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  • Uranus Direct and The Pursuit of Authentic Expression

Uranus Direct and The Pursuit of Authentic Expression

Vol. 45 // 01-31-24

First of all, welcome to the new platform! If you’ve joined this newsletter through the new hosting site (beehiiv) or have recently subscribed, welcome! I don’t have everything figured out quite yet, but I’m figuring things out as I go, hehe.
I am creeping up on the first birthday of 17º and it’s both exciting and inspiring to have a fresh start on a new platform with so many new features and expansive opportunities available to me. My biggest goal this year is to make this venture my entire source of income so that I can dedicate more of my time and energy to making more offerings and avenues for you! Writing and doing all my business work during the day and working my (nearly) full-time job at night have been extremely demanding on my emotional, mental, and physical bodies, but I’m grateful that I’ve had (and continue to have) the endurance to keep going. But I feel things changing; I’ve felt something shifting gradually behind the scenes, and I feel a big pivot coming into my world soon.

That being said, I am planning on putting out exclusive content that will be accessible through the newsletter soon, which will be available through a monthly or yearly subscription. While I’m still deciding what to price it at, what I want to include, and how much content seems appropriate for whatever price I end up at, I just want to say a big thank you in advance to anyone who is interested and ends up subscribing, as you will be simultaneously supporting my small business and allowing me more time to create more things to share with you! You can follow me on Instagram to learn about more updates on new things like this. 🤠

Anyhow, since writing about the Leo full moon and the beginning of Aquarius season (which, if you have yet to read those, I suggest you do that sometime; I think they turned out pretty damn good, hehe), I’ve been sitting on the concept of authenticity with greater interest and have found myself and my partner discussing it more frequently. I think that authentic expression is one of the primary things that my soul came here to learn about, being such an Aquarius-dominant person, and I can only hope that my journey in truly understanding its meaning will help others understand their own authentic expression in some capacity along the way.
I think authenticity, at its root, is about identifying who you are when you don’t filter your natural expression. It is the act of honoring your true self without judging yourself or being fearful of how others will receive you. So much of our observable personalities and external expressions are influenced by how we want others to experience us, which can appear to be our authentic selves, but who we want to be seen as and who we truly are are actually two very different beings.

We can easily go through life developing a character that we want ourselves to be—someone who we think will be celebrated, socially accepted, professionally successful, and loved. I navigated life by operating from that perspective for quite a while until I had a big spiritual awakening in 2020, which cracked life open in a whole new way. Since then, I have deepened my relationship with myself by working on letting myself ~be~, just as I am. I think the embodiment of our authentic selves works on levels that might look something like this:

Practicing non-judgment for the self begins at the surface, which is why many of us start with our appearances and personality traits, but as you become more comfortable with authentically showing up on the surface, that awareness seeps down into the deeper layers of who you are. You begin listening to your thoughts and opinions about yourself with more curiosity and less criticism. You begin to take action on more creative ideas, purely to see what they can become, rather than shooting them down upon conception. Here’s what I’ve observed in my own journey to authentic embodiment, as I feel like this is one of those things that we just continue to learn about and aren’t capable of fully mastering on the earthly plane.

Level 1: Observing Authenticity
I think we all come into the world fully capable of observing our authenticity, and I think it’s pretty impossible for us to be unable to. Even if you have moved through the world through a curated persona for a long time, that authentic self is still in there. So how do you differentiate the authentic self from who you’ve told yourself you have to be? The authentic self is instinctual, and in simple terms, authentic expression can be easily explained with “because I felt like it." Authenticity is the purest iteration of who you are and does not have to be filtered. So even if you don’t feel comfortable operating from a place of authenticity, you can still observe and acknowledge your natural inspirations, reactions, and responses.

I first began noticing these instincts when I would go to social events, even if I didn’t want to. I would still go, but there would be that moment of pause where I recognized, “If I wasn’t afraid of disappointing people, I wouldn’t go.”
I have to clarify: authenticity comes from a place of love and freedom, so we have to remain aware that even though we may have conditioned responses that feel instinctual and natural, they are not rooted in freedom and love. Authenticity is the first brushstroke you paint. It’s the first note you sing. It is the child within you before they’ve learned to judge themselves and others. There is something so simple about authentic expression because all we have to do is feel it. It reminds me of the part in the Barbie movie: “Take my hand, now close your eyes, and feel.”
When we slow down and take a moment to remember it, we realize it was never something outside of ourselves, and it was never lost. It is inherently us.

