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  • Pisces Season and The Many Forms of Success

Pisces Season and The Many Forms of Success

We're in the home stretch of the astrological year! Here's how it'll affect you:

Vol. 48 // 02-22-24

As we approach the Virgo full moon, I have been unintentionally confronting one of my biggest fears: not being good enough. I have an awareness that this time is merely a season of uncertainty, causing me to question myself and challenge my sense of inner security. However, it is quite a visceral experience, regardless of having a higher perspective. While astrology is a beautiful tool that helps me know what situations may come, it doesn't lessen the emotional experience of said situation once it has arrived. But as I am navigating these uncomfortable feelings, I’m continuing to carry on, which is something that I have not been the best at in the past.

I'm extremely grateful for the ambition I have, as it has motivated me to accomplish a lot of the things that have been outside of my comfort zone for many years. But at the same time, being ambitious can lead to extreme self-criticism and unrealistic expectations. I feel like I'm constantly reminding myself that there are only so many hours in the day and only so much energy within me. I've noticed that while I look forward to Pisces season when it comes around, each Virgo full moon that occurs within it brings out my inner critic in a more revealing and vulnerable way, but thankfully each year I have just a touch more wisdom and understanding of how to handle it. There are times for action, and there are times for stillness, and within each of those, there are sometimes conflicting feelings that argue for turbulence in times of peace or avoidance when authority is required. As you'll read in the Pisces Season segment, this is a season of stillness and observation, which is not always the easiest for me, but I have to remember that progress does not just happen in activity and movement.

As we build up to the full moon, I really think many of us are going to start feeling like we have to do something or that we are not doing enough, which is exactly what the full moon intends to point out. Success exists in slow walks in nature, coffee shop work sessions, long conversations, emotional breakdowns, disciplined schedules, movie marathons, and road trip karaoke. It is just as present when it is invisible. Our society has conditioned us to only look for progress in our bank accounts, job titles, degrees, and possessions, but success lives within us just as much as it does in our tangible worlds. We have to stop thinking that we have failed ourselves by trying our best and not reaching the expected outcome. I'm going to keep this short and sweet this week, but this was something I've been needing a reminder on, and if you have too, I hope this is helpful. You're not behind; you're right on time. Follow your inner flow, and you will always be right where you need to be.

It is Pisces season!! We are now in the home stretch and finale of the astrological year, and this one is a bit different from the rest as it is the first full Pisces season we’re experiencing while Saturn is in Pisces. While Saturn entered Pisces last Pisces season, it ingressed mid-season and was also an energy that many of us had been unfamiliar with, as it had not been in Pisces for over 25 years! Now, a year later, we’re a bit more acquainted with it and will probably be able to process this season and Saturn’s influence with a greater sense of understanding. Think about what you were up to last February/March. What were you focused on? What were you struggling with? How were you handling your emotions? What was ending?

Pisces naturally governs the 12th house, which is the final house in the zodiacal cycle. This means that endings fall under Pisces’ domain, but this sign plays an interesting role in the astrological year. Pisces is the space between death and birth, which is why it governs both the afterlife and the womb. While each of the signs embodies duality in some way, Pisces illuminates the profound connection between endings and beginnings and represents the collective spiritual consciousness that we all come from and return to. It is because of this that many Pisces can get stuck in habits that disconnect them from the tangible world; they can feel more comfortable in their non-physical, spiritual form than in their human body. Because of this, many Pisces individuals can have addictive personalities and can succumb to escapism through substances, alcohol, fantasy, and spiritual practices. And because Pisces traditionally rules over the 12th house, those with 12th house placements may also relate to this.

Pisces is mutable water, meaning that it has the most flexibility and formlessness out of all of the signs. They are similar to the ocean: deep, complex, and mysteriously difficult to understand at times. Even when they appear peaceful on the surface, there is far more you don’t see happening within. They are deeply empathetic like the other water signs and can suffer from energy sickness, as their boundless nature can make it hard for them to establish or uphold boundaries with others! This is something that they’re encouraged to work through, especially this year, as Saturn is in their sign. Pisces is intended to learn the balance of freely flowing with the guidance of their intuition and living within healthy structures. They can often forget that being human is an innately spiritual experience and can spend their lives searching for out-of-body experiences that make them feel connected to the divine etheric realm they so deeply feel safe within. However, once Pisces can find a balance between their spiritual and physical selves, they can accomplish great work for the collective through their natural spiritual gifts and intuitive understanding of human nature and individuals’ unique emotional processes.

