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  • Venus and Mars in Aquarius and an Exciting Announcement

Venus and Mars in Aquarius and an Exciting Announcement

Restlessness demands change

Vol. 47 // 02-15-2024

I was planning on writing about something love-related or what I have learned through my beautiful relationship thus far (Kealin, if you’re reading this, I love you *mwah*), in honor of Valentine’s Day, but to be quite frank, there has been something else on my mind that I need to express. I have reached a point in the job that I work at night (bartending and serving) where I am feeling so drained, exhausted, and dissatisfied with being there. I think it’s been frustrating because, while I have so much gratitude for the money that it’s providing me to pay my bills and live my life, that is the only way it is benefiting me. The environment is riddled with sexism and misogyny, and I feel so unseen there. My individuality, personal thoughts, inspirations, and passions have no place in my role. I’m sure those of you who also work in service-oriented spaces know what I’m talking about. I am so tired of having to keep a calm face when men try to touch me or make remarks about how I look. I’ve reached a point where it genuinely feels disrespectful to my soul to keep working in a place that keeps me in such a one-dimensional reality.

Ever since Pluto moved into Aquarius, I have felt such a deep conviction and passion to honor my purpose and the role that I feel my soul came to Earth to have. It was when Pluto moved into Aquarius that I began feeling this itch—an itch to break free from the things that have a hold of me and fully dedicate myself to the work I feel called to. I have given countless hours to this newsletter over the past year, and while I have no plans of ceasing my writing, it has been quite tiring writing this and not making much money from it and then working another full job on top of it to sustain my financial needs and life necessities. I’ve been recognizing that making all aspects of my business as free as I possibly can is what keeps me in my comfort zone. I have a stubborn limiting belief that keeps telling me that people will only be interested in what I’m saying if it’s free for them to hear, and while admitting that feels uncomfortably vulnerable, it is the truth. I hope that that is taken in the right way and is not misconstrued.

Today, I am launching a monthly membership, which you can read more about below. I have felt so called to share more about astrology in more personal ways and have been wanting to make something like this membership happen for a while now. I have such a deep passion for sharing the wealth of knowledge and insight that astrology holds, and I want to be of service to as many people as I can. My North Node is all about stepping into a role of service, which is ironic considering my current dissatisfaction with my job, but the service I’m meant to do is so much bigger than entertainment and consumerism. My soul’s purpose is to be of service to the collective. It is to offer support to others so they may actualize their potential and step into their highest timeline. It is to help others recognize the magic within themselves. I truly feel within my heart that I am here to be a motivator for others so they can become their best selves. Astrology is merely the tool that I use to do so. My serving job has taken precious hours away from my day, hours that I would love to use to make more offerings, teachings, and community-oriented gatherings for you and everyone else in the 17º universe to benefit from. That is why this membership is something I am so excited to launch. It has the potential to allow me to quit my other job so that I can fully dedicate myself to this newsletter, which will allow me much more time to create unique and insightful offerings for you to have access to.

Whether you have just joined or have been around for a while, thank you for being here. And whether or not you decide that the membership is for you, I truly appreciate your presence and interest in what I have to share with the world. But for those who join, just know that I am so deeply grateful for your investment, as you are supporting the creation of so many projects, offerings, and experiences in the future and are also allowing me to be liberated from so many limiting beliefs and personal inner blockages. I have written this misty-eyed, as it is by far one of the most ~real~ conversations I've shared about my personal life. And even with all of the words I've shared, I feel like I haven't fully been able to encapsulate everything I mean to say. This is the beginning of a very expansive chapter for 17º. Thank you for being in this beautiful, magical, special community. It means the world to me.
Much love,
Aspen <3

Mars ingressed into Aquarius yesterday, February 13th, and Venus will follow shortly after, on the 16th. Each of the planets that have moved into Aquarius this year is under much more intense energy than usual, as they are crossing paths with Pluto, which is still sitting at 0º Aquarius. Remember, Pluto is the planet of transformation, regeneration, destruction, and power, among other things, and when other planets join it, big things are more likely to happen. These conjunctions will not last very long; their energetic influences may only be noticeable for 2–3 days each. But the conjunctions formed by Venus, Mars, and Pluto will initiate a new approach to how we exert our energy, handle our money, interact with our loved ones, and channel our passion. It is, in a way, a new reality being formed around us, which may make us feel like we’re in a bit of a swirly season of life. Mars and Venus have very many external applications, meaning that their astrological activity can often feel more noticeable in our external worlds. Whatever we called in with the Aquarius new moon will need to have space cleared for it and an environment created for it to thrive, and Mars and Venus crossing paths with Pluto will likely initiate these shifts. Any changes that happen are likely necessary for our realities to change, so that our lives may accommodate whatever we’ve called in.