Level 2: Embodying Authenticity Privately
This is when we begin to integrate our observations into our physical lives and practices. We judge ourselves less and begin to entertain our creative avenues with a lighter approach. When I began privately honoring my authenticity, I felt like I really began to see myself with much more appreciation and celebration. I can remember exactly when I began to pivot into this mentality: I cut my hair, got out of a toxic relationship, switched up my aesthetic style, and cried a lot. I began to peel back the layers of the person I had curated to be accepted, as I realized that even when I was moving about life with my breath held, not everyone would like me! I felt less rigid. I was much more comfortable setting boundaries and being in solitude. I also focused on my inner child a lot in that season, which really helped to release tendencies toward self-judgment. In moments that I would typically criticize myself, I just saw little me.

Level 3: Embodying Authenticity in Private Spaces
I’ve been in this space for the past two years or so and have learned SO MUCH; I feel like I could write a novel about what I’ve gleaned thus far, so know that this is primarily the highlights of the bigger themes and a consolidated conversation. But I attribute much of my learning about this to my beautiful, humble, ethereal partner, Kealin. He holds such profound sacred space for me, and I truly believe that he has helped me access a whole new level of consciousness and expansion in my personal journey.

One of the biggest things I’ve understood is that in order to be authentic, we cannot extend ourselves further than we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually capable of. We cannot nurture many deep relationships at one time, or at least, I am incapable of doing so without draining myself. We all have an “energy budget,” which we can spend lightly on many small connections or invest in a few deep ones. And if we tell ourselves that we have an unlimited capacity of time, love, and energy to give to everyone, the intimacy of the connections we have loses its importance and value. The fact that our energy has limits is what makes it so special to have access to it.  And this is why I find it so important to choose who you allow into your closest circle.

The people you choose to surround yourself with are the dictators of how deeply you can learn about your authentic self in the external world, and while this could sound controversial, I believe it to be true. There’s a whole narrative out there in popular conversations around personal development that makes it seem like we can accomplish just as much, if not more, personal growth when in deep solitude as we can when socially and romantically connected, but I would argue the opposite. We can only learn so much about ourselves when in our own world; it is through interpersonal connection, conversation, and listening that our consciousness can be much more complexly expanded. Neither is better than the other, but I truly believe that we can learn far more and much faster when we are invested in other people just as much as we are in ourselves.

In this season, particularly, I’ve been learning about authentically showing up, even when I am not received with agreement and similarity. Kealin and I have had many explorative conversations where we’ve had conflicting perspectives and differing experiences, but I’ve made an important discovery in them. When speaking our authentic truths, we can honor and respect each other's opinions while still not agreeing. And while that may be a “well, obviously!” moment for some, it was a big breakthrough for me, haha. I realized that I believed that conformity=acceptance for a long time, which is why in the past I would push my own feelings and truth to the side in order to create harmony in conflict. Those past conflicts were never actually resolved through mutual understanding.

When you are able to be truly seen by another, there is much more room to express the raw truth that we feel most deeply. Both individuals can observe each other's thoughts and experiences from a place of curiosity, and knowing this creates an environment where the truth is celebrated above all else rather than both sides hearing what they want to hear. Different experiences can be honored and appreciated and can be seen as they are instead of being perceived as attacks, misunderstandings, or intentional harm. And when you feel safe speaking the unfiltered version of what you truly feel and believe, you are able to observe yourself from an external perspective too! Our thoughts sound different when they are out of our minds and out in the world, which is why we can understand ourselves better through conversation.

This newsletter is also a private space in which I feel safe to express myself freely. Private spaces don’t just have to be for personal connections or close relationships. I think it’s all about finding a space that will offer you safety and non-judgment; however, that looks for us on an individual level.

