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  • The Power of the Present and Venus in Aries

The Power of the Present and Venus in Aries

Eclipse Season is over, but this is just the beginning

Vol. 53 // 04-12-24

The Aries-Libra eclipse cycle has been one of the most exciting, rewarding, and quickly changing seasons that I have experienced in the past few years. While it was an intense time (as I’m sure many of you can agree!), I feel so much gratitude for it. I feel like it really had me addressing my fears of being seen and heard by pushing me into spaces where I had no other choice but to confront them and stand my ground. One week before the first eclipse on the 25th of March—the Libra full moon—I quit my job before I was even really settled on the idea that I was fully done. It had been providing me with a lot of financial security, but besides that, nothing else. Looking back, the mental and social exhaustion were seemingly pulling me out of a balanced state, and the behavior I was expected to tolerate and overlook was asinine. Upon quitting, I was completely settled on the idea that I would get another job, as I didn’t really think that my newsletter was in a place where it could financially support even half of my essential needs. While I had applied to a few opportunities shortly after I put my notice in, I didn’t quite have the motivation to follow up. And even the jobs I applied to seemed just as depressing as the one I was leaving.

In the two short weeks of the eclipse season, I feel like I have been transported to a completely different reality, which is pretty exciting considering I have been learning about reality shifting and have been trying to use my dreams to facilitate a shift for many months!! In two weeks, I have made enough money, all through different streams of income that I have created for myself, to pay for the bare minimum of my monthly needs. Writing that out truly has me in shock, as the ~day I don’t have to work a “regular” job~ was something that seemed to perpetually sit on the horizon. But what I’ve realized in the past couple of weeks is that I was the one keeping it there.

Ever since I was little, I’ve had a lingering fear of being rejected or judged for what I say, create, and am. I was the kid who kept secret Google Docs with hundreds of poems in them with the will to never allow them to see the light of day (I still have them, but I still don’t know if they will ever share them with the public, LOL). The creation of this newsletter was a very pivotal point in my personal life; as much as I wanted to do it, I was so afraid of it being seen. I was afraid of being seen. Since I began this newsletter in February 2023, I have been confronting that fear head-on and have been continuing to challenge myself to take up more space, as claiming space and being heard are some essential pieces in fulfilling the purpose I feel called to answer. I can’t help anyone evolve or encourage them to pursue their dreams if we never meet!

I think what recently clicked for me, which I have been slowly learning over the past fourteen months, is that if you wish to achieve or create anything, you must be RADICALLY devoted to the present and detach from the outcome. This isn’t something I’m necessarily new to, but it is much easier to say and be aware of than it is to naturally embody. I used to deal with such severe anxiety that my world was never truly “quiet and peaceful,” even if I was in a room by myself. I was constantly worrying about the future or feeling limited by the past, and I would obsessively fixate on things that I literally had zero control over. Managing a business seemed egregiously impossible to me, and I could not create because I could not be in the present. Creation happens in the present. When we are acting from a place of the past or in anticipation of the future, we are not truly creating; we are performing. But this eclipse cycle has given me a glimpse into what being in a state of creation can do.

Both of my platforms—my newsletter and TikTok—have been steadily growing these past couple of weeks and have reached milestones I had expected to come much later. As I mentioned last week, my TikTok has reached over a million people because of some of the content I’ve created there, which is really difficult for me to conceptualize. Even thinking of all of you (we’re a community of just under ten thousand, woo!) is difficult for me to grasp. That’s a lot of people. The shift in my approach to making content, writing, and creating additional offerings has been subtle, but it’s offered me a lot of insight and encouragement. If we can create from a non-biased state, one that does not consider the past or is desperately invested in the future, we will access the magic that we will realize is always at our fingertips. It is not your job to judge what is good or bad, and you, as a creative being, are not intended to create for the enjoyment of others. We are not even really supposed to create for our own satisfaction in the outcome! We are meant to get out of our own ways so that we can allow inspiration to flow through us. When we can embody this, every action we take can be an act of creation, designed in the moment of its birth.

