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Mercury and Saturn Cazimis

Some things are worth swimming against the current...

Vol. 49 // 02-29-24

I had an interesting opportunity arise with my Virgo full moon article that I ended up turning away. This emailing platform that I switched to earlier this month has many new features that are extremely expansive for monetization opportunities, which I’m extremely grateful for, as I do expect this to be my full-time job at some point (hopefully in the near future)! Last week, I got my very first ad opportunity from a company that seemed interesting and ethically cohesive with my values at first glance. I accepted the offer and was excited to include it in the full moon installment, but when the day rolled around, I started getting a really weird intuitive feeling that I needed to go deeper into the company’s website and products. While the products seemed harmless and were promoted as something that supported local farmers and advocated for mental wellness, seeing the CEO gave me an entirely different vibe. And the verbiage chosen for the ad, which I’m not allowed to change, felt very insensitive and unaware in a way. I can’t entirely provide tangible evidence for my feelings, but they were strong enough that I couldn’t let them go. While it was a potential next step toward my newsletter becoming my sole source of income, I just didn’t feel like it was worth sacrificing my moral code for, so I chose not to run it.

Between that and the numerous DMs I have received on TikTok for ad opportunities (mainly to advertise products that I personally would never use, haha), I have been experiencing a mixture of emotions. While I’m aware that we are each uniquely responsible for what we purchase and consume, I have realized through these opportunities that I could never be swayed to support or promote something for you to potentially invest in if it is not aligned with my moral code. It’s so tempting to receive more and more offers from companies and businesses, but I am becoming deeply aware that if I do not stay true to my standards now with small financial compensation, I probably won’t feel obligated to do so later on when bigger, higher paying opportunities become available. And while I haven’t actually considered sacrificing my moral standards, it’s interesting to reflect on the feelings that arise when opportunities are put right in your lap.

While I want to make more income from this, I would rather go about it in a way that feels more aligned with the intention of this newsletter, which is to be an asset and support to others in their self-development and growth toward their highest potential. Having that awareness can be frustrating, as I realize that generating income from this may be a bit slower than I want. However, it’s something that I am committed to doing. I even feel a little awkward being so transparent about the whole experience and the thought process behind it, but I think it’s an important thing to discuss. It can feel really discouraging that I’m not meeting the financial goals in my newsletter that I have set out for quite yet, even though there have been so many opportunities offered to me. But I would rather meet them through avenues that feel morally cohesive and aligned with me than be easily bribed. I’m focused on sustainable longevity, not a quick paycheck. Anyway, I don’t entirely know what the purpose of this conversation is, but it feels very in alignment with the conversation I share below about the Saturn cazimi in Pisces. I hope you all have a lovely rest of your week, and I’m sending you love. <3

Mercury moved into Pisces a little under a week ago, but yesterday marked a very pivotal day that will have a lasting impact on the week and the remainder of Pisces season. We had our annual Saturn cazimi alongside one of Mercury’s cazimis, and while Mercury cazimis sometimes up to four times a year, this is a very rare occurrence, as it aligned with Saturn as well. All three bodies (the sun, Saturn, and Mercury) sat at 9º, marking a time of anticipation and excitement but also one of reassessment and serious contemplation. You can think of a cazimi as a planetary new moon, as it marks a time of renewal, purification, and finding a new sense of direction. While the time leading up to the cazimi can feel deeply disorienting or exhausting, the cazimi itself will often represent some type of clarity. When Saturn entered Pisces last March, many of us became more aware of how our self-imposed limitations have restricted us from achieving our dreams, and we also likely became more accountable to ourselves as we became more aware of our avoidant tendencies or material dependencies. Think back to last March; what was something you committed to, confronted, or established a stronger sense of responsibility around? Whatever that may be, this cazimi is giving us a space to reassess and adjust our approach if need be. It’s a good time for us to mentally declutter so that we can remember our original intention, but in our reassessment, some of us may realize we’re chasing dreams that we no longer want, and that’s totally okay.