Pisces is symbolized by the two fish, swimming in opposite directions, yet tethered together by a cord, representing the duality and sometimes contradictory nature that Pisces is capable of embodying. I’ve always felt intuitively that this symbol describes the diverse capacity that Pisces has to understand more than one perspective simultaneously, as they feel so connected to the “oneness” of humanity and therefore empathize with everyone’s experience, regardless of whether they resonate with it or not. I also believe that the fish are symbolic mirrors of one another, as mirrors are a type of illusion that falls within Pisces' domain. One representing the etheric realm, one representing the physical, and the cord that minds them implies that the two are more similar than they may appear. Or perhaps one is representative of reality while the other represents our perception, which can often divert from the reality of the matter if we allow it to. And as I write this, I’m realizing how ironic it is that I’m so deeply exploring this, as Pisces does not take things at face value most of the time and searches for their deeper meanings. I suppose each definition of the fish’s symbolism that I’ve described can all be true at once, as Pisces is one being with many faces. I digress.

This season, we are invited to explore the depths of our inner worlds and reconnect with our spiritual essences. While we may crave to explore the depths of the outside world or spiritual realm, we’re encouraged to consider the mysteries within ourselves that are hiding right beneath our noses. It is time for us to take account of the endings happening in our lives, surrender to their finale, and sit in the womb of the universe so we may be reborn at the beginning of Aries season. Pisces has a longing for an intimate connection with the universe, which we may have a greater ability to experience in these next few weeks.

With Saturn’s influence, we are asked to handle our emotional experiences with a mature sense of logic so that we do not get swept away by the experience and miss the meaning of what is being brought to the surface. Hidden emotions, memories, and wounds are likely to emerge, and we’re encouraged to face them head-on with curiosity and practicality so that we can transmute them into wisdom and momentum forward. This season, I encourage you to establish structured routines that create the time and space for a more intentional connection with your inner world, soul, and the divine. We are in the womb of the universe; new creations that we are not yet aware of are being molded behind the scenes. It is not our job to interfere! A baby in the womb of its mother has no agenda for meeting deadlines or tending to others’ needs; it does not have a focus or objective; it is simply experiencing its own creation, unaware of the new world it will be born into.

It is not about adding or doing more this season, but about surrendering to and honoring the guidance of our intuitive compass. It may be in our best interests to slow down and allow ourselves to be held in a place of pause and suspension. This season asks us to be conscious of our role in the universe, which is to honor our spirit by following our hearts. Each of us is but a thread in the fabric of the cosmos, uniquely individual and different from the rest, but a piece of something much more magnificent and beautiful. That being said, make time for more softness, reflection, and flow. Even with Saturn’s presence suggesting we implement more boundaries and rules for ourselves, it supports a slower approach to this season. In pursuit of our ambitions and higher callings, I think we can often forget our first purpose on earth: to exist. To be human. To live and appreciate the life around us. Soften your focus on material matters this season and follow the flow of inspiration.

I am opening up my books again for five readings. You can receive a 30-minute recorded reading covering one topic and two questions, or a live reading via Zoom that covers 4-6 questions and is either 60 or 90 minutes long. If you would like to reserve a spot, please feel free to reply to this email.
30-minute readings are $77.
60-minute readings are $188.
90-minute readings are $222.

If you want to join the Collective, I figured out how to do a week-long free trial (woo!), so you can gain access to last week’s installment (discussing Starseeds and the Age of Aquarius) and also receive the next one! You can read last week’s installment and sign up by going to my website through the button below. The Collective also receives frequent discounts on personal readings, and there will be a few discounted spots available for Collective members in the next issue.

If you have any questions about the membership or personal readings, please reach out! I would be happy to help you.

