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Believing is seeing. Winning the mental game.

2024 NEW MOONS // November 30th, 2024 - December 2nd, 2024
Greetings friends,
This new moon is surprisingly contradictory to the usual themes of this sign but is still a valuable moon to manifest with if that is something you feel interested in. While Sagittarius is an exuberant, expressive, expansive, and (usually) outward-focused sign, with Mercury currently retrograde in this sign and its ruler, Jupiter, retrograde in Gemini, there is a rather sleepy undertone to this moon’s formation. I have noticed myself needing a bit more rest than usual and also a bit sick, which came on quite unexpectedly (thankfully I am well now). While Sagittarius energy often encourages us to extend outside of ourselves, to take leaps of faith, and to move into the unknown, perhaps venturing into spaces that we don’t feel prepared or equipped for, the risk that this moon may be posing for us to take is to have faith, despite how the external circumstances presently look. The leap of faith is not a leap at all, but rather a trusting pause from trying to do more and having the belief that we are aligned with our dreams and desires. Let’s discuss this a bit more.
Sagittarius is mutable fire, governed by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, faith, beliefs, luck, good fortune, blessings, and manifestation—it also governs how we vibrationally align with things, both the things that we desire and the things that we do not. Jupiter describes manifestation as a perpetual state of being rather than a mystical practice that we “do” and then “stop doing.” Jupiter symbolizes how we alter our energetic vibration by shifting our perspective, which over time creates new beliefs and alters our energetic state of being. Jupiter symbolizes how the energetic frequency that we emit attracts things of a like frequency, meaning that we have manifested everything presently in our lives, whether we’re aware of it or not. Jupiter reminds us that by changing what we focus on—by shifting our perspective—we can gradually alter our state of consciousness, which by default alters the way we experience our lives. Jupiter, in my opinion, is one of the best energies to work with for manifestation, as it describes how we may best utilize our awareness to energetically align with the things we want.
Since Jupiter entered Gemini at the end of May, we’ve been reminded of how our minds can often sabotage our manifestation process if we entertain their worried trains of thought too often. Jupiter is detriment in Gemini, as Gemini likes to see the evidence before it takes action so it can ensure its actions will be successful, but this is paradoxical, as Jupiter requires us to have faith in order to see the evidence; we must believe it to see it! Jupiter enhances the power of the mind through Gemini, allowing the mind to either work for or against you, depending on how you choose to interact with it. In the context of manifestation, we’ve been urged through Jupiter in Gemini to override the inner narrative that may think more cautiously and instead, follow our intuitive feeling, allowing the feeling to be enough evidence to act.
With Jupiter in Gemini governing this new moon, and considering the additional aspects formed alongside this lunation (Lilith trine Jupiter, Venus trine Uranus), there is an immense invitation for us to not allow our thoughts to get the better of us, even if things may not seem to be physically aligned with the intentions we’ve been setting. Oftentimes the most important time to demonstrate faith is not when things are seemingly going well, as this is when we have the most evidence to validate our faith—the most valuable time to have faith is when our progress toward actualizing our desires may seem to be stagnant, or even regressing. This moon is very much a mind game, but it is not the universe conspiring against us or trying to rattle us; rather, this is an invitation for us to embrace the numerous opportunities that are available to us when matters in our lives feel like they’re up in the air. There may be things that feel unresolved or lacking progress that we’re currently dealing with; perhaps there are some things that we greatly desire some sort of resolution with, but we haven’t yet found it. While this may be causing us to feel a little mentally scrambled—as if we’re working overtime trying to run all the possible scenarios that these matters could morph into—we’re encouraged to embrace the messiness of it all and find a bit of humor in not knowing what’s around the corner. We’re advised to stop taking things so seriously and instead return to the little pleasures that bring us a sense of curiosity for the now.
This moon also encourages us to embrace the idea of “What if?” a little bit more so that we may consider taking action toward things that we’ve perhaps prevented ourselves from attempting simply because we’re afraid of failure. This moon points out that you really won’t know what lies on the other side of that experience until you try it, and regardless of whether you fail or succeed, it will be orchestrated to benefit you, as this is always the universe’s intention—to always conspire in your favor. You never know what’s on the other side of trying, but you’ll never find out until you give it a shot. This moon reminds us that we may prevent ourselves from experiencing expansion simply by stopping ourselves before we’ve even started. It asks us to examine the inner belief systems that we’re operating from and how they may be withholding us from venturing into deeper fulfillment.