This is a good time for us to redefine our priorities and detach ourselves from any emotional relationships that have formed around what we once felt devoted to. And while our emotions may be swaying us to stay on the path that we’ve been on, as if we owe it to our past selves, the dream, or others involved, we’re not doing anyone any favors by staying if we don’t feel inspired by whatever it is we’re involved in. And because Mercury was cazimi as well, we’re likely feeling a sense of clarity around what we must do, as if the fog is being wiped away from the windows and we can see things more clearly. Clarity is a big energy present when cazimis occur, and even in the sign of Pisces, one who is foggy, vague, and often, albeit unintentionally, wishy-washy, these cazimis are helping us lay out the facts, assess what inspires us, and get clearer about whether or not the things we’re being made aware of are worth further investment. And even if we don’t figure out what our focus presently is we will likely get a better understanding of what it isn’t.

Mercury in Pisces and Mercury’s Cazimi
When Mercury is in Pisces, we are more reflective, imaginative, and creative, although communication with others can become difficult, as we will often struggle to find the right words for the feelings we’re trying to express. It is easy for misunderstandings or misinterpretations to be more prevalent under this influence, which is why it’s important for us to remain aware of our intuitive understanding of the situations we’re engaged in, especially interpersonal interactions. We may have a deeper sense of empathy for others under this influence, but we may also be more prone to manipulating others for sympathy, as these are common qualities of Pisces Mercury natives. This can be a beautiful time to channel our creative energy into written forms, which is why poetry and journaling are encouraged, or other mediums involving the hands like music, drawing, painting, etc.

When Mercury is in Pisces, we’re a little bit dreamier and hopeful, and are more open to the impossible or improbable, which means that this can be a supportive time for us to lay out our dreams and define what they are. As I said above, Mercury cazimis are a bit more frequent, but whenever they happen, they can be representative of a mental breakthrough, epiphany, or realization and can help us understand our inner motivations a bit better. With this Mercury cazimi happening alongside Saturn’s cazimi, we’re considering what is worth continuing to invest our emotional and mental efforts in and are re-dedicating ourselves to the things we deem worthwhile. This cazimi is also helping us reframe our mindset toward commitment; perhaps we’re changing our approach to responsibilities from “I have to” to “I get to.” Because we’re more willing to entertain perceived impossibilities while Mercury is in Pisces, these cazimis can be a valuable time for us to assess how we can practically approach our dreams in the real world rather than continuing to view them as just out of our grasp. It’s as if we’re being told, “Anything is possible to achieve if you can dedicate yourself to it, but assessing the sacrifices you may have to make, are you still willing to proceed?”

Mercury cazimis can be a portal of clarity, and with this one happening in Pisces, we can expect ourselves to have more divine downloads or spiritual realizations in the following days. Be sure to be open-minded to what you discover; there may be many valuable ideas and insights to be uncovered, which will likely happen quite effortlessly and freely. The wisdom and magic within us will come through at this time when we are not expecting them to, so try not to focus on them too hard.

Saturn’s Cazimi
For some, Saturn’s cazimi may feel like a loss of faith or a significant drop in our faith that calls for deep reflection, which will lead us to a new level of trust in ourselves, our intuition, and the guidance of the universe around us. I also think this cazimi will be deeply revealing of our emotional dependencies, whether they be on sugar, alcohol, screen time, substances, sleep, or some other form of avoidance, which may become apparent over the coming days. Because cazimis are like a “cleansing by fire,” the realizations we have or the inner seriousness we sit with may feel quite sudden, urgent, and intense, as we are essentially reigniting our drive to attain our dreams by establishing a more dedicated and realistic approach. This is the point where we cut the bullshit that we’ve been entertaining ourselves with in order to avoid the truth of the matter. It’s the deciding point of whether or not what we’ve been working toward is worth going against the current. For some of us, this is something we’ve been aware of for quite some time. Perhaps you’ve experienced limitations around your creativity, or there has been some delayed gratification around a dream you’ve been working hard to actualize. As Pisces season can call us to be mindful of what we’re not seeing, this cazimi purifies Saturn with a new vision for the future, one that does not excuse avoidance or delusion.