Level 4: Embodying Authenticity in Public
I’m still working on feeling comfortable being my true self in unknown spaces, but I’m aware that some people feel more comfortable being authentic in public than in interpersonal connections, which is why levels 3 and 4 are probably interchangeable. Public spaces can be out in the physical world, but they can also be in our workplaces or on social media. Social media is one of those things that I have significantly filtered myself on, which is kind of frustrating; even though I’m so aware of it, I still struggle to be myself. I’ve been challenging myself to break down this wall, especially in the content I make on TikTok (which has felt quite difficult to do even though I am making an effort, lol). When showing up authentically in public spaces, we have to confront our fears of being seen, perceived, judged, misunderstood, misinterpreted, and rejected all at once, which is why I think it can feel so intimidating to do. And even when I do feel like I’m being my authentic self ~out there~, there are still moments where I filter, restrict, and alter the way that I show up to better emulate someone who I think will be received better than the real, honest me.

Authentically showing up in personal connections and in public are things that I think we continue to learn how to do over and over again throughout life, and I don’t think that we can actually reach a point of mastery within either of these areas. Even those whom we view as extremely authentic and are inspired by may filter themselves more frequently than you are able to identify, but that’s kind of the point: authenticity is a uniquely personal experience.

Level 5: Full Authentic Embodiment
Sort of like how I’ve described the North Node, this is something we are meant to continue to strive for but will never be able to entirely grasp on the human plane, and that is entirely okay. I actually think there’s something pretty beautiful about that. So many things in our culture emphasize completion, mastery, and “the finale” to be some big prestigious thing, but there’s something I personally find so much more inspiring about things that are meant to be incomplete. Showing up to dedicatedly learn from something you know you will never master says so much more about your inner devotion than devoting to something that has an end date. And obviously, there is something impressive about accomplishing things that have a finite ending. But with one thing, we find enjoyment in the journey because of the promise of a finish line, while on the other, we are just there for the experience.

If this strikes a chord with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Sending you BIG LOVE!

Uranus has spent the past five months retrograde, but just a few days ago, in the late hours of the 27th, it turned direct. The outer planets retrograde every year, usually for long periods of time, so this is neither unusual nor the most jarring of experiences, but this does mark an exciting time for us as all of the planets are now direct, with NO retrograde influence! I think retrogrades offer us a valuable level of introspection when the other planets are direct; they can be healthy reminders that the events we are experiencing in the external world are a reflection of the work we are doing in our inner worlds. Direct motion encourages us to point our energy externally or outward, while retrogrades ask us to pause, assess, and evaluate how our individual inner experiences are influencing our outward actions.
I will just briefly disclaim that this concept of retrograde and direct motion does not entirely translate to natal chart reading; it is more accurate when applied to the collective experience rather than the individual personalities and soul paths.
Anyhow, the season in which the outer planets are retrograde is often a time when we are simultaneously working to understand ourselves better while also working to make progress in our physical lives. When nearly all planets are direct, there can be this feeling of “something” building up, and upon the final planet stationing direct, we may feel ourselves reaching a higher perspective, which inspires many of us to move about life with greater confidence and trust in ourselves. And while we are all learning and growing to some extent always, the season in which all the planets are direct can feel like we’ve reached a point of completion in a season that resides within a bigger teaching.

So with Uranus now direct, many of us may feel like we’ve “leveled up” or have reached a new point of personal discovery. This may feel like our hard work is paying off through many different avenues, both internally and externally. Uranus is one of the most challenging planets to understand, in my opinion, as it is representative of many things in concept rather than physical, tangible ideas and things. It is the modern ruler of Aquarius and is heavily associated with innovation, change (especially sudden change), rebellion, freedom, individuality, and the collective. I also feel like it can be representative of the potential of the mind. Uranus is sometimes said to be “the Lord of Chaos,” and in Greek mythology, Uranus is the personification of the sky and is husband to Gaia (Mother Earth). This is also why Uranus can be representative of “the great expanse” or expansion as a concept (leaving literal and philosophical expansion within the domain of Jupiter).