I felt called to the most watery Oracle deck I own for the first message of Pisces season, and I cannot think of a more inspiring and uplifting spread. This is a sign of encouragement for those who are losing faith in their efforts or have been dealing with invasive thoughts of imposter syndrome. As Chiron and the North Node get closer to their exact conjunction in Aries, we will likely have to keep facing the discomfort of how big our callings are. Our wounds and inner callings are intertwining at this time, which is probably bringing up some conflicting feelings in our internal worlds. ALL of the cards in this spread are excitedly reminding us to keep going!! The past couple of weeks have been full of whirlpools of transformation and intense yet subtle shifts. We must continue to trust our inner compasses and follow them with dedication and conviction. The ripples are turning into waves, and the daily efforts we’ve stayed committed to are building into something bigger. To quote the guidebook of this deck, “You’ll never know the full impact that your being here on this planet will have and is already having. Keep trusting the deep call within.”
We truly don’t know the magnitude of our impact. You are here with a divine purpose! Don’t lose sight of that just because of a fleeting moment of discouragement or uncertainty. <3

Pisces Season
Check your Sun or Rising (or both!)

ARIES, this is your season to reflect, go inward, and take account of your inner world and energetic needs so that you can prepare yourself for a revitalizing rebirth. There may be hidden memories, beliefs, mindsets, and desires that bubble to the surface, which you’ll be asked to explore with curiosity rather than brushing them away. You may have more vivid dreams than usual in this season, especially once we begin approaching the Pisces new moon. Pay attention to them, and if you can, try to keep a dream journal; your dreams may hold significant symbolism. With the sun in one of the “dark houses” (8th + 12th), the things that emerge from your subconscious may feel uncomfortable for you to sit with. Be aware of your vices at this time and practice healthy boundaries with them, as you’re more prone to slipping into avoidant tendencies. Surrender is your biggest asset this season. You may find comfort in knowing that you are a part of something far bigger than yourself, the collective consciousness. Embrace the mysteries about yourself that are brought to light, and try to make more time for meditation or spiritual connection.

TAURUS, this season is one of your most favorable and may be full of inspiration, creativity, and willingness to surrender to change. You may find yourself craving more connection to the collective or your immediate communities this season, although because of Saturn’s presence, these areas may feel restricted. Saturn may bring about some conflicting inner feelings when it comes to your connection to the collective; you may simultaneously feel isolated from it and have a deepening desire to be of service to it. However, you are encouraged to continue to connect to your higher consciousness (your higher self and spirit team) to help you navigate any feelings of otherness. This season may help you to take great strides when it comes to your inner faith and certainty, as things that have been hidden in your subconscious may emerge in the coming weeks that assist you in finding more surrender to the unknowns of the future. This season offers you immense support when it comes to the projects that you’ve invested time and effort into; you may begin seeing their payoff or receive a significant reward from the dedication you’ve demonstrated. There’s also a possibility that you’ll be able to liberate yourself from dependencies or anxious habits this season. Continue to follow your true north and remain open-minded to signs and synchronicities.

GEMINI, this season may have you more focused on your career and long-term goals, but you may find that you make more progress in and toward them the more you are able to release your expectations from them. You may move with more caution and awareness of the consequences of your actions during this season. There could be great strides taken toward your ambitions, and you may get recognized for the work that you’re doing in your workplace, or you may step into the spotlight, which will bring you more attention from the public. When it comes to career matters or matters involving your long-term future, you’re advised to make decisions intuitively, as your intuition is strengthened at this time. Be aware that your intuition may guide you toward decisions that don’t make sense to you upon making them, but you will see the reasoning for them later on. There may be situations or opportunities in your career that aren’t what they seem, which is why it would be best for you to act from your gut. It’s important to recognize the difference between your emotions and intuition this season, as acting on emotion may guide you into situations that aren’t as favorable as they could be. Keep observing things from a higher perspective and listening to your intuitive cues.

