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A journey completed, a journey begun.

2024 FULL MOONS // Thursday, May 23rd, to Saturday, May 25th

Greetings, my friends,

This moon has been equally as interesting to experience as it has been to write about. The past few days have been full of sporadic focus and unexpected emotions associated with painful memories rising to the surface and demanding to be felt, which has seemingly forced me to change my plans for my entire week so I can prioritize letting go so I may move into bigger spaces (how Sagittarian, indeed). This has also interfered with my writing schedule, so I appreciate your patience as I’ve taken some time for my mental world. Anyhow, this moon is heavily influenced by its ruler, Jupiter, more so than usual, as Jupiter is sitting at the 29th and final degree of Taurus, preparing to drift into Gemini after twelve years. Because of this, while the moon was at its peak illumination early yesterday morning, the 23rd, it will likely feel quite present through tomorrow, the 25th, when the moon departs Sagittarius and Jupiter enters Gemini.

29º is a degree of finality—it is the final performance, the climactic ending, the closing ceremony. This degree is also deeply associated with the intersection of fate and destiny, and considering the asteroid Lachesis’s (one of the three fate asteroids) involvement as well, there is definitely a strong spiritual undertone to this moon. Some may even sense nostalgia or deja vu through the weekend as we acclimate ourselves to the ending of one journey and the beginning of another. Jupiter is the wise teacher, and whichever sign it transits is the archetype it teaches through. With this in mind, we can consider this moon with Jupiter at 29º to be a “final test” of sorts.

We are invited to acknowledge what we’ve learned, how we’ve grown, and what we have accumulated through our experiences. This may feel like a strange in-between space, as if we’re straddling a threshold and are simultaneously looking back and forward at the same time. There may be many unanswered questions and points of confusion, but there is no better time to have faith in all that is happening than now. Whether you are celebrating a win, mourning a loss, or sitting in confusion over an unexpected outcome, this moon asks us to zoom out and consider how this is contributing to the grand plan of our lives.


Full moons are often a confrontation between the instinctual body and the conscious mind—the ego and intuition. It is through the ego that we are asked to hear what the intuition is speaking to us; we must consciously pause to allow the unconscious to be heard. With the sun having recently entered Gemini, we are more prone to analytical thinking and are perhaps trying to rationalize any areas of confusion presently. The ego (sun) in Gemini leads us to believe that there must be an answer for the thing we’re seeking to better understand; all we have to do is ask enough questions. However, the moon (our intuition) in Sagittarius openly provides us with the answer, which is that we don’t need to have one right now. What happens when we stop fixating on understanding? And how can we actually gain more clarity by not needing to understand?

The moon in Sagittarius is BIG energy; there is an adventurous spirit and a deep thinker within these natives. However, that sense of adventure may lead such individuals to push past what their emotional body is trying to tell them, as they might assume that any emotional blockage or issue they might find themselves encountering will simply work itself out. They sometimes find themselves too caught up in what comes next to bother slowing down to assess what they’re feeling. And the same can be said for us collectively under the moon’s influence in Sagittarius. With the completion of Jupiter’s cycle through Taurus upon us, we are wrapping up any loose ends of the things we have been learning from since May of last year. This Sagittarian energy may cause some of us to feel antsy to get going, as we are likely anticipating Jupiter’s shift in energy and are waiting to see what’s around the corner. While the initial thought may be to keep ourselves busy, extend outside of ourselves, and perhaps even avoid emotions that have already made themselves known, this moon calls for the opposite of Sagittarius’s natural desire: it asks for stillness.

Through the essence of this moon, we are asked to pause and observe our surroundings from the place that we’re currently at. We’re asked to enjoy the view from our present point of perspective. Though some of us may feel as if we’re in a void, unable to make sense of what we’re doing, where we’re going, or why ~all of this~ is happening (whatever that may be), we’re asked to explore that itchy feeling, the restlessness within us that begs to be removed. This is a valuable time for self-observation and non-judgment, to consider how we might accept ourselves entirely as we are, even if who we presently are is someone we don’t always feel satisfied with. How can you embrace this exact version of you? How can you acknowledge that who you are now is who you once yearned to be?

Oftentimes, we can become fixated on progressing, expanding, getting bigger, going farther, and growing, growing, growing. And while growth is something beautiful, healthy, and necessary to crave, we must not forget to embrace where we are right now—the present. This moon asks us to celebrate how far we’ve come and feel excited about where we see ourselves going in the future, but most importantly, appreciate this very moment for all it offers to us. Instead of seeking outside of ourselves, we are invited to venture inward, to allow curiosity to reveal introspective realizations, which is not only characteristic of this moon but also of the 29th degree. This is a time to pause, rest, and be held in the arms of the universe. We have plenty of time to learn, explore, and adventure, but this is a time to blissfully hang in the suspension of the ~in-between~. Use this weekend to slow down and notice what is subtly surrounding you; if you’ve been seeking an answer for something, pausing to observe may actually reveal what you’re looking for. There is so much simplicity in this moon. Feel your feelings in all their bigness. Accept all that emerges from your inner world, considering the truth it is unveiling. And take some time to appreciate the now—there is plenty of time to transform ourselves, but now is for pause and reflection. Take some time to get outside if you can, not for self improvement but to appreciate this beautiful, precious life of yours. This moment is a sacred blessing—soak it in.

Happy full moon, my loves. <3


If you’re interested in reading a more detailed analysis of this full moon and want to receive the journaling prompts and mindfulness practice that I designed with this full moon in mind, you can join the Moon Circle through the button below. By joining the moon circle, in every moon newsletter you will receive:

  • Detailed discussion of additional planetary influences and any prominent aspects that will be active during the lunation

  • Manifestation practices, release rituals, journaling prompts, and other moon-related offerings

  • Description of what it means if the new or full moon is contacting your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node

If you aren’t interested in the Moon Circle but would like to receive the guided mindfulness practice and 36 journaling prompts (3 for each sign) designed with this moon in mind, you can get that offering through the button below.

Because Jupiter is entering Gemini tomorrow, May 25th, I have designed a Jupiter in Gemini guide for each rising sign to offer you some insight and advice for this over-a-year-long transit. Each guide includes:

  • an audio recording discussing an overview of Jupiter in Gemini

  • an audio recording discussing what this means if this is your Jupiter return

  • an audio recording discussing the primary aspects Jupiter will be interacting in (as well as how the next two Mercury retrogrades will influence Jupiter)

  • an audio recording describing how this transit will impact you throughout the year based on your rising sign

  • journaling prompts, a suggested reading list, and additional tools to work with Jupiter

They’re currently discounted, so if you’re interested in getting yours, you can grab it through the button below. These guides were a big creative project and were made with a lot of love, so I hope you enjoy them. :’)

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