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2024 New Moon Manifestation Portals // May 7th and 8th, 2024

Hello lovelies!

This moon is POWERFUL! She is vibrant and nourished and ready to offer you support in the actualization of your dreams and grandest desires. There is a great deal of favor in this moon, as it sits in exaltation in the sign of Taurus. In Taurus, the moon can act at full capacity and encourages us to nurture ourselves and our lives so that we can become the best iteration of who we know ourselves to be. This is a moon to embrace the intersection of indulgence in human pleasures and doing what is healthy and supportive of our physical forms. There is great support in manifestation practices under this energy; you’re encouraged to call in your desires over the next few days and allow yourself to include all of your senses when doing so. When you envision your desire, how does it look, feel, sound, smell, and taste? What feelings does it bring up within you?

In the sign of Taurus, the moon brings our attention to the material pleasures of the world—money, luxuries, textiles, self-care, sensuality, food, and anything associated with beauty are all included. With all of the additional planets in Taurus, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus, there is a concentration of this energy. Venus and Jupiter’s presence is also highly favorable, considering they are both planets of blessing and good fortune. This moon is also participating in a sextile to Saturn, a favorable aspect that encourages us to detach ourselves from the timeframe we may want our manifested desires to arrive in our lives within and instead embrace the experience. Below, I will share more about what this energy specifically means and what it’s inviting you to embrace.


This moon is an invitation for us to sink into our bodies and enjoy the pleasure that we are able to experience through this human incarnation. This is an invitation for gratitude to be felt for everything that we may pass by without consideration due to our involvement in the happenings of life. We are asked to appreciate each drop of rain and its selfless role in sustaining the greenery around us. To savor every bite of a meal made with love. To blissfully bask in the love of another’s gaze. To enjoy the ritual of getting a coffee and a little pastry every Friday. It asks us to slow down and identify the richness of our lives that we are presently immersed in. This moon may be frustrating to those who don’t wish to shift their perspective, but it invites you to try nonetheless. Abundance surrounds those who can stop and appreciate it, and this moon is willing to gift more examples of abundance to those who are willing to do so.

When a planet or light body is exalted, as the moon is in Taurus, it gains some form of limitlessness. Exaltation can often make planets or light bodies seem better than they actually are, but this idea is more applicable to natal planets (those in your birth chart) than it is to transiting ones (those up in the sky right now). We benefit more from a transiting planet or light body’s exaltation because everyone is given the same opportunity—everyone benefits. In this case, the moon is gifted with limitless abundance. The moon in Taurus recognizes that abundance is not something to be received but rather something to be noticed. You are always immersed in an abundance of something, even if the abundance of that something is not what you want. Taurus recognizes the abundance of wealth, beauty, comfort, and pleasure around them, whether it’s in the form of stacks of bills or the peace of their bedroom. And because they appreciate all that they are abundant in, they make themselves a beacon for more of that abundance to gravitate toward.

It’s important to note that in discussing Taurus, I am referring to the highest evolved iteration of the moon in Taurus, which all natal Taurus moons can become if they choose to.

This moon promotes walks in nature, hugging trees, singing to our plants, cooking ourselves nourishing and satiating meals, gentle and romantic experiences with our lovers, candlelit bubble baths, massages, kisses, decadent deserts, quality sleep upon soft pillows, and whatever else you think of when you think of treating yourself like royalty. This moon does not promote laziness or half-done acts; it encourages us to go the extra mile for ourselves to feel truly pampered and appreciated. This is an energy that invites you to bake your own bread and churn your own butter, not out of obligation to choose the “healthier” option, but simply for the pleasure of treating yourself to something enjoyable that was created through your own effort, care, and love.

In terms of manifestation, this moon supports you in calling in whatever can make your life easier, more comfortable, or more enjoyable, although the horoscopes further down may describe what you might be more inclined to focus on. What can add to your life and help you feel your best? When identifying what that may be, it is imperative that we also note what it adds. Not everything has to have a practical purpose; you may just want something because you want it! And that is exactly what this moon intends to remind you: you are allowed to want things that, on paper, are unnecessary. You are allowed to want more money! You are allowed to want luxurious experiences! You are allowed to want the $8 coffee! We’re supported to release any shame from wanting the things that we want and instead embrace what receiving them would add to our lives. This moon blesses new wellness, beauty, self-care, and health routines, as well as healthier relationships with money, our values, and our self-esteem. You can call anything into your life when you allow it to come in without conditions. To receive the blessings of this moon, feel all the good feelings, acknowledge what you want more of, tell the moon your desire, and let all the rest go. Tell the earth your secrets. Look out for butterflies. Listen for the whispers of your intuition. These little moments of magic slip past us every day because we can so easily become caught up looking for something bigger. But when we pause to see it trickling in from so many little directions, we begin to see the wealth we are surrounded by.

Ask, and you shall receive, but have patience and faith in the process. I hope you embrace the magic of this moon and make time to invest in your mind, body, and soul in these next few days. I’m wishing each of you the happiest new moon and many blessings. Soak up all the goodness this moon has to offer you. xx


I am so excited to share the launch of the Moon Circle with you, an exclusive community for those striving to deepen their moon practice and become better acquainted with and in sync with each lunar cycle. This community is $10/month and grants you access to additional commentary about each new and full moon, special offerings designed to work with the lunar energies, guided manifestation practices, guided meditations, journaling prompts, and specific insight to describe what it means for you if you have placements in the sign of the new or full moon.

Each moon is a unique energetic event and often participates in additional aspects (interactions) with the other planets and astrological placements that influence the moon to carry additional messages. By understanding the roles of the “supportive actors” in each lunation, we can better grasp how to work with the specific themes to get the most out of the experience.

In this specific installment, we are discussing:

• The moon’s exaltation in Taurus
• The new moon’s sextile to Saturn
• The influence of the additional planets in Taurus (Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus)

• and Mercury and Chiron’s final conjunction of the year

You can read more details about what’s included and join the Moon Circle below. I also included access to both a mini-masterclass about redesigning foundational beliefs to help you manifest better and a guided manifestation practice (to manifest $6,000!) in this newsletter. The masterclass portion would not usually be included in the Moon Circle’s offering, but I wanted to add something extra as a thank you to anyone who joins today!

If you want everything in the Moon Circle and also want weekly astrological forecasts, astrology education newsletters, discounts for personal readings, and access to all future masterclasses, you can join my other community, the Collective ($15/month), through the button below as well. <3

For those who would like access to the meditation and masterclass but do not want to join either of my communities, you can purchase it below for $11.11.

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