Since 2018, Uranus has been in Taurus, which has been shaking up and restructuring our emotional, mental, and physical foundations of security. If Taurus were to be summed up simply, I would describe it as loyal, predictable, security-oriented, and longevity-motivated. Wherever Taurus sits in our individual charts is likely where we most deeply crave predictability and security. That house may also be where you place your reliance on a partner, as Taurus is governed by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, connection, and ideals. Depending on how significant your Taurus house is in your life, these experiences have been noticeable at varying levels. And because Uranus is a generational planet and likes to take its time when passing through the signs, its presence may become more and more noticeable as time goes on. At this point, you will probably be able to look back on the past five, almost six, years and see where Uranus’s influence has been most noticeable.

Uranus’s stay in Taurus has challenged us to reclaim our security by learning how to provide it for ourselves, which has likely felt easier for some than others. However, its presence in Taurus is uniquely interesting; Taurus is fixed earth; it sustains. Uranus’s presence has likely brought forward situations that we got ourselves into only for us to grow restless within, so that we may learn to exercise our agency and personal liberty and leave the situations behind. Uranus in Taurus is to show us that we can create change in our own lives; we can step into scenarios with unknown outcomes, but we can do so with confidence because we are not reliant on external factors to make us feel safe and secure.

With Uranus now direct, many of us may be reaching another point of restlessness within something and are preparing to make a change. These changes may be things that have been brewing for quite some time, and many of us have probably wanted to change but have felt some sense of uneasiness. With this station direct, we’re recognizing that the perfect time for change is the time we choose to change, so many of us may be initiating a new chapter that will provide us with more expansive opportunities for personal freedom and self-discovery. We may be liberating ourselves from the grasp that the feeling of security has held on us, and we are doing so by releasing ourselves from situations that we most greatly associate with security and safety (romantic relationships, money narratives, living situations, long-term beliefs, jobs, etc.).

Be excited, not afraid! This is a time of innovation and recreation. Your path may not be moving in the direction that you thought it was going, and there is something inherently beautiful about that. Use this energy to feel empowered by the security that you can create within yourself and exercise your personal trust by making decisions, changes, and steps toward new things with confidence. There is no greater time than the present!

For some reason, I knew the Share Your Voice card was going to come out this week before I even pulled anything. But this message is very cohesive with Uranus stationing direct and what I shared about authentic expression. The crumbling card is similar to the tower card in traditional tarot; it represents something falling away or some drastic change that is meant to initiate something new. This card asks, “What are you clinging on to?” which is very much what Uranus in Taurus has been asking us since 2018. Where do you find security? How does that limit you? What are you clinging to that is falling away?
I think with this being followed by the Dance with Life card and Share Your Voice, we’re probably being reminded that there is an aspect of our past self that we are holding onto because it provides us with a sense of familiarity. We feel ourselves changing in ways that no longer resonate with who we once were, but because change invites unknowns, we may feel ourselves wanting to shrink back to a smaller version of ourselves. This is a very straightforward message: Dance like no one’s watching! If you’ve felt called to share something, it is for a reason.  Even if you are saying something that has been said a hundred thousand different times, your unique perspective, language, and cadence will resonate much deeper with someone than the hundred thousand iterations before yours! Your voice and perspective have a place in the world!

In order for life to expand, we have to expand so that we will be ready to receive the blessings that the universe has for us. Our egos want to keep us feeling confident and in control, which often means that they will try to hold us to a past version of ourselves. We can acknowledge and empathize with our egos trying to keep us safe while also choosing to push past that discomfort. Oftentimes, the things we want most are on the other side of discomfort and uncertainty. Welcome innovation and get to know the weird, unconventional, and obscure parts of yourself! <3

Uranus in Taurus

ARIES, you may be liberating yourself from the hold that money has seemed to hold on you and are feeling confident to soften your grip on the money you possess. You may be feeling a greater sense of detachment from your possessions and finances, recognizing that your ownership of them only panders to a false, but tangible, sense of security. This is likely a time when you are sitting with the concept of detachment and are noticing that your money can’t do anything for you by just accumulating in your accounts. And, obviously, it’s important to save, as we are living a human experience that comes with worldly expenses.  However, you are likely coming to a greater understanding that money is an energy that you can develop a relationship with and that your powerful grip on it out of fear of losing it is not doing you any good. This time may also feel like a breakthrough in your self-esteem, and you might feel more willing to express yourself more freely without judgment. You may make a big investment in your finances, which could feel like a risk, but it will pay off much more than you can conceptualize (not just materially!! emotionally, spiritually, etc.). You may also feel a stronger desire to consolidate your belongings or downsize, which may mean that your aesthetic preferences are shifting as well.

