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Hidden beginnings. Seeing through the soul.

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Greetings friends,

Pisces season is upon us. Pisces season and this new moon are about seeing through the energetic body, beyond the illusion of physical, tangible reality. This is a season in which we’re asked to trust in the path being laid before us more than ever, as Pisces governs over the womb, the afterlife, and other such transitional spaces. While Pisces is often noted for its mysticism and creativity, it is also a sign of mystery and misdirection, which can often make transits through its domain feel confusing, open-ended, and disorienting. Pisces is the hallway between rooms—not being where you’re going, but not being where you were. It is the space in which we must trust all parts of the process—however long, meticulous, and intricate it may feel.

Time does not exist in Pisces’s domain, which can sometimes bring us frustration in this season, as our desire for immediacy and direct answers is often blurred by the teaching of “divine timing” and complete surrender—unlike many things in our material world, total surrender to and acceptance of “all that is,” even if it is not what you want it to be right now, cannot be forced into existence; it is something that we must sink into through devoted practice. This season can often bring up feelings of helplessness or a desire for control, and that might especially feel prominent in this particular season due to the north and south node’s presence in Pisces and Virgo. Pisces illuminates how attaining oneness with the universe, feeling in total alignment with god and the god consciousness within you, is like falling asleep—consciously trying to make yourself do so can be challenging, yet, when you are in it, it feels like the simplest, most natural thing in the world. It is not something that can be skillfully mastered (sure, you can practice, though); it is simply done.

I have found myself phasing in and out of this very thing, feeling so lost and yet so “right on track” at the same time. I wish I could say that I am navigating it gracefully, but the truth is that I feel more helpless than I have ever felt before, but I have reached a point where instead of trying to proverbially gasp for air any moment I can, I am actively devoting myself to learning to breathe underwater, which is no easy task. Choosing not to drown has been a daily, conscious effort; all I can do is continue to root myself in presence and the purpose that I feel so deeply connected to, despite the more prevalent moments of despair I’ve felt consumed by in recent times.

This moon, like all Pisces movements, is deeply nuanced. It is simultaneously validating the enormity of lostness that can compound from turbulent material experiences and a call to rise above victimhood. This moon empathizes with emotion while also speaking to the soul, asking for it to see beyond the immediate messages of the feelings we experience and to go deeper into the psyche to identify the initial experience that initiated the cycles we find ourselves repeating. This moon is an activation for soul retrieval, an invitation for us to return to our divinity so that we can break free from patterns of escapism and illusion and start honoring and revering the full, entire, raw, and potent truth, which is intended to lead us into a much deeper and immersive level of healing.


This new moon is in the sign of Pisces, the final sign, symbolizing the dreamscape, sleep state, soul, and the non-material plane. Pisces is the stardust that we are all made of. This new moon is interestingly participating in some asteroid activations, to asteroids named Heracles, Klotho, and Psyche—Psyche and Klotho are connecting to the north and south nodes, infusing very fated energy into this already spiritually heightened moon. You can join the Moon Circle or grab this new moon’s analysis report further below to read about those activations in depth, but this is, in very simple terms, supporting us to remain steadfast in our intuition and not fall into the deception of limiting beliefs or pessimism.

This new moon is about realizing the dream through our psychic sight and energetic body, being able to energetically align with the vibration of the thing we are seeking rather than clinging to the physical object that represents it. This new moon reminds us that vibration precedes manifestation and that in order to reconfigure our lived experiences—our material reality—we first must cultivate a different reality within the energetic body and inner world. The nodal cycle that we have just recently entered is going to be teaching us about how to work with our energetic bodies to align with our desired timelines (aka, manifesting), but it is bringing our awareness to this practice from a much more holistic point of view. This nodal cycle will be pointing out that there’s not one singular practice that will be what pushes you into a new reality in an instant. It will be teaching us about how to curate a lifestyle that is rooted in our spiritual divinity that will help us develop this skill and deepen this wisdom over time.

That said, March will be hosting many different transits that are all pointing back to a similar theme: detachment. This new moon is an invitation for us to set intentions that we will likely see peppered throughout our experiences in March. You might be brought back to the intentions that you’re setting now in March to practice trust and surrender; perhaps the things that you’re calling in will be the subject of much of your learning in these teachings of detachment and faith.

