts, feelings, and opinions. You could say things you don’t truly mean if you speak without first considering what you truly wish to communicate, so be mindful of what you want to say. This is a time to remember that, in many situations, it’s not “your side” and “my side,” but rather, “your experience” and “my experience.” Compromise can more easily be found when this is integrated into the conversation. Honor your truth, but know that you don’t have to be agreed with for your truth to be valid to you!

CANCER, this retrograde offers you a refresh in your mind and invites you to observe what you place your sense of worth and security in. You might find yourself in quite a turbulent time mentally, as you may be involved in matters that require a great deal of faith from you. This retrograde paired with the Mars-Jupiter conjunction is insisting that you make peace with that which is out of your control, which may be easier said than done, but you are being reminded by the universe that the full picture of the matter is not entirely within view yet, which is why you’re being asked so insistently to trust! This time may be providing you the space to speak more candidly about your expectations, values, and boundaries with others; you may be recognizing more insight about what you need from all connections—familial, romantic, platonic, professional, etc.—in order to stay true to your own morals and values. This may also be a time in which your subconscious is going through a rapid transformation, which may be what is contributing to any feelings of uncertainty or insecurity. This is a powerful time for you to plant new beliefs into your subconscious through taking action, especially beliefs about your self-esteem, your values and morals, your deservingness, and your relationship with money. You’re reminded that while you may want to have proof that your actions will be worth your effort, you’re asked to trust the inner guidance of your heart and the direction it is leading you in at this time. There may be an especially prominent tendency for you to overthink or question things, but these events paired together intend to create a new space of security for you to find sanctuary in—one that does not lie in external matters like the validation of others, money, or material possessions, but resides deep within your heart.

LEO, your urge for freedom and independence may be heightened at this time due to the Mars-Jupiter conjunction, and you’re also invited by this influence to take some leaps of faith that may feel out of your comfort zone but will be actions that honor your vision for the future. You may find yourself rapidly evolving on a spiritual plane at this time, and your human consciousness may be having a hard time keeping up, which could be creating some inner discourse with yourself, leading you to feel indecisive or confused about what the “right thing” to do is in any decisions you find yourself facing. With this retrograde, there is a review of your values, morals, and personal character—you might find that you’re re-addressing aspects of your identity that you thought you understood but are perhaps realizing are still quite confusing to you. This retrograde will likely be pointing out things on the physical plane that you often turn to to feel validated by or allow to determine your self-worth, whether that’s money, material things, the attention, praise, or admiration of others, or something else. Considering you are naturally governed by the sun, your natal sun sign and its house placement are worth looking at to better understand how this pertains to your life path. That said, regardless of your natal sun placement, this retrograde paired with the Mars-Jupiter conjunction advocates for you to see the bigger picture at play—to look at your situation from a higher perspective—especially when it comes to any inner conflicts you may be facing regarding your confidence and self-worth. You may feel as if the future version of yourself is somehow inaccessible—you might find yourself going, “How do I get from here to there?” This retrograde encourages you to review your personal narratives so you may discover any inner blockages that are contributing to that divide between you now and you then, as the Mars-Jupiter conjunction points out that you are more connected to “future you” than you may realize. You may find it helpful to tune into the consciousness of your future self so they may provide you guidance at this time.

VIRGO, the Mars-Jupiter conjunction happening in Gemini, your fellow Mercury-ruled sign, may be providing you insights and inspiration not only in your self-concept but also in your grand vision for the future. This may be a time in which you’re feeling more ambitious, which may lead you to act more boldly than usual in your professional matters, long-term goals, or in public spaces that impact your reputation. Perhaps you are having some realizations about what is most important to you as you partake in the process of creating your future, or maybe you’re identifying some limiting beliefs that have restricted you from acting in favor of your dreams being actualized. This could be an exciting time for you, as there may be opportunities becoming available to you that will help to broaden your horizons. However, there may be a tendency for you to be a bit overzealous—sort of like the parable of Icarus who flew too close to the sun. This may lead you to say things that, while they may reflect your true feelings, may create friction between you and any close friends or partners. This may also cause you to take on more responsibility than you can realistically handle. With this Mercury retrograde beginning in your sign and dipping back into the house of the subconscious, there may be truths about yourself that are coming to the surface that you may have previously been completely unaware of. Or perhaps you were aware of them, but your perspective of them was distorted and foggy. The tendency for miscommunication to happen between you and others is heightened, so you’re encouraged to soften any strong opinions to make space for understanding to be found. You may feel like no one understands you in the ways you’d like them to at this time, but you’re encouraged not to view this in a negative light. Experiences of this nature may challenge your ego, but you’re encouraged to adopt a “be and let be” mentality; releasing the desire to control how others see you. This may offer you much more inner peace and a more balanced relationship with yourself.