TAURUS, now is a time when you are given another opportunity to have faith in yourself and what you intuitively know, as this is likely something you’ve been deepening the development of over the past several months. It is your natural tendency to create security for yourself by finding evidence outside of yourself to affirm your inner belief, whether that be information, professional opinion, social approval, or all of the above. This transit is avidly challenging you to trust YOURSELF and your inherent knowing (your intuition, the voice of your soul!), rather than searching for something to hold onto in your external experience. This transit has likely rattled you in a multitude of different ways and has asked you to re-establish your identity with your own inner peace and confidence. This is a profound time of innovation for you now that Uranus has stationed direct. You may be feeling your identity, physical body, and core essence of yourself suddenly changing and shifting away from what you’ve known them to be. You are greatly encouraged to surrender to these changes and embrace them for what they are teaching you, rather than being fearful of your “known” spaces now being abandoned. While you are not the most adaptable of the signs, you are being reminded by Uranus’s station direct of the power of your choice. You may not be able to choose what happens in your external world, but you DO get to choose how you respond.

GEMINI, since 2018, you’ve been drastically reshaping the frameworks of your subconscious mind and spiritual understanding, which has likely felt quite intense at times. Therapy or self-help may be things that you’ve invested in throughout this transit so that you can feel more in control of the changes happening on a subconscious level. There is a great opportunity for spiritual expansion at this time.  You may feel yourself reaching a breakthrough in your spiritual life, or you may have a sudden epiphany, bringing you a greater understanding of a rather intangible concept that was previously (and understandably) quite difficult for you to grasp. This may feel like a season of significant, but very subtle, change in your inner landscape. Over the past few months, you may have been analyzing the sense of security a set of beliefs has provided for you, and you’ve likely felt yourself no longer resonating with those beliefs, even if you don’t want to admit it. For some, this may be a season for liberation from those beliefs that have provided them with some feeling of safety from and understanding of the unknown. There are many things that don’t make sense and are never meant to in this human experience, and that is likely something you find uncomfortable (e.g., the afterlife). Celebrate the changes happening within your belief systems, and explore the unexplainable and intangible with curiosity rather than fear of their incomprehensibility.

CANCER, Uranus’s station direct may be reflecting to you the feeling that you’ve been dwelling on regarding your social impact, communities, social life, and social media presence. Since its movement into Taurus in 2018, you’ve likely been working to liberate yourself from the security that social acceptance may provide for you, as you’ve probably been simultaneously noticing your tendencies toward dependence on your friends and communities. While it is only human to crave community and acceptance in those communities, this transit has been showing you that you can find security within yourself so you will not crumble if you experience social rejection or ridicule, as they are inevitably prone to happen as we move through life. You may feel yourself migrating into a new essence of your own identity, which might no longer align with the communities you’ve found security within or have resonated with leading up to this point, and that is okay! You may feel yourself feeling ready to start physically acting on the innovative concepts you’ve been sitting with over the past several months. This may entail sharing more on social media or changing the way that you show up in social spaces—social media included! Whatever the case, Uranus’s station direct encourages you to feel empowered by your individuality and to not let any fears of being seen or rejected impede you from showing up in your social worlds in new ways.

