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  • Mercury in Taurus, Jupiter Cazimi, Fate and Autonomy Cont.'d

Mercury in Taurus, Jupiter Cazimi, Fate and Autonomy Cont.'d

Expect to feel more inventive and curious. How can you create space for curiosity to grow?

Vol. 56 // 05-17-24

If you haven’t read last week’s newsletter yet, I discussed the intersection between fate, destiny, and our autonomy and how much of our experiences are really up to our discretion to become involved in. I don’t know why, but I remember when I was writing last week’s installment, I was really struggling to find the words for what I wanted to say, but now, having a bit more time to sit in contemplation, the words feel a bit more accessible.

I don’t think free will exists entirely, but I also don’t think we’re cemented into a singular life path either, and that’s where Saturn and Jupiter come into play. Saturn is the planet of karma and fate, among other things, and oftentimes describes a set of lessons that fall under a main theme, which we will encounter over and over and over again throughout life. It describes the turmoil you will encounter, both internally and externally. Jupiter, while well known for being the planet of luck and abundance, also governs beliefs, faith, and agency. Saturn is unwavering and patient; most people will tap out before Saturn will, and that is its teaching—to learn how to overcome resistance and press onward, even when exhausted and hopeless. Jupiter is more malleable and flexible; there are many opportunities available through Jupiter, but it is up to us to investigate them. In terms of fate and agency, natal Saturn and aspects made to it by transiting planets can describe fated experiences that were meant to happen, but natal Jupiter and aspects made to it by transiting planets will more readily describe how we handle the experiences we encounter—how we exercise our agency.

Saturn and Jupiter both discuss how we handle the experiences we encounter—what we choose to do in the face of frustration as well as in the face of expansion. Saturn will point out to you an area of your life, personality, and perspective that will be continually revisited, and because of that, we will encounter external experiences to trigger us to develop that area further. While this is often frustrating or challenging, it is often found, in retrospect, that events brought on by Saturn were necessary to bring you to where you are today. Even our greatest woes shape us into who we need to be. This is how Saturn embodies fate and the things we do not get to choose; even if we try to avoid the thing needing to be addressed, it will find another way to reach us.

Jupiter can explain how we respond—how we exert our choice. I will be sharing a lot more on Jupiter over the next couple of installments, as it is playing a role in the upcoming full moon, the next new moon, and will also be moving into Gemini quite soon. Because Jupiter governs perspective and belief systems, it is probably the planet that we can most easily work with—but I do say that lightly, as everyone’s natal chart is unique to them and will have different planetary strengths and rulers. Jupiter’s rulership over our choices means that it also influences the possibilities available to us, as it can most readily describe how we choose to look at our lives and the world around us and, therefore, what possibilities we think we have access to. By tapping into Jupiter, we play with the idea of limitlessness—we are challenged to keep pursuing something bigger and consider every outcome, even the most improbable. Because of this, working with both transiting and our natal Jupiter placements might help us identify more avenues that are available for us to saunter down, showing us all the adventures we can have. However, because of the discipline that is required to overcome the limiting mindset that Saturn can often bring about, some of us may not entertain Jupiter’s curiosity and optimism. These two planets are deeply intertwined, just as our fate, destiny, and autonomy in the journey of experiencing them are.

The long and short of it is that your soul chose to be here to learn a specific set of lessons, develop its gifts, and evolve your consciousness. The birth chart truly is a uniquely curated guidebook for your life, and taking the time to understand it can allow you to identify what your instinctual response to things may be, compared to what your chosen response can be. The birth chart is a wellspring of wisdom, describing how you can make the most of your natural tendencies to design a life that is truly fulfilling. And while it does describe experiences that will undoubtedly be addressed, it also provides you with the tools to navigate them in the way that you want. Astrology is just as much a study of cycles and patterns as it is an intuitive and interpretive artistic medium. With the core set of lessons and developments that we’re destined to experience, there’s also a lot of wiggle room along the path to encountering them. Even if you run as far as you can from your destiny, you will always circle back to your path. Every choice, side quest, and delay is just another avenue to bring you closer to your soul’s goals and aspirations. You can’t make a wrong choice—what is meant for you will never pass you by.