This new moon asks us to redirect our focus away from looking for clearly written signs and toward acknowledging the hidden messages that lie in the mundane. It asks us to make meaning of the things that we are experiencing, to transform our feelings into art, and our perception into poetry. This moon supports us in setting intentions for manifestation if we so choose, but it asks us to do so with integrity and purpose and without attachment to a specific timeline, as it symbolizes how everything comes together just as it needs to and that the things we may seek outside of ourselves are always available to us energetically. Tuning into that energy and becoming aware of how that energy has already manifested in our lives is what expands it further.

For example, if it is money you seek, look beyond the material object—the paper and the numbers—and instead identify what money energetically represents to you. Is it freedom? Security? Peace? Expansion? Rather than fixating on the object that you feel is separate from you, notice how that feeling is accessible to you instantly. Notice the vessels already in your life that represent that feeling.

This moon asks us to have spiritual resilience so that we can break out of cycles of attachment and control, so that we can stop repelling blessings away from ourselves by fighting so hard to hold onto them. There is a delicate balance that Pisces requires—one can fall into illusion through being too leisurely just as they can by overworking themselves without a moment of rest. The key is to listen to the intuitive cues; your intuition is your internal guidance system that will instruct you on when it is time to act and when it is time to rest. Both are vital in the creation process. That being said, in Pisces season and under the blessing of this new moon, we are being reminded not to force, and if you find yourself doing so in any matter, you’re encouraged to take a step back and observe what subconscious narrative is perhaps dictating your actions.

There is so much magic to be found in this moon, but we are being asked to notice how we are the magic; we are the ones to assign meaning to everything in our lives. In pursuit of spiritual experiences, we can often overlook the spirit around us, within us, and available to us at all times. This moon is an invitation for us to devote ourselves to honoring our divinity and is a reminder that, through the spiritual body, we are limitless. Due to eclipse season being in our near future, there may be a heaviness that we are experiencing in our earthly experiences, but this moon encourages us not to succumb to the pressures of our material matters while simultaneously acknowledging and empathizing with the emotional weight they may be putting on us. This moon invites us to infuse more whimsy and magic into our daily experiences, to let creativity fill every corner of our lives, as this is the natural state of the soul—creation. Embracing more creativity organically reconnects you with your inherent divinity.

However you experience this moon, I encourage you to take the time to interpret your dreams, breathe deeply, and notice the magic in the moments that you uniquely get to experience. This moon urges us to recognize how picking out the ripest fruit at the grocery store, crying into your pillow, stargazing, praying, and sitting in traffic are all pieces in this complex human experience—they’re all spiritual because you are experiencing them, and you are the spirit.

This season is the “womb of the universe.” We are like the unborn child in our mother’s womb, not aware of time passing, not yet conditioned by the world to perform and work and “be something” more or different than what we naturally are. This moon invites us back into that mentality so that we may embrace the proverbial gestational process that we may be in. It reminds us that if we are facing delays or are becoming frustrated by things that are seemingly “not working,” to identify how perhaps it is not a delay or something going wrong, but is instead development happening.

Similar to how a baby born prematurely can jeopardize the baby’s life, so too we are asked to notice how we may not yet have the capacity to hold the things that we are so desperately trying to acquire. Receiving too much too quickly may not be sustainable, as we may not yet be in a place in our journeys to be able to feel safe and comfortable with interacting with and managing the things we are seeking.

What “womb” are you sitting in? How can you find safety in it? How is it nourishing you?

I hope that you make time to daydream, practice presence, and follow inspiration under this energy. It is the gateway into March, which will be a highly reflective and transformative month. Make peace with the things that are not yet clear and trust that clarity will come in perfect time. Love you, always. xx


If you’re interested in reading a more detailed analysis of this full moon and want to receive the journaling prompts and mindfulness practice that I designed with this full moon in mind, you can join the Moon Circle through the button below. By joining the moon circle, in every moon newsletter, you will receive:

  • Detailed discussion of additional planetary influences and any prominent aspects that will be active during the lunation

  • Manifestation practices, release rituals, journaling prompts, and other moon-related offerings

  • Description of what it means if the new or full moon is contacting your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node

If you aren’t interested in the Moon Circle but would like to learn more about the planetary and asteroid activations that are happening alongside this new moon, you can receive the full analysis and some supportive insights for your manifestation practice through the button below.


The majority of my 1:1 reading offerings have just one more day of their 20% off discount; if you’ve been wanting to receive some guidance for March or want to receive for something else astrologically related, book your session below. There are so many insightful activations in March and I am so excited to support you through them.


The Venus retrograde class is happening soon! Grab your spot to learn about what this energy means, how to work with it, and how it impacts each sign.

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