Mars in Aquarius
Mars is the planet of war, motivation, competition, passion, and drive, as well as our sex drive, masculine nature, and actionability, and is one of the malefic planets; malefic meaning, known for its typically unfavorable influence. And while it does influence accidents, injury, harm, and aggression, without it, there would probably be much more stagnancy and inaction within us, as it is the force that drives us to crave more. It is Mars that takes the risk, is the first to speak, shoots their shot, and addresses their dissatisfactions head-on. While Mars passes through Aquarius, we are urged to ~do~ differently. We may need to take a different approach to things, or, because of an alternative approach, we might, at last, see some movement forward. Mars in Aquarius is intellectual, intentional, and precise; as Aquarius never takes things at face value, we will feel more accountable for our actions with Mars here.

During this transit, we may be more willing to try things that seem “weird” or outside of our personal norms, but Mars’ energy here also gives us a breath of fresh air and supports us in dreaming a little bigger. This is the kick in a new direction that many of us have been needing. Mars in Aquarius natives are typically restless individuals who deeply appreciate active conversation about unconventional and strange things. They are the first to believe in your outlandish idea and acknowledge that with enough dedication and action rooted in the authentic self, anything can happen. Mars in Aquarius people may be familiar with “not being for everyone." And just as in many other Aquarius placements, the truth matters deeply to Mars in Aquarius, meaning that in argument or debate, these individuals are often literal, blatant, and observant; they will not speak without considering the gravity of their words.

During this transit, we might find that it’s time for us to change our approach to our businesses, relationships, jobs, personal expression, and physical activity. Because Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and is heavily associated with Uranus (with it being its “modern ruler”), we might be in for some big changes that have been bubbling beneath the surface for a little while now. Sudden endings may occur, which may feel unexpected and jarring to us, but we will likely see later down the road the necessity of their demise. Some of us may feel more passionate about the collective and our desire to be of service to it, which may lead us to take action toward the betterment of the collective and society as a whole. We have a greater desire to exercise our freedom and may deeply crave liberation from avenues that we feel controlled by, and considering Mars governs our physical energy, this may mean many of us will feel fed up with our jobs if they aren’t feeding our souls. We are in pursuit of a deeper meaning and a greater purpose under this influence, which may mean we may finally gather the confidence to go after things that feel bigger than what we have been comfortable with. This is a good time to shatter our normalities and initiate change in the name of our personal development and innovation.

Venus in Aquarius
Venus is the planet of love, beauty, money, ideals, small blessings, aesthetics, and appeal. Venus is deeply involved in our love lives and how we experience romanticism. In Aquarius, Venus favors the unconventional and weird. Authenticity is deeply favored in this transit; the truer you are to your deepest, inner self, the greater likelihood you have of attracting blessings and favor into your life. Venus in Aquarius natives typically steer away from traditional beauty standards and have diverse creative and aesthetic tastes. They may find it hard to conform themselves to a box when it comes to creative expression, which means that they often have a diverse array of interests. Music and fashion are typically spaces that Aquarius Venus individuals feel most commonly interested in, as both of these are some of the areas where they can most easily express their individuality and personal freedom. In relationships, these folks value independence and need to know that their individuality and personal opinions will be honored just as much as they honor their partner’s. Aquarius Venus appreciates the strange and bizarre, which means that they typically choose people of such a caliber to surround themselves with. Their friends and lovers will be original, unique, and inspiring to them.

When Venus is in Aquarius, we are inspired to change our approach to creativity and love. There may be beneficially innovative realizations in our creative lives and interpersonal connections, making it a beautiful transit for breaking out of creative stagnancy and refreshing our relationships. Many of us may adopt new hobbies or become more invested in alternative creative avenues. Venus in Aquarius is also a great time to brainstorm or initiate new methods for making money, so if you’ve been wanting to start a new side hustle, now is a favorable time. Venus and Mars entering Aquarius around the same time is a beautiful space for us to rebalance our feminine and masculine energies, as Aquarius is a neutral space for us to identify any imbalances that are present. We’re more prone to be observant of both our inner and outer worlds and may be able to take our introspective realizations and implement new habits, mindsets, and actions into our lives. Gifts may find their way into your life in unexpected ways during Venus’ journey through Aquarius, which may be the product of your change in approach!