In general, cazimis are a beautiful new beginning, and Saturn’s cazimis are not excluded from that, but to reap the benefits of the energy, we are asked to be honest with ourselves, especially considering this one is happening in Pisces. Pisces can sometimes feel regretful about letting go of things they once felt inspired by but no longer do, which can lead them to stay in environments, situations, relationships, and other such scenarios for far longer than they genuinely wanted to. Saturn’s presence in Pisces has been putting us in situations where we have to have a bit more discipline. We can achieve our dreams and create spaces that emulate “heaven on earth,” but we’ll have a much easier time doing so when we stay mindful of the structure, boundaries, and personal discipline necessary to keep us on task and protect us from overgiving or overcommitting. If the thing you’re pursuing doesn’t resonate with you exactly how you thought it would, there’s no harm in changing directions; you just need to be real with yourself so you can change course appropriately. We’re getting a better understanding of what is worth the sacrifice with this cazimi; what is worth the sacrifice for you may not be worth it to someone else, but that doesn’t mean you’re in the wrong.

I think both Saturn and Mercury’s cazimis will feel like a blessing in disguise, one that we only realize is a blessing a little further down the road. Pisces is just as mysterious and difficult to understand as it is dreamy and imaginative, and it’s likely that the experiences we have that are in line with the cazimis may be infused with strong emotions. We may feel deeply discouraged or deeply inspired; both experiences share the same root: a devotion and passion for whatever our feelings are about. We wouldn’t feel so strongly if we didn’t care so much, so it’s important to accept all emotions that might bubble up, as they are merely a symbol of our commitment.

While Saturn cazimis are traditionally said to be a time to practice intent personal discipline and to do the work, even if it isn’t the most fun, I think this one happening in Pisces is a bit different. While Saturn in Pisces is asking us to get out of spaces of martyrdom or victimhood, it’s also reminding us of the importance of honoring all personal discipline, including honoring our internal ebbs and flows. Because of this, there’s a possibility that the hard work we “need to be doing” over the remainder of this week is to cut ourselves some slack and stay committed to our intuitive direction, regardless of where it points us. For some, that might be getting out of our comfort zones and doing the things that we’ve been afraid to pursue, for others, it could be getting to your taxes finally and all of the mundane errands or tasks you’ve avoided just because you haven’t wanted to do them (but we have to get to these things at some point, right?). However, there may be a distinct lesson for a few in the wake of this cazimi, which is to take the pressure off of yourself and take a deep breath. Fixating on everything you have to do will likely only bring about unnecessary stress or anxiety, which might lead you to make your responsibilities seem much more daunting than they actually are. The best way to approach this energy is with a level head and an awareness that you won’t be able to accomplish everything in a day, but you can make a plan and try your best to stick to it. While self-discipline is important, it’s best we don’t stress ourselves into a place of overanalysis and avoidance, which is exactly what Saturn in Pisces is trying to pull us away from.

Projects started under this energy will stand the test of time, but in order for them to grow and flourish, maintaining a healthy balance between vision and reality will be essential. Consider what necessary steps need to be taken to get your momentum rolling, rather than looking at the end goal and merely spinning your wheels over unimportant details. If you want it, you can do it, but it may require a bit of discomfort and frustration and involve some delays. Considering those, is it still worth your effort? This is not the time to make rushed adjustments or anxious decisions, but rather to carefully consider our available actions and adjust accordingly. This is a time to make promises that you intend to keep and can realistically fulfill.

Join The Collective

This week in the Collective, I discussed the relationship between Virgo and Pisces and their roles in each other’s expression, as well as the duality within each of them. If you’re interested in reading, you can sign up for a free week of the Collective through the button below! You can access the newsletter through the web version of my newsletter; it’s titled “The Collective - Sister Signs.”