LEO, since 2018, you’ve likely found yourself revisiting your sense of trust within yourself to make (potentially) life-changing decisions, which may have thus far entailed some big events in your external world or some difficult roadblocks in your feeling of security in making definitive choices, especially if you have personal placements in Taurus. This could presently involve or have involved in the past leaving a job or relationship, changing career paths, showing up in the world in a big way, or something else that has altered your public appearance and vision for the long-term future. Over the past several months, you may have developed a building sense of dissatisfaction or discomfort within your career path or current professional focus, but you have likely dealt with conflicting feelings that have impeded you from taking action. These feelings may be rooted in a desire to be certain of a secure future, as your current situation is likely providing you enough comfort with the known security it’s providing you now and in the future. However, this building “itch” is likely reaching a point with Uranus turning direct, which is now influencing you to take a risk (or at least, what you perceive to be a risk) and leave behind what you know in pursuit of something that is more cohesive with your evolving vision for the future and personal fulfillment. Remember, Jupiter is also in Taurus, reminding you that with leaps of faith, big rewards are very likely!

VIRGO, this station direct from Uranus, may be offering you a greater sense of inspiration and inner peace, which is, in a way, helping you to find inner balance amongst the chaos you might be experiencing in your external life and inner world. This year has you deeply focused on facing your inner darkness, fears, and wounds, and it intends to help you become more proficient at acting authentically and setting boundaries. With this in mind, Uranus’s retrograde may have stirred up quite a number of learning lessons for you, as it drew your attention to how much you have not understood about yourself yet. These lessons from your personal life and experiences have likely also been reflected in your external world, becoming noticeable in your understanding of spiritual concepts, consciousness, and higher learning. This has also likely given you a deeper sense of understanding of the bigger role that life’s challenges play in your individual development as well as in the development of the collective consciousness. Uranus’s retrograde also likely asked you to question your beliefs with more curiosity and reassess if they are still things that you truly feel aligned with. Its station direct suggests some possible changes in your interests and areas of dedication. You may feel a stronger urge to get out of your familiar environment, as you likely feel like new experiences and places will help you learn more about yourself in a significant way.

LIBRA, Uranus having spent the past several years in your eighth house has likely stirred up wounds, fears, traumatic memories, and weaknesses so that you can change how you operate from them. It may feel hard at times for you to get out of the cycles that you fell into as a response to unfortunate experiences. Whether these cycles were adopted because of inherited issues from your family, a hurtful relationship, or one of your own inner conflicts, Uranus intends to stir them up so you may confront them and address them at their root. Since 2018, you’ve likely become much more aware of how your desire for intimacy cannot be fully met unless you are able to dissolve the appearance you uphold for others, at least with yourself and your trusted loved ones. This may be something that you’re feeling more willing to do now, as the North Node in Aries supports you to show up boldly and authentically, especially in committed connections. This transit has likely helped you gather a better understanding of the depths of your inner world, even though some experiences have likely felt a bit forceful at times. Uranus’s influence may be leading you to realize that you cannot have the deep connections that you crave unless you’re willing to risk being seen as you fully are, including all the parts you try to hide. It turning direct is likely inspiring you to honor your authenticity in radical ways, perhaps by confronting fears of rejection by letting your walls down in romantic connections. This may mark a new level of trust in your relationship if you’re currently connected to someone!

SCORPIO, since 2018, Uranus has shaken up your romantic connections to challenge both your concept of the security that relationships provide you and also who you see yourself to truly be. Relationships and friendships that you’ve been engaged in have likely felt transformative in ways that you had not expected. Over these past several years, you’ve likely attracted partners and friends who have challenged you in many ways; perhaps their natural way of being has given you a multitude of different perspectives and, if upon ending, has left you with much to consider and reflect on. Partners you’ve had over this period have deeply changed you and asked you to deconstruct the foundations that you operate from in relationships. Depending on your willingness to change, these connections have felt either turbulent and exciting or aggressive and invasive. You may be acknowledging through this transit that your past approach to relationships has not entirely been the most harmonious to your life, and you may be feeling inspired to prioritize a different set of things when looking for potential partners. If you are in a relationship, this may mark an exciting time in your connection where you are innovating together to make your relationship more beneficial to each of you as individuals. Your partner is likely playing an important role in your evolution and growth; you may be growing to appreciate their differences from you in a deeper way.

