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Returning to our divine flow state.

Hello lovelies,

Happy new moon! This is an exciting one as it is the final new moon before the spring equinox and eclipse season, which will mark the beginning of the astrological new year and some inevitable changes! Aries season is for movin’ and shakin', but this new moon invites us to do the opposite. During Pisces season, there really is such a big emphasis on us following the flow of our inner compasses and not pressing ourselves to do too much or work too hard! This is the time for us to restore, so I really hope that you make the most of this new moon by enjoying a peaceful weekend, getting some good sleep, and remembering the ~why~ behind your dreams. Because this is the last new moon before eclipse season, I would highly suggest you manifest under it, as eclipses are not the most favorable energy to manifest with; they’re too unpredictable and chaotic! This moon is infused with spiritual, psychic, and emotional energy, making us more aware of our inner desires and the direction that our souls are calling us. To prepare for eclipse season and wrap up this astrological year, let yourself float in the rich and fertile energy of this moon and let your imagination expand. No dream is too big!

With a strong Uranus influence present during this lunation, we may be intuitively sensing the changes about to happen and the shifts that are already in motion in the etheric realm. We also have a sextile between Saturn and Jupiter that has been present over the past few months, which is acting as support for our long-term plans and vision for the future, encouraging us to continue our progress even if it is not at the speed we want because slow, methodical progress is still progress! Mercury and Pluto are also making a sextile, which will be a powerful asset in amplifying our voices and the power they hold. This moon is for dreaming, but not in the sense that what we are dreaming of is meant to stay in an intangible, imaginative space, forever just out of reach. This moon is for dreaming with purpose and passion, to see the vision and feel a dedicated and meaningful drive to bring the dream into reality. This would be a great time to use your creativity to make a vision board so that you can have a physical reminder of why you are pursuing your dream, especially when things get frustrating or roadblocks pop up.

Below, you’ll be able to read the big picture of this moon, but if you would like more information on it, including a breakdown of the other active planets and the aspects between them, you can join my membership, the Collective! It’s $15/month, but you can receive a week for free to gain access to the exclusive content of this moon newsletter.
If you join the Collective, you’ll be able to read about:

  • A further, in-depth look at this new moon’s energy

  • Mercury’s sextile to Pluto

  • The square between Uranus and Mars and Uranus’s sextile to the new moon

  • Jupiter and Saturn’s sextile

You will also gain access to the manifestation practice I’m sharing for this new moon, discussing how to manifest through your dreams and an activation prayer. And lastly, I share additional information about what it means if this new moon is contacting your natal: Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Lilith, Chiron, North Node, or South Node.

Get your free week of the Collective through the button below and read more about this potent new moon energy!


This new moon is for magical recreation and reconnection to the dreams that we have forgotten. It is also to remind us to return to the intention of our dreams, as many of us may have gotten lost in the efforts of making our dreams into reality and have, albeit unintentionally, forgotten the inspired place from which they originated. This moon is a valuable space for recharge as it is the final new moon of the astrological year and the last opportunity to manifest before eclipse season, as eclipses can be unruly and unpredictable, making them troublesome to manifest with unless you have a very specific intention. Eclipses can be extremely exhausting, frustrating, and full of uncertainty, so it is in our best interest to use this time and space to restore our energy levels and replenish our emotional bodies so that we may confidently take on the challenges that eclipse season will likely present to us. We are asked to look for the magic surrounding us in the days following this moon so that we may reawaken the whimsical aspect of our imaginations. No dream is too small with this moon, and we are asked to let go of the “how” and instead find blissful joy in the abundant opportunities that surround us without us even knowing.

A quick note: As I’ve been writing this newsletter, the movie Soul keeps coming to mind. Its whole message seems to emulate the themes of this Piscean moon; whether you’ve seen it or not, you may consider visiting or revisiting it. To be reminded of life’s delicate beauty through such a creative medium is very on par with Pisces’ themes.

Remember when you were a child, when you painted pictures, played pretend, and enjoyed the mere pleasure of being alive? When you had no agenda to achieve? When your inner critic was quiet and there were no expectations, creativity was not something that was “right” or “wrong”? This is what this new moon invites you to return to: a place of inner freedom that receives intuitive guidance as truthful wisdom and acts upon it without question or uncertainty. We are asked to welcome our creative whims with excitement under this energy and let go of our regimented schedules and agendas for just a moment so that we can honor our energy levels and respond accordingly. There is no perfect way to access this new moon energy; all you have to do is flow with your instinctual urges and slip into a state of surrender. Some may be thinking to themselves, “How do I know my instincts from my thoughts?” It can be easy to confuse the two if you are the type to constantly be in strategy or preparation mode. Whether you are this type of individual or not, we’re invited to find that space of fluidity by doing things that feel second nature. Reading, dancing, writing, drawing, painting, singing, stretching, meditating, and daydreaming are all beautiful, cohesive activities for this new moon’s energy.

I wish the happiest of new moons to you. Stay hydrated, get some rest, dance, cry, and feel. Reconnect with the artist within you and allow expectations and deadlines to melt away for just a moment so you may intentionally check in with yourself. What do you need right now? How can you nurture yourself? What aspect of your life needs to be approached with a bit more softness? Slip away from your thinking self and into your feeling self. With this moon, we are reimmersing ourselves in a flow state that is fueled by creativity and inspiration, one that is natural, instinctual, intuitive, and impossible to do wrong. Your instincts will always show you the brightest path forward. <3

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