I have had SO MANY exciting ideas in the past couple of weeks, and I’ve been creating from a much more neutral and present state, which has felt so so good. Because of that, you will probably see many more meditations, workbooks, and offerings from me in the future, hehe, I genuinely enjoy creating them so very much and have been appreciating their development and the final product of what they become, as each thing I have created thus far has had pretty minimal planning and is just a big ball of inspiration. Once we release the need to impress ourselves or others and just allow ourselves to create freely from a place of true inspiration, so much can happen. I am no longer planning on finding another job and am trusting this new chapter, as I feel like I’m just scratching the surface of what has always been meant for me. I’ve been working for myself (and myself ONLY!) for about a week and a half now, and while I’m figuring out how to incorporate a little more discipline and structure to help me establish a better work-life balance, I have never felt so fulfilled and excited.

Thank you for supporting me on this journey and for participating in this budding community. Whether you have purchased a reading from me, bought one of my meditations (thank you for so much love on the eclipse offerings 🥹), are a member of the Collective, or are a silent subscriber, I have such immense gratitude for you. Thank you so very much for supporting my dream.

Venus shifted into Aries shortly before the solar eclipse and will stay there until the end of the month. This is a great time to birth new creative ideas into the world. Venus in Aries is a passionate placement, and although it can be a valuable one to have natally to be one who only knows how to love, create, and feel BIG, it is a detriment placement, so there are some drawbacks. Aries is traditionally a masculine energy due to it being ruled by Mars, which can give Venus’s soft, feminine nature a bit of an aggressive tone. Aries Venus natives can love in an instant, but holding their attention can be where things become tricky, and when Venus transits Aries, we might find ourselves acting this way as well. The key with this transit is to not become too invested in too many things at once. While there may be a lot of excitement for new things, whether they’re ideas, opportunities, or romantic prospects, it is important to consider how you might feel once the newness wears off.

This transit can be a really enjoyable renewal of our creative, romantic, and feminine energy and reminds us to invest in our physical bodies a bit more through nurturing habits and rituals. You might find that exercise or physical movement helps you understand your creative ideas better, or that you are craving movement a bit more just because it feels good. When Venus passes through Pisces, we’re in more of a whimsical, other-worldly state; there’s a lot of inspiration going on, but many of us might feel as if all of the things we’re dreaming up are still up in the clouds and, therefore, aren’t quite ready to bring into the tangible world. Venus in Aries is when we begin to identify how we can send the creative energy outward—how we can translate the idea into the 3D. While we might be having a lotttt of creative insights come to the forefront of our awareness, this is a time to collect all of those ideas so that you can come back to the majority of them soon. Venus in Aries makes us quite ambitious, and while ambition is a valuable asset, I promise you: you may think that you can do all of them at once, but realistically, half of them won’t make it past the starting point if you try to overload yourself.

That is not to say that creativity should be avoided!!! What I intend to remind you is that, similar to how a flame needs room to breathe so it can grow, so do our creative ideas. This is something we have to keep in mind when Venus is in fire signs, but especially in Aries. Aries offers our love lives, creative minds, sensuality, values, and aesthetic tastes a bright spark, but we have to nurture the sparks if we want the flames to last! If you do have new ideas, this is a good time to consider taking action on the ones that you are most excited about and saving the others for a later date. In your development of these things, consider what is needed to sustain the excitement and maintain invested interest.

As for romantic ventures, this could be where many of us experience a fresh start in our current relationships, or for those who have recently become single (or have been for a while), consider how your values, expectations, and standards have changed when it comes to connection. This is a favorable time to reconnect with what we need and want in connection with others to feel loved in the ways that we receive it the best. This also promotes passionate self-love and inspired independence, which may translate to interpersonal connections when we consider how we can nurture our individual identities outside of the relationship so that we can be a better, more supportive partner in the connection. We may be identifying the value in our separateness from our relationships, as knowing ourselves intimately allows us to help others understand us better, which can only lead to better, healthier, and more supportive connections. Having separate interests, hobbies, and agendas can be a great benefit to relationships, as your personal development away from your partner continually gives them something to discover about you and vice versa, therefore sustaining the fire of your union.