LIBRA, this mercury retrograde may be inviting you to find more peace in the unknown and more confidence in the future, as it may be drawing your attention to your hopes and dreams, inviting you to align your actions with your desires for the future. With the additional influence of Lilith in your sign, you may feel a growing urge within you to defy the typical path that we’re socially conditioned to believe is the “right way.” This may be a time in which you’re considering how you can be a bit more ambitious for yourself, which may mean that this is a period of planning and brainstorming. Perhaps you are considering potential ventures that you’ve previously considered pursuing, but have felt uncomfortable doing due to feeling like you need social approval in order to proceed. With Leo governing your eleventh house, you may care a bit more for social acceptance than others, which may mean that it can be difficult for you to do things that go against the grain of society—to divert from the usual path traveled. However, this retrograde invites you to consider the opportunities that become available to you when you return to your inner compass—the passion that draws your attention to new possibilities. This could be a time for you to consider how your heart and intuition may be leading you in a different direction, one that pulls away from the popular path and feels more authentically fulfilling for you. With the Mars-Jupiter conjunction, there’s an invitation for you to take a leap of faith, which may entail you doing something that you perceive as risky when in reality, it’s just your ego feeling uncomfortable. Perhaps you’re considering beginning a social media presence, pursuing a new educational path, traveling to an unknown place, or blazing a new trail in some other way. This energy encourages you to accept that, while you may try to appease others, you will not be for everyone, which, upon accepting, can offer you the freedom to take charge of your path with a greater commitment to your heart’s true calling.

SCORPIO, the retrograde may be drawing your attention to your work or, more specifically, your career path, although this could also apply to your bigger vision of the future, not just your professional life. On a tangible level, you might be contemplating your professional trajectory; perhaps you are reconnecting with and considering your hopes and wishes for the future and identifying how practically your professional path aligns with and supports them. You could be recognizing that your most fulfilling path forward may not be exactly what you thought it would be, which could have you questioning many things about your near and far future. This retrograde invites you to perhaps consider things that could be incorporated into your long-term vision that are more aligned with your heart’s calling—perhaps you can allow the practicality of your dreams to be forgotten for a moment and allow what inspires you most to come into your awareness. You may already be in the process of leaving behind an old path, maybe one that feels a bit “safer,” to pursue something more heart-centered. This may also be a time in which you’re reconnecting with any creative passions you have; you might find that old creative pursuits that you had wanted to create into a career of some sort are becoming a bigger priority. Or alternatively, you might find that this isn’t necessarily about a career at all, but instead is a time in which you’re returning to making happiness one of your biggest life goals. This may mean that you’re investing more in your inner world and shadow work journey, which the Mars-Jupiter conjunction may be participating in. You might find that you have recently had a breakthrough involving your “inner darknesses,” which may be simultaneously challenging your ability to have faith in the transformation process. You may feel as if you’re losing or having to sacrifice something at the moment but are invited to acknowledge how letting something go now may actually propel you closer to what you may be trying to achieve. This may require quite a lot of mental resilience, but you’re advised to give yourself the space to rest as you go through this transformation, as this might involve a big transition—either physically or mentally. Give yourself grace and try to stay aware of the bigger picture at hand.

SAGITTARIUS, this retrograde is likely having you review your long-term goals and perhaps is drawing your attention to a potential venture that you once considered but perhaps felt uncomfortable or unprepared to pursue. You could be entertaining the idea of pursuing a new business or career path that diverts from what seems practical or safe and is instead centered around a passion of yours—something that lights you up. Perhaps you’re considering beginning an entrepreneurial venture, going back to school for something you feel passionate about, taking up a new educational course, or taking on a residency or internship that will provide you with a new skillset that you can utilize to travel down a new professional path. This could also be a time in which you’re coming to terms with a part of your heart’s calling. You could be having a realization that is bringing up thoughts like, “This is my life! I can do what I want! I don’t have to keep going in this direction if I don’t want to!” This may lead you to embark on a significant new chapter that will simultaneously provide you with a revitalized sense of confidence and purpose while also offering you access to new streams of wisdom. This may pertain to travel in a physical sense, but may also refer to taking up a new philosophical or spiritual study that facilitates you “traveling” into different mentalities and perspectives. This retrograde paired with the Mars-Jupiter conjunction reminds you that it’s okay for you to re-orient your path and reignites your passion for the life you’re leading. The Mars-Jupiter conjunction also alludes to you perhaps beginning a new relationship that will contribute to your growth, expansion, and learning in a significant way, but this is not limited to romantic connections. This could also pertain to a budding friendship, a business partner, or the beginning of a relationship with a mentor, spiritual guide, or coach of some sort who will help you navigate any new paths you find yourself traveling down. Don’t worry about the “how” with any new opportunities—if it resonates in your heart, it is meant for you; it will all unfold in due time.