Mercury enters Taurus today, May 16th, after a long two-month trek through Aries, and while I will discuss this transit and how it may impact us collectively and individually, I’m more excited to share about the annual Jupiter Cazimi that is happening this weekend, peaking between Saturday, the 18th, and Sunday, the 19th—even more specifically, around 3:45 pm PST or 6:45 pm EST on Saturday. There is a lot of activity and interactions with other planets from Jupiter in these next few weeks, which can be powerful for changing our mindset and belief systems to be supportive of the actions we take to create our desired realities.

Now that Mercury is in Taurus, many of us may feel as if we’re finally gaining some mental stability, as the events that occurred alongside Mercury’s travel through Aries facilitated some big changes, which may have had us feeling mentally chaotic and all over the place. In Taurus, Mercury is grounded and peaceful, supporting our mental activities to be methodical, mindful, and intentional. We may be more relaxed at this time, thinking of what supports us in our day-to-day activities and making more time to stop and smell the roses. Because Taurus governs the five senses, this may influence our sensitivity to our external environments. You may find that you have a lower tolerance for discomfort and are able to focus better when your surroundings are enjoyable and comforting. While Aries season and Mercury’s passage through Aries were quite turbulent, it likely shook things up in a beneficial way, as we are probably more aware of what actions we need to take now that we’re on the other side of it. This is a time to ground the ideas that were gained through Aries season through steady action so that they can blossom into something more than just an idea.

Mercury will stay in Taurus for a brief eighteen days and will depart it to enter Gemini in early June. This can be a helpful transit to establish new mental habits and carefully assess any ideas or insights we’ve gained during the transits through Aries. You may find that because you don’t feel so rushed and don’t feel so much pressure to be explosive in your movements—as Mercury in Aries may have reflected—you can make better sense of the path you wish to take. Organizing our ideas and deciding which take priority over others is easier, and we are perhaps feeling more balanced in our mental domains. This is a transit that benefits our ability to make sense of things, as we are not pressed to quickly find clarity but instead feel inclined to carefully observe the matters at hand without holding them too strongly to a strict timeframe. Mercury in Taurus is dependable, mindful, and gentle. Take this time to nourish your mind and body, and invest your focus and effort into what you wish to see steadily grow.

The Jupiter cazimi is an event that only happens once every year, and it is even less frequent that we experience it in each of the signs; we will not see Jupiter cazimi in Taurus again until 2072, nearly fifty years from now. This Jupiter cazimi is a very special one, as it is happening at the same time that the North Node and Mars are conjoining in Aries and Venus and Uranus are conjoining in Taurus, meaning that there is a very clear picture that this weekend is painting for us. We are heavily advised by this energy to be the initiators of change and not hesitate when it comes to making our dreams come true. On a more surface level, this cazimi encourages us to renew our beauty and wellness practices and identify what satiates us emotionally and what nourishes us physically so that we can find more balance between them. In the past week or two leading up to this event, our tendency to indulge in our senses may have become exacerbated, perhaps leading to a bigger sweet tooth, insatiable appetites (for food, comfort, sex, pleasure, relaxation, etc.), and lots of lounging about. We have likely felt more sluggish or lazy than usual, which may be frustrating for those of us who are trying to get things done! However, as Jupiter joins in cazimi, we may be gaining some more motivation and finally putting in the effort for things that are important to us, the things we want to see more of.