SAGITTARIUS, over the past several months, you’ve likely been in a space of inner exploration regarding what you need on a daily basis to create personal stability and fulfillment. There may have been changes in your physical body or daily environment that required you to reshape your daily routines so that you could prioritize them; whatever changes have happened in your body or environment likely were initiated in some way in 2018. During Uranus’s retrograde, you may have deepened your understanding of what habits, routines, and rituals are necessary for you to let go of or integrate in order to improve your productivity and feeling of inner security. It turning direct may mark the beginning of a season in which you are more flexible, adaptable, and willing to alter your foundational habits. Although you are naturally the type to follow your own personal flow, you likely find it easy to do so because you create a stable baseline to return to in your daily life. However, these "base-level" habits also need to be routinely renovated so that they can serve you to their greatest potential, which is why you’re probably presently going through a “daily life rebrand."  You may find yourself figuring out over the next few months what foods work best for you, what your ideal sleep schedule is, and how to optimize your hours, whether you’re prioritizing work, rest, relaxation, or activity.

CAPRICORN, since 2018, you’ve been ushered into a deeper understanding of your individuality and unique creative expression, which has likely led you to adopt a variety of different hobbies, interests, and curiosities. You naturally approach creativity through a filter of practicality, often making any artistic endeavors precise and within the bounds of what you feel confident creating. However, you’ve been asked over and over again by Uranus’s presence in Taurus to divorce yourself from the expectations you set in your mind and instead allow the products of your creative expression to exist as they do naturally, without being disappointed by them not meeting the vision you may feel inclined to compare to. This can also translate to the way that you show up in social environments and casual romantic experiences; perhaps you’ve experienced a sense of restlessness in these areas that has made you feel like you can’t keep interacting in the ways that you always have. Not meeting others’ expectations might be something you’re learning to accept within yourself, as you’ve likely been shown many different scenarios that have allowed you to practice detachment from others’ perceptions and opinions. Now may be a great time of innovation within your creative and social lives.  You may launch a creative project or decide to express yourself in a new way that feels deeply authentic to you, even though you have not yet channeled it outside of yourself.

AQUARIUS, this may mark a time of change in your sense of personal security, home, familiarity, and comfort, perhaps representing a season in which you’re feeling more capable of stepping outside of your comfort zone and risking your perceived security. Since 2018, you’ve been shown by Uranus’s presence that you are capable of creating your own inner security and don’t need to depend on relationships, money, a home, or predictability to feel a sense of inner peace. These past years have likely drastically changed the very foundation of who you are. You’ve probably realized that the things you said would “always” be important to you or qualities you thought you would “always” embody are not as permanent as you thought. Uranus’s stay in Taurus means that you’ve probably experienced somewhat jarring wake-up calls, all revolving around whatever makes you feel most secure. As it has ventured further and you’ve learned to not give these things power over your sense of security, this focus has been shifted to the lesser things that you didn’t realize you relied on to feel secure. For example, perhaps you relied greatly on relationships to feel secure, but as you healed that imbalance, the focus was directed toward money, then home, then self-concept, etc. Uranus intends to get to the root of your dependency on external sources of security so that you can create stability from within. In learning to detach from these things, you’ve likely seen firsthand how easily these things come into your life when you don’t rely on them to feel safe and secure.

PISCES, Uranus’s stay in Taurus has likely guided you to deeply explore your mental realm and thought patterns, teaching you how to find power in observing your thoughts from an external perspective rather than participating in them. You’ve likely felt inspired over the past several years to learn about many different things or have had a deepened desire to understand your own consciousness with greater proficiency. Because you can easily dissociate or detach from your physical experience, you probably depend on your thoughts to help you feel grounded in your human-ness, whether you’re aware of it or not. This transit has challenged you to explore your thoughts in greater depth and learn how to not always believe them to speak the truth. This has also likely been a time in which the way that you communicate with others has drastically changed; over the past several years, you’ve probably felt like you’ve discovered your authentic voice and have gained a better understanding of how to speak from a place of self-trust and inner security. This transit has asked you to liberate yourself from your thoughts and recognize that you have power in your ability to choose what to focus your attention on. Its most recent retrograde may have drawn you into a season of deeper exploration of these concepts, and with it now direct, you might be feeling a stronger sense of inner power and mental clarity.

See you next Wednesday(ish).
Love, Aspen