CANCER, there may be a multitude of opportunities for you to trust this season, which may go against your inner skepticism that has been made more prominent with Saturn’s presence. You might be feeling yourself wanting to push past the limits of your current spaces, yet you are feeling restricted due to mental limitations, or perhaps there are literal, physical limitations keeping you in a place of stagnancy. This season will likely bring in new opportunities that will allow you to find solutions to any restrictions you’ve been experiencing so that you can continue to expand into new opportunities. You may experience multiple tests of faith this season, which you will have to practice discernment with, as you have probably found yourself meeting the consequences of being blindly optimistic in the past several months. Because of Saturn’s influence, you may feel unwilling to take chances, as you are probably approaching new opportunities with a bit more logic and realism. This season may be a valuable reset for you to pay attention to your intuitive directions so that you can pursue new ventures with a bit more confidence. Try to distinguish the difference between your intuition and fear, as they may feel conflictingly similar. Trust your inner compass and don’t be afraid of change; favorable things may come from change if you can remain committed to their emergence.

LEO, this season may feel heavy for you, but it has the potential to assist you in accomplishing great work. You may be asked to face a variety of fears this season, which you may perceive to be more threatening than they actually are. Your inner workings, sexuality, fears, inheritances, and hidden power, as well as intimate matters, will likely be things in your focus. As you navigate any uncomfortable feelings that arise from exploring past wounds, perhaps involving unhealthy ancestral patterns, you are encouraged to remain surrendered and observant rather than allowing any emotions brought up to overcome you. Anything you feel this season, you will likely feel very deeply, which creates the potential for unnecessary fixation on emotional experiences. You may also have the tendency to fall back into an old habit or addiction if you don't pay close attention. Saturn is reminding you that, while there may be difficult emotions to work through, they need to be handled so that you can be freed from them. You have a greater ability to understand your inner workings and subconscious motivations in this season, and you may become more invested in exploring the depths of your psyche. This season may be more energetically demanding for you, especially when involving emotional experiences. You can utilize this season to participate in a profound transformation in your inner world. Release what is ending and nurture what is being renewed.

VIRGO, this season may have you more focused on your relationship if you are in one, but it will also bring your attention to your commitments and what you think is worth devoting to. If you are not in a relationship, there may be opportunities for you to become involved in one, and you are encouraged to follow your intuitive compass when navigating them. Saturn’s presence in Pisces this season asks you to have a greater sense of discernment when it comes to your commitments, especially in terms of relationships. You may be more idealistic at this time or will be more inclined to see others as you want to see them rather than as they truly are. That being said, your existing committed connections (both romantic and platonic) will likely see a heightened sense of soulfulness and magic this season. You may find that this season deepens your relationship with the universe and your spiritual life as well. You are being encouraged in this season to act on your divine intuition rather than allowing your emotional urges to take control, which may mean that you have to have a bit more discipline and dedication to your boundaries. Honor your sacred connections and nurture your relationship with the consciousness of the etheric realm.

LIBRA, this season you’re asked to identify how you can bring more intuitive movement and flow into your daily life while not abandoning structure altogether. Your energy may be more sensitive than usual, so you’re advised to pay attention to your energy levels each day and plan your ambitions accordingly. You have a greater capacity to accomplish quite a bit of work this season, but pushing past your limits may be more unproductive than you realize. Allowing inspiration to guide your actions will help you organize what is and what isn’t important to you. In this season, you’re finding the balance between discipline and flow. You’re advised to not get your intuition and emotions confused, as your emotions may try to hold you in stagnant habits due to the comfort they provide you. Your intuition will keep pointing you toward things that are in your best and highest interest, even though you may not want to do them (i.e., eating foods that are “better” for you but maybe don’t enjoy them as much, getting more exercise, etc.). While it’s important to honor your emotional and energetic bodies this season, you are advised not to indulge in every one of their whims so you may keep focused on what is in your best interest overall.

SCORPIO, there may be a bit more activity in your creative and social life during this season. You may be craving more emotional experiences this season, which you may find by getting out of the house more or investing your time into more artistic endeavors. If you are an artist, you might expect yourself to be surging with creative energy at this time, which will help you overcome any creative blocks you’ve possibly been dealing with recently. With Saturn’s presence in Pisces, there have likely been some slowdowns in your creative and romantic life over the past year or so, but this Pisces season may help you identify the benefits of having resilience and determination in these areas. You may find yourself overcoming some blockages around your self-confidence and self-expression as well, which have likely been things that have required a bit more time and attention since Saturn’s ingress last year. There’s a greater likelihood of drama occurring in your social life due to misunderstandings or premature assumptions. You’re advised to keep a level head and not allow your imagination to get carried away with you if you become involved in such scenarios. Your dreams may inspire creative endeavors, and you may gain access to spiritual messages when in a space of artistic creation. Release the restrictions on your inner artist.