This is a time for new projects, new love, new ideas, new perspectives, new values, and new habits, but they don’t have to be unknown in order to be new. You may find that you’re merely discovering a different iteration of the things that are already around you. Long-term relationships may have a new spark of curiosity or interest. An idea that’s been sitting on the shelf may be dusted off. You might find a new favorite thing about the body you’ve occupied for all of these years. The initial intensity of this transit can leave a lot of us feeling restless, which can lead us to believe that we have to move away from something if we want to see any progress toward the thing we are craving more of. Venus desires love, beauty, creativity, inspiration, and connection to the senses, and through the filter of Aries, that desire can turn demanding, which can be overwhelming if you are unfamiliar with it or unprepared. With signs under Mars’s rule, there can be a very direct and literal approach to things, influencing the planets transiting through them to have a bit of impatience, which means that they might glaze right over the thing they were looking for. Venus doesn’t work that way. She operates through sensitivity, feeling, and intrigue. Venus in Aries isn’t strictly a time to be avidly searching for things that are new because they’re unfamiliar, even though it is supportive of doing so. It can be a brief season for us to discover the newness in the things that have been beside us all this time—the things we’ve thought we’d already figured out. When you consider this, you might realize that there are many discoveries to be made that can be made without having to move at all. And this is how we can develop sustainable and long-lasting passion and excitement.


I recently reached 20,000 followers on TikTok (crazy!!) and am giving away a 60-minute 1:1 birth chart reading that will be held via Zoom. There will only be one winner, and they will be randomly selected. All of the additional details for entry are included in a video; if you’re interested in entering, you can go check it out; it’s pinned at the top of my page (@aspensuniverse). I feel so overjoyed to have reached such a big milestone. I look forward to reaching bigger ones and having the availability to hold more giveaways!

Now that I am not splitting my time between this and another job, my availability has become a lot more open, which means I’m opening my books again for personal readings. As I mentioned in the Solar Eclipse newsletter, micro-readings are available to book without having to contact me first. If you’re interested in booking one for yourself or learning more details about this offering, you can do so through the button below.

If you would like to connect with me for a larger personal reading, I’ve included the details of each below! I just designed a new offering for entrepreneurs and small business owners. My journey through entrepreneurship has been heavily guided by the insights of my natal chart, and the entirety of my practice and online presence have been built by working with my astrological makeup. I’ve gleaned SO MUCH from this experience and feel very called to start sharing with others and helping them and their businesses grow. :’)
Here’s what I’m currently offering:

30-minute Recorded Reading - $77: An audio recording sent to your email. One topic, covering up to two questions within that topic. I’m currently only offering these to existing clients.

60-minute Meeting - $188: Meeting held via Zoom. Three to four questions, which can fall under unrelated topics. A conversation about the prominent themes in your chart and how to work with your natal energetic signature to navigate the matters of your questions. The 60-minute offering is only available to those who have previously had their birth chart read or are familiar with the basic function of a birth chart.

90-minute Meeting - $222: Meeting held via Zoom. A first-time reading for those who are unfamiliar with astrology or an extended reading for those who want more time to discuss their natal energies and/or questions. This reading includes everything in the 60-minute meeting but holds space for 5-7 questions.

90-minute Business Consultation Meeting for Entrepreneurs - $333 $283; the first three bookings are 15% off! Reach out to secure one of them: Meeting held via Zoom. A meeting uniquely designed to help you understand the fundamentals of your energetic makeup so that you can establish a business that emulates the authentic you. This can be utilized for beginning an entirely new business or for helping you redirect your professional direction and redesign your approach. This reading can help you:
• Understand the ~flavor~ of your brand.
• Establish work strategies that help you maximize your strengths and natural flow of productivity.
• Discover your soul’s mission and purpose and how to translate that into your business and professional presence.
• Understand how to communicate your message to call in your ideal audience.
• Create sustainable workflows and habits to nurture your passion and promote business longevity.
• And so much more!

If you are interested in booking a reading with me or would like to learn more details about any of my offerings, please send me an email at [email protected].

