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Break the pattern today or repeat the cycle tomorrow.

2024 Full Moon Portals // April 23rd, 2024

Hello my beautiful people,

How are you feeling? This full moon is the first one out of eclipse season, so rather than being pulled along for the ride, we may feel like there are more actionable things within our grasp, and although intense emotions are likely, this may be the first time in a little while that we feel like we can intentionally choose how things within and around us are going to change. This moon feels like a layer of conclusion to a very turbulent time astrologically, and I don’t know about you, but I am definitely in the depths of its experience and am vividly seeing it in my life. Mid-March (before the eclipses, Mercury retrograde, and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction) feels like a whole lifetime away, and we are all just regaining our bearings in the new lives a lot of us are living. Whew, what a time to be alive! This moon is deeply revealing; it may feel as if the hidden parts of our consciousnesses are being exposed and having a bright light shine upon them, but its intensity is perfectly aligned, as it’s asking us to recognize what must be shifted within us to create lasting fulfillment and real value in our lives.

Oftentimes, when we are dealing with frustrating experiences, especially when involving matters that are far from new to us, the only solution can seem to be to leave the matter behind, as we may feel that we’ve already tried all the other possible fixes. Under the influence of Scorpio, the moon may lead us to outbursts, fits of rage, or explosive tempers, even if these qualities are usually out of character. This is because we might be addressing complex and multi-layered emotions that require patience to fully understand, and Scorpio can easily be agitated when stillness is the solution and action is not. Self-awareness and self-observation are essential to reaping the benefits of this moon; we are invited to see ourselves from a higher perspective so that we can make adjustments to our lives or ourselves from a logical, grounded, and practical place—a place that is mindful of the potential blessings of the future that outweigh temporary dissatisfactions. With that in mind, perhaps the right choice is to not end things outright but to consider other solutions that may be more balanced and mindful of what we truly want. Perhaps the solution is not a change to something or someone external but is instead a change within your internal world. This is a moon to release limiting beliefs, unhelpful mental chatter, energetic blockages, dark entities, and pessimistic perceptions, not necessarily external matters. If you can be transparent, vulnerable, and honest with yourself and any loved ones with whom you may be in present conflicts, this moon can guide you to discover lasting, fulfilling solutions that are far more favorable than any surface-level, temporary fixes you may come up with.


When the moon is in Scorpio, there is often a strong inability to sit in stillness, as Scorpio—ruled by Mars, modernly ruled by Pluto—can often feel as if the solution to the discomfort is to cut, run, or avoid, due to their natural inclination to “die and be reborn” to solve any issues that they may encounter. Scorpio can develop an addiction to change, but all too often only in their outer world. They may believe that changing their external experience will “fix” any internal conflicts they are dealing with, but even if they are fixed for a moment, the solutions are often merely temporary. They may believe that if they act drastically enough, the thing bringing them discomfort will magically disappear, and this is because while Scorpio is intense, powerful, and strategic, they can deeply struggle with the practices that the moon asks of us—to reflect, to pause, to be held. While they feel everything quite intensely, they may not sit with the emotions long enough to understand them. The annual full moon in this sign may feel as if it puts a great deal of pressure on you, and because it is so uncomfortable, your instinctual solution may be to escape it in whichever way will help you do so most quickly. The ego’s automatic response is to change something in the external world, but during full moons, the moon is illuminated—shown in full brightness—as the solution.

The moon is the feminine light body. She is reflective, intuitive, feeling, soft, still, and introspective. In the harsh climate of Scorpio, her deepest pains are revealed, which often means that we are coming to terms with wounds that we have consciously and unconsciously avoided. This can involve some complex emotions that often keep us in cyclic behaviors, as they can seem too intimidating or confusing to effectively unravel. The shift or change needing to happen will not be external for most of us; the moon guides us to turn inward and identify what the root of our unrest is.

While this moon supports the release of anything in our external lives that does not feel cohesive with our desired realities (vices, habits, connections, jobs, environments, etc.), it also asks us to pause and sit with each of the things that have been bringing us feelings of restlessness and assess what is causing our unrest. In doing so, you might find that the solution is not to cut such things out of your life but to change your approach toward and perception of them.

Imagine your life as a vibrant garden; this moon is an invitation for you to consider what it needs to grow stronger and bloom, but the intensity of its energy may give us the inclination to do so in a frenzied and perhaps destructive wave of chaos. In such a headspace, the initial solution may be to pluck out the weeds, which, done too drastically or aggressively, may lead you to damage some of your beautiful plants. If stress and emotions are high, you may even consider ripping out everything you’ve worked so hard to grow and starting completely over. This will not do. This moon asks you to consider the other factors of growth before touching any of the plants, or even the weeds. Are you watering them often enough? Do they have enough space to get bigger? Is the soil still full of nutrients? Are they getting too much or too little sunlight?

Oftentimes, the root of the issue points out our biggest insecurities, greatest flaws, and deepest wounds, which is why humility and acceptance are so necessary when getting to their origin. It may provide us with a sense of instant gratification if we make sudden choices to alter our external reality, as it automatically boosts the ego and makes us feel as if we’re correct in our decisions. This is only putting a bandaid on a much deeper wound, causing it to fester beneath the surface. When we inevitably readdress it, the wound will likely feel much more painful, uncomfortable, and rooted deeper within us. This moon asks us to have a more holistic approach, to look beyond the surface issues and seek out the root cause. You will never fully heal by individually addressing the symptoms of your pain. Instead, pause to observe how they all interact, and in doing so, you will uncover their interconnectedness and unmask their common ancestor.

Pluto is playing an interesting role in this full moon, as it is sitting at the apex of a T-square between itself, the sun, and the moon. While this does create some inner tension, it also shows us the solution and the path forward. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is also still active; its energy will linger until the end of April. With that in mind, we have some big players in the mix of this moon, making this arguably one of the most potent and powerful full moons of the year. To learn more about the individual pieces and additional planetary influences of this moon, you can join my paid community, the Collective, through the button below. In addition to further technical discussion, you can gain access to:

  • Additional comments about what it may mean if this moon contacts your natal sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, North Node, South Node, Chiron, or Lilith.

  • The meditation and journaling prompts that I created uniquely for this moon.

  • Weekly astrological forecasts and bi-weekly educational newsletters, the topics of which are voted on by the Collective members!

I’ve made a free week available to you if you’d like to see what the Collective is like! You will gain access to all of the additional details of this moon as well as all the past installments I’ve shared.

If you’re only interested in the meditation and journaling prompts for this moon, you can get it through the button below.

Lastly, if you’d like to book a personal reading with me, I recently added all of my current offerings to my booking page. I’d love to help you discover the insights of your birth chart or help you navigate this season of life! If a reading resonates with you, I look forward to connecting. <3

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