CAPRICORN, the Mars-Jupiter conjunction will likely enhance your ability to accomplish—to get things done. You might find yourself inspired to take on more projects or begin new work or daily life habits, which can be beneficial for your productivity, but trying to spread yourself too thin may leave you with lots of loose ends and few projects fully seen through. In terms of manifestation, however, this conjunction invites you to consider how you are perhaps avoiding responsibilities that will help you to make more progress toward your desires, especially if the desires that come to mind pertain to your work or professional life. If you have been dedicatedly working toward your ambitions—showing up every day and putting your best foot forward—then you may experience this as some rapid and exciting movement toward your projects reaching some level of fulfillment. However, if you have been putting off some “not so fun” but necessary pieces in the process, this conjunction asks for you to have a bit more discipline to see them through so that you may shift into greater alignment with your desires. This conjunction also enhances your mental function, which may mean that you have an influx of ideas that will help you improve the flow of your daily rituals and routines. As for the Mercury retrograde, this will ask you to review your hidden inner world, the space that houses your wounds, fears, fatal flaws, pain points, but also secret power. You are likely preparing to move into a significant new chapter, one that may have you receiving more attention from the public or making more progress in your professional life. This retrograde invites you to identify any ego-based insecurities that may be trying to keep you in smaller, but familiar (and therefore confident) spaces. We can only expand as much as we are willing to accept, so this retrograde urges you to reflect on any imposter syndrome, feelings of undeservingness, or discomfort with standing in the spotlight so that you may remind these parts of yourself that it’s okay to be seen—you deserve all that you’ve been working toward!

AQUARIUS, the Mars-Jupiter conjunction may be symbolizing some creative, romantic, or self-concept breakthroughs for you, which may mean that you’re having an influx of ideas and are perhaps receiving more flirtatious attention than usual. However, because of this Mercury retrograde, you might find yourself being more closed off to romantic attention from just anyone. This retrograde may feel deeply revealing for you, as it is perhaps unveiling fears, wounds, pain points, and vulnerabilities that you would rather not address, but this also may be uncovering a power that’s accessible to you once you do meet these things with acceptance. You may also be exploring your personal taboos—the things you’ve been made to believe are not appropriate for you to explore or embody. This may feel like a vulnerable time because of this, as you are perhaps understanding what intimacy means to you as well, which you may be understanding through a current relationship or your perception of relationships. Perhaps you are coming to terms with what you truly need and what you are and aren’t willing to accept, which may mean that you’re revisiting conversations with a romantic partner that were put on the shelf for a future date. This retrograde may offer you beneficial realizations when you face any truths that you’ve been hiding from, including those that you think you’ve come to terms with but have secretly not. Your trust in yourself may be deepening through this experience though, which may encourage you to venture into new creative passions, artistic endeavors, or expressions of your authentic self—you may find that partaking in these things helps you to understand yourself from a different perspective. You may have a heightened desire for connection with others at this time, which may create insightful conversations in existing relationships, but with the Mars-Jupiter conjunction, you’re advised to take the actions of others as their truth, as you may receive more attention from others that are driven by selfish motives. You’re encouraged to utilize this space as a time to be intentional with who you invest your time in, and if you find that no one can meet your expectations, that time spent with yourself is just as fulfilling and inspiring.

PISCES, this retrograde has likely been addressing any incompatibilities or unmet expectations between you and your, if applicable, romantic partner, close friendships, business partners, and other such commitments. You might find that you’re rehashing some perhaps difficult conversations that you tried to shelf a while ago, conversations that are now becoming unavoidable. This retrograde invites you to look at what you really need and consider how you can honor those needs by setting boundaries where necessary. This may be a time in which you’re feeling a bit more selfish, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You might find that you’re becoming more aware of things that you’ve “let slide,” whether they’re others’ actions or neglected priorities, and are now coming back to what’s important to you. This may be a time in which you’re returning to something that you were once quite committed to—this could be a daily habit, ritual, workflow, or something else that was a part of your day-to-day productivity. For some, this may even be a time in which you’re reconnecting with friends or lovers whom you separated from at some point, but that will not apply to everyone! If you are returning to a platonic or romantic connection, it is likely being re-established by having clearer communication and more transparent expectations, which may contribute to a new foundation being forged. This could also apply to something you were once devoted to, rather than someone. You’re likely using this time to replenish your stores and re-invest in yourself—perhaps your physical wellness and vitality are feeling much more important to you, which has inspired you to brainstorm new routines, eating and exercise habits, and structures in your daily life. With the conjunction between Jupiter and Mars, you could be experiencing an explosive new beginning in your home, foundations, or sense of self—this could apply to any foundation in your life, physical, emotional, relational, mental, or spiritual. You’re encouraged to return to your basic needs through these energies—what core things allow you to shine brighter, feel more energized, and show up more you?