I really love this message because it feels very supportive and cohesive with the astrological climate we are currently in, post-eclipse and pre-Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is our topic for next week and is a rare, once-every-fourteen-year union between these planets, often alluding to explosive progress, sudden blessings, and innovative movement forward. The book description for one of these cards also felt quite similar to my conversation about being present and embodying creativity; it says, “Creativity is your natural state.” This is a message of trust and surrender, an invitation for you to stop resisting the natural flow of your energetic body and allow it to move as it intuitively knows to be right. This could refer to resistance to taking action on something in the 3D world; perhaps you’ve been considering embarking on a new journey, beginning a new project, or initiating a big lifestyle change but have felt uncomfortable taking the first step, despite knowing that you must. Alternatively, there could be some inner changes that you’ve been avoiding, perhaps you’re feeling called to alchemize a wound or blockage into something beneficial to you, but you’re afraid to face it head-on. The message is to let go.

This oracle deck has very strong themes centered around the divine feminine, the sacredness of motherhood, and the portal of the womb. In the case of this spread, I truly feel like many of us may feel like we’re going through a metaphorical birthing process, and we’re getting to the part where things are becoming more intense. Do not be afraid of the intensity, and do not try to control the timeline. Whatever “new thing” you are birthing into the world, whether it’s a personal healing process or a gift to offer to the collective, this growing intensity is a sign that it is growing closer to manifesting. Follow your instincts and let go of everything else. What is meant to happen is falling into place, and the pressure you’re feeling is preparation for a new beginning.

Venus in Aries

ARIES, you may feel like you’re coming back to yourself now that Venus is in your sign, as her presence adds beauty, vitality, inspiration, passion, and creativity to your very being. Your confidence may be reaching a point of strength as well, which may have you feeling more excited to invest in your body through exercise, self-care, and restorative routines. This could be a time when you’re receiving more attention from others than usual. When Venus crosses paths with the North Node and Chiron later this month, you may feel a passionate awakening of the purpose you feel called to fulfill. Your appearance may undergo some significant changes under this influence as your focus becomes more sharply directed toward your identity, self, and physical body. Relish in self-investment!

TAURUS, this is a beautiful time to channel the mysteries of your inner world into creative pursuits. Your dreams may be especially energetic, inspiring, and vivid; they may hold valuable symbolism that helps you understand how to awaken the power within you and supports the healing of some of your deepest wounds. This is a valuable time for you to regularly commune with yourself or to begin spiritual rituals that help you feel more connected to the collective consciousness. Pay attention to the subtle messages, symbols, and synchronicities that peek just into the corner of your peripheral vision and embrace your intuitively led creativity. This may be a time for spiritual gifts to be awakened through acts that embody your authentic authority and affirm your personal power.

GEMINI, this may be a favorable time for you, one in which you become more magnetic to like-minded communities or gain more attention on social media and in social environments. You might be finding some type of kindred community online at this time as well, or you could feel inspired to share your gifts with a large social group. You may receive blessings, support, or gifts from your social groups, community, or coworkers, and you will likely have a more humanitarian perspective under this energy. Because the eclipse urged you to embody your authentic self, despite potential judgment or exile, this transit may have you exploring your identity and how you outwardly project yourself. Experimentation in your appearance, sense of style, and personal aesthetic is possible.

CANCER, any changes that occurred over the eclipse season may be showing you some budding blessings, especially if you made a courageous leap of faith. This could be in relation to your long-term goals, career, or public appearance. You may be in the midst of a new beginning in your professional life or are about to depart on a journey in pursuit of a completely new lifestyle. This could also suggest a promotion, raise, or blessing received through a professional matter. If you are an entrepreneur, this could be an exciting time for your pursuits, especially those that you boldly pursue. The more authoritative you can be in matters of your “big picture” vision, the more effortless your progress will likely feel.

LEO, blessings or good fortune may find you when you step outside of your comfort zone under this influence, which is why you are encouraged to continue trusting your instincts to press past the limitations of your comfort zone. If you’re traveling at this time, you may receive gifts or experience confidence-boosting experiences. The more you can trust yourself during this transit, the more blessings you can receive! Now is not the time to shy away from what you feel called to pursue. This can also be a valuable time for self-improvement and can allude to insightful personal discoveries, moments of spiritual enlightenment, and educational insights. Have faith in yourself, and keep daring to take up space! The limits are only what you allow them to be.