Personal Readings Open

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My current reading offerings are:

30-minute recorded reading - $77
60-minute in-person reading (viz Zoom) - $188
90-minute in-person reading, for first-time readings (via Zoom) - $222

This spread felt so lovely and reminded me of the bright, budding spring that is right around the corner for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, but it also reminded me that we are still in the final leg of winter and should not try to jump ahead of schedule. As the earth and her seasons move in cycles, so do we, and we cannot expect ourselves to be going full throttle all year round, even though the world around us and our social environments may lead us to believe so. This spread is calling out those of us who have been placing unrealistic expectations on ourselves to meet extreme standards and have restricted (or completely eradicated) relaxation time so we can meet them. This is your reminder that pleasure, sweetness, and joy are your birthright! You do not have to do anything to deserve them. While we all may be eagerly anticipating spring’s reawakening, we are asked to listen to what this final season of winter has to share with us. As I said in my installment last week, Pisces season is to be held in the womb of the universe, not looking forward, not looking backward, but experiencing the present as intently as we can.

Just as the Fertile Void card shares, this is a time for “secret beginnings,” which is also very aligned with Pisces season. There are things happening beneath the surface preparing to be born, and new blooms are still asleep within the earth, preparing to break through the soil. You’re invited to get out in nature this week so you can listen to your world within and be reminded that you are a part of nature, just like the trees, lakes, rivers, and mountains. Just as nature does not have to “earn their peace,” neither do you, so take a moment to be still and notice the subtle workings within you. <3

Mercury in Pisces, Saturn and Mercury Cazimis

ARIES, Saturn’s cazimi is preparing you for the eclipse season coming up at the end of March. This may not be a time for you to sharpen your focus on a specific thing, as you more than likely don’t quite have an idea of what that thing is. If you do, now’s a good time to see where you may need to release control over what is not yours to manage. However, if you don't, that is more than okay; this is a favorable time for you to declutter, especially in your emotional and mental spaces. Severing ties with addictive but comforting habits (i.e., scrolling, avoidance, zoning out, excessive sleep, sugar, substances, alcohol, binge watching TV or movies, video games, etc.) is highly encouraged so that you can approach the eclipses with your best foot forward and with a stable sense of inner balance. Mercury’s cazimi may be lending you a hand as well, perhaps helping to clear out some mental fog or inviting you to take a mental break. Use this time to learn more about your inner workings. It’s okay if you need to slow down to do so.

TAURUS, use this time to consider what fulfillment you are aiming to achieve through the goals you’ve set out for yourself. Identify the reasons behind your ambitions. The Saturn cazimi might feel like a wake-up call in some way, as it will most likely give you the realization that reaching your goals will require just as much inner work as it does outer work. Although you’ve likely known this, there may be something that “clicks” that you hadn’t considered before. You may also be re-evaluating connections, social groups, or your interactions with peers and considering whether their presence in your life has a valuable impact or not. With this happening in your 11th house, you may find that your approach to your hopes, dreams, and ideals gains a level of seriousness and commitment that they lacked before. The way you communicate with those around you may have also undergone a shift, which might suggest that you’re able to translate your ideas into words with a bit more ease. Realizations about your forward movement may come through conversations with friends and peers.

GEMINI, Saturn’s cazimi in Pisces may mark a deepening of focus on your career or your vision for your success, which may be following a period of confusion or loss of faith in what you are presently doing or are working to pursue. You’re asked to evaluate what your priorities are for the future and to clear any distractions that may be pulling your focus into unproductive spaces. This could also mark, for some, a breakthrough in their career, having reached a mile marker that they’ve been working to reach for quite a while. Perhaps this is a season in which you are finding a new stride toward your dream life, and are figuring out ways that you can practically help it come to fruition rather than merely daydreaming about it. The cazimi supports you in taking hold of your future by acting as an authority over your present; you can accomplish quite a bit if you can maintain a clear and intent focus. However, you may hold yourself to unrealistic expectations, which is why this could also represent momentary feelings of discouragement. To refine your priorities, consider: What is worth the hard work? What will be worth waiting for?