SAGITTARIUS, this season is a favorable one for you, as it shares your ruling planet, Jupiter. The focus of these next few weeks will be on your home, both physically and conceptually, and your foundational beliefs. In this season, you may find yourself drawing more inward, staying home more frequently, and valuing your alone time more than usual. This is a good time to redecorate or change your physical living space in some way, if that’s something you’ve been wanting to do. With Saturn in Pisces, you may be exploring what you are emotionally attached to and how such attachments provide you with a sense of security, no matter how tangible it may or may not be. This season may call your attention to your childhood, or experiences that have played a role in the creation of foundational beliefs. You are returning to your origins in many ways by doing so, which will likely lead to both big and small realizations about yourself and your reasoning for doing things. You may have insightful conversations with family, although, there may be a possibility of misunderstandings occurring as there may be hidden meanings in such exchanges. This season asks you to return to your roots; however that looks for you. It may be time for you to recenter on a spiritual practice or personal ritual that has been forgotten.

CAPRICORN, this season may bring forward an abundance of creative ideas and expansive thoughts. You may have insightful conversations with others that expand your perception or ambition in some way. This season may bring forward communication through your dreams, strengthen your ability to receive clairaudient messages, or allow you to gain access to your subconscious mind more easily. Writing and journaling may be more helpful to you this season, as they may help you understand your conscious and subconscious minds better. You’re advised to be mindful not of what people say to you this season but rather of what they leave unsaid. There may be valuable information in between the lines of the conversations you have. You may have more downloads or insights from the divine at this time, and while you may have a tendency to logicize them, you’re encouraged to consider their deeper meaning before brushing them off as random or unimportant. With your ruling planet in Pisces, you have been asked over the past year to be more aware of how there is truth in your intuitive compass, even when its directions are not easily explainable. This season will emphasize the importance of using both reason and feeling when making decisions, which will likely reward you if you can value their insight equally.

AQUARIUS, this season will have you focusing on your finances with a bit more attention to detail, and you may become inspired to start finding different ways that you can create comfort around you. Your energy is more sensitive at this time, and you may find it harder to do things that don’t feel all that comfortable. Because of this, you may spend the majority of the season focusing on consistency and your wellness. If you have been working to make more money, you may start to receive the profits of your efforts this season, although you may not expect it. There is likely abundance surrounding you, hiding in plain sight. Financial gifts are more likely to find you this season; the more you are able to detach from “needing” them, the more fluidly they will come into your life; fixating on what you want out of a desperate desire for it will likely only drive it further from you. This season encourages you to intuitively create and acknowledge that the money will come when you act from a space of inspiration. For example, something that is created to make money and something that is created from a place of inspiration and joy will have two different vibrational frequencies. The universe asks you to have a bit more faith in its ability to provide for you this season; if you are continuing to show up, there is no need to worry about when or how the work will pay off; let the universe handle it.

PISCES, while this is the season in which the rest of the zodiac draws inward and takes account of the endings happening in their lives, this is your inner new year, and you are likely feeling rejuvenated and revitalized. This season will likely have you focused on your physical body, life path, and soul purpose. With Saturn’s presence this season, you may be feeling a stronger sense of inner discipline, which may benefit you by offering you realistic, intuitive insight on how to actualize your dreams and deepest ambitions. However, because of Saturn’s influence, you may be feeling disconnected from your emotions or less empathetic toward others. Invest in your body and soul’s calling in this season, and practice discernment between your ego and intuition. Saturn may be creating a sense of isolation from the collective, or you may be distinguishing the difference between feeling genuine empathy and feeling obligated to sympathize with others. This season will set the tone for the remainder of the year in a way, as it may facilitate scenarios where you practice prioritizing yourself over others for once. You may feel more nonchalant this season, which might be unfamiliar to you but likely feels like a breath of fresh air. Use this season to practice a healthy level of selfishness so you can receive the attention and care you need.