Venus and Mars Conjunct Pluto
Because Pluto is at 0º Aquarius, Venus and Mars will both have a brief period (about 2-3 days) in which they will be in close conjunction with it. Remember, Pluto is the planet of cycles, destruction, regeneration, power, and death and rebirth. Any planet that crosses paths with it will experience some type of transformation, and in the energy of Aquarius, these transformations will likely feel like renewal that is unexpected, unique, and perhaps, for some, startling. Mars meeting Pluto may feel painful for some of us, as it can represent an aggressive ending to something or an ending that we have seen coming but have avoided the initiation of. This could apply to a relationship, job, passion, or other investment that you’ve put a lot of your energy into. Mars has an explosive quality to it; with the God of War meeting the Lord of the Underworld, this could also mean that something that has “died” in our lives (something we thought was forever in the past) may be aggressively dug up, somewhat forcing us to confront it. These could be emotions, a memory, an inner conflict, or a person. Pluto represents the inevitable. Even though we may try to avoid endings, there will be a point where we can no longer escape them. But we have to remember that without endings, there would be no beginnings!

A new beginning may be initiated when Venus meets Pluto later this week, on the 16th. Or we may identify the benefit of the ending of whatever has concluded in our lives. We may find ourselves finding new approaches to how we pursue our passions and exert our energy. This energy’s manifestation in our personal lives is greatly dependent on our power of choice. If we can choose to zoom out and see the purpose of whatever is currently happening, we gain control of our experience. We have much deeper passion, desire, and drive in these next few days, which will ripple out into the few weeks of Mars and Venus’ transits through Aquarius. It can be channeled into destruction, frustration, or a powerful movement forward, which will be deeply dependent on how we internalize our experiences. We have such immense energy to gather momentum toward something, so I urge you to take advantage of it by using any strong emotions or feelings to fuel your motion forward.

In our interpersonal experiences, we might have a tendency toward aggression and unfiltered truth, which may sever some ties if we are not discerning in how we speak to others. While the truth is important to speak, how you say things can be a big influential factor in how it is received, so speaking from the heart with love at the center is advised. These conjunctions mark a big shift in where our passions lie, which may mean many of us are letting go of creative avenues, energetic investments, and interpersonal connections to make room for things that resonate with us more at this present time. Specifics will be discussed a bit more in the horoscopes down below. :)

See the horoscopes below to learn more about how Venus and Mars entering Aquarius may impact you. Check your rising sign (you can also check out your natal Venus and Mars signs).

I am so excited to announce that I am adding an additional email per week that is focused on astrological education, deeper insights into how we can apply astrology to our personal lives, exclusive discounts for personal readings, and a weekly astrological forecast. The collective is a monthly membership that is intended to help deepen your understanding of astrology, whether you’re learning it to understand your own chart or hope to read for others one day. Each Monday, I will send you an astrological forecast for the week, highlighting the themes, energies, and most favorable ways to get the most out of the transits. There will also be an educational segment that will be voted upon by the members in the previous week! Through the Collective, I will share more personal insights about astrology as a practice and will discuss different topics within it in great detail. The Collective will also have access to any masterclasses, moon circles, and meditations that I host. :3

I have also decided to make certain segments of my moon articles exclusive to the Collective. From now into the foreseeable future, the manifestation and release rituals as well as the breakdown of the aspects occurring with the moon (the “Here are the Pieces” segment) will be available through membership only. The Big Picture and the horoscopes will still be accessible to free subscribers. <3

I have priced it in a way that is aware of the current state of the economy while also recognizing my own needs. I want as many people who are interested to have access to it. It is priced at $20/month, but I’m making it available for $15/month to the first 250 members to sign up, which is first come, first served. This membership is only the beginning of what I envision. I have a great desire to create an even more personal collective experience that will include personal mentorship in the future, but that will hopefully blossom once I have the time to create an intimate space for those who desire it. More on that in the future.

It is my hope that this membership will be the beginning of an exciting new chapter. If you sign up, thank you so very much for your support of my practice and your interest in deepening your astrological curiosity. You can sign up at the bottom of this email, which will grant you access to a poll on what you want the first educational segment to be as well as a special offer for new members!

This week, we’re called to observe ourselves observing ourselves. The Void suggests that we may be allowing the ego to withhold us from acting authentically, which felt so comically personal to me, haha. We are asked to step out of the thinking self, the conscious mind, and into the unconscious, fluid, and free-moving self. The Sensuality card asks us to intentionally connect with our senses and to embrace provocativity. When I see the sensuality card, I also feel a great sense of energy and movement; this spread feels very cohesive and resonant with the transits of Mars and Venus. We have not seen Mars and Venus cross paths with Pluto in Aquarius for a couple of centuries, so the energy may feel overwhelming and intense. These cards invite us to channel that intensity into passion, creativity, and movement forward. If you’ve been feeling stuck in something or you feel like your ego has been holding you in fear out of worry of what might happen, these cards suggest you find a little more play in your everyday routines and reconnect with your body. Make the mundane moments into art.

Venus and Mars in Aquarius

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