CANCER, these cazimis are either facilitating some belief system breakthroughs, big decisions, or leaps of faith, as they are acting as a pivotal check-in point for you to become more serious and disciplined. During Saturn’s transit through Pisces thus far, you’ve likely been establishing a better sense of accountability for yourself and your desires when it comes to the things that you pursue. And considering this is in your house of authority figures, higher learning, travel, and unknown spaces, you’ve likely been learning a lot about how you must answer to yourself just as much as you answer to others. This cazimi may mark a decision being made, perhaps regarding your education, travel plans, or some other form of expansion. There may be a variety of epiphanies or realizations that you have over the next few days, or something you’ve been pondering for a while may reach a point of clarity after being confusing and foggy for quite some time. Trust your intuitive guidance, it is leading you in the right direction, whether it appears that way presently or not!

LEO, the Saturn cazimi may be bringing to your attention any cyclic habits or patterns that need to be severed in order to reach the goals you aspire toward. Saturn has been passing through your eighth house, one that has heavy ties to karmic cycles, trauma, and inherited dependencies or wounds, so you may find that this cazimi is marking a time in which you are feeling more determined to break free from such things, or make a significant effort to overcome their grasp on you. You may have old wounds being brought up that could potentially frustrate you because you thought you had already worked through them. The cazimi may also be marking a point of deep understanding of yourself, a time in which you are able to understand the root causes of your personal limitations and have a stronger understanding of your psychological process because of past experiences. You may find through both the Saturn and Mercury cazimis that vulnerability is a big asset in your transformation, making intimate conversations with a partner or close friend deeply healing at this time. The progress you desire may not always be made easily, so acknowledge that discomfort is a part of the process of growing and healing.

VIRGO, this may mark a deeply fulfilling time for you, although it may not initially appear that way. As Saturn has been passing through your house of partnership and long-term commitments, you’ve had no shortage of lessons involving relationships and how you idealize them, especially ones learned the hard way. This Saturn cazimi is offering you a new perspective when it comes to the boundaries that you establish within relationships, and with it, you may be raising your standards in a way that is favorable for your long-term fulfillment. While you may have the tendency to idealize others or hold onto others’ potential rather than their true, present nature, you’re probably identifying through this cazimi that there are people out there who will live up to your expectations, but you have to hold your boundaries fast so that those who do not won’t drain your energy. If you are in a relationship, this may mark a time when you are looking at the longevity of your relationship with more seriousness. Regardless of your relationship status, these cazimis are giving you a more authoritative perspective when it comes to interpersonal connections, which may mean that you are finding a stronger sense of confidence and self-trust when navigating them.

LIBRA, this cazimi is very favorable for you, as it strengthens your will to be the creator of your own success and fulfillment. With Mercury’s cazimi also in the equation, you are likely developing a more decisive and intuitive approach when it comes to your daily routines and priorities. These cazimis invite you to assess your habits, rituals, and energy levels; which are helping you reach your goals more easily and which are acting as dead weight? This represents the possibility within you to achieve your dreams through your own means, meaning that you may be feeling a stronger sense of dedication and inner discipline, as you are fully aware that your dreams are within grasp and all you must do is put the effort in to reach them. You may be feeling more resilient to the delays, frustrations, or moments of discouragement that you encounter in daily moments, and you will likely be able to handle delays with more self-assurance moving forward. Mercury’s cazimi and transit through Pisces invite you to focus on the power of perspective, which you can use to overcome any obstacles that come your way.