This new moon is an opportunity that sits in the palm of your hand, or rather, within the center of your consciousness, and the way you acquire it is by shifting your perspective. We can change our lives simply by looking at them differently, and while that may seem too simple, this is the illusion that the 3D world can often fabricate—it may seem like changing our lives is much more difficult than it truly is. This is not to say that hard work is not necessary to help bring more physical experiences that reflect our perspective into our lives, as we do live on a 3D plane and must abide by its rules, as this is a part of the human experience. However, we must acknowledge that the changes we wish to see in our external worlds must start in our internal ones—we must create the world we want to experience outside of ourselves within. This new moon is not so much about taking an extravagant leap of faith in the physical world, although you are not advised against it if that’s something you feel inspired to do. Instead, it’s an invitation to take a leap of faith by believing in ourselves and choosing to think, “Why wouldn’t it work out? Why not me?” Even if the matters that feel inconclusive right now don’t transpire in the ways that we wish for them to, this moon points out to us that we have the liberty to choose to see things as always working in our favor and encourages us to have that level of optimism and faith in whatever we are presently dealing with. It encourages us to let go of things needing to have an answer right now and instead have fun with what life is currently presenting to us.
What if changing your experience was as simple as redirecting your focus? Rather than fixating on everything going wrong, what if you noticed everything going right? What if all the things “going wrong” are actually setting you up for more fulfilling experiences? If you knew they were leading you toward your dreams, how would your perspective on them change? What if the inconveniences or difficulties were actually secret favors? This moon doesn’t promote toxic positivity, as we must feel all the emotions that come our way, including the difficult ones—the enjoyable feelings are more valuable when we have the difficult ones to compare them to. This moon does, however, remind us that there is a bigger picture that we aren’t seeing, and we shouldn’t cause ourselves unnecessary stress or pain by fixating on a potential outcome that may not even happen. Consider how you can relish the adventures that are right in front of you—how you can find appreciation for the treasures that are already in your life. When we master our perspective, we master our reality. Mastering one’s perspective is a lifelong pursuit, but this moon reminds us that it’s in the little moments that we contribute to our progress toward mastery.
If you’re interested in reading a more detailed analysis of this full moon and want to receive the journaling prompts and mindfulness practice that I designed with this full moon in mind, you can join the Moon Circle through the button below. By joining the moon circle, in every moon newsletter you will receive:
Detailed discussion of additional planetary influences and any prominent aspects that will be active during the lunation
Manifestation practices, release rituals, journaling prompts, and other moon-related offerings
Description of what it means if the new or full moon is contacting your sun, moon, ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, North Node, or South Node
If you aren’t interested in the Moon Circle but would like to manifest with this moon, you can grab one of my guided manifestation practices through the button below!
With the holidays coming up, I’ve decided to discount some of my offerings for the first half of December! If you want to discover what 2025 holds for you, I’ve recently made Year Ahead readings available, which include an in-depth discussion of the most important transits to pay attention to and how to work with them, major themes for the year, and advice on how the planets can support any big choices or changes you plan to pursue. There’s also space to discuss a few specific questions regarding whatever is most important to you! This offering is intended to help you work with the periods of constriction and expansion equally so you can make the most of your year.
Year Ahead readings are 33% off, which will be my biggest discount on readings for quite a while. I’ve also discounted both of my usual 1:1 sessions (20% off). Spaces are limited!

My name is Allison Morgan, and I’m the owner of The Blue Lotus Energy Healing located in West Lafayette, IN. I offer sound healing services and intuitive readings. I recently became certified to offer Akashic Records readings. My 60-minute session is called Speak With Your Spirit Guides, and it’s available in person or virtually via Zoom. This offering is really for those who want to go deeper on their self-love journey.
Speak With Your Spirit Guides: Akashic Records Reading
Prior to your reading, I will access your Akashic Records to meet with your Spirit Guides to receive their messages for you regarding your past lives and karmic lessons. This information will illuminate how your past lives intersect with your current lifetime and impact what you’re going through right now. After these messages have been delivered during the first portion of your session, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have for your Spirit Guides.
Your personal Akashic Records contain all of the information about everything that has happened to you on your soul’s journey throughout time. I’m able to tap in to view these records and communicate with your Spirit Guides simultaneously. You’re welcome to record the session and take notes during the reading. Due to the sensitive nature of this reading the preparation time required, this session must be paid in full at the time of scheduling. You will have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions after your session is concluded; however, new questions will require another appointment.
Learn more about The Blue Lotus’s offerings through the buttons below!