As I shared in the Uranus cazimi newsletter last week, cazimis occur when the sun joins one or more of the planets and are a highly favorable “rebirth” for that planet. Cazimi comes from the Arabic phrase meaning “as if in the heart,” meaning that the planet in cazimi is as if it is in the heart of the sun. This does a couple of things for the planet. One, as I said, is that it facilitates rebirth and is, in essence, a cleansing by fire. This is like when you put a needle in a red-hot flame to sterilize it. However, because the planet is so drastically heated by the sun, it incinerates what you may have previously associated with that planet and the energy of the sign it occupies. Cazimis are a radical renewal for the planet involved. The second thing the cazimi provides for the planet is the ability to “be the sun” for a day. In astrology, the sun is our vitality, life force, radiance, ego, and conscious mind—it is the light that helps us make sense of all other components of the birth chart. The literal sun in the sky helps us to make sense of our tangible world as well, as without its light we would be blind, and without its warmth, we would be dead—it is what sustains life. The sun’s light has greater reach than anything else, it can touch thousands of miles of surface area all at once.

Because the planet in cazimi can “be the sun” for a day, its influence over the collective is much more prominent than it typically would be. Jupiter—the planet of good fortune, faith, luck, abundance, and blessings—encourages us to allow it to be a stronger guiding force in our actions over the weekend. Considering this is happening in the sign of Taurus, there is a strong focus on money, material possessions, beauty, food, wellness, and the comforts we surround ourselves with. Taurus governs the things that we consciously consume, meaning that the foods you choose to put into your body, the media you allow into your awareness, the conversations you surround yourself with, and the ways that you choose to spend your time will all be important to be mindful of during this cazimi. Things begun under the blessing of Jupiter's Cazimi will be greatly supported and favored—this is why we are encouraged to take action toward things we want to see more of in the future under this influence.

There is a fine line between what feels good and what is good with Jupiter in Taurus; it can be overindulgent in pleasures, which, ironically, often leave you feeling sluggish, heavy, and sick, or, alternatively, it can be deeply invested in what creates the body to feel most vibrant, alive, and well taken care of. We may be assessing the areas of life where we’ve allowed “too much of a good thing” to run away with us and are prioritizing our bodily wellness more. This is also a deeply blessed time for new financial ventures to begin, whether you’re starting a business, launching a new product, or starting a side hustle for an additional stream of income. Considering Jupiter also governs our belief systems and faith in things, this weekend will be a favorable time to take actions that are in support of the beliefs that we want to have—to embody them into existence.

With Mars and the North Node conjunct in Aries, there is an even greater insistence on us taking actions that are in alignment with our desired realities. The north node symbolizes the destiny we feel called to answer and an area of focus that we’re asked to pay more attention to, and with Mars—the planet of action, drive, and competition—being aligned with this point, we’re essentially being asked to put our money where our mouth is. The same goes for Venus and Uranus’s conjunction in Taurus. Venus in Taurus draws our attention to pleasure, comfort, money, and luxury, as well as stability in both romantic and financial matters. Uranus has been sparking change in the areas of life that we have perhaps found too much comfort in and have grown complacent because of. With Venus representing desire and Uranus representing change, this literally translates—paired with the Mars-North Node conjunction—to a call to action. Do you want more money? Then stop being ashamed of wanting more money and start taking action to make more—and believe that you deserve it. Do you want to reach a physical aesthetic goal? Then start investing the time and effort needed to support your body’s vibrance. Do you wish for more love or connection? Then maybe it’s time to stop looking in the same places and hold fast to what you know you deserve—it’s time to stop settling and chasing.

The other fascinating thing about this cazimi is that it is happening right on top of an asteroid called Lachesis. Lachesis is one of three asteroids—Klotho or Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos—who are named for the three fates in Greek mythology. The three fates determined the fate and destiny of each individual, and each fate had her own distinguished job. Klotho was the Spinner—she spun the thread of each human life and, in terms of the asteroid, marks beginnings and how we spin things in our lives into existence. Lachesis was the Alloter or Dispenser—she determined how long the thread would be and was the “decider of destiny.” Natally, this asteroid describes what happens at the point of decision and is also associated with duration or longevity. Atropos was the Initiator of Finality—she was the one to cut the thread, ending the soul’s mortal life. Atropos, astrologically, is associated with the irreversible and can describe endings of all sorts.