SCORPIO, the Saturn and Mercury cazimis offer you a space cleared for new creative energy to be found and a new approach to your spaces of joy to be established. While Saturn’s stay in Pisces has likely riddled you with seriousness or has seemingly blocked your creative energy, these cazimis may be offering you a different perspective, which may help you channel any inner restriction into creative ventures. You might find that you’re also understanding how you have limited your self-expression and are being invited by these events to feel a deeper sense of dutifulness toward your authentic self. You might find that you’re being more selective about how you spend your free time or are reconsidering some of the hobbies you’ve included in your pastimes. This is a favorable time for you to deepen your devotion to your creative process and personal experience of inspiration. Perhaps you’re realizing that in order to be more productive, you need to create more time for yourself to be inspired, which may mean slowing down a bit. Moments of fluidity may bring in inspired downloads.

SAGITTARIUS, the cazimis in Pisces are bringing a fresh perspective to how you define and experience “home.” While you’ve likely been dealing with restrictions, delays, or frustrations when it comes to your foundations or sense of inner safety, these cazimis might be helping you see the reasoning for the limitations you’ve encountered thus far. While this could translate to your external world, perhaps alluding to some frustrations with your living space or in your family, it could also be noticeable in your sense of security, causing some feelings of restriction in your foundational beliefs or faith in yourself. These cazimis may feel like they’re pointing out how you may need more discipline, but they also may bring up an inner sense of duty to yourself, supporting you to create your own stability from within. This could mark an exciting time in your home life; perhaps you are taking strides toward or understanding how to attain your dream life, especially when it comes to your dwelling space and sense of family. You could be reaching a place where you’re creating a deep sense of emotional fulfillment by establishing something that can stand the test of time.

CAPRICORN, these cazimis might be the beginning of an important expression of your voice or thoughts; perhaps you have a dream involving sharing your ideas with the world, and this time marks your commitment to it. In your personal life, these cazimis may also be inviting forward conversations that aid in mutual empathetic understanding, and you may find yourself more devoted to speaking from a place of inner truth, even if it’s not the easiest to say. Creative means may help you get your thoughts out with greater articulation under this energy, and you may have valuable realizations or spiritual downloads that seem to be mere passing thoughts. Swirling thoughts may feel more streamlined following the cazimis, allowing for more strategic mental organization so that you can channel your creative energy more freely. This is a good time for curious conversations and open-minded contemplation. Be sure to keep track of your ideas or interests over the next several days; they are more valuable than you might think!

AQUARIUS, these cazimis will help sharpen your focus on your finances and support you in staying consistent when it comes to your material and money goals. You may have a vision for what you want your material lifestyle or financial world to look like, and these cazimis are inviting you to consider how your present vehicles to getting there are either assets or deadweight. Since Saturn moved into Pisces last year, you’ve likely been more critical of yourself when it comes to your financial goals as well as your overall sense of self-confidence, and while these things may be heavily intertwined, the Saturn cazimi reminds you that you will have to separate them if you wish to maintain your emotional balance. There’s great potential for you to take great strides toward your income goals under this energy, but in order to make the most of them, you will likely need to have a bit more self-discipline and establish more realistic expectations for yourself if you wish to reap the benefits.

PISCES, Saturn and Mercury have had cazimis in your sign, making this a pivotal time of self-renewal and mental clarity, especially in regard to your long-term ambitions and personal calling. Especially for those who are having their Saturn return, this may feel like a breath of fresh air or the silver lining to any feelings of restriction, disappointment, or exhaustion. This offers you the space to change your approach to how you’ve always done things and how you’ve always been. Perhaps you’re realizing that your approach to your personal ventures hasn’t been as forward-moving as you had hoped, and it’s time to try something new. You might be feeling more hopeful under this energy or have a better sense of inner direction, as Saturn’s cazimi is inviting you to find pleasure in having willpower and Mercury’s cazimi suggests listening for your intuition in more ways than you’ve traditionally heard it. You might be finding the artistry in self-creation in this energy, which is encouraging you to identify where you can intertwine passion and discipline for your inner calling and personal development. Take account of your inner compass and the priorities it’s pointing you to; which are worth pushing the discomfort for?