VIRGO, this may feel like a very inward transit for you, but despite needing more alone time, you might have some great personal insights and sparks of inspiration. You may be reconnecting with your body by prioritizing your senses and sexuality. There’s a lot of healing energy available to you through this transit, but to gain access to it, you are advised to be selective about who is allowed into your personal space and intimate world. Casual sexual connections are not advised to be entertained at this time. This energy supports you in breaking through the confinement of limiting beliefs, wounds, traumatic memories, and karmic experiences. Celebrate the intensity of your inner power and invest in yourself!

LIBRA, this transit may be drawing your attention to your romantic life and long-term connections, which may look quite different to you due to the eclipse season we just completed. Past romantic partners may try to return, especially due to Mercury still being in retrograde, and this is why it’s essential that you stay disciplined in upholding the standards that must be met to be invited into your tight circle. You may be feeling more romantic, but you are probably less willing to bend to the will of others or make yourself smaller to make the connection work. You are a luxury few can afford; this is a time to let others come to you, not to chase romance. And even when others do show you interest, their interest is not reason enough for you to give them your time and attention. Stay devoted to what you know you deserve!

SCORPIO, this transit supports you to invest in yourself by designing routines and self-care rituals that feed into every part of your being. Your body may feel renewed in some way, or you may be learning through this transit how to embrace how your body has changed, which is why you may benefit from slowing down on non-essential work and making your health, wellness, and personal routines a higher priority. You could receive rewards or blessings because of the work that you’ve already accomplished, either in your personal or professional life. This is also a beneficial time for your connection to your pets if you have them, and if you don’t have one but have been hoping for one, this is a favorable time to welcome in a new friend.

SAGITTARIUS, this is a lovely time for creative inspiration, artistic expression, and authenticity to flow with confidence! You might find yourself becoming more popular during this transit, as Venus adds her blessing to your creative energy, “star power,” and personal perspective. Social environments and fun may be some things you’re more interested in due to this influence. You are more prone to getting wrapped up in drama, so be sure to be selective about which social events or gatherings you choose to attend and who you desire to spend your time with. This transit promotes creative genius and suggests that you may be beginning new creative projects, especially those that revolve around your authentic expression or unique perspectives. Embracing your true identity through your art or in social environments may help to heal inner child wounds and lead to insightful self-discoveries.

CAPRICORN, this transit could inspire you to set more time aside to spend quality time with your family or close loved ones or redecorate your home to make it a more inspiring environment to promote creativity. If there has been a creative project you’ve been wanting to start, now is a good time to do so, as it adds long-lasting passion to your foundations and the beginnings that occur under this influence. You may find yourself embarking on a new creative venture that feels deeply connected to your identity; perhaps you are expanding your family, moving somewhere new, or are in the midst of beginning something that feels intimately intertwined with your very being. This transit encourages you to create new and inspired foundational beliefs and to clear away those that aren’t serving you anymore. Your loved ones or things that are familiar to you may bless you with gifts of support.

AQUARIUS, you may feel inclined to speak with more passion, gusto, and excitement due to this transit, or you may find your mind bursting with exciting new ideas, all of which you could feel inspired to take action on. This is a valuable time for collecting ideas for new projects, creative ventures, and other such things, so it may be helpful to keep a note for yourself to write them all down. You might have a lot of passion for each new idea that comes to mind, but you could burn yourself out by taking on too many at once. While it wouldn’t be ~bad~ necessarily to start new things, you’re more prone to biting off more than you can chew under this influence, so be mindful not to overload your plate. This could be a time in which you’re able to articulate your values with greater accuracy, and you may have meaningful and valuable conversations with a partner or loved ones.

PISCES, you may find yourself hitting a new stride in your confidence due to this influence, which may be because you’re making your self-care habits a bigger priority. This could be a time in which you’re revisiting your values, your relationship with money, and your own self-esteem; you may find yourself able to approach them with a bit more love. This influence tends to make financial gain a bigger priority for you, as it can make your craving for luxury, comfort, and security more prominent. Healing money wounds and money mindsets can be especially possible under this influence. Nurture your senses and invest in yourself at this time. You may receive more attention from others, as they may see your value more clearly as your ability to see it in yourself grows. Be mindful of who you want in your circle and remember to set healthy boundaries.