In a way, Lachesis represents what we do with the time we’re given and how we choose to exercise our autonomy in what we’re currently managing—how we play with the cards we’ve been dealt. Because it is experiencing cazimi alongside Jupiter, for some, this may feel like an awakening of purpose or a revitalization of one’s role in their own life. The thing that Jupiter and Lachesis have in common is their appreciation for autonomy well exercised. Jupiter bestows gifts upon those who choose to believe that they deserve them and take action on that good faith. Lachesis does not have a “good” or “bad” association but is an impartial party that values the preciousness of life and, therefore, blesses those who live their lives in full and willful pursuit of their dharma. The two are also both supportive of us not considering the pursuit of our dharma or our destinies in life to be something that we have to meticulously study to ensure we’re following them. The two of these energies encourage us to stop trying to figure out how to fulfill our purposes and instead just get out there and start living them.

This cazimi happening right alongside Lachesis is also very pivotal for the collective as a whole. More people are becoming aware and awake to the idea that abundance is a vibration to align ourselves with, not something to acquire. Manifesting is gradually becoming easier to accomplish as our beliefs and energetic bodies are shifting to a higher frequency. You may be noticing how your mind and consciousness have been slowly shifting over the past couple of months. These potent days of opportunity and endless possibilities are developing a “new normal” in the collective consciousness when it comes to how we interact with the frequency of abundance and cultivate our beliefs about what is possible. Jupiter will enter Gemini soon, which will challenge us to become more responsible for our minds and the thoughts we allow to influence our beliefs. Change in the collective consciousness is gradual and methodical, and while those who are more energetically sensitive may notice these big events, others may hardly “feel” anything. The prominence of Jupiter in the past couple of weeks, which will continue to play a role in the collective experience over the next few weeks, is expanding our awareness and connection to the divine.

There is great emphasis on exercising our authority over our minds and belief systems, as we are in control of what we allow to influence what we believe and feel. Both cazimis—to Jupiter and Lachesis—are blessing us to seize the day! There is no greater time than the present; do something to surprise yourself. You are the master of your reality and the designer of your 3D experience; you do not have to settle for the things and scenarios you have accepted. This energetic whirlpool of good fortune and favor may mark the beginning of many ventures that become profitable, expansive, and gratifying, and will likely be heavily associated with the dharma we are meant to live out in our lives. Fate is falling into place. I cannot emphasize enough how much inspiration should be honored through action—inspiration is your divine roadmap! You cannot take the wrong step. YOU CANNOT TAKE THE WRONG STEP! There is no perfect plan to help your dreams materialize, so don’t sweat the details and just get the ball rolling.

This energy wants us to nourish our bodies and treat them well through nutrient-dense foods, restorative self-care practices, and plenty of time out in nature. It wants us to take actions that affirm the belief that we are capable of generating material wealth and security with ease; you do not have to be stuck on the hamster wheel, waiting for the perfect time to exit to reveal itself to you. The perfect time to change your narrative is now.
We might feel as if we’re regaining our spark for life under this energy, so soak in all of the good feelings, try to stay offline, and make some time to get outside and take action toward your big dreams and desires.


Micro-reading - $25: A five-minute recorded reading discussing 1 question. Sent to you within seven days of booking via email.

60-minute Birth Chart Reading - $190: A 60-minute 1:1 meeting held over Zoom. Covers primary energetic themes in the natal chart as well as 3-5 questions. Ideal for those who have had their birth chart read before or understand the basic functions of the chart, signs, and planets.

90-minute Birth Chart Reading - $222: a 90-minute 1:1 meeting held over Zoom. Covers primary energetic themes in the natal chart as well as 5-7 questions or includes additional time to discuss specific issues or areas of focus. Perfect for those wishing to go deeper or for a first-time birth chart reading.

90-minute Astrological Entrepreneurship Consultation - $333: a 90-minute 1:1 meeting held over Zoom. For entrepreneurs who are designing or redesigning a business. A meeting uniquely designed to help you understand the fundamentals of your energetic makeup so that you can establish a business that emulates the authentic you. Discover how to optimize your workflows, tap into your inner authority, overcome blockages, access your magnetism, and maximize your productivity by discussing your natal themes.

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